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medic (Meanie LF infos er Soni ABC of the Kashmir Question olen teraee h DS 4s KZ ASS BI) CONTENTS ACCESSION AcaRESION ‘Pusmiscrre SSELF-oVrTERNEENATION PAKISTAN-CHINA. COLLUSION ‘Rucent DEVELOPMENTS 2» ACCESSION Legally and constitutionally, when the Ruler of ‘Keshinir executed the Instrument of Accession to Tndin ‘and Lord Mountbatten, the then Governor-General of Tndia, accepted the Instrument, the whole of Kashmir ‘became an integral part of the Union of India. It is necessary 10 look atthe political and constitutional position prevailing in the sub-continent of Tndia on the feve of Independence. Thore was British India over ‘hich the United Kingdom exercised complete sover- fignty. There were also more than 560 Princely States ‘which were semi-independent and which were protected Dy the United Kingdom by a doctrine known as para- mountey. ‘the meaning of this doctrine was that the King of England and Emperor of India was the paramount lord fas far as these Princes were concemed and, in return for the fealty pledged by them, the King Emperor gave them protection. When the Indian Independence Act twas passed by the British Pasliament, British power was transferred t0 the people of India as far as British India was concemed and Britain also put an end to pars- Imountey, leaving it to the Princes to arrive at such arrangements as they thought proper with the Govern- ‘ments of India and Pakistan ‘At the seme time, Tndia was partitioned, a part of the country seceding to constitute itsolf into Pakistan. But the present Government of India was the successor

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