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% of college students in community college

Umich homogenous age pop

Only two things holding college grads back is debt and expectation

Introduction (Brianna Wright w/ Selena Feng and Cavun Beck)

● Podcast Name - Life After College
● Topic - What should recent college grads be doing with their lives
● Referencing gary v’s video “How to Figure Out Your Life After Graduating College”

1. Do you agree with Gary’s statement that the only two things holding college grads back
is debt and expectation?
2. 40% of recent college grads are underemployed according to study done by Strada
Institute. Clarify meaning of underemployment. Is this good or bad, or why is this so
high? Do you think this number should be that high?
3. What do each of you think would be the best thing for a recent college grad to do with
their lives in terms of building for their future?

Question 1
● No I don’t agree with Gary’s statement.
○ “College grad” can look very different on different people
○ Not all people graduating from college are young or coming from a four year
■ (As of 2017, 17 percent of full time undergrad attended public, two-year
colleges; 58 percent of part time attended public, two-year colleges.)
○ Responsibilities tying them down such as kids
○ Going to college to earn more money to support family
○ Greater priorities than pursuing personal interests

● I definitely agree with Gary, and i agree with you [Selena]
○ Although there are more college grads than those that are young and
independent, does not mean that supporting their family is not an expectation of
○ Obviously that is an expectation that can’t be overlooked but these people still
have the ability to seek their personal interests all while supporting a family

● I think that if this is the case for you, it is up to you what you would like to do with your
○ Do what’s best for you
○ If you aren’t in that situation then do what makes the most sense
Question 2
● I believe this is a great number, frankly I wish it was higher
○ because this means they took a risk, they didn't settle for the better job that
offered a little bit more money because they wanted to be safe.
○ They are in the world chasing their ambition.
○ After college is the best time in someone's life to explore their dreams. Take a
year to start a band, Move to LA and become Beyoncé, work for the exact person
you want to be. Then... work the midnight shift at the retail store and live with 6

● I agree that people should chase their ambitions however I don’t agree that after
graduating from college is the time to be doing this
○ College is the time for exploration-taking classes, joining clubs, meeting different
people to find your identity, passions, interests and determine what to do in the
future. Point of college
○ After graduating from college, after spending 100k on an education, should put
degree to use
○ Initially, this may not be the job that you want, but it should be a first step to
reaching your dream job. Should put self in right direction of where future is
○ Ok for some people to be underemployed (circumstantial) but number should be

● This number is very high and I think that it is largely because people are having trouble
finding jobs
○ Once again I’m agreeing with both of you in that people should be chasing their
dreams but this number is concerningly high

Question 3
● Most grads r 21-24 year olds, build character and social experience
○ It is hard to swallow, but the subject on your degree, associates, bachelor's, or
masters, does not matter.
○ Your future will depend on who you know and who you can find. A student who
never builds connections and doesn't know how to find them has tunneled vision.
The graduate that Grinds internships, paid or otherwise, discovers new
businesses, goes to workshops, and meets new people everyday will know
those who can point them in the direction of success instead of finding the first
job offer and work unnecessarily hard.
○ After college and 50 years in the future, there is no excuse for regret, you should
look back seeing yourself being the best person you could have been. People will
ask, “ well what if I have two options I am bound for some regret” - no!
○ Head into your future full steam knowing you did everything right before that
moment. These paths could either take the job that offers a little more money or
a little more benefit, ride it until you retire, or make something for yourself you are
proud to show. As Gary Vee would say, Regret is poison.

● After college, already have a lot of the knowledge required by jobs in the future, now
time to build the experience needed
● Find a job in the field you’re interested in that will set you on the right path to reach your
future goals

● Do what’s best for you
● What makes sense in your individual case
○ Whether that be getting a job and putting your degree to good use or following
your dreams and chasing your ambitions

There you have it, advice and thoughts on what to do after graduating college from three
undergrads. Thanks Cavun and Selena for joining me today.

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