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This journal review is about the Mobile Assisted Learning (MALL) used in education

field. The first article is about The Acceptance of Mobile Assisted Language Learning
(MALL) among the Post Graduate ESL, students in UKM. This review was written by Ehsan
Soleimania, Kemboja Ismailb and Rosniah Mustaffac. In the second article, the topic that had
been discussed and elaborate was the Learner's attitude towards the Effectiveness of Mobile
Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in L2 the Learning Comprehension. This review was
written by two authors that is Ali Sorayyayei Azara and Hassan Nasrib. In the first journal
review, the main topic that had been highlights by the authors are about the acceptance of
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) among graduate students in Malaysia. The
acceptance of the students with the MALL eventually growing day by the according to the
development of nowadays technologies. Mostly students are more attract to use the MALL
method in classes cause it is much easier and handful in order to submit any task given only by
using the power of internet. In these modern world all the activities are done by surfing online
information and even in the education field, all the students are need to attend an online class
that had been proposed by the government. For the second review, the researchers had
suggested that collaborative speaking and listening skills might be successfully done by using
the mobile phone capabilities. Based on nowadays mobile technologies development, the user
are more exposed to use the mobile phone in everyday activities such as texting, calling or even
attending meeting through Skype. But the researchers also concern in investigate the Iranian
EFL learner's attitudes towards the effectiveness of MALL on their listening comprehension.
This is because not all the students are good in English. The first question that had been
produced from the research is what is the effect of cell-phone based audiobooks versus its
traditional counterpart that s CD-ROM or the audiobooks cassette based on audiobooks. The
second deals that had been done by the researcher is to investigate of Iranian EFL learner's
attitudes towards the technology.

From the first journal review, the participant involves are from Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia (UKM) in English Language Studies (ELS) graduate students that was 22 females
and 3 males. They willingly volunteered themselves to get involve in the research. The data
were collected by having giving questionnaire to the students from the researcher. The data
then were analysed by using the SPSS version 12. In the second journal review, the research
involves 70 persons of the English Foreign Language learners from Urmia University, Zaban
Amooz in Mahabad , Iran. These participants were separate into two groups where 35 of the
participants been placed in the experimental group, 18 females and 17 males. The rest of the
participants were placed in the other group that is the comparison group consisted of the
other 35 participants, 17 of whom were females, and 18 were males. The data were collected
by using questionnaire, audiobooks and OPT test. These method were used as the pre and
post-test method to the participant, then the difference of the effectiveness of the MALL
method of learning among the learners before and after they used the MALL as their learning
platform were calculate.

For the first article, the major findings are they use laptop to access any
information that they want. The researchers use mobile phone as their preference in the
research. There are nine aspects that include in the research which is laptop, iPod and MP3
players, iPads, podcasts and vodcasts, mobile phone, Short Message Service (SMS), voice-
messaging, camera and video-recording. The result showed most of the students prefer using
mobile phone over MP3 player and iPods for listening. The research also showed that mobile
phones are the most comment things that students use over other mobile devices. Students used
mobile phones more often than iPads, MP3 player and laptop in order to learn English. The
participants were aware of the effectiveness of other mobile devices such as the iPads, MP3
players and the laptops in learning English. The analysis showed that the overall actual usage
of MALL for English learning was medium. The students also prefer to use laptop for
enhancing their English. It is because laptops also can be better than mobile phones in English
learning especially when it comes to reading and writing academic research since their larger
screens are more conducive for learners to read and write than mobile phones. Students also
said that iPad was not regarded as the most important device for accessing information or for
communicating with friends and lecturers in English as the mobile phone appears to be the
most convenient and valuable language learning device to the respondents since the basic
purpose of using mobile phones is for communication.

The second article showed that the main purpose of the test was to homogenize the
participants in the term of their listening comprehension. There were two findings in this
research which is pre-test and post-test. Based on the article, users will always use somethings
that can make their life easier. The results of this study showed that cell phones are an
interesting and innovative way for learning a new language. The participants said that MALL
has great impact in language learning. They believed that cell-phone based audiobooks is more
effective than CD-ROM based audio books in their listening comprehension. It can give more
opportunities to learn and they can listen to their interest topics anywhere and anytime.
indicated that mobile learning is an effective way of improving listening comprehension. The
effect of cell phone-audiobooks on listening comprehension is statistically significant. Studies
also showed that the effectiveness of the implementation of MALL, and that can be a good
addition to the traditional ways of learning. All most all of the participants mentioned that
MALL is really useful as it is the best and easiest way to access for any information and can
be used anywhere and anytime.

In my conclusion , In article 1 . The acceptance of mobile assted language learning

(MALL) among post graduate ESL student in UKM” Ehsan Solei Mania ,Kemboj Ismailb
,Rosniah Mustaffac and In article 2 “learners attitudes toward the effectiveness of mobile
assisted language learning (MALL) in L2 listening comprehension” by Ali Sorayyaei Azara
and Hasan Nasirib.In my conclusion , based on this two journal mosthly about how we use our
technology in our studies.Researches in article 1 use mobile phone as their preference in the
research which is include laptop,ipod,mp3 players,ipads,podcast ,mobile phone,short message
service (sms),voice messaging camera recording. The result showed most of the students prefer
using mobile phone over the other gadjet.More over ,the students also prefer to use laptops for
enhancing their English, it is because laptops also can be better than mobile phone in English
learning especially when it comes to reading and writing academic research since their larger
screens are more conducive.Next, the second article showed that cell phones are an interesting
and inovatives way for learning a new language.They said MALL has gread impact in language
learning cell-phone based audio books is more effective than CD-Room based audio books in
their listening comprehension.So, the overall conclusion in our opinion mosthly all student
using gadjet in their live. It is because gadjet can help use to to our work ,help us in study and
also improve our study skills to learn and they can listen to their interest topic anywhere and
anytime, to make the easy route to success.It also the best way for teacher to communicate with

Based on the conclusion drawns , the result article 1 of the studies shows that most of
the student stated that computer is the most important device for accessing imformation and
for communicating with friends and lecturers in English. And the result from article 2 is MALL
need to be used by all generation’s technology users because it is one of the convenient facility
that helped student or user to gain information platform. So ,our recommendation in this 2
article is we must use our technology in or studies because the researches prove us that when
we study using our technology and internet that available in our country can improve our
teaching system in our country .So , all the generation need to use all the technology in our live
.Student and teacher also need to change their teaching and study skill to make something new
and more creative because it will give us the positive feed back to our self and the other student
that want to be good in their studiest and a change from tradisional method to moden method
in studies.

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