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1. Read the following texts about the muscular system and write down the new words:
Skeletal muscle(s )– muşchi scheletic
Hypokinesia - hiperchinezie
Metabolic process- process metabolic
Reserve capillaries – reserve capilare
Musculoskeletal – musculo-scheletal

3. Match the half-sentences in column A with their corresponding half-sentences in column

B to form correct and complete sentences:

1- e
5- b

4. Match up the following words with their definitions:

1. tendon-f
2. fasciae-g
3. blood vessels - h
4. fibres - e
5. nerve-a
6. capillaries- d
7. muscular dystrophy- i
8. Diaphragm - c
9. biceps- b
10. pectoral muscle- i

5. Reread the texts about the muscular system and extract all the adjectives. Group them
according to their attributive or predicative position. For derivational adjectives indicate
the noun that they derive from and their suffix or prefix as in the following examples:
Predicative position: developed; excluded; slower; reduced; vulnerable; susceptible; chronic;
older; fitter; considerably, broad; flatted; expended

Attributive position : skeletal; lower; upper; rapid; reduced; motor; active; prolonged; metabolic;
new; musculoskeletal; dynamic; changing; loading; mechanical; local; systemic, inflammatory;
acute; continuous; major; chronic; severe; physical; generally; superficial; deep; important;

Systemic- system (noun) +ic (suffix)

Mechanical- mechanic (noun) + al (sufix)
Physical physic (noun) +al (sufix)

6. Form derivational adjectives from the following nouns and verbs, choosing the
appropriate suffixes in the box. Sometimes more than one suffix can be attached to part of
the words:

thorax - thoracic comfort – comfortable

sphere - spherical to identify – identified
muscle - muscular to contract - contracted,
abdomen –abdominal access- accessible
stomach – stomachic memory – memorable
anomaly - anomalous to connect – connected
fiber - fibrous to digest –digestive, digested
fever -feverish, feverishly health- healthy
cure - cured, curable infection –infectious
help -helpful pain- painful

7. Translate the following sentenses into English, using the new vocabulary and grammar
notes of this unit:

1. Ce cauzează hipertrofia musculară?

What causes the muscular hypertrophy?

2. Cu cât rezistenţa musculară este mai mare cu atât va fi mai mare numărul de contracţii
The higher the muscle strength is, the higher the number of muscle contractions will be.

3. Tensiunea musculară prelungită poate produce durere, care poate duce la spasm muscular şi
prin urmare la mai multă durere.
Prolonged muscular tension can cause pain, which can lead to muscular spasm, therefore more
4. Tensiunea musculară are strânsă legătură cu modul nostru de a gândi; astfel, cu cât suntem
mai stresaţi, cu atât mai mare va fi şi tensiunea noastră musculară.
Muscular tension is close related to our way of thinking, so the more we are stressed, the greater
muscular tension we will have.

5. Activitatea fizică prelungită cum ar fi mersul sau pasul alergător poate duce la oboseală
Prolonged physical activity, such as walking or double-quick step, can lead to muscle fatigue.

6. Care sunt cauzele principale ale extenuării musculare?

What are the main causes of the muscle fatigue?

7. Muşchiul gastrocnemian este cel mai superficial muşchi situat în partea din spate a
piciorului, care formează cea mai mare parte a gambei.
The gastrocnemius muscle is the most superficial muscle situated on the lower back of the leg,
which forms the most part of the calf.

8. Tendonul lui Ahile este cel mai gros şi mai puternic tendon din corpul uman.
Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in the human body.

9. Muşchiul deltoid este un muşchi lat, gros, triunghiular, situat pe partea laterală şi posterioară
a umărului.
The deltoid muscle is a broad, thick, triangular shape muscle, located on the lateral and posterior
side of the shoulder.

10. Muşchiul abductor al policelui este un muşchi subţire, plat, îngust, plasat imediat dedesubtul
tegumentului (integument).
The abductor's muscle is a thin, flat, narrow muscle, placed immediately below the skin surface

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