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Unit 5 Study Guide


Northwest passage New World Slavery Conquistador

Demographics Indigenous Turning point Transatlantic
population (definition)
Slave trade

Encomienda Triangle Trade Pandemic Polytheism

Exchange Columbian Culture Ethnic group
Cultural exchange Cultural diversity Immune Middle Passage

● Be able to identify the following for the 5 explorers we studied in lesson 1

○ Background of Explorer  
○ Country sailed for  
○ Reason(s) for expedition  
○ Accomplishments 
● What was the turning point of Aztec life?
● How did Aztec life change after the arrival of the Europeans?
● How were the cultures of the indigenous people and Europeans different?
● Why are honey bees important?
● Can you explain the Columbian exchange?
● Can you explain the Transatlantic slave trade?
● What were the 3 G’s of the Columbian exchange?
● What is the triangle trade?
● How were the Triangle Trade and Slavery connected?

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