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Investigation on hexane-insoluble materials in lecithin

Article · August 2002


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1 author:

Mohammad Ibrahim Nasir

The University of Western Ontario


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kanien Jomal of Scicrrc & Tcbodogr, Trrnsrim B, Vol. 26, No 82

Pdntld in Isllnic Rcpublc of Ina, 2fl2
O Shirrz uoivssity

'Rescrch Notc'


6 Daman r R or rrur

Abrtmct - In lccithin productian rmit of J$m Vcgaeblc Oil Co. (rVOC), l(araj, tnn,
studics are mrdc for thc lccithin produccd by hcrrac cxtr.crcd soybcan oil, with Orc sten&rd
spccification (exccpt fa hcxrnc-rnsolublc (Hl) matcrirls), which is abovc 0.3% in crude
lecithin. Hl matcrials rn lecithin rre detrirncntal to claricy es it carr causc trrzincss in fluid
lccithin rnd usability in spccific rpplicetion, Anetyscs of crudc oil bcfac rnd .ngr filtrrtion
indicatcd ttnt filtcr platcs do not effca lyc movc of Orc impwrries of rcsidual fincs, sced
fragmcnts end metal particlcr. Crudc oil hrs more Hl *netcrirls druing dcgumming than
bcforc dcgurrming fuialpcs of oil end lccithin during processing srcps showcd incrcrsc in
HI and tolucrr-insoluble (TI) mercriels whcre cvcr w.ter wls added. Dcgumming wata
cmaincd ebow 36G1330 ppm selt CI.S), which contributcd to the Hl matciels. Abour 3G
3E% of HI erc salt rnd thc rcst t t wst t-soluble moo probebly srgar. Salt frec watcr and
cllicient filtration of ril, rs tstlcd in lrbcretory dcgumming proccss, dccrcescd thc HI matters
in lecithrn o bclow 0.3%.

Kcywordr - Hcxrnc-insoluble. lccithin, crudc oil

I*cithia is a by-producl of vcgetiblc oil processing predomiqarly &om soyha$ oil and is obtaiued
duriog thc dcgurpmtag stcp of oil rcfining. kcirhin is dcscribc as a complex mixture of
phosphotipids, riglyccridcs, fatty acids, sugers, tocopbclol, moisture
and some impuntrcs such as
fines, seed hulls and mcral particlcs a].
Indusrinlly, lccithin is recovcred by treating tbc crude oil with watcr (usuau y3%)
by agitation of
tbc oil in a tank at abortt.T0oC for 30-60 min. Uodcr thesc coodirions,
the gums arc precipitated from
oil and separatcd by centrifugation [5). To havc a Iight colour lccihins, as prcfcrcd more by
consumers' lccithin gum is blcached by about 0.5o/o of hydrogco peroxidc.
The bleachcd lecithin
gums are supplicd with fluids such ai; soybean oit and calcium
chloride aod acetonc-insolublcs (AI)
phospholipids [6] to adjust tbc nscosity. Aftcrwards it is dried to a-djgst
moistruc to about lyo and
then cooled and pactagcd.
For comrnercial purposes. lecithin has ro bc standardizcd to mcct particular
a spccifications. Thc
European community specification (E-322) for lecithio which is
similar to rhar adaptcd by the

T,cceirrcd by thc odi@r AuSusr 9, 1999 ud iD fir,.I,wisod frn Octobq 1,2001

314 M. I. NL.i,

lNtitute of Stan?lards and lndustrial R6carch of tran (tSIRl) [?] are shovm in Table I along with the

analysis oflecirhin produced ar IVOC.

Tablc l. US. Europc8n cornmuniry 8nd Lsn sptcificstions for purity of commcrcial lc€ithin

-K*' FCC (USA)

Lccithin Vcg.
E 122
J8han vcg Oil
CO Lcctlin

Dcfintion \
>@% > 6V/; 57-64%
Al min > 50'/,
Ht max. < o.lo/. < 0.3 c/. s0.3 % - o.ss-o.ce x
<0.1% 0.5 r-0.88
II mex < 0.1%
Moisture max. s |.5o/o < 2./. sl 0.25-2.5

<36 <35 <37 tt.3-27 v.

Acid value Max.
< I0 s5 G10.3
Pcroxidc valuc Max. < 100
Hcavy uctl Mu. 40 pP.n 50 pp. 40 ppm l lppm

PackgiDg Well closcd


FCC = Fmd Chemical Codcx, E 322 - Euo,pcai Community SPccifiqation,

ISIRI - lnstitutr of Si$dards rnd tnduslial Rcscarch of haa
0 3% HI
Product clarity and Purity is sPccified in terms of HI and/or Tl and should not exc€ed
maners in lecithin arc not only dctrimcnEl to usabillgy in spccific epplication but also cause
may at the
tn additionr Hl ma:tcrials can r6ult in sedimcas oYcr timc and solid Patticl€s sPpear

bottom ofan othcrwisc clear liquid product' containing lccithin ifit cxcccd 0'3%'
Lrcilhin of havc morc than 0.3olo HL This limils its usability and quality and the sundard
sp€citication alc not met. Therefore, this investigation
yas carricd oul lo id€trtiry $e source of the
problem and the way to cop€ wlth it, in orider to Producc a lccithitr comPcteble with forign companies
productions. As far as the author is conccmcd no olher published work on this lopic is availsble.


a) Malerials

Soybean oil and lecithins from differcnl stagcs of processes from JVOC Plant wcrc used tfuoughout
this investigation. Solvents and other chcmicals were of Analytical Rcagcnt grads from E-Merck
(Darmstadt, Germany).

b) Procedurcs

Crude soybean oil were uscd for soybcan lccilhins s€Paralion using themethod of Shin €' a'I' [8]

with a linlE modificarion. tOOg of crudc oil was mixed througNy in 250 ml beakq with 39lo waler

(distilled or ordinary) al 7O'C for 60 min and the stirring speed was 120 rpm. The phosphatides were
hydrated and thc sludgc was removed from the oil by centrifugation at a speed of 2000 rpm for
l5mi[ oil contcnt, acid value, peroxide va.lue, AI, HI, Tl conc€ntrstions, and moisture contenl ofoils
and lecithins wcre detcrmincd by rhc merhods ofAocs [91. Total salt content (TS) ofordinary

honio, totriot of Sci.dc. & T.chrolopl, yolt m. 2l\ Nuia E2 Spriry 2002
hdt&r or hqt htoL*... 3l j
was dctrrnincd by ovco drying rnd gravimcnfic mahod. Teblc 2 shows thc analysis of labora,tory
rlrdc tccithirs.
Trblc 2- Spoci6c.tiq! of l.b Fodrc.d l.cithin *ior diffcrclt pf,r8Ecr6s


+ + + + +
AI 21.10% tl.2t i. 27.33% 26.75% 20 Ev/o 10.74e;
Ht 1.55v. o.t2% 0.92% 0.40r; 1.78% 0 070/0
TI L32v. o.t0% 0.68% 0.30% 1.52c/. 0 050/a

26.0 25.6 2?.3 221 2l .5 20E

Moistlue 16.760/" 17.23% 15.650/0 45.10y. 41.450/0 41.5X11o
Oio 2t.80 34.680/" 26.10% 26 25"./c 2t s50/o 21.10%
T.S.V 970 ppm NA 156 ppm 356 ppm 1220 ppn NA
lron 39 ppm 37 ppm 30 ppm I6 pprn 18 ppm l9 ppm

NFO - Non-Filrrf, Oil , NDW= Nqr-Disillrd Waut

Dw = Distiucd Yr&r, FO- Fihlrrd Oil, Av = Acid va.luc
AI - Acd.rrc - lruolubl!,
HI - Hcx&c - Irlsoluble
TI = Tolucnc - Iffolublc, T.S.v. - Tot8t S8h valur
N.A.= Didillcd wtr!f, wrs Dot aaalys.d

Thc samc rn€thods of uulysis werc carricd out for oils and lecirhins samplcs at diffcr€nl stagcs
in lhc lccithin proccssitrt,uil Tbc rcsults arc shown in Tablc 3. Hcavy mctals, e.g (lron) \yas
determined by complcxation firation using EDTA as rcportrd b€fore
[lO]. The exp€rimstrls and
analysis w€rE done in Eiplicarc md aycrage was taken.

Trblc 3, Aldysb ofoil 8rd lecithin during lcciudn production $sgcs.

Analysis oi H.O. At HI n Acid Moisorc

% v&. I u. lo Y. Vslue cr'o

Prcccssirlg gag,c
Crude Oil 9E.l0 r.90 1,29 0 ll 0.1 I 0,28 0,5E
_=-_"'-_+ I .20 I t0 l{.90 020 0 t9 0.19 1.55
Lfimrugc uum 22. t0 0 50 3l.m 3. 3.00
Gum Aftcr Blcaching 21.90 l0 il.6()
{8 3.1 3.20 4i l0
Fluidiz-e Gum 24 40 4 t t0 10.:.i 2.t2 iri
Gu- -
Dr]rg '
18.55 r 970 i 59.6j ot5 0 Et o8t
39.10 .r.50 s9.77 0.72 0.70 23 70

'Toral talt vsluc of degumming 8nd blcaching warer =q0 ppm

Hl - Hcxasc ltlrolublc. Tl = Tolucnc lnsolublc
AI = Acltooc llrsoluble


t'ecihin is extractedas a co-product of thc vcgetable oil refining proccss, sp€cially soybean
oil wher.
phosphorus-containing, compunds are removed
lo improvo oir quarity. The results shown in Tabre i,

Spdng 2002 lr.nt 4 lolrncl ol Sriadca & Technololy, yoluri. 26, Nt r'tb.t 82
I 16 M. l. NLri.

indicaics that thcrc are incrcasc in HI aod TI wheuevcr thcre is water addition, c.g., dcgumrning,
bleaching andlluidizilg. The anouDl of HI a.od Tl io thc fioat product (packagrrg lccitiD) was highcr
than 0.3% of statrdard spccification as showtr i.o Tablcl- Thc rcsults clearly indicatc that a porrion of
HI and TI is coming from thc processing watd. Morcover, washirg tbe HI with l0 ml watcr reduced
HI by 30% when TS in watcr was about 420-500 ppB. .HI rcduction of .bovt 42o/o caD bc att in€d
when TS is 1330 ppm. This show that HI materials arc watcr solublc, such as salts aod carbobydratcs.
ln addition, testing tbc pre-dcgummirg and dcgummi.og oils showcd incrcasc in HI Aom 3|o/o to 38P/o
for dcgummiog oil ovcr prc-dcgumrdrg. This iocrcasc i! HI aad TI is duc to salts of the addcd watcr.
While thc rcmaio of thc watcr solublc portio! of HI, is Eost probably sugar, thc salts collcctcd &om
watcr used in the proccss is completcly insoulublc in bcxarc as wcll as in toluetre. Thc a$ouDt ofHI
arc littte higher thatr TI i! thc sa.6c stage. This is duc to thc vcry slight solubility oftolucnc itr water,
while hexaneis usoluble ia watcr [tl]. In the packagiag stagc thc amouot of phosphatidcs(Al) in
Tablc 3, is lcss than the standard. This can bc adjustcd by reducing tbc amourt ofoil which is added
in tlic fluidia.ug sragc (E5%) so that thc amouDt of AI can rcach 60% or more . At dryiag stage,,
moistuc atrd pdoxidc values can bc adjustrd with chrngcs i,o thc tcEpcratur a[d prcssurc.
To havc standard In in lJcrhin, it is rccoorleded io'usc softcned watcr [12]. Tablc 2, shows thc
clrcct of thc usc of distillcd watcr oo thc HI aod rI in thc l$or.tory pmdudccd lccithia. Thc usc of
distilled watq ald filtercd oil, bring dowa rhe Hl to bclow 0.17o. Morcovcr, lecithi-u ccs bc
flocculated by high coocelF.tion of calcium and ma6pcsiun ioos in wrtcr, atrd are rhe,cfore
inactivated as €mulsifiers I l3].
For lecithia productiou it is i'portaot to bhvc a very clean oil, spccia.Uy i! thc casc of soybcan
oil. Crude oil in oiscclla, bcforc or aftcr hcxanc rcmoval, is usually fihcrcal bcforc dcgunning itr
order to producc clarificd lecithin [4].
Regulatory standards requircd that crnraflrinzrls such as fircs, huus and heavy mctals should be
removed siucc thcsc impurities intedcrc with oxidativc stability of the product to which lc.ithitr is
addcd. Aaalysis of the oil beforc and aftcr filtratiou indic.tcd tbar filtcrirg thc procass rctei.o oEly
l0% of the oil impuritres, aod tbe rcst (90% impuritics conributiag ro rhc I{I) rcmeiacd ia &c
lccithin. The rcsult in Tablc 2, sbows thc imponancc of oil ElEatioo i! rcducing thc HI in lccithin in
order to meet rhc rcquircd star&rd. To bavc clariEcd lecirhi., wc havc to usc cfficieat filtatioo
system with thc abiliry to rctaiq Eost ofthc impuritics in thc crudc oil.


I Miscclla filtr'ation is thc prcferrcd mcthod of clari$ing oil aod producrag clarified lecithios, sincc
t can bc filtercd casy [4].
2 Thc dcguurmrng wat€f, must bc softctrcd to avoid high HI ard hactivatioo of lecithins
emulsification character [l I,12].
The proccssiag arca must bc dust tcc ard clcan. Thc filtratio, proccss should bc tatcu placc in a
tank filter, so that no fincs catr go irto filtcrcd oil.
The drying proccss should tatc placc under low pressure (r:600 ton), to rcducc tbc moistuc to <
l%, and also to reducc thc HI. Furthcr rcducing the prcssurc will result ia morc rcductiou in HI,
moisturc and peroxidc.

lrtnizd lournzl ofsci.ic. & f.chiolog, yoUnc 26, Nunbr 82 Sptut 2002

lllrdgebtctlanno+uMb.., 317


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Spritg 2002 lmabt tosnl olScbacc & Tcchaolopr, l/obsc 26 Numbcr 82

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