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Module Excel

Introduction of Microsoft Excel

Excel Worksheet

Microsoft Excel works as account ledger. An Excel Workbook could have multiple
Worksheets (2). A cell in Excel is referred by its Column and Row naming style (displayed
in the name box). A heavy border around a cell indicates that it is an active cell (3). Any
entry made at this point is made into the active cell, and any commands that are
executed affect the contents of the active cell. The active cell can be changed by clicking
a different cell, or using the arrow keys. An active cell reference is displayed on the name
box (4).

In this lesson, you will learn how to deal with;
a) Worksheet
b) Border
c) Merge cell
d) Numbering
e) Increase and Decrease Decimal place
f) Freeze Panes

Module Excel
1. Open the excel practice lab 6.xls file.

2. You need to rename your sheet1 to a new name. Place your cursor at Sheet1, and
right clicks. Choose Rename and change the ‘Sheet1’ to ‘MKK ECC1201’.

3. Now, center all the contents except the tittle “ROWSCORE ECC2101”. To do this,
select all contents except “Rowscore ECC2101” and clicks tab Home 
alignment  and clicks on icon CENTER.

Module Excel
4. Then, you need to make a Border. Highlight all the contents, clicks on menu
Home border  all borders. Then BOLD your title.

5. Now, place your title in the middle of your table. To do this, highlight the cells from
A1 to G1, then click on icon Merge & Center.

Module Excel
6. Now you have to make up the numbers on your data. Do the following instructions:
a) Type number ‘1 at A4 cell.
b) Now, place your cursor on the bottom right corner of the A4 cell, until the “+”
appears, and then drag your cursor until the end of your table (A43 cell).

7. Now you have to add up all the scores. To do this;

a) Select the G4 cell. Then clicks on AutoSum icon on the menu Home.

Module Excel
b) The following condition will appear on your table. Make sure all marks are
selected. Then press ENTER.

c) Now, place your cursor on the bottom right corner of the G4 cell, until the “+”
appears, and drag your cursor until the end of your table (cell G43).

8. Now, we want to make all the scores with two decimal places. Highlight all scores
cell (from A4 to G43), then clicks on Increase Decimal icon.

If you want to decrease the decimal point, clicks on Decrease Decimal icon.

Module Excel

9. For the last lab today, you need to freeze the titles, headings in your table and the
name of each student. To this
a) make sure your worksheet display is on the top cell.
b) Next, select the C4 cell (the first cell that we do not have to freeze).
c) Then, click on the menu View - Freeze Panes

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