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What is your strongest programming language?

1. You should tell about your favourite programming language and be prepared with questions based
on that.
2. Differences between C and Java?
1. JAVA is Object-Oriented whereas C is procedural.
2. Java is an Interpreted language whereas C is a compiled language.
3. C is a low-level language and JAVA is a high-level language.
4. C makes use of top-down approach while JAVA uses a bottom-up approach.
5. Pointer goes backstage in JAVA and C needs handling of pointers.
6. JAVA supports Method Overloading while C does not support overloading at all.
7. Exception Handling is in JAVA while errors and crashes in C.
3. In header files whether functions are defined or declared?
4. This is a very common and definite, technical interview questions and answers for TCS IT job.
5. Functions are declared within a header file. The function prototypes exist in a header file, and not
function bodies. They are defined in the library.
6. 4. Name the different storage classes in C?
7. There are four types of storage classes in C, namely extern, register, auto and static
8. 5. What is static variable?
9. Static is an access qualifier. When a variable is declared as static, the scope is limited to the
function, but it would remain for the lifetime of the program.
10. 6. How do you print an address?
11. Apply %p in printf to print the address.

12. c program to count number of digits of a number

13. What is an operating system.what is the important part of os .Difference between monolithinc and
14. create a function that can take variable argument just like in Java depending on the context. I
swiftly said yes, using the same ellipsis (…) notation used in Java.
15. write the code for some sorting.

16. Give me an example of data types? (but they use a different word for it so be ready)

2) How many files can be declared in CL and SYNON

3) Give real world examples of different types of data structures.

4) Describe database tuning

5) Describe Informatica Performance Tuning process

6) What do you understand by Garbage collection?

7) Write the syntax of finalize?

8) What is the difference between finalize and finally?

9) What is the difference between string and string buffer class?

10) What is the use of virtual classes in C++?

11) Why virtual classes are important in the case of multiple inheritances?

12) How Databases handle concurrent SQL operations on same row of a table?
Ans:Concurrent operations are handled by the use of "Locks". To be more clear, if one
sql query is updating (INSERT/UPDATE) a particular row of a table, no other sql query
would be able to update the same row at same point in time. However other sql queries
can read (SELECT) columns from the row under updation.

13) What is the simple difference between stack and queue type data structures?
Ans:Stack operates in a Last In First Out (LIFO) fashion while Queue operates in a First
In First Out fashion (FIFO).

14) Real life examples for stack and queue ?

Ans:Plates arranged one over the other in hotel is an example for stack. Plate that was
placed last on top will be the first one to be removed from the stack.
Queue in billing section of stores is an example for queue.

15) Tell at least two uses of NORMALIZATION in designing tables and other structures
in a database ?
Ans:Normalization ensures that a) there is no redundant data storage and b) data
dependencies across tables (foreign keys) are suitable for the level of concurrency.

HR Interview Questions:

1) Tell us something about yourself.

2) Why do you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position?

3) What do you do to improve your knowledge?

4) Can you perform under pressure?

5) Tell us some of your strengths.

6) Tell us some of your weaknesses.

7) Are you comfortable working in a team?

18. 8) What are your experiences in teams and how do you problem solve?

9) Why do you want to work at cognizant?

10) What do you do on your free time?

11) What are you passionate about?

12) What is your style of management?

13) How do you deal with teams?

14) Describe in brief about your past project

15) What position would you prefer while working on a project?

R: It only took 5-7 mins

1. Indroduce yourself

2. Tell me something about your home town

3. Gave me a query to join two tables(Inner join)

- It was very simple query, firstly I made a mistake then I asked him to explain again, he explained and I
was able to do that

4. what is primary key?

5. how many null values can be there in primary key.

6. what are candidate keys?

7. what is the difference between primary key nd candidate key?

8. Then he asked if I have any questions to ask?

- I said no and he told me to wait outside.


1. What is the meaning of your name?

2. family background.

3. Tell me about your town

4. How adaptable you are?

5. Is there any problem in relocation

6. Then he asked me to sign on a paper, before signing he asked me to read those lines, plz don't skip to
read those lines before signing bcz after sign they ask wat was written there?

In 2 mins I got the result and went for document verification, there they asked me to apply for the
passport and told us that we can get offer letter within 2 weeks if shortlisted.
Important points:

Be confident

keep a smile on your face

dnt study hard things..

focus on mysql more, specially JOINS

If they ask you to write any algo and if you dnt know that, tell them that you know another algorithm(
practice simple algo atleast two eg: bubble and selection sort)


CTS Interview Process for Program Analyst profile :

Written: it will be a online Test in which you will get aptitude , logical and quantative and English

Level of questions will be medium.

pattern for cognizant through aspiring mind:

Quantitative (16 question):time and work,average,profit loss,probability , number system , HCF and
LCM,permutation and combination.......prepare only basics of these topics...20minutes

REASONING(14question):coding decoding,syllogism,cube cutting,analytical & logical,series and blood

relation5,"letter-and-symbol-series" , 5 questions will from "directions (ex. east to west , north to south ,
south to east .... with some distance ) " ... rest questions are very easy


VERBAL(25question):reading comprehension,para jumbles,sentence correction......25minutes

total:55question and total time:55minutes

CTS technical :

1> They do not expact more technical knowledge from ur side

2> They focus in ur communication

If u r electronic branch then they can ask

Questions from


• C++

• Data structure

• ECE core subject

• Ur project in depth

• Opps concept

3> If u r from cse , it MCA

• Data str (sorting , searching , linkedlist , queue , circular queue,array)

• C(file handling & string based c programs)

• Core java

• Opps concept

• Sql(From sql they can ask DDL , DML commands , joins , types of join , and delete , drop & truncate

• Ur project

4> Prepare ur self introduction

5> Prepare about the CTS

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