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Running head: SYNTHESIS PAPER 1

Synthesis Presentation Assignment

Dulce Duran

South Texas College



In the assigned case of the CEO of marketing research company, his views of young people or

people under the age of 30, are not adequate for his marketing research company. People under

30, are not able to maintain focus with their work responsibilities because of social media and all

they intend to do is have fun. Having a situation like this one, all that is needed to do in order to

make a situation like this get resolved, is by going over the topics learned throughout the

semester: leadership style; empowerment, ethics; Professional ethics, motivation, empathy,

culture, communication.

Keywords: responsibilities, ethics, leadership, motivation, communication


With HR policies nowadays, an employee no matter of their hierarchy positions he or she

may have, that person must respect the different ethnicity, race, religion, color, and gender. In a

workplace or in any form of establishment, it is important for the leader or manager, to have an

understanding of the HR policies and the proper ethics that need to be followed, in order to

prevent lawsuits and or even breaking the law. In order to prevent any issues, the CEO would

need to become aware of the statements he or she is making to the employees, because if a rumor

gets out like this one, then there would probably be lawsuits and the CEO will lose his job

position. According to (McKee, 2012), she states: Self-awareness is one of the key components

of becoming a great leader, because it allows us to understand our place in the world and grants

us the courage to act on our core values without compromise...It is a good idea, therefore, for all

of us to develop social and emotional intelligence competencies. Understanding yourself--your

values, ethics, and strengths--is one step toward this goal; discerning among theories of

leadership is another.


Ethics will help the interviewees in order to get a job in the marketing research company.

Even though our generation, are mostly active on social media, but today’s world revolves

around what gets published on the web, including marketing. Being a person under 30, does not

mean that we are all on social media and they do is have fun. That is like calling elderly people

and all they do is knit all day. Stereotyping a person just based off their looks, is the most

unethical thing a person can do. Everyone has the equal opportunities, and everyone should get a

chance to prove themselves worthy for a position.


In order for a workplace to work smoothly, everyone has a task to do, so everyone is

considered to be their own leader in the organization. It is important to know how to lead in the

workplace, because all the employees play a role. Without the employees playing their role at

work, it will make the organization go through a rough patch instead of running a smooth one. In

order to achieve in maintaining an effective leadership as a manager or leader, he or she must

become self-aware, self-managed, and increase social awareness and relationship management.

An effective leader must be aware of everything that is happening in the work area, emotionally

and physically.

The CEO’s leadership mainly consist of having experience of how to run a marketing

research company and that is all. He believes people over the age of 30, are much wiser, have a

lot of experience of how to handle the work at a company, and a lot more structural than a person

under the age of 30. His leadership skill as a CEO are not demonstrated. The CEO might have

made this judgment because of a past experience encounter, but in reality, people under the age

of 30, are as wise and experienced as people over 30. Also, the CEO lacks empowerment,

because he has no connection nor trust from his employees. Throughout the topics that were

learned, it is that without the connection with the employee, the work area and the company can

suffer the consequences.


The motivation that a CEO should have, is not wanting to hire people under the age of

30. The type of motivation that this marketing research company needs are being able to hire a

person that is qualified no matter the age. Motivation is accomplished mainly by being able to

conquer emotions and being psychological capable of pushing through tasks, even when there

are situations like with the CEO. Needless to say, but, having to hire people with certain kinds of

requirements, for example: age, it seems it would create some drawbacks with time. The CEO

should have the motivation of hiring different age groups, which will allow him or her getting a

great response with all the different ideas and probably find a new idea on how to sell electronics

faster via the web. Having the motivation to being able to work with the different age groups in

order to advance to a greater future. In the workplace, employees tend to do just that: work, but

in reality, it is much more than just work. Whether the employee is having a bad day, feeling sick

all of these outcomes affect their work effort. The employee must have motivation in order to get

by and feel good about his or herself. No one wants to go to work without any motivation. In the

workplace good behavior should be recognized as well as teamwork. This type of recognition

should be rewarded with something such as a bonus or pay raise, making the employees looking

forward to the end of the year and work their best in the workplace. According to (McKee,

2012), she states:

You also need to understand how to motivate others, which starts with empathy.

Basically, to motivate others, you need to understand them...When work is meaningful,

people are inspired, motivated, and passionate about what they do. When you study more

about management and leadership, you will learn that motivation and the search for

meaning are powerful factors that allow us to tap into our energy, skill, and talent and

become truly effective at work (McKee, 2012).


Having empathy, no matter the title of his or her job position, being able to show empathy

towards employees, is a sign of respect and understanding. Having an informal relationship with

coworkers, will not only let one another learn from their personal life, but it also initiates an

intimate relationship with them in order to become known inside and outside of the workplace.

The use of empathy in a workplace, will also create an environment full of relationships and

understanding one another. The people in the workplace will also be mindful of the statements

that are done instead of making like the one that the CEO had made about people under 30.

People under 30, are mostly caught in their own little world, but they are known to show

empathy towards others. With empathy, the CEO of a research marketing company, could have

shown some respect towards other and give an opportunity to people no matter the age. He or she

can give opportunities to others like he once had. He is so caught up on his job title, that he has

no empathy for others. Especially when running a marketing company, there must be empathy in

order to sell electronics. According to Schein, he states: ...it is behavior that comes out of respect,

genuine curiosity, and the desire to improve the equality of the conversation by stimulating

greater openness and the sharing of task-relevant information...It takes some discipline and

practice to access one’s ignorance, to stay focused on the other person...For many situations it

may not matter; we may not care. But especially if you are dependent on others--if you are the

boss or senior person trying to increase the likelihood that your subordinates will help you and be

open with you (Schein, 2014).


Like having empathy in the workplace, culture is as important. Culture in an organization

is important because we may all have the same opportunities, but all the employees have

different ways of expressing their emotions and respect. The employee’s race and culture play a

lot in a work environment. Having an understanding of culture, will prevent many

misunderstandings. Since the company is in marketing, understanding culture will be handy

since they will be making deals with different countries. Having different types of cultures in the

workplace will make the environment, full of different ideas and make an environment full of

surprises. Having a website like Google, this company sets an example of having the best

programmers and coders, but most importantly, there are different than other organizations

because of the different type of cultures. Google has had great success with having different

cultures. The workplace environment is always moving forward and always looking in

improving in any areas needing improvement. According to McKee, she states:

The study of organizational culture is important because it points out that the forces

affecting our behavior and our success at work are not linked to just individual talents or

even leadership. Instead, culture is a collective phenomenon that profoundly affects

people...In recent years, some business leaders have made a point of supporting

innovative, customer service-oriented, diversity and inclusion, and ethical cultures with

great success. Leaders are also focusing more deliberately on developing cultures that

support sustainability, social responsibility, and whole-person well-being at work

(McKee, 2012).


Without communication in an organization, there would not be no order. Communication

skills are important, especially when speaking in a professional work area. Everyone needs to be

mindful of what and how they talk to people in the company. Being able to learn how to ask

nicely to an employee whether to tell and or demand an employee what to do, is preferable.

According to Schein, he states:

All of us find ourselves from time to time in situations that require innovation and some

risk taking. Some of us are formal leaders; most of us just have leadership thrust upon us

from time to time by the situations we find ourselves in. the ultimate challenge is for you

to discover that at those moments you should not succumb to telling, but to take charge

with Humble Inquiry (Schein, 2014).


In conclusion, with all the information that was stated and reviewed on how to become an

ethically trained leader, a person must become aware of his or her motivation, empathy, culture,

and communication because these skills will improve any leader. He or she must reflect on his or

her beliefs of people under 30, that they are reliable and compassionate. Discriminating a person

from a job position, is not ethical and should not be done



McKee, A. (2012). Management: A focus on leaders. Pearson.

Schein, E. H. (2014). Humble inquiry: The gentle art of asking instead of telling. Berrett-


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