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Life on Earth would look very different of years. This single-celled fungus has been
in the absence of Kingdom Fungi. Without a model experimental organism for many
wood-decomposing fungi, fallen timber decades, and the sequencing of its genome
would render forests impenetrable; without in 1996 was a landmark in modern biology.
coprophilous fungi the landscape would be This was the first sequencing project for a eu-
contoured by mountains of herbivore faeces, karyote and revealed that the fungus housed
and without aquatic fungi, rivers and ponds 6000 genes on 16 chromosomes. More than
would be clogged with plant debris. These one-fifth of these instructions match human
dystopian fancies may be useful in pointing genes, which is a persuasive reflection of the
to the significance of fungi in the breakdown unity of all eukaryotes. Yeast cells grow by
of biological debris, but they do not stand up absorbing food and divide by creating buds
to critical thinking for long. Without myc- on their surface. When sexually compatible
orrhizal fungi, there would be no forests in strains of Saccharomyces mate, the resulting
the first place, nor grasslands, herbivores, or diploid cell divides by meiosis and produces
herbivore faeces. Life on land has evolved four haploid ascospores.
with the participation of the fungi and would It is difficult, at first glance, to equate
collapse without their continued activities. Agaricus bisporus with yeast: one organism
If fungi had not evolved, then their ecolog- forms a gilled mushroom built from hun-
ical roles might have been assumed by other dreds of thousands of filamentous cells, the
groups of microorganisms, but this is the other is a unicellular microbe. Like yeast,
stuff of science fiction. Fungi did evolve and Agaricus bisporus is an organism that is partly
have diversified into a kingdom of more than a human invention. Wild versions of both
100,000 named species. The actual number species are different from cultivated strains.
of fungi is at least one order-of-magnitude Untamed populations of the mushroom fruit
higher. Fungi are a major component of the beneath particular trees and shrubs, suggest-
microbiome in almost every habitat. ing that they may be engaged in mutually
A pair of familiar fungal species offers a beneficial symbioses with these plants. The
study in contrasts that reflects the diversity farmed mushroom is grown as a saprotroph
of organisms within the kingdom: baker’s on compost. The fungus produces a colony
yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the button of branching cells, called hyphae, which feed
mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. Human civili- by secreting enzymes that decompose plant
sation would be inconceivable, or would re- materials in the compost to release sugars
quire reconception, without our partnerships and other small molecules that fuel their me-
with Saccharomyces. The ease with which this tabolism. Once the colony has accumulated
yeast is cultured and its facility for metabo- sufficient biomass, and when the mushroom
lising glucose and producing carbon dioxide farmer manipulates the growth conditions,
and alcohol has allowed humans to brew beer, the colony undergoes the remarkable reorgan-
make bread, and ferment wine for thousands isation that produces a flush of ­mushrooms.


Buttons develop from pinhead-sized groups indicates the breadth of morphological vari-
of hyphae, and these inflate to form the fa- ation in the kingdom, but there is much more
miliar stem, cap, and gills of the fruit body to the fungi besides yeasts and mushrooms.
or basidiome. Harvesting can occur early, Fungal diversity and classification are intro-
before the gills are exposed, or later, when duced in Chapter 1.
the mushroom has undergone a 1000-fold Fungal cells are built from the same kinds
increase in volume. This hydraulic expan- of organelles as other eukaryotes, but possess
sion process allows the wild mushroom to many structures that are not encountered
emerge from the ground and display its gills outside the kingdom. These include orga-
for the process of spore release. And what a nelles involved in the hyphal mechanism of
marvel of natural engineering is the mush- tip growth and plugs that protect wounded
room. Wild relatives of Agaricusbisporus can colonies from haemorrhaging cytoplasm.
release an astonishing 31,000 spores per sec- The mosaic of chitin and other polymers in
ond, or 2.1 billion spores per day. The spores the cell wall is another uniquely fungal at-
are shot from the gills by a catapult powered tribute. Fungal cell biology and development
by the momentum of tiny droplets of fluid. are showcased in Chapter 2. Fungal develop-
Nothing like this happens in yeast. mental biology is a research arena that de-
Saccharomyces and Agaricus are members serves greater attention. Despite tremendous
of the largest phyla of the fungi, respectively, advances in cell and molecular biology, we
the Ascomycota and the Basidiomycota, have very little information on the processes
whose ancestral species began to diverge involved in the differentiation of root-like
from one another 400  million years ago. cords and rhizomorphs, resistant organs
These phyla are distinguished from one called sclerotia, and mushrooms. The puzzle
another by fundamental, or seemingly fun- of fungal multicellularity is one of the fron-
damental, differences in life cycles and de- tiers in mycology, and its solution requires
velopmental biology. If we adopt a broader the engagement of the brightest and most
view of fungal diversity, however, similari- creative investigators.
ties between these great phyla are apparent, Chapter  3 concerns the formation of mi-
including commonalities in cell wall compo- croscopic spores, which is another unifying
sition, trafficking of membranes within the feature of the kingdom. Spores vary greatly
cytoplasm, and features of metabolism and in shape and size and help us to identify dif-
physiology. Once we recognise these charac- ferent groups of fungi, as well as individual
teristics, it becomes easier to embrace the fact species. They range from swimming cells,
that the single-celled yeast and the multicel- called zoospores, produced by the chytrids,
lular mushroom are different versions of the to warty zygospores, multicelled conidia,
same kind of organism. and the beautiful spores of truffles patterned
There is, of course, a great deal of subjec- with delicate ridges. Within a single category
tivity in organising the fungi, and the rest of of spores we see a range of dispersal mech-
life, into groups of taxonomic convenience. anisms. Conidia of ascomycete fungi, for
The scale of the inquiry is everything. After ­example, are dispersed passively by wind,
all, mushrooms and humans are different rain, and insects, and by active mechanisms
versions of the same kind of thing at the involving the explosive formation of gas
level of supergroupings of eukaryotes, be- bubbles and the elastic deformation of cell
cause all animals and fungi are members of walls. Spore dispersal is a very important re-
the Opisthokonta. This brief consideration of search area, because it affects fungal distribu-
yeasts and mushrooms is useful because it tion and population biology, and the spread
of plant and animal diseases (epidemiology). ability that exclude other microorganisms.
Airborne spores are a major cause of human Fungi are osmotrophs, absorbing nutrients
allergy (Chapter 9), and there is growing ev- from their surroundings using an array of se-
idence that the huge number of spores in the creted enzymes to decompose complex mol-
atmosphere influences cloud formation and ecules and transport proteins to import the
rainfall patterns. resulting harvest of small molecules through
Genetic variation, sexuality, and evolution their cell membranes. The galaxy of proteins
are discussed in Chapter 4. Researchers have secreted by fungi is called the secretome, and
turned a few fungi into model organisms for its analysis is an exciting area of contempo-
the study of genetics, including the aforemen- rary research. Fungal metabolism is another
tioned yeast, and the filamentous ascomycete, topic in Chapter 5. The primary metabolism
Neurospora crassa, which was instrumental in of the fungi follows the same pathways that
early research on gene expression. The life support other eukaryotes. Fungal secondary
cycles of both species involve sexual repro- metabolism generates an incredible array of
duction in which pairs of compatible strains pharmacologically active compounds, my-
merge and form spores after sexual recom- cotoxins and mushroom poisons, pigments,
bination. The notion of male and female is and volatile aromatic compounds.
meaningless for fungi. Reproduction in some Before the introduction of molecular
of the ­ mushroom-forming basidiomycetes methods to the study of fungal ecology,
involves pairings between tens of thousands research on the roles of fungi in nutrient
of different mating types. Fungal genetics is cycling and other ecological processes em-
further complicated by difficulties in defin- phasised the importance of species made
ing individual organisms. Should we regard visible by their fruit bodies, or those that
two or more independent colonies that have were amenable to pure culture. So much was
separated from a parent mycelium as the missed. Molecular methods have changed
same individual? Trickier still is the nature our picture of microbial diversity in differ-
of the fungal species. Current work on these ent habitats, and this work makes it clear
topics is informing wider questions on fun- that we have only begun to understand
gal variation, microevolution, gene flow, and the ecological significance of the fungi.
other fundamental issues in evolutionary Metagenomic techniques and other meth-
biology. ods used for environmental sampling and
Fungal adaptation to the environment is the analysis of ecosystem processes are in-
the subject of Chapter 5. With the notable ex- troduced in Chapter 6.
ception of aquatic species that form flagellate The next four chapters (Chapters  7–10)
zoospores, fungi explore their environment cover interactions between fungi and
through growth rather than motion. Growing other organisms. Fungi support plant pro-
fungi are at the mercy of the nutritional con- ductivity through mycorrhizal symbi-
ditions in microscopic proximity to their oses (Chapter  7) and damage and destroy
cell surface. The expansion of a mycelium plants through their activities as pathogens
of interconnected hyphae allows the fungus (Chapter  8). Mycorrhizal relationships in-
to meet the challenges of localised nutrient clude ectomycorrhizas, in which the colo-
depletion by transferring materials across nies of ­mushroom-forming basidiomycetes,
the colony from regions where food is more and a few ascomycetes, envelop the roots of
­plentiful. This adaptability allows fungi to trees and shrubs. These fungi expand into
travel through large volumes of soil and cope the surrounding soil, creating an absorptive
with exigencies of water and n ­ utrient avail- network that supplies the plant host with

water and dissolved minerals. The fungi and mortality (Chapter  9). Most mycoses
benefit from these relationships by receiving are opportunistic infections, stimulated by
carbohydrates from the plant. Arbuscular damage to the skin barrier, underlying met-
mycorrhizas are established by 200 species of abolic problems, and compromised immune
Glomeromycota with 80% of the families of defenses. Fungal infections of the lung are
vascular plants. Fungi also engage in special- established via the inhalation of infectious
ised kinds of mycorrhizal symbioses with or- spores, and systemic infections can develop
chids, species of parasitic plants, members of from normally harmless fungi that grow in
the Ericales, and bryophytes. Lichens and en- the urogenital tract and gut, and on the skin.
dophytic relationships are other examples of Fungal pathogens of other vertebrates and
fungal mutualisms considered in Chapter 7. invertebrates are also addressed in this chap-
More than 18,000 ascomycete species and ter. In recent decades a number of epidemic
fewer than 50 basidiomycetes are lichenized; fungal diseases of animals have been recog-
green algae and cyanobacteria are the photo- nised for the first time. These include: chyt-
synthetic partners in these intimate relation- ridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium
ships. Pathogenic interactions with plants dendrobatidis (Chytridiomycota), which af-
are introduced in Chapter 8. Plant pathogens fects one-third of amphibian species; white-
include the rusts and smuts (Basidiomycota) nose disease, caused by Pseudogymnoascus
and thousands of species of Ascomycota that destructans (Ascomycota), which has killed 6
infect every family of plants and cause billions million bats in North America; and marine
of dollars of annual crop losses. Pathogens aspergillosis, caused by Aspergillus sydowii
classified within the Oomycota (strameno- (Ascomycota), which threatens sea fan corals
piles rather than fungi) have been studied in the Caribbean. Mutualisms with animals
by mycologists since the nineteenth century. include basidiomycetes farmed by ants and
Phytophthora infestans is the best known of termites, and fungi that occupy the gut mi-
these microorganisms, because it caused the crobiome of vertebrates and invertebrates.
potato famine in Ireland in the 1840s. The Chapter  10 concerns interactions between
Oomycota, known as water moulds, are more fungi and other heterotrophic microorgan-
closely related to brown algae and diatoms isms. These include the competition for re-
than they are to fungi. Functionally, however, sources between different colonies of soil
they operate like fungi. Water moulds form fungi, fungal parasitism of other fungi (my-
branching colonies of tip-growing hyphae coparasitism), and ecological relations be-
that penetrate their food sources, secrete di- tween fungi and bacteria.
gestive enzymes, and absorb small molecules Mycological research has provided com-
to meet their nutritional needs. Similarities pelling illustrations of widespread biolog-
between the morphology, cellular organisa- ical responses to planetary warming. These
tion, and behaviour of the oomycetes and investigations are the subject of Chapter 11.
fungi offer a beautiful illustration of evo- Changes in the prevalence of certain fungi
lutionary convergence. Water moulds are can be tracked in the palynological record. A
included in this book, despite their lack of dramatic decrease in the prevalence of spores
genealogical connection with the fungi. from dung fungi in the Pleistocene reflects
Although fungal infections of humans the mass extinction of megaherbivores like
are not as common as bacterial and viral the woolly mammoth and mastodon, result-
diseases, human mycoses are widespread ing from human activity. In recent decades,
and are a significant cause of morbidity alterations in the seasonality of mushroom
fruiting have been measured in Europe that biologists who study yeast, and none of
are linked to the extension of the growing these scientists call themselves mycologists.
season and delay in the first frost. Climate Filamentous fungi, including the ascomy-
change is also affecting the distribution of cete Neurospora crassa, have also attracted a
lichens. Mathematical models predict an in- good deal of attention from cell and molec-
crease in the concentration of airborne aller- ular biologists, few of whom identify as my-
genic spores and changes in the geographical cologists. Ecological research is benefitting
distribution of plant diseases as warming from more synthetic studies on interactions
proceeds. between groups of organisms, rather than
Biotechnology is the subject of Chapter 12. the exclusive study of fungi or any other
The term biotechnology is often reserved for taxonomic category. Our growing recogni-
modern industrial processes involving ge- tion of the enormous breadth of biodiver-
netically modified organisms, but a broader sity, the unifying molecular characteristics
reading includes baking and brewing prac- of all organisms, and the wealth and com-
tices that originated in the ancient world. plexity of interactions between species may
Mushroom cultivation on logs and horse see the extinction of specialists in single
dung are other examples of early biotech- groups of organisms. It will be interesting
nology that has flavoured the omnivorous to see how the culture of biological research
diet of our species. Methods for controlling and education evolves.
fungal fermentations developed in parallel The scope of mycological research has ex-
with progress in microbiology since the nine- panded in many areas in the 15  years since
teenth century. The use of fungi to produce the publication of the second edition of this
antibiotics and other pharmaceutical prod- textbook. Molecular methods that seemed
ucts is a more recent part of this endeavour innovative in 2001 have been replaced with
and the introduction of molecular genetic novel technologies, matched with increased
manipulation of fungal strains has had a ma- computing power. For example, the labo-
jor impact on the business of biotechnology. rious sequencing of short lengths of DNA,
This book is written for undergraduates which was standard practice in 2001, has
and graduate students, and will also be use- been supplanted by techniques that allow
ful for professional biologists interested in fast sequencing of genes and whole ge-
familiarising themselves with specific top- nomes. New techniques in light microscopy,
ics in fungal biology. Few scientists identify including live-cell imaging, confocal micros-
themselves as fungal biologists or mycol- copy, and high-speed video, have also had a
ogists. This is a reflection of the ethos of huge impact on fungal biology. The resulting
modern biology that emphasises the study change of pace in many research areas pre-
of questions about cell and molecular biol- sents a challenge for authors committed to
ogy, genetics, ecological interactions, and covering the whole discipline of fungal biol-
so on, rather than encouraging societies ogy. The variety of approaches necessitated
of scientists to investigate all aspects of a by the diversity of topics has meant that
particular group of organisms. In the last the stylistic unity of previous editions is no
50 years, academic departments have hired longer feasible, and each of us has assumed
fewer and fewer mycologists, phycologists, responsibility for a subset of the chapters.
entomologists, ornithologists, and so on. Cross-referencing and a comprehensive in-
This is not necessarily a bad thing. There is dex allow the reader to navigate between
a vibrant international community of cell topics throughout the book.

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