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Cover Letter: Lucas Currey

Research, and I mean real research, should always be done with tenacity. If it is done
half-heartedly then you are bound to miss something and miss your deadline. I knew this to be
true during my sophomore year of High School. That year I took my first AP class: AP World
History, and boy did it hurt. Before that year I had never stayed up past midnight to finish an
assignment, but I did so regularly studying for that class. Even so, when it came time to get our
scores for the first exam, everyone in my class bombed it. This of course was a wakeup call
because most of us had never failed a test in our lives, so when it came time to take the next one,
I didn’t mess around. While studying for that exam, I learned what it meant to truly research
something it has stuck with me since.

I told you that story because I want you to know that I have already learned the cost of
poor research, and I won’t have to learn that lesson again. Therefore, I already know what will be
required of me if you decide to hire me. Of those requirements, the one that is the most vital, but
somehow still the rarest to come by, is the ability to handle various software programs and
computer malfunctions in research. How many times has your computer crashed on the brink of
finishing a paper leaving you with nothing to show for? How many times were you sure that you
saved that file, if you could only find where you left it? I learned how to solve these problems
and so many others by taking a class called Technical Literacy. Technical Literacy was an entire
class dedicated to learning how to live day to day with a computer without taking a baseball bat
to it. In that class we had to handle dozens of different software packages that dealt with
everything from graphic design for beginners to rudimentary computer programming. The class
was a nightmare of glitches and lost files, but the instructor was extremely helpful and now I
know the importance of always saving my work and backing it up on multiple hard drives.

These are the most essential skills I need in order to succeed at this job and I have no
doubts about my ability to implement both of them on a daily basis. I know when to pay
attention to instructions the first time they are told, ask questions when I need to, and I definitely
know when to focus and get to work. My daily routine will always include taking care of any
foreseeable problems before they present themselves and dealing with any that arise with
stoicism and efficiency.

Thank you for your consideration and I hope to be working for you in the very near future!

Lucas Currey

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