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European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83

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European Journal of Soil Biology

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Original article

Chromium reducing and plant growth promoting novel strain

Pseudomonas aeruginosa OSG41 enhance chickpea growth
in chromium amended soils
Mohammad Oves*, Mohammad Saghir Khan, Almas Zaidi
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain OSG41, isolated from the heavy metal contaminated water irrigated to
Received 14 October 2012 rhizospheric soil of mustard crop, tolerated chromium up to the concentration of 1800 mg ml1 and
Received in revised form reduced it by 100% at pH 6e8 after 120 h incubation at 30e40  C. P. aeruginosa produced plant growth-
9 January 2013
promoting substances, both in the presence and absence of chromium; it produced 32 mg ml1 indole
Accepted 15 February 2013
Available online 16 March 2013
acetic acid ml1, in Luria Bertani broth with 100 mg tryptophan ml1, solubilized tri-calcium phosphate
Handling editor: Kristina Lindström (417 mg ml1) and secreted 20.8 mg ml1 exopolysaccharides (EPS) which decreased with increasing
concentration of chromium added to growth medium. While investigating the impact of hexavalent
chromium on chickpea, chromium application to soil had a phytotoxic effect. The application of P. aer-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa uginosa strain OSG41 even with three times concentration of chromium increased the dry matter
Chromium bioreduction accumulation, symbiotic attributes (like nodule formation), grain yield and protein of chickpea compared
EPS to non-inoculated plants. The bio-inoculant decreased the uptake of chromium by 36, 38 and 40% in
Proline roots, shoots and grains, respectively. The present finding suggests that the bioinoculant effectively
PGP activities reduced the toxicity of hexavalent chromium to chickpea plants and concurrently enhanced the bio-
logical and chemical characteristics of chickpea, when grown in chromium treated soils.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction through the membrane transport channels and following accu-

mulation inside, Cr(vi) is reported to oxidatively damage bio-
Chromium is one of the major environmental pollutants which molecules like, DNA and other cellular components [11]. More-
enter the agro-ecosystem from different sources like, metal fin- over, the other intermediate species of chromium produced from
ishing, leather tanning, chromate preparation, and cooling tower of hexavalent chromium like Crþ5 and Crþ4, have also been found to
nuclear reactor. Of the various forms of chromium, hexavalent exhibit mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on many biological
chromium (Cr6þ) is mutagenic and carcinogenic [1]. After accu- systems including microbial populations [12,13]. Besides these ef-
mulation, the elevated concentration of chromium in soil severely fects, the high concentration of different forms of chromium has
affects the composition and metabolic activities of microbes [2e4] also been observed to have negative impact on microbial enzymes
leading to losses in soil fertility [5] and also adversely affects the [14] such as nitrate reductase in anaerobic soil microcosms [15].
physiological process of plants [6]. Soil enzymes in general act as a biological catalyst to facilitate
In this context, the toxicity of chromium to various plant growth different reactions and physiological processes involved in the
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for example Bacillus spp. [7,8]; decomposition of various soil constituents including certain
Pseudomonas aeruginosa [9], asymbiotic bacteria such as Azoto- organic pollutants and ultimately affect the soil fertility [16]. While
bacter and symbiotic organism, Rhizobium [6,10] are reported. acting on enzymes, chromium interacts with the enzyme substrate
Mechanistically, when microbes are exposed to chromium polluted complexes, binds with the enzyme active sites and consequently
environment, hexavalent chromium enters the microbial cells denatures enzyme functions [17]. Additionally, at high concentra-
tion, chromium inhibits the oxygen uptake and induces petite
mutation in microbes [18]. Conclusively, these studies suggest that
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ91 571203516, þ91 9808688081 (mobile).
chromium disrupts the electron transport system of cell and hence,
E-mail addresses: owais.micro@gmail.com, owais01m@gmail.com (M. Oves), affect the metabolic process of microorganisms. As a result of
khanms17@rediffmail.com (M.S. Khan), alma29@rediffmail.com (A. Zaidi). altered soil fertility, the deposited chromium in soil can indirectly

1164-5563/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83 73

(by reducing soil fertility) restrict the growth of plants. Thus, apart Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, located at 27 530 N 78 050 E 27.
from their effect on various metabolic activities of microbes, 88 N 78.08 E, Uttar Pradesh, India. There was consistent use of
chromium has also been reported to inhibit different important industrial sewage water, discharged from Hindan River, at site S1.
physiological processes of plants. The uptake and transport of The heavy metals in soil samples were determined following the
chromium to various organs of plants, may cause direct adverse method of McGrath and Cunliffe [31] using flame atomic absorption
impact such as it may- (i) alter mineral nutrition (ii) impair spectrophotometer (Model GBC 932B Plus atomic absorption
photosynthesis in legumes for example greengram [Vigna radiata spectrophotometer). All chemicals used for heavy metal analysis
(L.) wilczek] [19] and consequently decrease chlorophyll content were of Analytical grade and solutions were prepared in double
[3,20] (iii) inactivate enzymes by interacting with sulfhydryl groups distilled water.
of proteins [21] and (iv) decrease plant growth and seed yield
[22,23]. These and other associated data thus clearly suggests that 2.2. Bacterial strains and evaluation of metal tolerance
the toxicity of chromium to variable agro-ecological environments
including soil requires an inexpensive and effective strategy to In this study, a total of 20 bacterial cultures were isolated from
clean up the contaminated sites. In this context, certain physico- the rhizosphere of mustard (Brassica campestris) grown at the edge
chemical approaches like, electrochemical treatment, ion ex- of Hindan River near Ghaziabad. The polluted waste water of Hindan
change, precipitation, evaporation, reverse osmosis and sedimen- River near Ghaziabad was used to irrigate the mustard field as and
tation have been used for detoxifying chromium polluted when required. For enumerating bacterial cultures, King’s B agar
environment [24,25]. However, due to difficulty in (i) operation at medium was used, and the selected cultures were maintained on
larger scale (ii) negative impact on the environment and (iii) pro- this medium until use. Preliminary test to identify bacterial isolates
hibitive cost of operation, these physicochemical methods [26] included colony morphology, and cultural and biochemical charac-
have not been widely practiced for chromium removal. Consid- teristics using standard methods [15]. The bacterial strains were
ering these factors, focus has been shifted on to find some low-cost tested further to determine resistance/sensitivity against hexavalent
option for removing/reducing chromium toxicity from the chromium (Cr6þ) by the chromium amended nutrient agar plate
contaminated regions. In this regard, the use of bacterial cultures dilution method. After sterility check, nutrient agar plates were
especially the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria has provided treated separately with increasing concentrations (0e2000 mg ml1)
an attractive and economical alternative for biological reduction of of Cr6þ (used as K2Cr2O7), and were spot inoculated with loopful
Cr6þ from contaminated environments [27,28]. Mechanistically, culture of overnight grown bacterial strain. Plates were incubated at
PGPR reduce the metal toxicity by different mechanisms such as 28  2  C for 48 h. The highest concentration of Cr6þ supporting
biosorption, mobilizing metals through the excretion of organic bacterial growth was defined as the maximum tolerance level (MTL).
acids or bioleaching, immobilization or bio-mineralization, intra- Of the total 20 bacterial strains, strain OSG41 showing highest
cellular accumulation, and enzyme-catalyzed transformation tolerance to hexavalent chromium was selected for further studies.
[24,28]. Apart from metal removal/detoxification, metal-tolerant
microbes provide hugely important nutrients to plants [29], pro- 2.3. Strain identification and phylogenetic tree construction
tect plants from nuisance of phytopathogens by synthesizing
antimicrobial compounds, cyanogenic compounds and side- Heavy metal resistant bacteria isolate was characterized both
rophores and accelerate the availability of phytohormones such as biochemically and molecularly. The biochemical tests conducted for
indole acetic acid (IAA) etc. when applied to seed and soil [30]. As a presumptive identification of strain OSG41 included, citrate utili-
result of these multifaceted activities, PGPR enhance the overall zation, indole production, methyl red, nitrate reduction, Voges
growth, and yield of plants even when grown in soils already Proskauer, catalase and oxidase test, gelatine liquefaction, carbo-
contaminated with heavy metals or soils deliberately designed for hydrates such as dextrose, mannitol and sucrose, utilization and
testing the toxicity of metals or bioremediation potential of starch hydrolysis following standard methods [32]. Sequencing of
microbes. the 16S rRNA of strain OSG41 was done commercially by a DNA
Compared to the vast and varied inherent functional properties sequencing service (Macrogen, Seoul, South Korea) using universal
of PGPR, there is little information available on the role of metal primers, 518 F (50 CCAGCAGCCGCGGTAATACG30 ) and 800R (50
tolerant PGPR on the growth and development of legumes espe- TACCAGGGTATCTAATCC30 ). Nucleotide sequence data was depos-
cially chickpea when grown intentionally in metal contaminated ited in the GenBank sequence database. The online programme
soils or in soils already polluted with heavy metals like chromium. BLASTn was used to find related sequences with known taxonomic
Considering these applied and extremely important agronomic information in the databank at the NCBI website (http://www.ncbi.
gaps, the present study was designed to search for a suitable hex- nlm.nih.gov/BLAST) to accurately identify strain OSG41. Further, the
avalent chromium reducing PGPR and to determine its proline 16S rRNA gene sequence of the selected strains was characterized
stress reducing ability and plant growth-promoting activity both in using universal primer 518 F and 800 R. The sequence (1466 bp) so
the presence and absence of chromium. The growth promoting obtained were analyzed using BLASTn programme at NCBI server
potentials of the selected metal tolerant bacterial culture was (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST) to identify and compare the
assessed further in a pot trial experiment using chickpea (Cicer isolate with the nearest neighbour sequence available in the NCBI
arietinum L.) as a test crop. database [33]. All the sequence were aligned using Clustal W 1.6
programme at (www.ebi.ac.uk/clustalW), BLASTn alignment tools
2. Materials and methods used bootstrapped neighbour-joining relationship were estimated
with MEGA4 software [33].
2.1. Heavy metal concentration in soil
2.4. Chromium reduction
The alluvial sandy clay loam soil samples for total heavy metals
were collected from the cultivated fields near industrial area of The effect of pH values on Cr6þ reduction was assessed using
Ghaziabad (S1), located at 28 400 N 77 250 E 28.67 N 77.42 E, Uttar nutrient broth (NB) treated with varying concentrations (0, 50, 100,
Pradesh, India and also from the cultivated but unpolluted sandy 200 and 400 mg ml1) of Cr6þand the autoclaved medium was
clay loam soil from the fields of Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (S2), adjusted to pH 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 with 1 M HCL or 1 M NaOH. A
74 M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83

100 ml of exponentially grown culture of P. aeruginosa OSG41, was plates. Plates were sealed with parafilm. After 4 days incubation at
inoculated into NB medium containing different concentrations of 28  2  C, an orange brown colour of the paper indicating HCN
hexavalent chromium and incubated at varying temperatures such production was observed.
as 20, 25, 30 and 40  C for different time intervals (upto 120 h) in
order to assess the impact of temperatures on chromium reduction 2.5.3. Ammonia and exo-polysaccharide synthesis
by strain OSG41. For Cr6þ reduction, one ml culture from each flask For ammonia (NH3) detection, P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain was
was centrifuged (6000 rpm) for 10 min at 10  C, and Cr6þ in the grown in peptone water with 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg ml1 of
supernatant was determined by the 1,5-diphenyl carbazide method hexavalent chromium and incubated at 28  2  C for 4 days. One
[34,35]. millilitre of Nessler reagent was added to each tube and the
development of yellow colour indicating ammonia production
2.5. Bioassay of plant growth promoting (PGP) activities under was recorded following the method of Dye [44]. The exo-
chromium stress polysaccharide (EPS) produced by the P. aeruginosa OSG41 was
determined as suggested by Mody et al. [45]. For this, the bacterial
2.5.1. Phosphate solubilization and siderophore production strain was grown in 100 ml capacity flasks containing basal me-
Various PGP activities such as, P-solubilization, indole acetic dium supplemented with 5% sucrose and treated with 0, 50, 100,
acid (IAA), siderophores, and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) of the 200 and 400 of hexavalent chromium. Inoculated flasks were
bacterial strains were assayed both in the presence and absence incubated for 5 days at 28  2  C on a rotary shaker. Culture broth
of the selected chromium salt under in vitro conditions. The was spun (8000 r/min) for 30 min and EPS was extracted by adding
phosphate solubilization activity was quantitatively assayed us- three volumes of chilled acetone (CH3COCH3) to one volume of
ing liquid culture medium containing tri-calcium phosphate supernatant. The precipitated EPS was repeatedly washed three
(TCP) amended with 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg Cr ml1. The times alternately with distilled water and acetone, transferred to
amount of water-soluble P was estimated by a chlorostannous a filter paper and weighed after overnight drying at room
reduced molybdophosphoric acid blue method [36,37]. The pro- temperature.
ductions of siderophores by the P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain was
detected using the Chrome Azurol S (CAS) method [38] using the 2.5.4. Plant growth and metal uptake
four concentrations (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg ml1) of chromium, Seeds of chickpea var. Avrodhi were surface sterilized with 70%
added to CAS agar plates. For quantitative estimation of side- ethanol, 3 min followed by 3% sodium hypochlorite, 3 min, rinsed
rophore, the P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain was grown in Modi me- six times with sterile water and shade dried. The sterilized seeds
dium (K2HPO4 0.05%; MgSO4 0.04%; NaCl 0.01%; mannitol 1%; were bacterized with P. aeruginosa OSG41, grown in nutrient broth,
glutamine 0.1%; NH4NO3 0.1%) treated with 0 50, 100, 200 and by dipping the seeds in liquid culture medium for 2 h using 10%
400 mg Cr ml1 for 5 days and Catechol-type phenolates was gum Arabic as adhesive to deliver approximately 108 cells seed1.
measured [39]. For the assay, one volume of the Hathway’s re- The non-coated sterilized seeds soaked in sterile water served as
agent was added to one volume of sample, and absorbance was control. The non-inoculated and inoculated chickpea seeds (8 seeds
determined at 560 nm for salicylates with sodium salicylate as a per pot) were sown in clay pots (25 cm high, 22 cm internal
standard and at 700 nm for dihydroxy phenols with 2,3-DHBA as diameter) using 3 kg unsterilized soils from agricultural field of
a standard. Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (sandy clay loam, organic carbon
0.4%, Kjeldahl N 0.75 g kg1, Olsen P 16 mg kg1, pH 7.2 and WHC
2.5.2. Bioassay of indole acetic acid and cyanogenic compounds 0.45 ml g1, Cr 6.5 mg g1, Cu 18 mg g1, Ni 14.7 mg g1, Zn 25 mg g1,
Indole-3-acetic acid synthesized by P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain Pb 9.5 mg g1 and Cd 0.4 mg g1) with control (without chromium)
was quantitatively evaluated by the method of Gordon and Weber and four treatments each with 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg g1 hex-
[40], later modified by Bric et al. [41]. For this activity, the P. aeru- avalent chromium in soil used in this study. Six pots used for each
ginosa OSG41 strain was grown in Luria Bertani (LB) broth (g l1: treatment were arranged in a complete randomized block design.
tryptone 10; yeast extract 5; NaCl 10 and pH 7.5). A 100 ml of LB Three weeks after emergence, plants in each pot were thinned to
having a fixed concentration (100 mg ml1) of tryptophan as an three plants. The pots were watered with tap water and were
inducer (Glickmann and Dessaux, 1955) [42] and supplemented maintained in an open field condition. The experiments were
with 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg ml1 of hexavalent chromium was conducted for two consecutive years to ascertain the reproduc-
inoculated with 100 ml culture (108 cells ml1) of P. aeruginosa ibility of data.
OSG41 strain and incubated for 7 days at 28  2  C with shaking at
120 rpm. After seven days, a 5 ml culture from each treatment was 2.5.5. Measurement of biological characteristics, symbiotic efficiency,
centrifuged (8000 r/min) for 15 min and an aliquot of 2 ml super- seed yield and metal uptake
natant was mixed with 100 ml of orthophosphoric acid and 4 ml of All plants in three pots for each treatment were removed at
Salkowsky reagent (2% 0.5 M FeCl3 in 35% per-chloric acid) and 80 days and remaining three pots at 130 days after seeding (DAS),
incubated at 28  2  C in darkness for 1 h. The absorbance of and were observed for growth and symbiotic attributes. Plants
developed pink colour was read at 530 nm. The IAA concentration uprooted at 80 and 130 DAS were oven-dried at 80  C and dry
in the supernatant was determined using a calibration curve of matter was measured. Total chlorophyll content in fresh foliage of
pure IAA as a standard. Hydrogen cyanide production by inoculated chickpea plants grown in chromium stressed and
P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain was detected by the method of Bakker metal free (control) soil was measured at 80 DAS by the method of
and Schipper [43]. For HCN production, P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain Arnon [46]. The leghaemoglobin (Lb) content in fresh nodules
was grown on an HCN induction medium (g l1: tryptic soy broth recovered from the root system of chickpea plants maintained
30; glycine 4.4 and agar 15) supplemented with 0, 50, 100, 200 and under metal stressed and metal free soils (control) was assessed at
400 mg ml1 of hexavalent chromium at 28  2  C for 4 days. 80 DAS [47]. Seed yield and grain protein was estimated [48] at
Further, a loopful culture of strain OSG41 was placed in the centre 130 DAS (harvest). Chromium content in roots and shoots of
of the Petri plates, amended with selected concentration of hex- chickpea plants was measured both at 80 and 130 DAS where as in
avalent chromium. A disk of Whatman filter paper No. 1 dipped in grains, it was determined at harvest by the method of Ouzounidou
0.5% picric acid and 2% Na2CO3 was placed at the lid of the Petri et al. [49].
M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83 75

2.5.6. Bioassay of proline constructed by MEGA4 software, based on 16S rRNA partial gene
The proline content in roots and shoots of chickpea plants was sequence is presented in Fig. 1.
determined at 80 DAS while in seed it was assayed at 130 DAS. A
500 mg fresh weight of chickpea plant materials prepared sepa- 3.3. Chromium tolerance
rately was homogenized with 10 ml of 3% aqueous sulfosalicylic
acid. The resulting homogenate was filtered through Whatman No. In this study, bacterial strain P. aeruginosa OSG41 isolated from
2 filter paper. The filtrates were made upto 20 ml with 3% sulfo- the rhizosphere of mustard, grown at the outskirts of Ghaziabad,
salicylic acid and used for the estimation of proline following the India was tested against a range of heavy metals that included Crþ6,
method of Bates et al. [50]. Cd2þ, Cu2þ, Ni2þ and Zn2þ in order to establish it as a metal tolerant
bacterial strain. Bacterial strain in general showed a variable
2.6. Statistical analysis response to each metal but even the lower concentrations of all
tested metals were inhibitory to all bacterial strains except strain
The experiment was conducted for two consecutive years under P. aeruginosa OSG41, which tolerated a considerable amount of
heavy metals such as Crþ6, Cd2þ, Cu2þ, Ni2þ and Zn2, when grown
the identical environmental conditions and each treatment was
repeated three times. Since the data of the measured parameters on nutrient agar plates amended with the graded concentrations
(0e2000 mg ml1) of each metal. The tolerance level of P. aeruginosa
obtained were homogeneous, they were pooled and subjected to
analysis of variance. The difference among treatment means was OSG41 strain against heavy metals ranged over 1200 mg ml1 for Ni,
Cu, and Zn and 1800 mg ml1 for Cr. Among the selected heavy
compared by high range statistical domain (HSD) using two-way
ANOVA at 5% probability level. metals, P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain displayed the maximum toler-
ance against Cr6þ. The MTL values of the strain OSG41 against each
metal were, however, remarkably high. Other bacterial strains
3. Results (N ¼ 19) however, showed a remarkably low level (1000 mg ml1)
of tolerance to Ni (OSG1, OSG2 OSG5, OSG10, OSG17), Cu (OSG3,
3.1. Total heavy metal concentration in soils OSG22, OSG35, OSG40), Pb (OSG4, OSG6, OSG7, OSG15, OSG33,
OSG44, OSG50) and Zn while for Cr it was 1500 mg ml1 (OSG 13,
Heavy metals in polluted soils of Ghaziabad near Hindon River OSG 16, OSG19).
and non polluted soils of Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, AMU,
Aligarh was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer 3.4. Chromium reduction influenced by environmental variables
and presented in Table 1. Heavy metal concentrations in polluted
soils of Ghaziabad (S1) were (mg g1): cadmium 16.4, chromium 3.4.1. Effect of pH on Cr6þ reduction
108.5, copper 745, lead 230.5, Nickel 318.5 and Zinc 4580. While The effect of different pH values on P. aeruginosa OSG41 medi-
Heavy metal concentration in conventional cultivated soils of Fac- ated reduction of Cr6þ was variable (Fig. 2a). Generally, strain
ulty of Agricultural Science (S2) were (mg g1): cadmium 0.4, OSG41 was found to significantly reduce chromium at pH values
chromium 6.5, copper 18, lead 9.5, nickel 14.7 and zinc 25.5. ranging from 6 to 8 when culture was grown at 35  2  C in the
presence of 100 mg Cr ml1 added to NB medium. The maximum
3.2. Characterization and molecular identification of the strain OSG41 reduction (100%) of Cr6þ was however, observed at pH from 6 to 8
after 120 h incubation by P. aeruginosa OSG41, which was followed
The bacterial strain OSG41 recovered from mustard rhizosphere by pH 5 (88%) and pH 10 (79%). While comparing the effect of
was found as Gram negative and showed positive reaction for cit- different pH values on chromium reduction by strain OSG41,
rate utilization, nitrate reduction, and oxidase test, and could hy- incubated for variable time periods, a maximum of 3.4 times
drolyze starch and gelatin. Strain OSG41, however, showed a greater reduction was observed at pH 8 relative to pH 4 after 10 h
variable carbohydrate utilization property. Based on these and bacterial growth. Chromium reduction increased significantly with
negative results obtained for some other biochemical parameters increasing pH and incubation period; 40% reduction at pH 6
(data not shown), the bacterial strain OSG41 was presumptively (80 mg ml1) and 55% reduction at pH 8 (110 mg ml1) after 40 h of
identified to genus level as Pseudomonas. To further identify the bacterial growth which increased substantially by 81% at pH 6
strain to species level, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis was per- (162 mg ml1) and 83% at pH 8 (166 mg ml1) after 80 h incubation of
formed. The nucleotide sequence of 16S rRNA of OSG41 was found P. aeruginosa OSG41 in the presence of 200 mg Cr ml1 added to NB
to be approximately 1466 bp in size. The sequence of the 16S rRNA medium.
of this strain was submitted to GenBank (accession number
HM222648). A similar search was performed by using the BLASTn 3.4.2. Effect of temperature on Cr6þ reduction
programme that indicated that strain OSG41 shared a close rela- Temperature is yet another important factor, which directly af-
tionship with the rRNA gene sequence of P. aeruginosa EU037096 fects the growth of bacterial populations and their associated ac-
(16S: 99% similarity with the reference strain EU037096). Such high tivities including the bio-reduction of hexavalent chromium.
similarity values confirmed it as P. aeruginosa. A phylogenetic tree Generally, the chromium reduction by the test bacterial strain
increased consistently upto 35  C which however, decreased
considerably at 40  C. For example, P. aeruginosa OSG41 signifi-
Table 1 cantly increased the hexavalent chromium reduction by approxi-
Heavy metal content in polluted and conventional soils.
mately 20% each at 30  C and 35  C compared to those observed at
Collection site Heavy metal (mg g1) 25  C which however decreased by about 25% at 40  C relative to
Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Zinc those determined at 30  C and 35  C after 120 h at 50 mg Cr ml1
S1 16.4 108.5 745 230.5 318.5 4580 (Fig. 2b).
S2 0.4 6.5 18 9.5 14.7 25.5

Here, S1 represents the cultivated field of Ghaziabad, irrigated by polluted water of

3.4.3. Effect of chromate concentration on Cr6þ reduction
Hindon River and S2 indicates the conventional cultivated soils irrigated by fresh Chromium reduction monitored at different initial concentra-
water of Faculty of Agricultural Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. tion ranging from 50 to 400 mg ml1 was greatly influenced by
76 M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83

Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree constructed from the 16S rRNA gene sequence (1466 bp) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa OSG41 (GenBank accession no. HM222648) and related organisms by
using Clustal W and MEGA 4 software.

P. aeruginosa OSG41 (Fig. 2c). Chromium reduction by the strain metal concentration. At 400 mg Cr ml1 the PGP activities such as
P. aeruginosa OSG41 was comparatively maximum at lowest con- IAA and phosphate solubilizing activity and production of EPS, SA
centration of 50 mg ml1; complete reduction was observed after and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid by strain P. aeruginosa OSG41 was
60 h at 100 mg Cr ml1 where as 200 mg ml1 of hexavalent chro- decreased by 67, 81, 12, 58 and 53% compared to those observed
mium was completely reduced after 120 h of bacterial growth. under metal free medium.

3.5. Plant growth promoting activities 3.5.1. Plant growth and symbiotic traits
In this study, we analyzed the chromium toxicity to chickpea
Hexavalent chromium tolerant bacterial strain OSG41 used in plants and determined the effect of bioinoculant on crop perfor-
this study revealed considerable production of PGP substances mance in metal treated soil. Chickpea seeds inoculated with plant
when grown both with and without hexavalent chromium growth promoting rhizobacterium, P. aeruginosa OSG41 grown in
(Table 2). The effect of four concentrations (50, 100, 200 and sandy loam soils amended with different concentration of Crþ6
400 mg ml1) of hexavalent chromium on plant growth promoting applied separately, had better growth compared to uninoculated
traits like IAA, P solubilization, exo-polysaccharide (EPS) produc- plants (Table 3). P. aeruginosa OSG41 strain used as a bioinoculant
tion, siderophores production (salicylic acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic with 108 mg g1 of Crþ6, increased the dry biomass of roots, and
acid), HCN and ammonia production by P. aeruginosa OSG41 was shoots, nodule numbers, nodule biomass and whole plant biomass
variable (Table 2). Generally, the measured traits of strain OSG41 by 68, 52, 27, 23, and 58% at 80 DAS and 53, 41, 50, 49 and 52 at 130
like, EPS production increased with 100 mg Cr ml1 and then DAS, respectively compared to the uninoculated control plants.
decreased constantly with increasing metal concentrations. Like- Grain yields recorded for the inoculated plants were increased by
wise, phosphate solubilization, IAA and siderophores activities 40%, compared to uninoculated control plants. While comparing the
progressively decreased with increasing dose of metal, HCN and effect of bioinoculant (strain OSG41) applied at 216 mg g1 of Crþ6
ammonia production were however, not affected by increasing concentrations to those of only chromium amended soil, a
M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83 77

Fig. 2. Effect of pH (a), temperature (b) and initial metal ion concentration (c) on Crþ6 reduction by strain Pseudomonas aeroginosa OSG41 at different time of incubation in nutrient
medium in presence of Crþ6.

maximum increase of 63, 67, 50 and 48%, in root dry mass, shoot dry significant for all measured parameter (Table 3) at 80 DAS and 130
mass, number of nodules per plant and nodule dry mass at 80 DAS, DAS except total dry weight (chromium  inoculated ¼ 118.15;
and root dry mass, shoot dry mass, total dry mass, nodule mass and df ¼ 3) at 80 DAS.
nodule numbers increased by 71, 60, 62, 36 and 33%, respectively at
130 DAS compared to chromium untreated and uninoculated con- 3.5.2. Chlorophyll and leghaemoglobin content
trol plants. The two way ANOVA revealed that the effects of inocu- In the absence of bacterial inoculant (P. aeruginosa OSG41),
lation and chromium was significant (P  0.05) for the measured chlorophyll and leghaemoglobin content of chickpea plants
parameters. The interactive effect of inoculation and chromium was measured at 80 DAS decreased consistently with increasing
78 M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83

Table 2
Plant growth promoting (PGP) activities of strain P. aeroginosa OSG41 in the absence and presence of different dose of Crþ6.

IAAa (mg ml1) Phosphate solubilization EPSb (mg ml1) Siderophores HCNg NH3
(mg ml1)
Phenolates (mg ml1) CASe Agar (mm) FeCl3 testf

SAc 2,3-DHBAd
32.0  1.5 417.5  2.0 20.8  1.5 37.7  2.0 24.1  1.3 15.6  1.5 þ þ þ
27.4  1.6 417.5  2.3 22.2  2.4 37.2  1.7 23.6  0.9 15.0  2.6 þ þ þ
24.2  1.0 391.7  3.9 27.4  1.2 32.0  1.5 20.5  1.5 12.2  2.0 þ þ þ
20.7  2.0 185.6  3.2 20.3  1.7 25.8  1.9 18.2  1.2 10.0  1.5 þ þ þ
10.6  1.7 77.7  2.4 18.4  1.4 15.8  1.2 11.4  1.4 08.3  1.5 þ þ þ
LSD 1.09 4.61 2.62 3.41 2.11 3.19

Value indicates the means  S.D. of three independent replicates.

Indole acetic acid.
Salicylic acid.
2, 3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid.
Chrome Azurol S agar.
Ferric chloride test.
Hydrogen cyanide.

concentration of Crþ6 (Table 4). Chromium at 216 mg g1 decreased with similar concentration of chromium. While chromium
the total chlorophyll and leghaemoglobin contents by 50 and 33% reducing P. aeruginosa (OSG41) enhanced the seed yield and grain
respectively, relative to those observed for uninoculated chickpea protein by 15 and 9% respectively, at 108 mg Cr g1 soil, compared
plants. In contrast, the bioinoculant increased the chlorophyll to inoculated but metal free control chickpea plants. Two way
content by 30% and leghaemoglobin content by 27% at 108 mg Cr g1 ANOVA revealed that the individual effect of inoculation and Crþ6
soil compared to un-inoculated plants. While comparing the effect and their interaction (inoculation  Crþ6) were significant for the
of 216 mg Cr g1 on inoculated and un-inoculated plants, a measured parameters.
maximum increase of 32, 38, 35, 15, 31, 35 and 38% in total chlo-
rophyll content, leghaemoglobin, N content in roots and shoots, P 3.5.4. Chromium uptake
content in roots and shoots, and seed protein, respectively was Chromium accumulation in roots and shoots of chickpea plants
observed over chromium untreated and uninoculated control observed at 80 and 130 DAS, increased with increasing concentration
plants. Two factor ANOVA revealed that the individual effect of of Crþ6, added to soil. Maximum chromium uptake of 46.9 mg Cr g1
inoculation and their interaction (inoculation  Crþ6) were signif- and 26.8 mg Cr g1 was determined at 80 DAS in roots and shoots of
icant (P  0.05) for the measured parameters. uninoculated plants while 25.5 mg Cr g1 and 17.5 mg Cr g1 accu-
mulated in the roots and shoots of inoculated chickpea plants,
3.5.3. Seed yield and grain protein respectively. Application of bioinoculant (P. aeruginosa OSG41)
Seed yield and grain protein assayed at harvest (130 DAS) however, reduced the level of chromium in roots and shoots by 46.6
progressively decreased with increasing concentration of chro- and 35%, respectively, measured at 80 DAS (Fig. 3) compared to those
mium (Table 4). Seed yield and grain protein of inoculated observed for chickpea plants grown solely in chromium treated soils.
chickpeas increased by 19 and 21%, respectively, relative to un- At 130 DAS, chromium accumulated in roots and shoots of uninoc-
inoculated control plants. In comparison, the chromium reducing ulated plants were: 72.5 mg g1 and 33.6 mg g1 (Fig. 3) while it was
strain P. aeruginosa OSG41 increased the seed yield and grain 45 mg g1 (roots) and 20.5 mg g1 (shoots) of P. aeruginosa inoculated
protein by 39 and 30% respectively, at 108 mg Cr g1 soil, chickpea plants. Interestingly, the inoculant bacterial strain (OSG41)
compared to uninoculated chickpea plants grown in soil treated decreased the concentration of chromium in roots and shoots by 37

Table 3
Effect of different dose of hexavalent chromium on growth and nodulation of chickpea grown in soil inoculated with strain OSG41 and without bioinoculant.

Treatment Dose rate (mg/g soil) Dry biomass (g/plant) Nodulation Total dry biomass
Root Shoot No./plant Nodule biomass

80 DAS 130 DAS 80 DAS 130 DAS 80 DAS 130 DAS 80 DAS 130 DAS 80 DAS 130 DAS
Un-inoculated Control 0.74d 0.88e 2.81d 3.71e 28c 19d 112d 80d 3.66e 4.67d
1  (54) 0.55c 0.78c 2.49c 3.04d 26c 14c 104d 55c 3.14d 3.87d
2  (108) 0.30b 0.52b 1.20b 1.88b 19b 10b 80c 41b 1.58b 2.44b
3  (216) 0.16a 0.29a 0.68a 0.80a 10a 06a 39a 24a 0.87a 1.11a
Inoculated Control 1.20f 1.37 3.51f 4.71h 34d 26e 135e 102f 4.85h 6.18e
1  (54) 1.10e 1.28 3.20e 4.37f 32d 24e 129e 97e 4.42g 5.74f
2  (108) 0.94d 1.10f 2.74d 3.87f 26c 20d 104d 80d 3.78f 5.05e
3  (216) 0.55c 0.78c 1.70b 2.46c 15a 12b 61b 46b 2.29c 2.28c
LSD 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.13 3.45 3.17 8.91 10.47 0.083 0.372
F value Un-inoculated (df ¼ 1) 874.58* 880.99* 1625.63* 2375.45* 58.43* 121.57* 4289.57* 165.35* 6841.25* 484.86*
Inoculated (df ¼ 3) 242.07* 200.98* 1310.95* 1356.14* 103.45* 62.43* 2927.54* 97.23* 4136.17* 315.75*
Un-inoculate  inoculated 10.22* 1.67* 64.07* 48.53* 0.07* 2.08* 151.32* 4.81* 118.15 13.38*
(df ¼ 3)

Each value is a mean of three replicates where each replicate constituted tree plants/pot. Mean values with star are significant at P  0.05. Mean values with different letters are
significantly different from each other’s according to post hoc Tukey’s HSD (P  0.05).
M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83 79

Table 4
Effect of different dose of hexavalent chromium on chlorophyll, leghaemoglobin, N and P content and seed protein in chickpea plants grown in soil inoculated with and without
stain P. aeroginosa OSG41.

Treatment Dose rate (mg/g soil) Chlorophyll content (mg mg1) Leghaemoglobin N content mg P content Seed yield Seed
content mg1) (mg mg1) g/plant protein
[mM/(gf.m.)] (mg/g)
a b Total Root Shoot Root Shoot
Uninoculated Control 0.81g 0.75f 1.56f 0.22a 18c 24b 0.18d 0.21b 2.86e 256d
1  (54) 0.67d 0.59d 1.26d 0.21a 17b 23b 0.15c 0.20b 2.36d 221c
2  (108) 0.56b 0.43b 0.98b 0.16a 15b 20a 0.13b 0.16a 1.69c 204b
3  (216) 0.41a 0.37a 0.78a 0.08a 11a 17a 0.11a 0.13a 0.79a 155a
Inoculated Control 0.84h 0.79 1.64g 0.29a 24d 28c 0.25e 0.27c 3.52g 272f
1  (54) 0.80f 0.72e 1.52f 0.27a 24d 27c 0.19d 0.26c 3.11f 245f
2  (108) 0.71e 0.68e 1.40e 0.22a 20c 22b 0.18d 0.23b 2.80e 220e
3  (216) 0.63c 0.51c 1.15c 0.13a 17b 20a 0.16c 0.20b 1.33b 208d
LSD 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.28 2.71 3.46 0.01 0.03 0.117 8.17
F value Un-inoculated (df ¼ 1) 6308.13* 293.57* 971.06* 0.00 87.56* 17.91* 137.70* 56.79* 781.07* 2505.3*
Inoculated (df ¼ 3) 5956.40* 294.83* 893.21* 0.18 27.72* 13.76* 65.79* 17.62* 1118.86* 373.78*
Un-inoculate  inoculated 549.38* 27.58* 68.23* 1.13 0.25* 1.20 3.37* 0.26 19.91* 12.78*
(df ¼ 3)

Each value is a mean of three replicates where each replicate constituted tree plants/pot. Mean values are significant at P  0.05. Means followed by similar alphabets are not
significantly different from each other according to post hoc Turkey’s HSD.

and 63%, respectively at 130 DAS when chickpea was grown with 4.2. Hexavalent chromium reduction
216 mg g1 soil compared to those observed for uninoculated plants.
A maximum decrease of 36% in chromium uptake was recorded for The ability to reduce the toxicity of hexavalent chromium has
chickpea seeds compared to uninoculated chickpeas. While been found in many bacterial species including PGPR such as
comparing the accumulation of chromium in different plant organs, Pseudomonas fluorescence [56], Enterobacter cloacae [57], Bacillus sp.
seeds in general, accumulated more chromium compared to other [2,54] and Staphylococcus capitis [58] under both aerobic and
tested parts of chickpea plants. anaerobic conditions. The chromium reduction is however, influ-
enced both by varying pH and temperature [59,60]. Considering the
3.5.5. Proline accumulation importance of these environmental variables in chromium reduc-
Proline accumulation in the plant roots and shoots measured at tion, we used a bacterial strain P. aeruginosa OSG41 to assess its
80 DAS and grains at 130 DAS increased with increasing concen- chromium reducing ability under changing factors. Interestingly,
tration of Crþ6, added to soil. A maximum uptake of 46 and this strain was able to reduce Crþ6 at a wide range of pH (4e10) and
42 mg g1 fresh weight was recorded in roots and shoots after temperature (20e40  C), as also reported by others [2,58].
80 DAS when plants were grown without bioinoculant while in Furthermore, the growth of P. aeruginosa OSG41 and its reduction
the presence of bioinoculant, it was 37.5 and 34.50 mg g1 fresh ability was assessed at varied Crþ6concentration; the overall rate of
weight proline in roots and shoots, respectively, at 216 mg kg1 Crþ6 reduction decreased with increasing concentration of Crþ6.
chromium amended soil. The application of bioinoculant substan- However, the rate of Crþ6 reduction was not inhibited by high levels
tially declined the proline concentration in roots and shoots of of chromium during early phase of reduction process. Similar trend
chickpea plants by 35 and 18% respectively, at 80 DAS compared to was observed by Rahman et al. [61] for Pseudomonas sp. C-171
the plants grown in chromium treated soils (Fig. 4). Maximum against different concentration of Crþ6. However, among bacteria,
proline (63.3 mg g1 fresh weight) accumulation was recorded in Arthrobacter sp. has been found more efficient chromium reducing
grains collected from uninoculated plants while it was 48.2 mg g1 organism than Bacillus sp. [62] while the Arthrobacter oxydans was
fresh weight in grains of inoculated chickpea plants. affected even at a very low (35 mg ml1) concentration of Crþ6 [63].

4.3. Effect of chromium tolerant strain (OSG41) on chickpea grown

4. Discussion
in chromium treated soils
4.1. Identification and characterization
Application of bacterial inoculant as biofertilizer has been re-
ported to result in better growth and increased yield of different
The effluents discharged from different industries are reported
crops [64,65]. Considering both the growth promoting efficiency
to contain variable heavy metals including chromium to an extent
and metal tolerant ability of the P. aeruginosa OSG41, we designed
of toxicity level [51]. When used intentionally in agronomic prac-
an experiment to assess the performance of inoculated chickpea in
tices, such effluents are known to cause shifts in microbial com-
chromium amended soils. The results are discussed in the following
munities leading even to the emergence of pollutant (e.g., metal)
resistance among bacterial population [52]. Considering the wide
spread resistant/reducing traits among bacteria, metal reducing for
example chromium reducing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria 4.4. Plant growth and nodulation
such as Bacillus sp. [20,53] and Pseudomonas sp. [54,55] have been
isolated and characterized from metal contaminated environment. Generally, the chickpea growth expressed both in terms of dry
In this study, we isolated metal tolerant bacteria from soil receiving matter and symbiotic attributes, was higher for inoculated chickpea
metal containing effluent. Metal tolerant bacterial strain (OSG41) than for uninoculated ones even when grown in the presence of the
was later on identified as P. aeruginosa (Acc no. HM222648) using varying level of Crþ6. Like any conventional PGPR, chromium
biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequence characterization tolerant P. aeruginosa OSG41 used as inoculant in this study caused
and phylogenetic analysis. a substantial increase in the overall performance of chickpea
80 M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83


Fig. 3. Chromium uptake by chickpea plants 80 days after sowing- roots (A) and shoots (B) and at 130 Days in roots (C), shoots (D) and grains (E), in the presence and absence of bio-inoculant P. aeruginosa OSG41.

Proline content (mg/g fw)






Proline content (mg/g fw)




60 C
Proline content (mg/g fw)





0 50 100 150 200
Chromium in soil (µgg )

Fig. 4. Proline accumulation in roots (A), shoot (B) at 80 DAS and grains (C) at 130 DAS
chickpea in the absence and presence of bio inoculants (P. aeroginosa OSG41) with
different dose of chromium amended in soil. The values indicate the mean  SD of
three replicates.

probably due to the synthesis of plant growth regulating sub-

stances [3], which are reported to promote root growth directly by
stimulating plant cell elongation or cell division [66]. Furthermore,
the HCN, and siderophores producing ability of this stain might also
have enhanced the root growth and uptake of soil minerals by the
host plant as also observed by others [2,3,64]. Taking into consid-
eration the importance of EPS in biological nitrogen fixation (BNF),
adaptation of PGPR including rhizobia to environmental stressors
and in the process of soil aggregation [67], the strain OSG41 was
further tested for its ability to synthesize EPS under in vitro con-
dition. Interestingly, this strain produced a substantial amount of
heteropolysaccharides which could directly and/or indirectly affect
the growth of plants growing in differentially stressed environ-
ment. For example, EPS synthesized by PGPR indirectly stimulate
the plant growth by- (i) accelerating microbial activity in the
rhizosphere and (ii) enhancing the soil organic content and provide
soil aggregate stability with plant roots, and thereby to soil. While
directly, EPS has been found to play some key roles in the
M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83 81

physiological processes of plants. For example, EPS has been re- intermedium inoculated Helianthus annus while Wani et al. [3] re-
ported to play important functions in the invasion process, infec- ported a reduced uptake of chromium by Mesorhizobium inoculated
tion thread formation, bacteroid and nodule development during chickpea plants and concomitantly a significant increase in
BNF [67]. Other benefits of EPS to bacteria could be protection from the overall performance. Similar effects were found on the Bacillus
pathogens, desiccation, phagocytosis and phage attack [68]. Also, sp. inoculated chickpea plants when grown in chromium stressed
by secreting excess amounts of EPS, PGPR could protect itself from soils [20].
the toxicity of pollutants for example heavy metals by masking the
effects of such pollutants [69] and hence, the surviving bacteria 4.7. Proline accumulation
inside the polymeric network of EPS could show a considerable
metal reducing/accumulating ability. And therefore, by trapping The enhanced synthesis of free cellular proteins during various
the metals inside the EPS, the PGPR capable of synthesizing EPS are abiotic and abiotic stresses has been found to provide a multi-
likely to restrict the mobility of metals towards various plants functional protective role in most plant species [74,75]. For
growing in the contaminated soils and, hence, the toxicity of such example, Schat et al. [76] reported heavy metal-induced accumu-
metals to plants could be avoided. lation of free proline in a metal-tolerant and a nontolerant ecotype
The growth characteristics, the nodules formed on the root of Silene vulgaris. After synthesis and accumulation within plants,
system of inoculated chickpea plants raised in soil amended with proline is reported to play adaptive roles for example in plant stress
chromium, was significantly higher compared to those observed for tolerance [77]. Moreover, it also acts as a compatible osmolyte and
uninoculated plants. Also, the leghaemoglobin content in fresh hence, help to store C and N. Besides these, proline can be a ROS
nodules collected from inoculated chickpea was greater. The scavenger [78], function as molecular chaperone stabilizing the
improved symbiotic relationship measured as nodule numbers and structure of proteins and help to maintain cytosolic pH and to
leghaemoglobin in bacterized legumes host grown in chromium balance cell redox status. In our study, we also observed a signifi-
amended soil is a clear suggestive of the rhizobial establishment cant accumulation of proline in chickpea plant organs like, roots,
and survival within chromium polluted soil which despite chro- shoots and seeds due to high concentration of hexavalent chro-
mium continued to express its full growth promoting abilities even mium present in soils. The concentration of proline in plant tissues
in the presence of chromium. Similar, increase in the growth of and grains consistently increased with increasing chromium con-
inoculated legumes grown in the presence of metals has been re- centration suggesting that the stressor for example chromium here
ported by Pajuelo et al. [5] and Wani and Khan [20]. probably has an inducible effect on proline synthesis. A similar
increase in the proline level in plants such as lemongrass (Cymbo-
4.5. Chlorophyll, seed yield and grain protein pogon flexuosus) grown in the presence of heavy metals such as
lead, mercury and cadmium has been reported [79]. Proline accu-
In the absence of bacterial culture, there was a progressive mulation however, decreased significantly in bacterized chickpea
decrease in the chlorophyll content in fresh foliage measured at 80 plants grown in soils treated even with higher concentration of
DAS and seed yield and grain protein after harvest. In comparison, chromium (Fig. 4). The decline in proline concentration in various
P. aeruginosa OSG41 increased the measured parameter when organs/grain of inoculated chickpea plants grown in chromium
chickpea was grown with different concentration of chromium amended soil could possibly be due to the detoxifying/bioreducing
added intentionally to sandy clay loam soils. In a similar study, effect of strain OSG41 on hexavalent chromium accumulated inside
Tripathi et al. [70] has reported a comparable increase in the the plant tissues. However, to the best of our information, there are
chlorophyll content of greengram plants inoculated with side- no reports on how and why proline concentration diminishes even
rophore producing and lead and cadmium resistant Pseudomonas in inoculated plants including chromium tolerant P. aeruginosa
putida KNP9 under metal stressed condition. Seed yield and protein OSG41 inoculated chickpeas, when grown in soils treated inten-
of chickpea was increased in presence of bioinoculant strain tionally with heavy metals (including chromium) or soils already
P. aeruginosa OSG41 under influence of chromium in soil. However, polluted with heavy metals. However, whatever may be reason, the
severe adverse effects were recorded when chickpea was grown decrease in proline level in OSG41 inoculated chickpea plants as
with sole application of chromium. In a study similar to the present observed in this study is likely to act as an indicator for determining
investigation, Chaudhri et al. [71] observed an increase in seed yield the effect of bioinoculant and consequently to assess the impact of
of pea (Pisum sativum) when grown in the presence of bioinoculant chromium stress on chickpea plants, grown in chromium polluted
under the influence of heavy metals for example zinc and copper. environment. This study further opens up new vistas to better
While increase in the seed protein content of mustard plant inoc- understand the mechanistic basis of proline decline in inoculated
ulated with Kluyvera ascorbata SUD165 and grown in Zn, Ni and Pb plants grown in polluted environment.
contaminated soil, was observed by Burd et al. [72].
5. Conclusion
4.6. Chromium accumulation
In the present study, we demonstrate the phytotoxic effect of
The uptake of chromium in different organs such as roots and hexavalent chromium on the performance of chickpea plants,
shoots and grains of chickpea plants, grown in variously metal grown in hexavalent chromium treated sandy loam soils. Hex-
treated soils increased gradually with increase in the concentration avalent chromium tolerant P. aeruginosa OSG41 when used as seed
of chromium added to soil. Interestingly, plant growth promoting inoculant, however protected the plants from the toxicity of hex-
and chromium reducing bacterial strain used as a bioinoculant, avalent chromium leading thereby to a considerable increase in the
however caused a substantial decrease in the concentration of dry biomass, nutrient assimilation, seed yield and seed protein. The
chromium in roots, shoots and seed compared to uninoculated increased growth of chickpea plants even in the presence of chro-
crop. The reduction in chromium concentration in chickpea organs mium might have been due to several factors like (i) synthesis and
thus exhibited the ability of this strain to protect legume crop release of plant growth promoting substances such as phytohor-
against the inhibitory effect of high concentration of hexavalent mone, siderophores and EPS by P. aeruginosa OSG41 (ii) chromium
chromium. Faisal and Hasnain [73] in a similar study have also reducing ability of the test bacterial strain and (iii) ability of bac-
observed a lesser accumulation of chromium in Ochrobacteriam terial strain to overcome the proline accumulation in metal stressed
82 M. Oves et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 56 (2013) 72e83

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