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Functional Neuroanatomy Psychiatric implications

• Sensory System – process external stimuli • Reciprocal connections in the somatosensory system
• Association Units – integrates sensory input with specifically fibers that project from and to the thalamus
internal drivers and emotional stimuli and cortex serve to filter sensory input but in
• Motor System – manipulates external environment pathological states may underlie psychosomatic
syndromes as conversion disorders.
Intermediate brain (paleopallium)
• Limbic system Visual System
o Emotions Central Visual Pathway
Primitive brain (archioallium) • Once the ganglion cell axons leave the retina, they
• Self preservation, aggression travel through the optic nerve to the optic chiasm, a
Rational brain neocortex (neopallium) partial crossing of the axons.
• Intellectual tasks • At the optic chiasm the left and right visual worlds are
Sensory Systems • After the chiasm, the fibers are called the optic tract.
• Somatosensory • The optic tract wraps around the cerebral peduncles of
(light touch, pressure, pain, temperature, vibration, the midbrain to get to the lateral geniculate nucleus
proprioception) (LGN).
• Visual (see) • The LGN is really a part of the thalamus, and remember
• Auditory (hear) that nothing gets up to cortex without synapsing in
• Olfactory (smell) thalamus first
• Gustatory (taste) • Almost all of the optic tract axons, therefore, synapse in
the LGN.
Two Paradigms on the formation of the final synaptic • The remaining few branch off to synapse in nuclei of
arrangement the midbrain: the superior colliculi and the pretectal
1. Genetics and Experience / Nature and Nurture area.
– Fiber projection arrangment organized by • The neurons in the LGN send their axons directly to V1
fixed and diffusible chemical cues (primary visual cortex, striate cortex, area 17) via the
– modeling and remodeling on the basis of optic radiations.
coordinated neural activity (activity- • This highway of visual information courses through the
dependent formation of synaptic white matter of the temporal and parietal lobes, and
connectivity) can be very vulnerable to strokes.
2. Presence of highly specialized brain cells that respond • Once the axons reach V1, they terminate primarily in a
exclusively to extremely specific stimuli (cellular single sub-layer of cortex.
localization of specific feature extraction) e.g. • As the signal is transmitted to upper layers of cortex,
“grandmother cell” the information from the two eyes is mixed and
binocular vision is created
Somatotropic organization of the Somatosensory System • but in yet another layer the two eyes are still entirely
(Refer to figure on the ppt) separate. Therefore, if you could label the inputs from a
single eye, you would see little pillars of label which line
Fiber sorting after entry to spinal cord up next to each other and form tiger stripes. These are
1. Synapse within one or two spinal segments the ocular dominance stripes. (stereoscopic
2. Conscious perception of touch, temperature, pain, decussate localization)
on entry and ascend throughspinothalamic tract
• Lateral spinothalamic: localized, discrete, acute • Primary visual cortex: lines of specific orientation
pain • Secondary visual cortex: particular movements and
• Medial spinothalamic and spinoreticulothalamic : angles
diffuse, chronic pain • Inferior temporal Cortex (ITC): shape, form, and color
3. Conscious perception of touch, proprioception, vibration • Posterior parietal Cortex: location, motion, and distance
ascend without immediate decussation through the • Left ITC: facial features
posterior columns • Right ITC: complex shapes

• All somatosensory fibers project to, and synapse in, the Disorders of Visual Perception
thalamus • Prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces)
• The thalamic neurons preserve the somatotropic • Apperceptive Visual Agnosia
representation by projecting fibers to the – (inability to identify and draw from visual
somatosensory cortex cues)
• Associative Visual Agnosia
Somatotropic map (figure - refer to ppt)
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– (inability to name or use objects despite olfactory system a broad range of odors that it can
ability to use them) detect.
• Color agnosia (inability to recognize color) • Odor information is easily stored in long term memory
• Color anomia (inability to name color) and has strong connections to emotional memory.
• Central achromatopsia • This is possibly due to the olfactory system's close
– (complete inability to perceive color) anatomical ties to the limbic system and hippocarmpus,
• Anton’s syndrome (inability to acknowledge blindness) areas of the brain that have long been known to be
• Balint’s syndrome involved in emotion and place memory, respectively.
– (optic ataixa, oculomotor apraxia,
simultagnosia) Olfactory Tract and Central Pathways
• Gertmann’s syndrome • Mitral cell axons project to the olfactory cortex via the
– (agraphia, aclaculia, right-left disorientation, olfactory tract.
finger agnosia) • Medial fibers of the tract contact the anterior olfactory
nucleus and the septal area.
Auditory System • Some fibers project to the contralateral olfactory bulb
Auditory Pathway via the anterior commissure.
• The auditory nerve carries the signal into the brainstem • Lateral fibers contact third-order neurons in the
and synapses in the cochlear nucleus. primary olfactory cortex (prepyriform and entorhinal
• From the cochlear nucleus, auditory information is split areas) directly.
into at least two streams • Third-order neurons send projections to the
• Auditory nerve fibers going to the ventral cochlear dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus, the basal
nucleus synapse on their target cells with preservation forebrain, and the limbic system.
of the timing of the signal to the microsecond. • The thalamic connections are thought to serve as a
• The ventral cochlear nucleus cells then project to a conscious mechanism for odor perception, while the
collection of nuclei in the medulla called the superior amygdala and the entorhinal area are limbic system
olive. components and may be involved in the affective
• In the superior olive, the minute differences in the components of olfaction.
timing and loudness of the sound in each ear are • Investigations of regional cerebral blood flow have
compared, and from this you can determine the demonstrated a significant increase in the amygdaloid
direction the sound came from. nucleus with the introduction of a highly aversive
• The superior olive then projects up to the inferior odorant stimulus, and this has been associated with
colliculus via a fiber tract called the lateral lemniscus. subjective perceived aversiveness.
• The second stream of information starts in the dorsal
cochlear nucleus. Olfactory System
• Unlike the exquisitely time-sensitive localization • Olfaction is tightly associated with sexual and
pathway, this stream analyzes the quality of sound. reproductive responses.
• The dorsal cochlear nucleus, with fairly complex • The structures of higher olfactory processing in
circuitry, picks apart the tiny frequency differences phylogenetically more primitive animals have evolved
which make "bet" sound different from "bat" and in humans into the limbic system, the center of the
"debt". emotional brain and the gate through which experience
• This pathway projects directly to the inferior colliculus, is admitted into memory according to emotional
also via the lateral lemniscus significance.

Summary of the Auditory Pathway Gustatory

• Fibers from the cochlear nuclei and the superior olive • Discriminate only broad classes of stimuli
(not the inferior) travel up the lateral lemniscus (not • Detection and discrimination of foods involve a
the medial) to the inferior colliculus (not the superior), combination of other senses
and then to the medial geniculate (not the lateral) in
the thalamus which projects to primary auditory Autonomic Sensory System
cortex, located on the banks of the temporal lobes. Unconscious monitoring of basic functions necessary for life:
• Try remembering the mnemonic, "S-L-I-M" . visceral organ activity, blood pressure, cardiac output, blood
glucose levels, body temperature
Olfactory System
• The axons from all the thousands of cells expressing the Motor Systems
same odor receptor converge in the olfactory bulb. • Basal Ganglia
Mitral cells in the olfactory bulb send the information • Cerebellum
about the individual features to other parts of the • Motor Cortex
olfactory system in the brain, which puts together the
features into a representation of the odor. Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum
• Since most odor molecules have many individual
features, the combination of features gives the

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– The GPi also sends a few projections to an
area of midbrain (the PPPA), presumably to
assist in postural control.
Basal Ganglia
• Principal neurotransmitters: ACh, GABA, and dopamine
• the overall effect on thalamus is inhibitory
• The function of the basal ganglia is often described in
terms of a "brake hypothesis"
• To sit still, you must put the brakes on all movements
• The basal ganglia and cerebellum are large collections except those reflexes that maintain an upright posture.
of nuclei that modify movement on a minute-to-minute • To move, you must apply a brake to some postural
basis. reflexes, and release the brake on voluntary movement.
• Motor cortex sends information to both, and both • In such a complicated system, it is apparent that small
structures send information right back to cortex via the disturbances can throw the whole system out of whack,
thalamus. often in unpredictable ways.
• The output of the cerebellum is excitatory, while the • The deficits tend to fall into one of two categories:
basal ganglia are inhibitory. • the presence of extraneous unwanted
• The balance between these two systems allows for movements or
smooth, coordinated movement, and a disturbance in • an absence or difficulty with intended
either system will show up as movement disorders. movements.
• a collection of nuclei deep to the white matter of
cerebral cortex. Lesions of the Basal Ganglia
• The name includes: caudate, putamen, nucleus • Parkinson's disease: the slow and steady loss of
accumbens, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, dopaminergic neurons in SNpc.
subthalamic nucleus, and historically the claustrum • The three symptoms usually associated with
and the amygdala. Parkinson's are tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia.
• The tremor is most apparent at rest.
Basal Ganglia functions and connections • Rigidity is a result of simultaneous contraction of
• he caudate and putamen receive most of the input flexors and extensors, which tends to lock up the limbs.
from cerebral cortex; in this sense they are the • Bradykinesia, or "slow movement", is a difficulty
doorway into the basal ganglia. initiating voluntary movement, as though the brake
• There are some regional differences: for example, cannot be released.
medial caudate and nucleus accumbens receive their • Huntington's disease, or chorea, is a hereditary disease
input from frontal cortex and limbic areas, and are of unwanted movements.
implicated more in thinking and schizophrenia than in • It results from degeneration of the caudate and
moving and motion disorders. putamen, and produces continuous dance-like
• The caudate and putamen are reciprocally movements of the face and limbs.
interconnected with the substantia nigra, but send • A related disorder is hemiballismus, flailing movements
most of their output to the globus pallidus of one arm and leg, which is caused by damage (i.e.,
stroke) of the subthalamic nucleus.
The substantia nigra can be divided into two parts:
– substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) Cerebellum
– substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellum
– The SNpc receives input from the caudate and The cerebellum operates in 3's:
putamen, and sends information right back. 1) there are 3 highways leading in and out of the
The SNpr also receives input from the caudate cerebellum: the peduncles or stalks
and putamen, but sends it outside the basal 1) inferior
ganglia to control head and eye movements. 2) middle
– The SNpc is the more famous of the two, as it 3) superior
produces dopamine, which is critical for
normal movement. 2) there are 3 main inputs
– The SNpc degenerates in Parkinson's disease. • mossy fibers from the spinocerebellar pathways
• climbing fibers from the inferior olive
The globus pallidus can also be divided into two parts: • more mossy fibers from the pons, which are carrying
– globus pallidus externa (GPe) information from cerebral cortex
– globus pallidus interna (GPi) • The mossy fibers from the spinal cord have come up
– Both receive input from the caudate and ipsilaterally
putamen, and both are in communication • The fibers coming down from cerebral cortex, however,
with the subthalamic nucleus. DO need to cross (the cerebrum is concerned with the
– It is the GPi, however, that sends the major opposite side of the body, unlike the cerebellum).
inhibitory output from the basal ganglia back • These fibers synapse in the pons (hence the huge block
to thalamus. of fibers in the cerebral peduncles labeled
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"corticopontine"), cross, and enter the cerebellum as Sympathetic: activating = fight or flight
mossy fibers.
3) and there are 3 main outputs from 3 deep nuclei Hypothalamus: controls appetite, rage, temperature, blood
pressure, perspiration, sexual drive
The 3 deep nuclei are:
a. Fastigial - primarily concerned with balance, and sends Association Systems
information mainly to vestibular and reticular nuclei Basic Brain Organization
b. Interposed • Brainstem and reticular activating system: arousal and
c. Dentate attention
• The dentate and interposed nuclei are concerned more • Posterior cortex: perception and language
with voluntary movement, and send axons mainly to • Frontal cortex: generates programs and executes plans;
thalamus and the red nucleus. determines how the brain acts on its knowledge
• Korbinian Brodmann: 47 distinct cytoarchitectural areas
Cerebellum • Pierre Broca and Karl Wernicke: function localization
• The cerebellum is involved in the coordination of mapping
movement. • DOMINANT and NON DOMINANT hemispheres:
• it compares what you thought you were going to do
(according to motor cortex) with what is actually Dominant Hemisphere process information in a
happening down in the limbs (according to sequential, analytic, linear fashion, and efficient at
proprioceptive feedback), and corrects the movement if processing language and other symbolic information
there is a problem.
• The cerebellum is also partly responsible for motor Non Dominant Hemisphere- process information in a
learning e.g. riding a bicycle. gestalt , holistic, parallel fashion, and is particularly
• Unlike the cerebrum, which works entirely on a efficient in processing visuospatial information.,
contralateral basis, the cerebellum works ipsilaterally. unconscious processing, Prosody
Primary Motor System Three-level processing in language comprehension:
Basic Motor Pathway 1. Phonological processing (inferior gyrus of frontal lobes)
• The motor pathways are pathways which originate in 2. Lexical processing (left temporal lobe)
the brain or brainstem and descend down the spinal 3. Semantic processing (middle and superior gyri of left
cord to control the a-motor neurons. temporal lobe)
• These large neurons in the ventral horns of the spinal Mirror pathways on both hemisphere:
cord send their axons out via the spinal roots and Right = pure language skills
directly control the muscles. Left = prosody
• The motor pathways can control posture, reflexes, and
muscle tone, as well as the conscious voluntary Limbic System
movements that we think of when we hear "motor • Papez believed that the experience of emotion was
system". primarily determined by the cingulate cortex and,
• The most famous pathway is the so called "pyramidal secondly, by other cortical areas.
system", which begins with the large pyramidal • Emotional expression was thought to be governed by
neurons of the motor cortex, travels through the the hypothalamus.
pyramids of the brainstem, and finally ends on or near • The cingulate gyrus projects to the hippocampus, and
the a-motor neurons. the hippocampus projects to the hypothalamus by way
• This system is extremely important clinically, as strokes of the bundle of axons called fornix.
often affect the motor system. Therefore it is crucial to • Hypothalamic impulses reach the cortex via relay in the
understand the anatomy of the motor pathway. anterior thlamic nuclei.
• Emotion is not a function of any specific brain center
Apraxia but of a circuit that involves four basic structures,
Three levels: interconnected through several nervous bundles : the
• Limb-kinetic: hypothalamus with its mamillary bodies, the anterior
– inability to use the contralateral hand thalamic nucleus, the cingulate gyrus and the
• Ideomotor: hippocampus.
– inability to perform an isolated motor act • This circuit (Papez circuit), acting in an harmonic
upon command fashion, is responsible for the central functions of
• Ideational: emotion (affect), as well as for its peripheral
– inability to perform in organized sequence a expressions (symptoms).
series of skilled acts • More recently, Paul McLean, accepting the essential
bases of Papez proposal, created the denomination
Motor System Pathway (figure – refer to ppt) limbic system and added new structures to circuit : the
orbitofrontal and medialfrontal cortices (prefrontal
Autonomic Motor System area), the parahippocampal gyrus and important
Parasympathetic: “deactivating” subcortical groupings like the amygdala, the medial
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thalamic nucleus, the septal area, prosencephalic basal • Although no one knows exactly where this enormous
nuclei (the most anterior area of the brain) and a few database is stored, it is clear that the hippocampus is
brainstem formations. necessary to file away new memories as they occur.
• The third type is procedural memory, and is probably
Structures: the most durable form of memory.
Amygdala Hypothalamus • These are actions, habits, or skills that are learned
Cingulate Gyrus Olfactory cortex simply by repetition.
Fornix Thalamus • Examples include playing tennis, playing an instrument,
Hippocampus solving a puzzle, etc.
• The hippocampus is not involved in procedural
Amygdala memory, but it is likely that the cerebellum plays a role
• If you remember only one word about the amygdala, in some instances.
the word is FEAR. • Therefore, the hippocampus is critical in laying down
• The amygdala is the nucleus responsible for the lurch declarative memory, but is not necessary for working
you feel in your stomach when you turn around in a memory, procedural memory, or memory storage.
dark alley and notice someone following you. • Damage to the hippocampus will only affect the
• It couples a learned sensory stimulus (man in ski mask formation of new declarative memories.
in alley = danger) to an adaptive response (fight or
flight). Prefrontal Area
• Inputs: • This area comprises the entire non-motor anterior
the amygdala must get sensory input, and it must be fairly highly region of the frontal lobe.
processed input to recognize the elements of a scene that signal • It underwent a great deal of development during the
danger. The association areas of visual, auditory, and evolution of mammals.
somatosensory cortices are the main inputs to the amygdala. • It is specially large in man and in some species of
• Outputs: dolphins.
the amygdala must be able to control the autonomic system, to • It does not belong to the traditional limbic circuit, but
provoke such an instant sympathetic response. The main outputs its intense bi-directional connections with thalamus,
of the amygdala are to the hypothalamus and brainstem amygdala and other subcortical structures, account for
autonomic centers, including the vagal nuclei and the the important role it plays in the genesis and, specially,
sympathetic neurons. in the expression of affective states.
• The amygdala is also involved with mood and the • When the pre-frontal cortex suffers a lesion, the subject
conscious emotional response to an event, whether looses his sense of social responsibility as well as the
positive or negative. To this end, the amygdala is also capacity for concentration and abstraction. In some
extensively interconnected with frontal cortex, cases, although consciousness and some cognitive
mediodorsal thalamus, and the medial striatum. functions, like speech, remain intact, the subject can no
Memory longer solve problems, even the most elementary ones.
• There are at least three different types of memory. • When pre-frontal lobotomy was used for treatment of
• The most short term is working memory. certain psychiatric disturbances, the patients entered
• Working memory is like the RAM of a computer. It is into a stage of "affective buffer", no longer showing any
the type of memory that enables you to spit back the sign of joy, sadness, hope or despair.
last sentence of a conversation when someone accuses In their words or attitudes, no traces of affection could be
you of not listening. detected.
• Like the RAM of a computer, it is crucial for performing
some common operations in your head: adding Psychiatric Implications
numbers, composing a sentence, following directions, • Four A of schizophrenia = brain functions subserved in
etc. part by limbic structures
• Also like a computer, the space devoted to that • Reduced gray matter volume (hippocampus, amygdala,
operation is recycled as soon as you turn to something parahippocampus)
else. • Decreased frontal lobe activation
• It does not become a permanent memory. • Activation of the same areas for spoken language as
• Working memory does not require the hippocampus; it that in auditory hallucination
is probably a cortical phenomenon. • Frontal lobe injury impairs executieve functions:
Hippocampus and Memory motivation, attention, sequencing of actions
• The second type is what we most commonly associate • Frontal lobe injury impairs executive functions:
with "memory". motivation, attention, sequencing of actions
• This is long-term or declarative memory, and is • frontal lobe syndrome: slowed thinking, poor judgment,
composed of all the facts, figures, and names you have decreased curiosity, social withdrawal, irritability
ever learned.
• All of your experiences and conscious memory fall into Neural Development
this category. • Migration to adult sites
• It is analogous to the hard drive of a computer. • Heterotopia (incorrectly placed neurons)
• Auditory processing and language:
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– Temporally determined perceptual map of repackaged into vesicles for release or degraded by
phonemes MAO.
– Nueronal location of specific sounds differ
across cultures (difficulty of Japanese to (Mao type A metabolize Norepinephrine and Serotonin and
distinguish “la” from “ra”) its inhibition by Mao inhibitors is associated with mood
– Very early experiences may establish the elevation. Mao B metabolize Dopamine)
density and fidelity of neural circuits for
specific functions Postsynaptic Components
Psychiatric Implications Receptors are the site of action of most available
• nature and nurture psychoactive substances.
• Milieu affects neural development such that a person
may either be: Principal functions of these receptors- to alter electrical
– given an advantage (e.g. musically exposed transmembrane potential to either increase or decrease
being better at mathematics and spatial likelihood of triggering an action potential
– or disadvantaged (e.g. pattern of trauma or Sensitivity of receptors are due to
fear flood amygdala to be specifically alert to a. number of receptors present
threatening stimuli; or chaos for poor b. affinity of the receptor for the neurotransmitter
acquisition of complex cognitive skills later) c. efficiency of translation of both neurotransmitter and
• Tantalizing basis for development theories receptor into a neuronal message
• Early experiences primes the basic circuitry for
language, emotion, and other advanced behaviours • G Proteins
• Second Messengers
Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry – Cyclic Nucleotides
(see figures in ppt) – Calcium
– Phosphoinositol Metabolites
Synaptic Transmission – Eicosanoids
• Synaptic transmission = propagation of nerve impulses – JAK-STAT
from one nerve cell to another. • Protein Kinases
• Neurotransmitter release into synaptic space = nerve
impulses transmission Neurotransmitter Receptors
• Synapse = junction at which the axon of the presynaptic • Once the molecules of neurotransmitter are released
neuron terminates at some location upon the from a cell as the result of the firing of an action
postsynaptic neuron. potential, they bind to specific receptors on the surface
• Terminal button = enlarged structure at end of a of the postsynaptic cell.
presynaptic axon, where it is juxtaposed to the • In all cases in which these receptors have been cloned
postsynaptic neuron and characterized in detail, it has been shown that
• An axon can make contact anywhere along the second there are numerous subtypes of receptor for any given
neuron: neurotransmitter.
– on the dendrites (an axodendritic synapse) • As well as being present on the surfaces of postsynaptic
– on the cell body (an axosomatic synapse) neurons, neurotransmitter receptors are found on
– on the axons (an axo-axonal synapse). presynaptic neurons.
• The neurotransmitters are a diverse group of chemical • In general, presynaptic neuron receptors act to inhibit
compounds ranging from simple amines such as further release of neurotransmitter.
dopamine and amino acids such as gaminobutyrate • The vast majority of neurotransmitter receptors belong
(GABA), to polypeptides such as the enkephalins. to a class of proteins known as the serpentine
• The mechanisms by which they elicit responses in both receptors.
presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons are as diverse as • This class exhibits a characteristic transmembrane
the mechanisms employed by growth factor and structure: that is, it spans the cell membrane, not once
cytokine receptors. but seven times.
(see figures on ppt) • The link between neurotransmitters and intracellular
signaling is carried out by association either with G-
Presynaptic Components
proteins (small GTP-binding and hydrolyzing proteins)
• voltage gated calcium channels locally raise intracellular
or with protein kinases, or by the receptor itself in the
Ca concentration and initiates cascade of interaction
form of a ligand-gated ion channel (for example, the
• neurotransmitter containing vesicles fuse with the
acetylcholine receptor).
presynaptic membrane and undergoes exocytosis
• One additional characteristic of neurotransmitter
• neurotransmitter diffuse into cleft and binds to specific
receptors is that they are subject to ligand-induced
receptors on external membrane of the postsynaptic
desensitization: That is, they can become unresponsive
upon prolonged exposure to their neurotransmitter.
• Tansmembrane transporter molecules return free
• The molecule is synthesized in the neuron
Mono Amine NT to nerve terminals where they are
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• The molecule is present in the presynaptic neuron and Metabolism of Catecholamine Neurotransmitters
is released on depolarization in physiologically
significant amounts
• When administered exogenously as a drug, the
exogenous molecule mimics the effects of the
endogenous neurotransmitter
• A mechanism in the neuron or the synaptic cleft acts to
remove or deactivate the neurotransmitter
• The molecule is synthesized in the neuron
• The molecule is present in the presynaptic neuron and
is released on depolarization in physiologically
significant amounts
• When administered exogenously as a drug, the
exogenous molecule mimics the effects of the
endogenous neurotransmitter Dopaminergic pathway
• A mechanism in the neuron or the synaptic cleft acts to • The first is the mesolimbic pathway–the bundle of
remove or deactivate the neurotransmitter dopaminergic fibres associated with the reward circuit.
• This pathway originates in the ventral tegmental area
Transmitter Molecule Derived From Site of Synthesis and innervates several structures of the limbic system,
including the nucleus accumbens.
CNS, • The mesolimbic pathway is important for memory and
Acetylcholine Choline parasympathetic for motivating behaviours.
nerves • By blocking this pathway, antipsychotic drugs reduce
the intense emotions caused by conditions such as
Serotonin CNS, chromaffin schizophrenia.
• The mesocortical pathway also originates in the ventral
5-Hydroxytryptamine Tryptophan cells of the gut,
tegmental area, but projects to the frontal cortex and
(5-HT) enteric cells surrounding structures.
• Some evidence indicates that a malfunction in this
GABA Glutamate CNS pathway might be the cause of some of the symptoms
of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations and disordered
Glutamate CNS thinking.
• Medications that block this pathway reduce psychotic
Aspartate CNS delirium, but also reduce the overall activity of the
frontal lobes.
Glycine spinal cord • The third, nigrostriatal pathway projects axons from
the substantia nigra to the striatum (caudate nucleus
Histamine Histidine hypothalamus and putamen), which is involved in motor control.
Degeneration of the neurons in this pathway is
Epinephrine synthesis adrenal medulla, associated with the trembling and muscular rigidity
Tyrosine symptomatic of Parkinson’s disease.
pathway some CNS cells
• A fourth dopaminergic pathway worth mentioning is
the tuberoinfundibular pathway, which connects the
Norpinephrine CNS, sympathetic
Tyrosine hypothalamus to the pituitary gland, where it
synthesis pathway nerves influences the secretion of hormones such as prolactin
Dopamine synthesis • naturally produced in the Pineal gland which lies deep
Tyrosine CNS
pathway at the centre of the human brain.
• The average adult human possesses only 5 to 10 mg of
CNS, periperal serotonin, 90 % of which is in the intestine and the rest
Adenosine ATP in blood platelets and the brain.

sympathetic, Involved in the control of

• Appetite
ATP sensory and enteric
• Sleep
nerves • memory and learning
• temperature regulation
CNS, • Mood
Nitric oxide, NO Arginine gastrointestinal • Behaviour
tract • cardiovascular function
• muscle contraction
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• endocrine regulation 2. Endogenous opiods :
• depression enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins
(see figures of ‘serotonin nerve pathways in the brain’ on ppt) 3. effects of neurotransmission in hippocampus:
contributes to addiction
GABA B. Substance P
• Several amino acids have distinct excitatory or 1. Primary neurotransmitter in sensory neurons &
inhibitory effects upon the nervous system. The amino strianigral pathway; associated with mediation
acid derivative, g-aminobutyrate, also called 4- of pain
aminobutyrate, (GABA) is a well-known inhibitor of C. Cholecystokinin
presynaptic transmission in the CNS, and also in the involved in pathophysiology of Schizophrenia,
retina. The formation of GABA occurs by the eating and movement disorders
decarboxylation of glutamate catalyzed by glutamate
decarboxylase (GAD). GAD is present in many nerve Somatostatin
endings of the brain as well as in the b-cells of the 1. growth hormone inhibiting factor
pancreas. Neurons that secrete GABA are termed 2. implicated in Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s
GABAergic. dementia
• Several amino acids have distinct excitatory or Vasopressin and Oxytoxin
inhibitory effects upon the nervous system. The amino 1. synthesized in the hypothalamus
acid derivative, g-aminobutyrate, also called 4- 2. mood regulation
aminobutyrate, (GABA) is a well-known inhibitor of
presynaptic transmission in the CNS, and also in the Neuropeptide Y
retina. The formation of GABA occurs by the 1. stimulate appetite
decarboxylation of glutamate catalyzed by glutamate 2. area of interst in Obesity
decarboxylase (GAD). GAD is present in many nerve
endings of the brain as well as in the b-cells of the Nucleotides
pancreas. Neurons that secrete GABA are termed Purine adenosine inhibits the release of other neurotransmitters
GABAergic. and ATP
• GABA exerts its effects by binding to two distinct
receptors, GABA-A and GABA-B. The GABA-A receptors Gasses
form a Cl- channel. The binding of GABA to GABA-A Nitric Oxide acts as both intraneuronal second messenger and
receptors increases the Cl- conductance of presynaptic neurotransmitter. With excessive exposure to glutamate Nitric
neurons. The anxiolytic drugs of the benzodiazepine Oxide is metabolized to toxic free radicals which may injure or
family exert their soothing effects by potentiating the kill cells through excitotoxicity
responses of GABA-A receptors to GABA binding. The
GABA-B receptors are coupled to an intracellular G- Eicosanoids
protein and act by increasing conductance of an Anandamides
associated K+ channel. Sigma receptors

Monoamine neurotransamitters Neurotrophic factors

• present in only a small percentage of neurons localized • Growth factors that allow neurons to regenerate their
in small nuclei of the brain axon are also called neurotrophic factors. NGF (Nerve
• have enormous impact on total brain functioning Growth Factor) is the most widely-known. Recently,
because the diffuse projections of axons from these other factors have been identified, such as BDNF (Brain-
monoaminergic neurons can affect virtually every brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor), CNTF (Ciliary
region. Neurotrophic Factor), GDNF (Glial Cell-line
Neurotrophic Factor), and IGF (Insulin Growth Factor),
Amino Acids to name only a few.
Most abundant neurotransmitter Neurotransmitters:
1. GaBa – major inhibitory N. ( Bzd act on this mechanism) • Neurons can also be classified according to the
2. Glutamate- major excitatory N. NMDA is the most understood neurotransmitters they contain (e.g., the dopamine
receptor of glutamate and has a role in learning memory and neurons of the substantia nigra).
psychopathology : • neurotransmitters have defined effects on the activity
psychosis , Schizophrenia of neurons, whereas complex brain functions, such as
• and it is possible to conceptualize the brain as reflecting those disturbed in psychiatric disorders, are mediated
the balance between the excitatory amino acid by the coordinated activity of ensembles of neurons.
glutamate, and the inhibitory amino acid g- • effects of neurotransmitters on behavioral, emotional,
aminobutyric acid or cognitive states must be viewed within the context
• all existing drugs for psychiatric conditions act through of the neural circuits that they influence.
monoamine or amino acid neurotransmitter systems
Peptides Genetics and Brain Development
A. Endogenous opiods
1. involved in regulation of stress, pain, mood
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Alterations in gene expression occur both during development – Testosterone: increased violence and
and in adulthood and may be the bases for abnormal and normal aggression, mood improvement, sexual desire
development, and for abnormal and normal adaptation to stress – Estrogen: mood enhancement
– Increased Prolactin: depression, decreased
The normal affective, cognitive, and behavioral processes that are libido, stress intolerance, anxiety, increased
disturbed in different psychiatric disorders arise because of irritability
specific patterns of activation in networks of neurons that are • Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis
distributed through the central nervous system. These patterns of – Neuronal excitability, behaviour,
activation are mediated by the connections among specific brain neurotransmitter regulation
structures. – Hyperthyroidism: fatigue, irritability,
insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, weight loss,
• Every function of the human brain is a consequence of emotional lability, impairment in
the activity of specific neural circuits. The circuits form concentration and memory
as a result of several developmental processes – Hypothyroidism: fatigue, decreased libido,
• In early development, some axons initially produce an memory impairment, irritability, suicidal
excessive number of axon branches or collaterals and ideation
thus contact a broader set of targets than are present in
the adult brain Psychoneuroimmunology
• During later development the connections of particular • Classical conditioning paradigms have been associated
neurons are focused by the pruning or elimination of with suppression or enhancement of the immune
axonal projections to inappropriate targets. response
• the role of any particular brain region or group of • Stressful life events can increase susceptibility to
neurons in the production of specific behaviors or in infectious diseases
the pathophysiology of a given neuropsychiatric • Academic/examination stress in medical students
disorder but must be considered within the context of showed decreased natural killer cell activity, T cells,
the neural circuits connecting those neurons with other mitogen responses, interferon production, impaired
brain regions. cellular immunity
Illnesses in the Brain cannot be viewed in isolation
Biological Rhythms and Chronobiology
Population Genetics • circadian rhythms are set by zeitgebers principally
provided some of the first objective data that mental emanating from pontine reticular formation and
illnesses were biological illnesses, thereby helping to suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus
destigmatize these human conditions • Phase advance or phase delay
• Depression is the most commonly associated symptom
application of molecular neurobiological tools led to the in biological rhythm disruption
ability to study specific genetic linkages among individuals
and groups of individuals Conclusion
• understanding the neurobiological bases for psychiatric
application lead to the identification of a specific gene or disorders requires an appreciation of the major
genes as causative agents for specific mental disorders. principles governing the functional organization and
connections in the human brain.
• Endocrine disorders are frequently associated with
secondary psychiatric symptoms (e.g. depression)
• A significant percentage of patients suffering from
psychiatric syndromes display regular patterns of
endocrine dysfunction
• The interactions between the neuroendocrine and
central nervous systems:
1. psychiatric symptoms that accompany some hormonal
disorders (e.g., depression in Cushing's syndrome)
2. In the identification of disorders wherein
neuroendocrine regulation is utilized as potential
markers for state or trait variables in psychiatric
• Pathological alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal function have been associated with mood
disorders, posttraumatic stress disroder, Alzheimer’s
dementia, substance use disorders
• Insulin: depression common in DM
• Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis

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