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Sanela Sakic


English 2010


Part 1:

My own writing was not thoughtful at the beginning. I would say things like “just do it”

rather than saying “I suggest doing this.” I never start by first paragraph when I write. The

introduction is just hard for me. Instead I write about my three main topics and then my ending.

Lastly my introduction. I do this to show to myself what I could actually do more or what’s I am

missing in my essay. My research Process is figuring out what research would enhance my essay.

Then I would use google scholars or the SLCC online library so that I know that my evidence is

a credible resource too. Forming my perspective at first was as easy as counting one two three.

Picking a topic, the three main body text and the conclusion.

Although I realized it is not that simple. I learned that I should change my perspective as

simple as numbers too, more as the quality of the numbers. For example, like three dollars. This

Idea came to mind because when I changed my medium/adaptation for my magazine project for

my profile project into a video, I noticed a difference. I personally read how I felt about this.

Thus there is more feeling then just texts. Me reading shows to my reader that it is real and it is

not fake. The genres and mediums I used is essays, videos, photos, America’s social problems,

economical problems and etc. I used these topics because to me this is a big deal/problem, which

I would like people to know about and do something about it. My goals were met from the

beginning of this class. My main goal was to know your audience and learn how to write with
each type. I feel that I learned a lot and experience on knowing to think more about the audience

rather just on facts. I didn’t really do much as of collaborative work. I did have a group I worked

with in helping each other improving there essays. Peer review helped me open my eyes on my

mistakes. As well as in others. I realized there is not a satisfaction for the audience in certain

parts of an essay in mines and in others. What I mean by that is adding more details, being

sensitive or insensitive, boring, interesting and etc.

Part 2:

What I think of the 2 Big Ideas. For number one I agree that “Language and writing are

resources people use to do things, be things, and make things in the world.”(2 big Ideas). To

describe what I think it mean. Is that words have meaning or a movement. They can do all types

of things and can do absolutely nothing. For example, in my information assignment posted in

the magazine project I said “Abortion to people who say that it is bad. People who are against

abortion say that there are lots of health risks. For example, in the article of NHS, it says

“infection of the womb and excessive bleeding.” This shows that the meaning and the point I am

trying to bring with using words. To enhance my words I use credible people who can help me

show what I want to bring out the meaning of my words. To show that some words that have no

meaning, in the same assignment and posted in the magazine project I said “What is abortion?

Abortion is “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely

followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.” (Merriam Webster).” I was explaining or giving

information to readers to help better understand a concept. Some information’s doesn’t have

meaning but rather to just know it for future references.

The second big Ideas is “Rhetoric provides a method for studying the work that language

and writing do.” (2 Big Ideas) What I think that it means is stating the facts to your favor.
Basically convincing someone to go on your side. For example, in my persuasion assignment,

which is posted in the magazine project. I said and quoted “In the article USA today, in which

they got actual medical doctors to ask when it is medically necessary for the mother to have an

abortion. The doctor said that “Conditions that might lead to ending a pregnancy to save a

woman's life include severe infections, heart failure and severe cases of preeclampsia, a

condition in which a woman develops very high blood pressure and is at risk for stroke, says

Erika Levi, a obstetrician and gynecologist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.” I

use experience people who also know about the same topic, which I used to help prove my point

in the topic I choose which was abortion.

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