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Dengue and DHF are viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical and
subtropical regions of the world. Cases of dengue and DHF are confirmed every year in
travelers returning to the United States after visits to regions such as the South Pacific,
Asia, the Caribbean, the Americas and Africa.
Dengue virus is transmitted to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue
cannot be spread directly from person to person.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever can occur when someone is bitten by a mosquito or exposed
to blood infected with the dengue virus. Infected mosquitoes are the most common
There are four different types of the dengue virus. Once you are infected with one of the
viruses, you develop immunity to that virus for the rest of your life. However, this
immunity will not protect you from the other viruses. It is possible to be infected with
all four different types of the dengue virus in your lifetime.
Repeated exposure to the dengue virus can make it more likely that you will develop
dengue hemorrhagic fever.


The most common symptoms of dengue are:
 high fever for 2–7 days,
 severe headache,
 backache,
 joint pains,
 nausea and vomiting,
 eye pain and rash. The rash is frequently not visible in dark-skinned
people. Young children typically have a milder illness than older children and adults.
Symptoms of dengue can occur from 3-14 days, commonly 4-7 days, after the bite of an
infected mosquito. Most patients report a non-specific flu-like illness. Many patients
infected with dengue will not show any symptoms. DHF is a more severe form of
dengue. Initial symptoms are the same as dengue but are followed by bleeding problems
such as easy bruising, skin hemorrhages, bleeding from the nose or gums, and possible
bleeding of the internal organs. DHF is very rare.

Severe cases may need emergency treatments such as:
 hydration with intravenous (IV) fluids
 over-the-counter or prescription drugs to manage pain
 electrolyte therapy
 blood transfusions
 careful monitoring of blood pressure
 oxygen therapy
 skilled nursing observation
All of these methods are aimed at controlling and alleviating your symptoms while
helping your body heal naturally. Doctors will continue to monitor your body’s
response. Severe dengue fever is often more difficult to treat because the symptoms are
worse and appear at a faster rate.

Complications from severe or acute dengue hemorrhagic fever may include:
 seizures
 brain damage
 blood clots
 damage to the liver and lungs
 heart damage
 shock
 death
Prompt treatment can help prevent complications.

Researchers are working on a vaccine to prevent dengue fever. However, it is currently
unavailable. The best way to prevent dengue fever is to protect yourself from being
bitten by mosquitos. Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs. Use mosquito
netting and mosquito repellent when traveling in the tropics.

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