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2nd Semester – M.E. / PED.

Model Exam – April 2019
Sub. Title : Flexible AC Transmission System Date : 25.4.19
Sub. Code : PX5003 Branch : EEE
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Answer all questions

Part A - (10 x 2 = 20)

1. List the FACTS devices to control line power flows?

2. What is the necessity of for FACTS controllers?
3. Draw the V-I Characteristics of SVC?
4. What is TCR & TSC? Draw the susceptance characteristics of FC-TCR.
5. Draw the equivalent circuit of TCSC for two modes.
6. Draw the V‐I capability characteristics of single module TCSC
7. Draw the basic block diagram of IPFC.
8. List the applications of UPFC.
9. What is meant by FACTS controller interaction?
10. What is SVC‐TCSC interaction?

Part B - (5 x 13 = 65)

11. (a) Explain different types of compensation possible in uncompensated transmission line for reactive
power control?
(b) Explain construction & operating characteristics of TCR with and without voltage control?

12.(a)(i) Discuss the effect of mismatched TSC-TCR.

(b) Show how the transient stability of SMIB system is enhanced using SVC?

13.(a) Illustrate the modelling of TCSC for load flow studies.

(b) Explain how the system damping is enhanced with the help of TCSC

14.(a) Explain in detail with a neat sketch the operation of STATCOM

(b) Draw and explain the principle of operation of SSSC

15.(a) Draw and explain about the additional coordination features of SVC in the ac power system.
(b)Draw and explain about the interactions between SVCs in the ac power system with series

Part C - (1 x 15 = 15)

16.(a)Explain and differentiate the effect of series and shunt compensation at mid‐point of the line
(b)SVC with respect to the following aspects. i. Diagram ii. Operation iii. V‐I characteristics

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