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Darrian Prescot

David Pack
February 9,2019

Myself as a Communicator- Part 3

I have really enjoyed doing the different parts of this assignment, it has helped me

evaluate myself as a communicator. The first part of this assignment I was able to sit down and

assess myself on how I was as a communicator. I found that something that stood out a lot was

that I am a very open-minded person and genuinely care about what a person has to say when

they’re talking to me. For the second part of the assignment I interviewed my husband, my

mom, and my coworker (who is now my friend), to be able to see how they perceive me as a

communicator. I was very excited when I interviewed them to see the perspective they had, and

I knew it would be helpful to know the things that I can improve on.

Expressing my needs, views, opinions or concerns

This section is something that I can struggle in, I tend to sometimes not say what I have

in mind. My mom said the same thing. She said there’s time where I feel really strong about

something and I share what I am thinking. She also said that sometime I don’t share what I am

thinking and tend to keep to myself. My mom let me know it all depended on how my mood is

and what the conversation is about.

My coworker told me I am very straightforward about what I want. I am not afraid to

share what my needs are. She also mentioned that when it comes to my opinions, I become
very hesitant in sharing them. My friend let me know I get nervous on sharing my opinions

because I am not sure how someone else will take it. I definitely agree and can see that.

My husband didn’t have too much to say for this question. He let me know that I tend to

sugarcoat things a lot because I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. He said the same thing

as my friend, I am very good at articulating my needs but when it comes to my opinions, I have

a hard time sharing them.


My mom was very positive about my listening skills. She said that I am a very good

listener. I am receptive to what is being said to me and genuinely interested on what a person is

telling me. I try not to cut people off and let them completely finish their thought before I say

something. She told me that when she talks to me and I am listening I show that I care and I am

very compassionate. One thing she said that she loved about me is that I always listen when she

just wants to be listened to or I give advice when I am asked.

My husband said that when I am in a good mood, I can be one of the best listeners he’s

ever talked to. I make eye contact to show him that I am listening and I always acknowledge

what he’s telling me. He enjoys that I become interested in the conversation that I begin to ask

follow up questions just to show that I really am listening to him. He did say though; my mood
does play a huge part on this. If I am annoyed, hurt, hungry, etc. I tend to not pay atention and

start thinking about other things that will make me miss a lot of the conversation we are having.

My coworker/friend said that she loves talking to me because I am a good listener. I am

very open minded to thing she tells me which helps her know that she can talk to me about

anything. She said that I really sympathize and understand when she is sharing different things

with me which helps her be comfortable when talking to me.

Nonverbal Communication

I know that I have a very hard time hiding my emotions. It’s one thing that I try so hard

to do but it seems impossible for me. It was no surprise when all three people that I interviewed

mentioned that you can definitely tell how I am feeling through my body language, facial

expressions, or my voice. My friend for example, mentioned I have this facial expression that is

almost a confused look when I get indecisive about choices I have to make in my life. You can

tell that I get stressed and I truly don’t know what to do. It was interesting to hear that because

I had no idea, I would make a particular face when I wasn’t sure what choice to make.

My husband also mentioned that it was really easy to tell how I am feeling. He said when

I am happy, I get a huge smile on my face when I am talking to him and get in this silly mood. I

tend to use my hands 99% of the time when I am talking. He said body language was really big

for me. He said when I am happy or excited my body language tends to be more upbeat and I

get closer to him when we are talking. The opposite happens though when I am upset, I tend to

cross my arms which shows that I don’t want to talk and I tend to want my own space. He also

said something that was interesting, he let me know there’s times where I shut down and don’t
show any expressions on my face or body which lets him know there’s something really wrong.

My mom said the same. She told me that you can definitely tell if I’m upset, happy, excited all

through my face expressions and body language.

Strengths and Weaknesses

My mom said that she loves that I am very nice, and when I am talking to her or

someone else, I always make sure I show them I care. I am very outspoken and friendly. I always

have a smile on my face when I am talking to someone and make sure I make them feel

comfortable. She said that something I can work on is sharing things that are on mind. I

sometimes tend to hold onto things that bother me and it’s not the best.

My husband said that I am very good at fixing things and listening. He said I am good at

listening to both sides of the conversation and keeping an open mind when talking to him. He

told me that I do an awesome job at expressing myself when communicating with him and

showing him that I genuinely care about the things he has to say to me. He let me know

something that I can work on is explaining myself beter when I am upset.

My friend said that my strengths are I am confident and direct in what I am discussing. I

express myself in a respectful way but also take the time to hear what she has to share. She told

me that I could work on maintaining eye contact with her when she is talking, that there’s times

that I tend to start looking around the room and get distracted.

Having a Conversation with Me

My mom said that she loves having conversations with me. That I am very polite, open

minded, and can keep up a conversation. She said that I can never run out of things to say and

ultimately, I show that I really care about what she is saying.

My husband said that he has the best conversations with me. I make a lot of eye contact

with him, I will ask a lot of questions on what he’s sharing with me. He says that I show an

interest in all of our conversations and I show him that I care about what he’s saying.

My friend said having a conversation with me is very entertaining. I never run out of

topics for us to discuss and our conversations are always interesting. She enjoys that I can laugh

about anything and always try to make the conversations fun unless it needs to be serious.


I enjoyed hearing what my mom, husband and friend/coworker had to say about me as a

communicator. It really opened my eyes on what my strengths were and what I could improve

on. It was nice hearing that I always show that I genuinely care about what a person is saying

and I make an effort to show that I am interested. It helped me knowing that all three people

thought I was really nice when talking to them, this will help me work on expressing my

opinions more. It was interesting to know all three people agreed that I have a hard time

expressing my opinions. I can definitely agree, I always get nervous that people will take my

opinions the wrong way but knowing that my intentions is always good and never to hurt

someone might help me express myself beter. I also realized from this assignment my emotions

have a lot to play with how I communicate myself. I need to work on not letting my emotions

get the best of me because it doesn’t allow me to be the best communicator that I can be.
Overall, I am glad I was able to get different perspectives because I feel it’ll help me become a

beter communicator.


(C. Barragan, personal communication, February 8, 2019)

(M. Vasquez, personal communication, February 8, 2019)

(Z. Prescot, personal communication, February 8, 2019)

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