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Research during the last decade has revealed techniques by which future
operating systems can avoid the problems associated with
previous and present systems.

Operating Systems
D. A. Anderson
Bell Telephone Laboratories

An operating system is a program that resides on a partial initialization to flush an insane job or recover from
computer and acts as an interface between the user or ap- a transient hardware error without losing all active jobs.
plication programmer and the bare machine. It is a layer Total initialization is also called "bootstrapping" or
of software that surrounds and hides the physical hard- "initial program loading." Typically, the bootstrap
ware-a relationship depicted in Figure 1. The chief pur- mechanism consists of either hardware or firmware read-
pose of an operating system is to allow several users or ap- ing in a small bootstrap program which in turn reads in the
plications to share the computer in an efficient and operating system. In addition, the processor, memory,
noninterfering manner. and peripherals are initialized to the extent necessary
Although all computers have some form of operating before accepting the first external inputs or jobs.
system, exactly which program modules are part of the
operating system can be a matter of opinion. Generally,
those modules controlling machine resources such as pro-
cessors, primary and secondary memory, and peripheral
devices are considered the operating system. Compilers,
loaders, debuggers, and other application-oriented mod-
ules are usually not considered part of the operating sys-
While operating systems have existed since the first
stored program computers over 30 years ago, the com-
mon features and problems of operating systems have
been studied extensively only in the last 10 to 15 years.
Concepts and techniques resulting from this research are
applicable to all operating systems and help us to avoid
many of the pitfalls of the past. Highlights from this
research include the notion of processes and monitors for
the synchronization of parallel tasks,memory manage-
ment techniques, and improvements in system perfor-
mance, protection, and reliability.
Purpose. The earliest operating systems did little more
than initialize the hardware, bringing the machine up into a
state to run the first job. Initialization remains an impor-
tant function of all operating systems. However, in most
modern operating systems, this function now includes not
only total initialization for initial system bring up but also Figure 1. Operating system relationship.
June 1981 0018-9162/81/0600-O 069$00.75 ". 1981 IEEE 69
Partial initialization can be much more difficult than The third function of an operating system is providing a
total initialization since it involves being selective about resource management facility so that many users or pro-
what is initialized to preserve as many active jobs as possi- cesses can share the machine. By far the most important
ble. Partial initialization can also involve complex function of an operating system, this is also the most dif-
schemes for recovery and rollback to save all active jobs. ficult to implement reliably. It is important primarily for
Triggers for partial initializations include hardware er- economic reasons, since the throughput of a computer
rors, sanity timer timeouts, or protection violations. system is maximized when each resource-processor,
Schemes for partial initialization are especially important memory, or peripheral device-is managed well. Re-
in fault-tolerant, real-time, or large multiuser systems. source management is the means by which these resources
Another important function of an operating system is are shared among several concurrent processes in a man-
acting as an "extended machine" to hide the complexities ner that is both fair and guaranteed to prevent unwanted
of the bare machine from the user. To do this, an operat- interference. The purpose of sharing is to maximize the
ing system must provide both an internal and an external percent utilization of each resource.
interface. For example, an internal user such as an ap-
plication programmer may perform I/O via system calls
to the operating system. The complexities of controlling
the physical I/O device are hidden by an I/O device driver
in the operating system. Such system calls are the internal Evolution of systems and techniques
view of the operating system. The external view of the
operating system, on the other hand, is the command or General-purpose operating systems-the ones with
job control language or other method of presenting exter- which most users have contact-run a wide variety of jobs
nal inputs or jobs to the system. Such an input language in a short period of time and are designed to handle such a
attempts to provide a simple method for entering new job mix well. The evolution of these general-purpose
work into the computer. operating systems can be traced from the first simple
single-job-at-a-time systems to the current complex, mul-
tiprogrammed distributed processing systems.
Single job. The earliest general-purpose operating sys-
tems were very primitive, executing only a single job at a
time. The typical input device was a card reader and the
typical output device was a line printer-both very slow in
comparison with a computer processor. The chief draw-
backs of executing only one job at a time were that the
processor and I/O devices were idle a large percentage of
the time and job execution was strictly sequential. Early
systems also had problems with erroneous user programs
bringing the machine down.
Batch. Improvements in system performance occurred
when secondary memory devices, such as magnetic tape
and disks, were used. These I/O devices operate at speeds
closer to that of the processor and primary memory.
Throughput on the main computer increased when it got
all of its input from and put all of its output on secondary
Figure 2. Batch system flow. memory. Several small inexpensive computers would
copy input jobs from the card readers to the input batch
tapes and then copy the output batch tapes to the line
printers. These were known as the first batch systems,
since several jobs were batched together on tape. Figure 2
shows the flow of a job through a batch system.
While the first batch systems were improvements over
the earlier single-job systems, they still ran jobs sequen-
tially. Consequently, short jobs could have lengthy turn-
around time if they ended up behind long jobs. Further
delays resulted since the printed output of the first job on
a batch tape was not available until the entire batch had
executed. Manual delays for mounting tapes were also a
drawback of these early batch systems.
Multiprogramming. These problems associated with
the early batch systems were solved by introducing the in-
Figure 3. Multiprogramming in a uniprocessor. terrupt. When an interrupt occurs, a processor suspends

the execution of the current program and starts another curred if the user tried to use privileged commands or to
program. The execution of the interrupted program is re- access certain areas of memory. Furthermore, program
sumed later, when it has finished handling the interrupt. synchronization techniques, described more fully below,
Interrupts are ways of breaking up the strictly sequential were developed to eliminate unwanted interaction.
nature of a computer as well as mechanisms by which
several jobs can be made to execute concurrently. The Multiprocessing. With multiprogramming, one pro-
technique supporting this concurrent operation is called cessor could control all of the I/O devices and keep them
",multiprogramming." and itself busy. However, the overhead of handling many
Multiprogramming was introduced to keep the pro- interrupts tended to slow a single processor. This situa-
cessor and I/O devices busy as much as possible. The tion led to the use of several processors-or "multipro-
basic technique is to have several jobs in memory at any cessing"-to improve throughput. Multiprocessing is
one time. One job executes on the processor until it needs characterized by two or more processors sharing the same
to do some peripheral I/O. The 1/0 device, being much memory. The techniques developed to support multipro-
slower than the processor, needs attention from the pro- gramming on a single processor, where two or more jobs
cessor only at infrequent times which can be signaled by share the same memory, are equally applicable to multi-
means of an interrupt. The one executing job starting an processing. Figure 5 provides an example of a multipro-
I/O operation is suspended, and a second job ready to ex- cessor system.
ecute is given control and begins execution on the pro- The most successful multiprocessing configurations
cessor. The 1/0 of the first job is done in small pieces at have been master/slave arrangements where one main pro-
each interrupt during the execution of the second job. In cessor controls several specialized I/O processors or chan-
this way, several jobs can execute concurrently, with one nels. In turn, the 1/0 processors each control one or more
job actually executing on the processor and the rest per- 1/0 devices and, with direct memory access, require little
forming some I/O operation. This technique utilizes the help from the main processor. In this way, the interrupt
system well as long as thejobs have a nice mix of computa- overhead of the main processor is significantly reduced.
tion and 1/0. Multiprocessing configurations with several main pro-
Soon it was realized that a timed interrupt could be used cessors in a loadsharing arrangement have been less suc-
to force multiprogramming. A job could be allowed to ex- cessful because each processor tends to perform worse in
ecute for a certain period of time, say one second, at a multiprocessor configuration than as a uniprocessor.
which time the job is interrupted by a timer. Then, the The main advantages of loadsharing multiprocessor sys-
operating system selects another job which runs until tems are that they are more fault tolerant because of their
stopped by I/O or the timed interrupt, and so forth. Thus, inherent redundancy and they are more expandable or
a long job with little 1/0 is forced to execute concurrently shrinkable as workloads change. Multiprocessing is be-
with other jobs. This is called "preemptive" scheduling. coming even more attractive as processors become
Since job execution is no longer strictly sequential, a short cheaper, since maximizing the utilization of each pro-
job can have good turnaround time-even if it starts be-
hind a long job. Figure 3 shows a multiprogramming
block diagram.
Spooling. Multiprogramming introduced the possibili-
ty of interleaving the output of several jobs on the line
printer, a problem solved by a technique called "spool-
ing,"-that is, simultaneous peripheral operations on-
line. When a job tries to write to the line printer, a spool-
ing program intercepts the request and converts it to a
write to secondary memory, such as a disk, converting
one line printer into many "logical" line printers on the
disk. The output from a job is printed correctly on a
physical line printer after it is done executing. This tech-
nique is also applied to any slow output or input device,
such as a card reader, which would otherwise have to be
dedicated to a job throughout its execution. Figure 4
shows how a spooling system is organized.
Protection. Although multiprogramming greatly im-
proved the performance of general-purpose systems, it
also increased system complexity. It was important to
keep concurrently running users from interfering with
one another or with the operating system. Protection was
provided by building computers that executed in two dif-
ferent states-a "privileged" state for the operating
system and a "restricted" state for the user. In the
restricted state, an interrupt to the operating system oc- Figure 4. Spooling organization.
June 1981
cessor becomes less important. This trend is especially ap-
parent in microprocessor systems.
Timesharing. The job-oriented operating systems
described above are still referred to as batch systems. The
next major improvement was to get rid of the card reader
and minimize the use of the line printer. This was ac-
complished by introducing timesharing operating systems
that interact with users via terminals. All input and much
output goes directly to and from the individual user at a
terminal. Instead of submitting multistatement jobs, the
user types simple single-statement commands on the ter-
minal. This mode of interaction is also called "interac-
tive" or "conversational" since, for most commands, the
computer responds quickly with a simple answer. A mul-
titerminal timesharing system is shown in Figure 6.
To minimize response time to terminal-originated com-
mands-an important requirement for timesharing oper-
ating systems-these operating systems rely heavily on
multiprogramming techniques and preemptive sched-
uling. Responding to terminal commands is referred to as
"foreground" work in a timesharing system. Most
timesharing systems also allow input to be submitted in a
Figure 5. Example multiprocessor system.
batch mode as "background" work, which is given a
lower priority for use of the processor.
Distributed processing. Distributed processing, also
called "computer networking, " is the latest research area
regarding operating systems. A computer network is a
multicomputer arrangement where the computers com-
municate via special processor-to-processor data links.
This is a looser coupling than the shared memory commu-
nication of multiprocessing systems. A network can link
computers hundreds of miles or just a few feet apart. Short-
distance networks, perhaps contained in one building, are
referred to as "local" networks. Figure 7 shows a simple
distributed processing arrangement with just two comput-
ers. Most networks, however, contain many computers.
Computer networks have the same advantages of fault
tolerance and growth that multiprocessing systems have.
In addition, computer networks can greatly extend the ac-
Figure 6. Timesharing system.
cessibility and, hence, utilization of an expensive local-
ized subsystem such as a high-speed processor or large
data base. These advantages have been enhanced by the
availability of low-cost microprocessors and data link in-
terfaces produced by LSI circuit techniques.

Special-purpose systems
Although general-purpose operating systems are the
most well-known, many special-purpose operating sys-
tems do exist and it would be an oversight not to mention
some of their features. Special-purpose operating systems
are custom-built either for a unique computer architec-
ture, such as an array processor, or for an application
with unique requirements, such as industrial process con-
trol. While most operating system research has been
directed toward improving general-purpose operating
systems, many of the ideas that have emerged can also be
Figure 7. Distributed processing system. applied to special-purpose systems.

Real-time. An importa-nt example of special-purpose on these aspects common to operating systems, it would
systems, real-time operating systems have requirements be useful to review briefly at this point a few basic at-
that are similar to timesharing systems. However, there tributes of processor, memory, program, and data struc-
are also some significant differences. Real-time inputs do tures.
not wait indefinitely to be accepted by the computer. If
not accepted quickly, they may disappear or become er-
roneously out-of-date. Real-time systems typically are Processor. A processor or CPU executes program in-
dedicated and run the same programs over and over structions fetched from primary memory. These instruc-
again. Many of these programs may be tied down in pri- tions are 'normally executed sequentially by increasing
mary memory to ensure a good response to the inputs they memory address. However, branching instructions can
handle. cause a group of instructions to be skipped, repeated, or
Examples of real-time systems are computer systems called as a subroutine. When a subroutine is called, the
that control rapid-transit vehicles, collect data from return memory address is saved for use by the return in-
nuclear physics experiments, interpret radar data on an struction at the end of the subroutine. Typically, the
aircraft, or control a telephone switching system. All of return address is saved by being pushed on the top of a
these systems have as a common feature that they monitor stack in memory. The top of the stack is identified by a
and/or control external ongoing activities with input data stack-pointer register in the processor.
rates that cannot be forced to adhere to a particular pace. Interrupts are another way of breaking up the strict se-
Sometimes real-time systems in business applications are quential execution of instructions. An interrupt
also referred to as "on-line" systems. automatically forces the processor to begin execution at a
fixed address and, like a subroutine call, saves the return
address and usually a few other processor state registers
Fault tolerance. Fault-tolerant computer systems are on the top of the stack. Such saving is necessary so that the
used in applications where providing continuous service interrupt handler can return and resume proper execution
or preventing data mutilation is worth the additional ex- of the interrupted program.
pense of the redundancy necessary for fault tolerance. Processors also have a number of general registers for
Operating systems in such computer systems must pro- doing arithmetic, logical, and addressing operations.
vide the means for detecting errors and possibly recover- These registers are directly referred to in assembly
ing from them. Recovery may mean either switching to a language programs, but the compiler keeps track of them
standby unit when a fault occurs in an active unit or stop- in high-level language programs. In some microproces-
ping certain actions to prevent loss of data. sors, these general registers are actually in memory, rather
While fault-tolerant systems can be used in applica- than in the processor device, at a position identified by a
tions and environments where repair is possible, they can register-pointer register in the processor.
also be used in environments where repair is not possible,
such as with space-borne applications. Different strate-
gies are used in each case. In addition, real-time systems Memory. Used to store programs and data for im-
are often designed to be fault tolerant. mediate access by the processor, primary memory is most
often read/write RAM with access times compatible with
Virtual. Virtual operating systems are designed to run the processor. Primary memory may also contain some
several other operating systems concurrently on one ROM for tied down programs or data that do not change.
machine, creating the illusion of several machines. To do While ROM information is available after power up,
this, an operating system running under a virtual opera- many types of RAM must be reloaded following power
ting system physically executes in restricted state but
behaves as if it were in the privileged state. When a For economic reasons, computer systems generally
privileged instruction is executed, an interrupt occurs. have secondary memory devices which are slower but
The virtual operating system handles the interrupt in a much less costly per bit of storage. These devices may be
way that corresponds to the privileged instruction actual- further classified as direct access, such as disk, or sequen-
ly being executed. In this way, several different operating tial access, such as tape. Secondary memory is always ac-
systems-or several different versions of one operating cessed through 1/0 drivers in the operating system. In
system-may operate concurrently on one machine. This many cases, user programs do not have to be aware of
technique can be used to check out new operating system secondary memory.
releases or to defer or eliminate user conversions to a dif-
ferent operating system. Program. For portability and ease of maintenance,
most user programs and operating systems today are writ-
ten in a high-level language. Some parts of an operating
system-generally less than 10 percent of the code-may
Review of computer structures still have to be written in assembly language. In the past,
operating systems were usually written entirely in assem-
All operating systems must provide certain common bly language to minimize overhead.
services. Furthermore, they execute on machines with Large programs written today, including operating sys-
common features and deal with similar program and data tems, are usually designed in a modular hierarchical
structures. Since the discussion that follows concentrates fashion consisting of one or more structures of nested

June 1981 73
subroutine calls as shown in Figure 8.* Such a nested When a new job enters the system, a process is created
structure makes considerable use of the subroutine stack- by allocating memory to that job for program and data.
ing capability of the processor. This block of memory can be thought of as the process
since it defines the current state of the process. As the pro-
Data. Program languages also provide the means for gram executes and writes data, the state of the process
defining and allocating data structures and referencing changes. When the program is interrupted, the state of
them symbolically in a program. There are primitive data the process is temporarily fixed. When the program com-
types, such as "character" and "integer," and structured pletes, the process is destroyed.
data types which are a prescribed collection of primitive One's first impression may be that there is little dif-
types. For example, an array-a structured type-may be ference between a job and a process. However, they are
used to allocate a stack. not the same since a job may result in the creation of
Most high-level languages provide the means for local- several processes. For example, the initial job process
izing data structure references to a single function or set may spawn a second 1/0 process to write a file. This 1/0
of functions. Such hiding of data structures is important process may execute on the same processor or on another
for enforcing at compile time any unwanted program in- I/O processor. Another exarmple of a job creating several
teractions. Hiding of data structures can be provided in a processes would be a job consisting of several parts that
compiler by limiting the scope of variable names-that is, can be run in parallel. Each of these parts could be as-
the portion of the code over which the name is defined. signed to separate concurreni processes.
For example, the symbolic name of a variable declared
local to a single function would stand only for that Concurrency. Processes can be run concurrently with
variable within the body of the function. Use of the name no effect on each other-unless they interact by mistake
external to the function would either reference a different or by design. A single process is sequential and deter-
variable or be flagged as an error by the compiler. ministic. That is, its operations are executed in sequence
one at a time, and its outputs and ending state are always
predicable from its inputs and initial state.
Processes Process images. The process image is that portion of
writable memory belonging to a process and defining its
The concept of a process, or task, is crucial to state. The process image changes with the execution of a
understanding an operating system. The basic multipro- program associated with the process. Process images, or
gramming unit in a computer, a process is defined as the the head cells for them, are also called "process descrip-
set of states of a program in execution. tors" or "process control blocks." For all practical pur-
poses, the terms "process" and "process image" are in-
'In this article, the terms "module," "subroutine," "function," and terchangeable.
"procedure" all mean the same thing: a body of code with one entry point A process image contains items such as process iden-
that can be called and that returns upon completion of execution. It may tifier, current state, active work area, local save area, and
receive input parameters and return a result.
system save area. It contains the local variables written as
the process executes as well as the variables that must be
saved intact when the process is interrupted or asks to be
interrupted by calling an operating system function. The
program associated with the process may be a single func-
tion, but more likely it is a nested structure of functions.
In the latter case, the process image must contain the
string of return addresses and local variables of each par-
tially executed function. In stack machines, these save
areas are on a stack which must be contained within the
process image. In any case, a process image can be quite
Reentrant programs. If the program associated with a
process is reentrant, it need not be a part of the process im-
age. A reentrant program does not modify itself or write
global variables outside of the process image. Thus, a
single copy of a reentrant program in memory may sup-
port several identical processes, each in a different state of
execution. In fact, this program can be stored in ROM
since it does not change. Many operating system I/O pro-
cesses are implemented in this manner-that is, they are
supported by a single reentrant program copy.
Some of the problems of associating a nonreentrant
program with a process are worth mentioning. For exam-
Figure 8. Modular hierarchical program structure. ple, a program that modifies itself must be contained in its

associated process image, and a program that writes porary, or consumable, resources such as messages and
global variables can be associated with only one process at signals. Figure 10 illustrates the competing and non-
a time. competing relationships between two processes.
Process states. The contents of the process image Deadlock. Known more descriptively as a "deadly em-
define the precise state of the process at any time. Further- brace," deadlock is a situation in which two or more pro-
more, a few high-level states common to all processes can cesses wait indefinitely for resources that are held by each
be defined. For example, a "running" process is one that other and, thus, never available. Such a situation is pic-
is actually executing on the processor. In a uniprocessor torially represented in Figure 11. Deadlocks are a
system, only one process can be in the "running" state. A possibility in any system where processes wait for
"waiting" process is one that is waiting for an event such resources. However, they can and should be prevented
as the completion of an 1/0 process or the expiration of a from existing indefinitely in any reliable system.
certain period of time. A "ready" process is one that is A number of deadlock avoidance schemes have been
ready to be selected by the operating system to enter the proposed, and some have been implemented. First, let us
"running" state. A process is "dormant" before it is consider schemes pertaining to permanent resources that
created and after it is destroyed. Figure 9 shows these four are seized and released by competitive processes. Dead-
possible process states and the transitions between them.
Such states can be implemented in an operating system
in numerous ways. One way would be to define a linked-
list head cell for each state defined and then to link the
process image to the appropriate list for each process in
that particular state.

Process communication
As mentioned above, processes can execute concur-
rently until they need to interact. Planned and controlled
interaction is referred to as "process communication" or
"process synchronization." Process communication
must take place through shared or global variables exter-
nal to each process image.

Readers/writers. Improper reading and writing of

shared variables is the classic cause of difficult-to-find
operating system bugs. The basic problem is that two pro-
cesses, executing concurrently, may interleave read and
write operations in such a way that improper decisions are
made and the shared variables are left in an improper Figure 9. Possible process states and transitions.
state. This kind of bug is insidious, for it may only show
up infrequently-and then with symptoms that rarely or
never repeat since they depend on a particular concurren-
cy relationship.
Since processes that are only readers of shared variables
cannot cause this problem by themselves, several read-
only processes may execute concurrently with no prob-
lems at all. However, to write correctly, a writing process
must have a clever rule worked out with other processes or
else ensure that the shared variables are not being accessed
by any other process while the variables are being exam-
ined and modified.

Cooperation. Cooperating processes must communi-

cate to synchronize or limit their concurrency. The
relationship between two cooperating processes regard-
ing a resource falls into one of two fundamental
categories. They are either competitors or producers/
consumers. Since process communication takes place
through shared memory, competitors access this memory
to seize and release permanent, or reusable, resources.
Producers/consumers access this memory to pass tem- Figure 10. Competing and noncompeting relationships.

June 1981 75
that access shared variables are referred to as "critical
regions. " If means are introduced to keep processes from
executing concurrently within their associated critical
regions, the requirement for mutual exclusion will be met
and time-dependent errors will not occur. Standard tech-
niques for providing such synchronization are becoming
well-known and essential to modern operating systems.
Synchronization. The simplest synchronization tech-
nique in a uniprocessor system is for a program to block
interrupts before entering a critical region and restore
them after exiting. This ensures that the critical region is
executed as an indivisible block. In more complex sys-
Figure 11. Deadlock situation. tems, the following techniques are used.
Test and set. A solution suitable for a multiprocessor
locks can be avoided by having processes seize all system is to use processors with the ability to test and set a
resources at one time-that is, by not allowing processes flag in a single instruction. This technique also works in a
to wait for a resource while holding other resources. uniprocessor system since it reduces the critical region
Another scheme requires processes to seize resources in a associated with the shared flag variable to a single indivisi-
particular order to prevent the circular waiting that is ble instruction.
characteristic of deadlock. An even more complex Using these machine-level techniques, higher-level
scheme requires processes to declare in advance the max- sychronization primitives can be built as operating system
imum resources possibly needed. functions to be called by cooperating processes. These
Most of these avoidance schemes, however, are too higher-level primitives must be indivisible. Generally,
restrictive or too time-consuming. The simplest technique they include a process waiting queue that saves processor
is not to wait indefinitely for a resource. But this means time by preventing looping-called "busy waiting" or
that when a process times out, it must be aborted from the "spin lock"-when a process tries to enter a critical
system and its resources released. Whether or not this is region.
perfectly acceptable depends on the frequency of occur-
rence and the importance of the process. Most real-time Semaphore. A standard synchronization primitive, the
systems prevent deadlocks in this manner because their semaphore consists of a counter, a process waiting queue,
processes cannot afford to wait indefinitely for resources. and two functions, P and V. Initially, the counter equals
the number of resources, and the waiting queue is empty.
The P function decrements the counter by one. If the
A program bug can cause a deadlock even in result is less than zero, the process is placed on the waiting
situations where deadlocks theoretically queue (effectively interrupted); otherwise, the process
cannot occur. continues. The V function increments the counter by one.
If the result is greater than zero, the process continues;
otherwise, one of the waiting processes is placed on the
Finally, let us consider temporary resources, such as ready queue and the process continues. When negative,
messages, that are produced by one process and con- the counter identifies the number of waiting processes.
sumed by another. Any number of producers and con- When nonnegative, the counter identifies the number of
sumers cannot be deadlocked with respect to a single resources left. Semaphores with an initial value of one are
message buffer as long as a consumer is willing to remove sometimes called "binary semaphores" since they act as
anything in a nonempty buffer. However, if two or more lock bits, allowing only one process at a time within an
processes are connected in a circle by two or more buffers, associated critical region.
and if each process is willing to wait for either a message or Although simple, semaphores are known to be suffi-
an acknowledgment, a deadlock may occur. In fact, a cient solutions to synchronization problems for perma-
deadlock may even occur between a single producer and a nent resource competitors and temporary resource pro-
single consumer if the former is waiting for an acknowl- ducers/consumers. However, semaphores are often very
edgment and the latter for a message. A simple deadlock inconvenient because they are too primitive. For this
solution for temporary resources is not to wait indefinitely. reason, most operating systems provide other process
An important point to remember is that a program bug communication mechanisms. Two examples are events
can cause a deadlock even in situations where deadlocks and messages.
theoretically cannot occur. An ultimate timeout can be a
simple defensive check on the correctness of the system as Events. Event primitives are typically provided by two
well as a way to prevent indefinite deadlocks. functions, "wait" and "signal." A process can wait on an
event or a combination of events to be true. When anoth-
Mutual exclusion. A sufficient condition for proper er process signals an event, all processes waiting on that
process communication is the exclusion of mutual acces- event are placed on the ready queue. Other variations are
sing of shared variables in time. The sections of a program also possible. One potential problem with events is that a
process has the possibility of waiting on an event that would simplify the problems of program validation and
either never becomes true or was signaled earlier. A slight maintenance. If a data structure changed, it would be
variation of waiting on an event, used especially in real- clear which functions were affected, and the addition of a
time systems, is waiting on a timing queue administered new process or monitor would not require the revalida-
by the operating system for a specified time period to tion of unchanged components.
Monitor images. A monitor image is the portion of
Messages. Messages provide an even more flexible and writable memory associated with the monitor program
direct method of process-to-process communication, and defining the current state of the monitor. A monitor
especially for producer/consumer relationships. Typical image represents either permanent or temporary re-
primitives are the functions "send" and "receive" which sources which are the elements of process interaction. In
allow a string of characters to be passed between pro- the absence of process activity, process images and
cesses. Implementation variations are numerous. For ex- monitor images differ significantly. In this idle state, pro-
ample, send may or may not wait for an acknowledgment. cess images are of no importance and may vanish.
Receive usually waits if no message has been sent. However, monitor images-at least those representing
Some systems also provide other very efficient ways of permanent resources-must remain and resume a
communicating with certain operating system processes. nonassigned state.
These are sometimes called "demons" or "phantoms" Monitor functions are reentrant but contain nonreen-
since they interact frequently-and often mysteriously- trant sections-i.e., critical regions-that must not be ex-
with many user processes. ecuted concurrently by more than one process. Indeed,
monitor functions must be designed to protect against
this. Monitor functions need not be considered as part of
the monitor image. In fact, if two different monitor
Monitors variables are accessed in the same way, a single copy of a
program may be shared between the two monitors.
If the evolution of synchronization techniques has an When a monitor function is called but is blocked from
acme, the concept of a monitor may very well be it. A handling the request immediately, it may take several ac-
monitor is a shared data structure and a set of functions tions. It may immediately return a blocked indication, it
that access the data structure to control the synchroniza- may loop or busy wait until the request can be handled, or
tion of concurrent processes. This very unspecific defini- it may place the process on a waiting queue for the re-
tion includes semaphores, events, and messages as specif- source requested. In the latter case, the waiting queue
ic implementations. The notion of a monitor is not more must be a part of the monitor data structure. In real-time
powerful than these other techniques-just more general. systems, it is sometimes best to return a blocked indica-
While a process is a useful abstraction for multiprogram- tion and let the process decide whether to try again later or
ming, a monitor is a useful abstraction for process com- give up.
To assure the correctness of a program, it is useful to Kernel. The kernel, or nucleus, of an operating system
associate data structures with the operations performed contains a few special processes to handle initialization
on them. A monitor provides a body in which to associate and interrupts and a basic monitor to support the concept
shared data structures with their critical regions. By so do-
ing, the data structures are no longer shared or global, but
local or hidden within the body of a monitor. In addition,
process functions no longer contain critical regions. In-
stead, the critical regions are centralized and protected
within the monitor functions. The restricted access to
shared data structures provided by a monitor is even more
attractive if it can be checked by a compiler. Many high-
level languages today provide the means for controlling
the scope of variable names.
Monitors provide support for processes to form a
multiprogramming system. While a process is active in the
sense that it performs a job, a monitor is passive in the
sense that it only executes when called by a process. A
monitor is necessary only when two or more processes
communicate to ensure that they communicate properly.
Figure 12 is a representation of two processes com-
municating through shared data hidden by a monitor.
Pushing the monitor concept to its logical limit suggests
that systems should be designed as collections of pro-%
cesses and monitors only. In this case, every data struc-
ture would be local to either a process or monitor. This
decomposition would be valuable in large systems since it Figure 12. Monitor representation.
June 1981 77
of a process. The basic monitor includes functions to allow new inputs to cause interrupts are said to be
switch environments between processes and to "create"- interrupt-driven. The interrupt-driven method provides
sometimes called "spawn" or fork"-new processes. The immediate attention for important inputs at the expense
kernel is also one part of an operating system that executes of delaying current work. However, most systems poll or
in the privileged state. scan for new inputs because it is less expensive and allows
Besides the kernel, an operating system consists of better control of excessive inputs.
many monitors and a few processes. The processes in- If there are more inputs available than the system can
clude several kinds of I/O processes that are activated as handle, the load scheduler must perform the important
needed and at least one active process to look for new jobs function of limiting the inputs accepted to the maximum
and create user processes for them. All monitors are part number that can be handled concurrently. This overload
of the operating system and form the bulk of the system. control is important because system throughput can ac-
They are used to manage the resources of the system. For tually decrease if too many inputs enter the system at
example, monitors transmit messages between processes, once. Nevertheless, many operating systems-including
control competing processes, enforce access rights, and ones widely used today-behave poorly when given too
communicate with I/O processes. many jobs because they lack adequate overload controls.
When inputs are limited by the load scheduler, the policy
Process creation. In some systems when processes are for deciding which inputs are accepted is an important
created, they exist as unrelated units, independent of each design consideration that depends on the system applica-
other. In other systems, the order of creation is remem- tion and other factors.
bered and a parent/child relationship is maintained be-
tween one process and the new process it creates. Both ap- Process scheduling. The process scheduler, or dis-
proaches have advantages and disadvantages. Typically, patcher, performs its function each time the running pro-
a "child" process is limited to using only those resources cess is blocked or preempted. Its purpose is to select the
owned by its "parent" and is destroyed if its "parent" is next running process from the ready queue. The process
destroyed. scheduler resides in the kernel and can be considered a
In most general-purpose systems, when a process is monitor for the ready queue. Probably the most frequent-
destroyed, its process image is returned to a pool of ly executed program in the system, it should be fairly effi-
unallocated memory. However, in many dedicated or cient to minimize operating system overhead.
real-time systems, processes are never destroyed. Instead, Process scheduling can be either preemptive or non-
they are created at compile time or initialization time and preemptive. In nonpreemptive systems, processes execute
run forever, even at times when there is no work to do. until they are blocked voluntarily by a monitor call. Ob-
viously, some jobs can monopolize the processor in such a
system. In preemptive systems, each ready process is
given, in turn, a time slice for execution. At the end of a
Management time slice, the running process is interrupted, placed at the
end of the ready queue, and the next process is given con-
Processor management. Processor management is con- trol. This cycle is repeated endlessly.
cerned with scheduling work to be done on a physical pro- crease the operating system overhead,Preemption
can in-
it gives all pro-
cessor. It is a term describing the managing of the pro- cesses
a more equal share of the processor. Therefore,
cessor as a shared resource among both external users and short
internal processes. As a result, processor management processor. are penalized by big jobs monopolizing the
consists of two basic kinds of scheduling: a long-term ex-
ternal load scheduling and a short-term internal process
scheduling. Scheduling policies. Scheduling policies are used in
both load scheduling and process scheduling. A load
scheduling policy is a rule for selecting the next input; a
Preemption can increase operating system process scheduling policy is a rule for selecting the next
overhead, but it gives all processes a more process to run. In a particular operating system, these two
equal share of the processor. policies may not be the same.
A good policy should be fair-giving preference to high
priority jobs, yet preventing "starvation" of low priority
Load scheduling. In a batch processing system, the jobs-and maximize system throughput. Since "fair"
load scheduler is usually called the job scheduler. In a and "priority" are subjective terms, many different
timesharing system, it may be called the command inter- scheduling policies are used in systems today. Only a few
preter or shell. In a telephone switching system, it is re- of the more common policies will be mentioned here.
ferred to as the telephone line scanner. Whatever its "First-come-first-served" is a simple policy for load
name, the load scheduler is a continuously active scheduling. However, in real-time systems, "last-come-
operating system process responsible for choosing which first-served" is sometimes used to obtain the least stale in-
new inputs will enter the system. It creates a user process put and maximize the probability of it being processed
to handle each new input accepted. correctly. Other policies are based on externally assigned
There are two basic ways for the load scheduler to priorities or give I/O intensive jobs preference to keep the
discover new inputs-interrupt or polling. Systems that peripherals busy.
"Round robin" is a typical process scheduling policy. such as bank switching are used to identify which parts of
Multilevel round robin is used to give higher priority pro- the primary memory are currently accessible by the pro-
cesses more frequent control without starving lower cessor. In the second case, secondary memory is used to
priority ones. Policies based on priority can be static. store the information, parts of which are physically
whereby priority remains fixed, or dynamic, whereby transferred to and from primary memory as required.
priority is allowed to change. Numerous methods exist for controlling this information
A quickly evaluated policy is important for preemptive transfer between secondary and primary memory. The
process scheduing in order to minimize the interrupt level relationship among the processor and primary and sec-
overhead of each time slice. For this reason, round robin ondary memory is depicted in Figure 13.
is often used in preemptive systems. Long time slices also Operating systems differ in their needs for memory
reduce the overhead, but this tends to approach a first- management. In some small dedicated systems, especially
come-first-served nonpreemptive scheduling policy as the those using microprocessors, there is no memory manage-
time slice interval increases. Other policies that favor ment. All programs are resident in primary memory.
short jobs are shortest-job-first or smallest-remaining- There is no secondary memory containing "nonresident"
time, both of which require jobs to declare run-time programs, and the primary memory is directly accessible
estimates. by the processor as a linear contiguous address space.

Environment switching. There are several forms of en- Bank switching. If the size of primary memory exceeds
vironment, or context, switching in a computer system. the addressing range of the processor, the physical
When one function calls another, a return address and memory can be divided into blocks-called "banks" or
possibly other state variables must be saved to permit "pages"-and a bank select register or page map is used
return to the environment of the calling function. This is a to identify which blocks are immediately accessible by the
very simple form of environment switching supported by basic processor addressing capability. In variations of this
subroutine calling instructions, compiler conventions, or basic idea, instruction fetches are mapped differently
other methods. than data fetches. An example of a bank switching
A more significant form of environment switching oc- scheme is shown in Figure 14.
curs when a process is interrupted by hardware or is
placed on a monitor waiting queue. In these cases, a pro-
cess switch must occur. The entire process image must be
saved intact so that the process may resume execution
later. This also requires saving various important pro-
cessor register contents before passing control of the pro-
cessor to another process.
Since process switching generally occurs quite often in
an operating system, it should be implemented as effi-
ciently as possible. This means that as little data as possi-
ble should be moved in memory. In stack-oriented
machines, this may be accomplished by changing the
stack-pointer register instead of moving the stacks
The user should be unaware of process switches to
preserve the illusion that he has sole use of the processor,
albeit a slower one. Voluntary process switches should ap-
pear to the user as a monitor function call that returns at a Figure 13. Primary/secondary memory relationship.
later time. This is important, since it allows application
programs to be structured in a modular hierarchical
Memory management. Memory management is con-
cerned with administering the use of primary memory,
which is where program instructions and associated data
must be stored for direct access by the processor. Memory
management by the operating system is needed for one or
both of the following reasons.
* The size of primary memory exceeds the addressing
range of the processor.
* The primary memory is not large enough to store all
programs and data needed.
In both cases, the processor is not able to directly ad-
dress all of the existing programs and data without help
from the operating system. In the first case, techniques Figure 14. Example bank switching scheme.

June 1981 79
The combination of the basic address and the bank sensitive instructions in a program be based relative to a
number (or page map state) forms an enhanced address- relocation register. Unallocated memory fragments could
ing capability. Note that the entire enhanced address must then be combined into a large usable area by relocating ex-
be saved in many environment switching situations to per- ecuting programs.
mit the proper restoration of the old environment.
Bank switching is very similar to using secondary Swapping. Jobs do not have to remain continuously in
memory, except that it is much faster since no physical primary memory until they complete. A low priority job
transfer of information from a slow peripheral device has can be "rolled out" to secondary memory to accom-
to take place. Many of the strategies are the same. For ex- modate a high priority job and later be "rolled in" to
ample, in both cases, it is important to hide memory complete. Many small-scale timesharing systems use this
management mechanisms from users so that they do not technique. Swapping is greatly aided by a relocatable en-
have to be concerned about the details of the machine. vironment since jobs do not have to be rolled in to exactly
This can be done by having the operating system receive the same memory space from which they were rolled out.
control each time an unaccessible block is addressed by
the user. This is sometimes called a "page fault." The Overlays. All parts of a job do not have to be simulta-
operating system reconfigures the memory before return- neously in primary memory for the job to execute. Large
ing control to the user. programs can be accommodated by allowing program
sections to overlay other sections that do not have to be in
Allocation. The use of secondary memory to store pro- memory at the same time. The disadvantage of overlays is
grams and data is required largely for economic reasons. that the user generally has to specify the overlay structure
The cost per bit of secondary memory can be several in advance. However, the notibn of swapping combined
orders of magnitude less than primary memory. Not with automatic overlays led to two important develop-
many systems need to or can afford to store all informa- ments-segmentation and paging.
tion in primary memory. Therefore, most c,perating sys-
tems-from the earliest to the most modern ones-use
secondary memory. Segmentation. All programs consist of a number of
Memory "allocation" refers to the rules for assigning logical segments, such as data areas and program func-
primary memory to jobs for execution. To review the tions. All segments do not have to be in primary memory
methods of allocation that have evolved, we begin with at one time and all do not have to be stored in contiguous
the early systems. They allocated primary memory to only address locations for proper execution. Any word in a
one job at a time for the duration of its execution. The program can be identified by a two-part segmented ad-
next step was to divide the memory into several fixed par- dress consisting of a segment number and a segment off-
titions, each of which could be allocated to a job. After- set. A segment map converts the segmented address to a
wards, several jobs could run concurrently, but there was a physical address. If a program tries to access a segment
lot ofwasted memory because job sizes did not match parti- which is not in primary memory-an occurrence called a
tion sizes. As a result, dynamic memory allocation was "segment fault"-the operating system intervenes and
developed to produce variable partitions that matched job brings the segment in from secondary memory. The seg-
sizes. However, this resulted in fragmentation of un- ment map is also updated. Figure 15 shows the conversion
allocated memory since different sized jobs completed at from segmented address to physical address.
different times. The solution was to make programs Segmentation has many advantages. Swapping and
relocatable during execution. This required that address overlaying are done automatically since only actively used
segments are kept in primary memory. Memory is not
wasted since variably sized segments accommodate pro-
gram divisions of any size. However, there is difficulty in
managing variably sized segments in secondary memory.
Furthermore, primary memory allocation is more com-
plicated with variably sized segments.

Paging. Paging is identical to segmentation except that

all segments are the same size. While this eliminates the
major disadvantages of segmentation, it is also slightly
more wasteful of memory since programs seldom break
up into an integral number of pages. One way to gain the
benefits of both segmentation and paging is to subdivide
each segment into pages and use a three-part address con-
sisting of a segment number, a page number, and an offset.

Virtual memory. The major advantage of paging or

segmentation is that it supports the notion of virtual
memory. With virtual memory, each process "thinks"
that it has all of its information in a very large primary
Figure 15. Segmented addressing. memory. The memory management required by the oper-

ating system to provide this view is invisible to the user tion programs will be less tied to the skill of programmers.
and need not be considered when programs are written. While the distributed processing capabilities provided
However, virtual memory or paging requires signifi- by computer networks are presently generating a lot of in-
cant memory management overhead. Each time a new terest, they are also creating a number of new operating
page is brought in, an old page must leave primary mem- system problems. With no shared memory, processes in
ory. If the old page was modified, it must first be written two different computers must communicate via messages
back into secondary memory. The page replacement over a data link. Reliable communication is provided by
policy is very important to the performance of the system. several layers of protocol to handle various kinds of errors.
Some policies used are "first-in-first-out" and "least-
recently-used. "
Furthermore, when primary memory becomes over- The frequently executed sections of today's
committed, system performance can be seriously de- operating system programs will be
graded by a phenomenon called "thrashing. " This occurs implemented in the future by
when every page fault forces the replacement of a useful large microprograms.
page, perhaps belonging to another job. As a result,
operating system overhead increases severely since most
processor time is spent servicing page faults. To prevent Local networks favor simple protocols and possible
thrashing, each job requires some minimum number of error-handling by the application (rather than by the op-
pages, sometimes referred to as the "working set," to ef- erating system) due to the high reliability of the local net-
ficiently utilize the processor. The number of pages in a work. Geographically dispersed networks are less reliable
working set depends on the pattern of execution over a and require more complex protocols to preserve message
period of time. order and to prevent message loss, duplication, or mutila-
It is important to remember that virtual memory-as tion. Long distances also introduce problems associated
well as any other memory management technique-has a with significant time delays and limited transfer rates. All
certain overhead associated with it and that problems can of these problems have yet to be solved completely.
occur if it is not implemented carefully. Furthermore, Computer networks usually imply distributed data
memory management does not necessarily eliminate the bases. This means that there are multiple copies of por-
need for a large primary memory. In large systems, per- tions of a data base, each copy at a different site.
formance may be unacceptable due to thrashing if the
primary memory is too small.

Future trends
Operating system techniques are becoming more ac-
ceptable today, even in small microprocessor systems
with dedicated applications. It is recognized now that all
computer systems perform certain common operating
system functions and that most systems must support
some form of concurrent process execution. As a result,
process communication is inevitable. Techniques that en-
sure proper synchronization can eliminate many of the
time-dependent program bugs that have occurred in
many operating systems.
Operating systems will continue to have a major effect
on processor designs. Single-chip microprocessors and
larger processors will become less clumsy for operating
systems to use. System performance will improve dramat- This tutorial is a decision-making aid designed to help
ically as more operating system primitives are provided in those responsible for purchasing an ECG computer sys-
hardware or microcode. This will include support for pro- temi. It consists of pertinent articles from a variety of jour-
cess synchronization, queue manipulation, environment nals and a substantial amount of new material. In 19 ar-
ticles, the nature of computerized ECG systems, the avail-
switching, process scheduling, and memory manage- able analytical programs, criteria for choosing a system,
ment. The frequently executed sections of today's economic considerations, system impact on staff and pa-
operating system programs will be implemented in the tient care, and the limitations of computer systems are
future by large microprograms. In addition, these fea- discussed. 227 pp. Order #325
tures will decrease the development cost and increase the
security and correctness of future operating systems. Tutorial-Computer Systems for the Processing
Improved operating systems will, in turn, improve the
of Diagnostic Electrocardiograms
Edited by T. Allan Pryor, Erica Drazen, and
quality of application programs by requiring certain Michael Laks
structures and interfaces. With these restrictions and
proper operating system support, the quality of applica- November 1980
June 1981 Non-members-$25.00
Use order form on p. 136C.
Although this is necessary to increase the availability of Anderson, D. A., "A Microprocessor Operating System for
Real-Time Applications," Proc. Compsac 78, Chicago, Nov.
important information, it introduces some new syn- 1978, pp. 104-109.*
chronization problems. With multiple copies of shared
memory, traditional synchronization techniques will puter, Atwood, J. W., "Concurrency in Operating Systems," Com-
Vol. 9, No. 10, Oct. 1976, pp. 18-26.
have to be augmented or replaced by new techniques to
maintain data integrity. Bierman, E., "Changing Technology in Switching System Soft-
ware," Proc. IEEE, Vol. 65, No. 9, Sept. 1977, pp. 1329-1335.
One proposal is to attach network-wide sequence
Brinch Hansen, P., Operating System Principles, Prentice-Hall,
numbers to data-base transactions to ensure that updates Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1973.
are applied in the same order to multiple copies of a data
Dijkstra, E. W., "Hierarchical Ordering of Sequential Pro-
base. Limiting transactions to those that are repeatable- cesses," in Operating
run System Techniques, ed. by C. A. R. Hoare
that is, that have the same effect if accidentally and R. H. Perrott, Academic Press, New York, 1972.
twice-has also been proposed. Attaching a version Habermann, A. N., Introduction to Operating System Design,
number to each copy of distributed data has also been Science Research Assoc., Chicago, 1976.
proposed for resolving conflicts. N "Monitors: An Operating System Structuring
Hoare, C. A. R.,
Concept," Comm. ACM, Vol. 17, No. 10, Oct. 1974, pp.
Acknowledgments Hoare, C. A. R., and R. M. McKeag, "Store Management
Techniques," in Operating System Techniques, ed. by C. A. R.
The careful review of this tutorial by Professors A. V. Hoare and R. H. Perrott, Academic Press, New York, 1972.
Pohm and T. A. Smay, both of Iowa State University, is Holt, R. C. "Some Deadlock Properties of Computer
gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. The sugges- Systems," Computing Surveys, Vol. 4, No. 3, Sept. 1972, pp.
tions given for improvement were very valuable. 179-196.
Katzan, H., Jr., Operating Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 1973.
Selected bibliography Madnick, S. E., - and J. J. Donovan, Operating Systems,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974.
Alsberg, P. A., et al., Synchronization and Deadlock, CAC Patterson, D. A., and C. H. Sequin, "Design Considerations for
Document No. 185, University of Illinois, Mar. 1976. Single-Chip Computers of the Future," IEEE Trans. Com-
puters, Vol. C-29, No. 2, Feb. 1980, pp. 108-116.
Rauscher, T. G., and P. M. Adams, "Microprogramming: A
Tutorial and Survey of Recent Developments," IEEE Trans.
Computers, Vol. C-29, No. 1, Jan. 1978, pp. 2-20.
Ritchie, D. M., and K. Thompson, "The Unix Time-Sharing
K, System," Bell System Technical J., Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July
/ 21st Annual
1978, pp. 1905-1929.
Symposium on Foundations
of Computer Science
Satyanarayanan, M., "Commercial Multiprocessing Systems,"
Computer, Vol. 13, No. 5, May 1980, pp. 75-96.
Thompson, K., "Unix Implementation," BellSystem Technical
J., Vol. 57, No. 6, Part 2, July 1978, pp. 1931-1946.
Tsichritzis, D. C., and P. A. Bernstein, Operating Systems,
Academic Press, New York, 1974.

These proceedings are available from the Order Desk, IEEE Computer
Society, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720.

- I
This symposium, sponsored by the IEEE Computer
Society's Technical Committee on the Math;-
matical Foundations of Computing, was formerly Douglas A. Anderson is a supervisor of a
the Annual Symposium on Switching and software development group at Bell Labo-
ratories in Naperville, Illinois. His inter-
Automata Theory. The 47 papers published were ests include real-time operating systems,
selected from 146 submitted abstracts. 421 pp. programming methodologies, fault-toler-
ant computing, and self-checking designs.
Order #323 Since joining Bell Laboratories in 1965, he
Proceedings-21st Annual Symposium on has helped develop a number of electronic
Foundations of Computer Science A~~switching systems, including No. 2 ESS,
No. 3 ESS, RSS, and currently No. 5 ESS.
October 13.15, 1980 Anderson received a BS in 1965 from the University of Col-
orado, an MS in 1966 from Purdue University, and a PhD in
Members-$22.50 1971 from the University of Illinois, all in electrical engineering.
I He is a member of the IEEE.
Use order form on p. 136C.

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