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Performance estimates of a helium-based

thermoacoustic-Stirling chiller

Matthew E. Poese*, Robert M. Keolian, Robert W.M. Smith, Steven L. Garrett

and Eric C. Mitchell
Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, PO Box 30, State College,
PA 16804-0030, USA

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This paper outlines the design, performance predictions and value proposition for a novel thermoacoustic-
Stirling chiller called Trillium. Trillium, with an overall coefficient-of-performance of 1.4 at a load
temperature of 2308C will be competitive in the total cost of ownership with the established vapor-
compression technology for commercial refrigeration applications such as grocery store cooling. These
customers are typically not as first cost sensitive as retail consumers and are subject to increasing regulatory
pressure on the use of refrigerants with high global warming potential, which creates an opportunity for
alternatives such as thermoacoustic-Stirling with a low total environmental warming impact.

Keywords: thermoacoustic; stirling; acoustic; refrigerator; helium

*Corresponding author:
poese@psu.edu Received 20 January 2013; revised 25 April 2013; accepted 26 April 2013

1 INTRODUCTION not only sets the frequency of the gas oscillation, but also pro-
vides an impedance (the ratio of the oscillating gas pressure to
Although several designs [1– 3] have been explored for electrical- the oscillating gas velocity) enhancement favorable to the design
ly driven thermoacoustic chillers, none of these have so far been and efficiency of the machine. From the standpoint of efficiency,
attractive in the HVAC/R markets. Stimulated by an ARPA-E an impedance higher than the characteristic impedance of the
grant, we have undertaken the design and construction of a gas is preferable because the loss in the porous medium tends to
machine that can compete in the total cost of ownership with be attributable more to drag than to non-adiabatic pressure
the established vapor-compression technology for commercial oscillations as the pores have to be fairly small to get good
refrigeration applications such as grocery store cooling. These thermal communication between the solid and the gas. Since the
customers are typically not as first cost sensitive as retail consu- capacity of these machines is proportional to the product of the
mers and are subject to increasing regulatory pressure on the use oscillating pressure amplitude and the oscillating velocity ampli-
of refrigerants with high global warming potential, which creates tude, only the product of these quantities needs to be main-
an opportunity for alternatives such as thermoacoustic-Stirling. tained to meet a particular capacity—the designer is free to
Thermoacoustic machines belong to the closed-cycle class of trade velocity amplitude for pressure amplitude (i.e. a high im-
heat engines and are subject to Carnot efficiency restrictions. pedance) to optimize efficiency. Additionally, since the acoustic
They are similar in many ways with Stirling machines. The goal wave in thermoacoustic cooling machines is often driven electro-
for the technology development has been to create a closed-cycle mechanically, a higher impedance means that a relatively small
engine technology, that is, both efficient enough to present sig- back-and-forth motion of the piston is enough to make large
nificant fuel savings (and, therefore, reduce emissions) while pressure swings: small piston motions can take advantage of
also being mechanically simple enough to meet price and reli- many kinds of seals that do not require lubrication, such as
ability targets. At the core of the machine is a pair of heat flexure seals or dry-fit clearance seals.
exchangers which bookend a slab of porous media. The working Thermoacoustic machines can be categorized on the pore size
gas of the machine oscillates within the heat exchangers and the of a porous medium compared to the thermal boundary layer
porous media between them. As the gas in thermal contact with thickness in the gas oscillating through the medium. The
these core elements experiences pressure and velocity changes medium is referred to as a ‘stack’ when the pore diameter is
with the correct phase, heat pumping is realized. similar in diameter to the thermal boundary layer, and as ‘regen-
This core is mounted into a container of carefully designed erator’ when the pore diameter is 5– 10 times smaller than the
dimensions so that the gas oscillations will be resonant, which thermal boundary layer thickness. In either case, the porous

International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2013, 8, i79–i84

# The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com
doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctt037 i79
M.E. Poese et al.

medium is placed between the two primary heat exchangers where g is the ratio of constant pressure to constant volume spe-
mentioned above. The regenerator-based machines have the po- cific heats. In this expression, Dp is the acoustic pressure fluctu-
tential to be more efficient than the stack-based machines at the ation which is small compared with the mean pressure pm.
expense of slightly more complication. Each type of machine Similarly, DV is the change in the active gas volume Vm caused
may have a role in particular applications. by the vector sum of the piston displacements.
Since the effective piston area, Ap, is essentially constant
over the displacement cycle of the motor, the change in volume
2 THE IN-LINE DESIGN of the gas between motor #1 and motor #2 (stage 1– 2) is
DV12 ¼ Ap ðx1  x2 Þ. After a Taylor series approximation to the
The design presented here, named Trillium, is a linear arrange- terms on the right-hand side of Equation (1), the pressure p12 is
ment of a series of thermal cores (two heat exchangers flanking a
regenerator) into a resonator that contains an integer number of pm
p12 ¼ g Ap ðx1  x2 Þ: ð2Þ

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wavelengths of sound [4]. Since compactness is important for a Vm
commercial product, the resonator is made significantly shorter
than a wavelength in pure helium (which is 10 m at 100 Hz) by The phasor diagram shown in Figure 2 shows the acoustic pres-
the physical, oscillating mass of the linear motor armatures and sure to be in-phase with the gas velocity within the regenerator.
pistons that are much more dense than their equivalent volume This topology may be the closest approach between the ther-
of helium. There is one motor for each thermal core, and each moacoustic design paradigms and the alpha-Stirling topology:
motor is driven with a relative phase shift of 2p/N radians, Trillium could be considered to be three alpha-Stirling machines
where N is the number of stages. arranged end-to-end. A solid mechanical connection transmits
Specifically, Trillium (which will fit into a 35-cm diameter the motion of motor #1 to the piston above thermal core 3– 1.
pressure vessel that is 100-cm tall) employs three linear motors
and three thermal cores: each motor is driven by a sinusoidally
varying voltage that is phased 1208 from its neighbor. As shown
in Figure 1, two pistons are connected to each motor armature, 3 TRILLIUM PERFORMANCE TARGETS AND
one on each side along the axis of motion. The phasor diagram VALUE PROPOSITION
in Figure 2 shows the velocity of the gas,1 U, which is also the
velocity of the pistons, u, at the piston face, each separated by a The performance goal for Trillium is that it moves 3.5 kW of
phase angle of 1208. Considering the piston velocities of motor heat from a flowing liquid at 2298C and rejects the sum of this
#1 and #2, it can be seen that inside of the active volume heat and the lost work generated inside the machine to atmos-
(the chamber delineated by the green background), the phase of pheric air at þ358C. The end-to-end COP (ratio of cooling cap-
the gas velocity must change by 1208, and near the center of the _ net =E_ including the pumps and a
acity to total electrical input, Q
chamber where the regenerator is placed, the gas velocity is the fan for the secondary loops) goal for the machine is 1.4 (35% of
phasor average of the gas velocity at each opposing piston face: the Carnot efficiency between these two temperatures), which
this gas velocity is labeled U12. To execute an efficient Stirling would be quite competitive in the commercial low-temperature
cycle, the oscillating gas pressure must be in-phase with the gas refrigeration market.
velocity [5]. For efficient operation of the linear motors, the The design process of Trillium includes a minimization of the
reactive part of the load presented to each motor is zero: each lost work in each subsystem while balancing the constraints of
motor is operating at resonance. Adjustment of the ‘Acoustic available fabrication processes and materials. The design process
Load Matching Duct’ size changes the compliance felt by the is further constrained by the goal of commercialization: pro-
motor and allows the designer to tune for resonance between the cesses and materials used in this design have a reasonable path
moving mass of the motor, the intrinsic stiffness of the motor toward volume production costs competitive with current
and the compliance of the gas on either side of each motor. vapor-compression-based alternatives.
The displacement of each motor/piston, x, lags the velocity Table 1 lists the major loss mechanisms that impact the de-
by 908; these are shown on the diagram in orange. The pressure struction of exergy in Trillium. Since Trillium is designed to
inside the active volume changes in response to the superpos- move 3500 W of heat from a load at 2308C and reject it to the
ition of the two piston displacements described approximately environment at 358C with a COP of 1.4, the maximum energy
by the adiabatic gas law, input allowed under these constraints is 2500 W. The minimum
amount of energy input required by the second law of thermo-
pm Vmg ¼ ð pm þ DpÞðVm þ DVÞg ; ð1Þ
dynamics is 950 W, which leaves 1550 W left for the irreversible
energy dissipation in the parts of the machine. The dissipation
The volume velocity, a more convenient quantity for systems that of each loss mechanism is listed in the middle column and the
include changes is the cross-sectional area, is the product of piston fractional loss of this mechanism compared with the maximum
velocity, v, and effective piston area, noted here as Ap. That the area dissipation allowed to still reach a COP of 1.4 is listed in the
includes some portion of the radial flexure seal. right column. These performance estimates come from

i80 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2013, 8, i79–i84

Performance estimates of a thermoacoustic chiller

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Figure 1. This schematic of Trillium shows the components of the three identical stages that sustain a complete single wavelength of sound. Acoustic power flows
upward in the active helium volume (green), and heat is pumped downward from the load to exhaust heat exchangers. In the schematic on the left, the orange
arrows show the sound wave being dissipated in the thermal core (heat exchangers and regenerator) and the yellow arrows show the direction of heat pumping.
As the sound wave passes through the linear motor section, it is amplified by the input of electrical power to the motors which transform the electrical power into
acoustical energy. The heat from the load is shown with the blue arrows entering the load primary heat exchangers and the exhaust heat is shown with the red
arrows leaving the system via the exhaust primary heat exchangers (secondary loops are not shown here). On the right, a solid model rendering of the device
is shown with the energy return yoke that transmits the motion of the bottom linear motor to the top of the upper thermal core.

International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2013, 8, i79–i84 i81

M.E. Poese et al.

Acoustic power dissipation on surfaces is due to the viscosity

that shears the fluid within the acoustic boundary layer as well as
the isothermal condition of the wall (due to its large heat cap-
acity) that causes heat to be transferred between the wall and the
gas during the gas’s temperature change in response to the adia-
batic pressure oscillation. An equation that describes the power
lost by the wave as it oscillates over the surface is

3mDx v2 Arh2 Dx
DE_ ¼  2 jU1 j2  j p1 j2 ; ð3Þ
2Arh 6kTm

where m is the fluid viscosity, Dx is the length of the regenerator

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in the direction of acoustic wave propagation, A is the cross-
sectional area of the regenerator, rh is the hydraulic radius of the
channel through which the acoustic wave propagates, U1 is the
Figure 2. This phasor diagram shows how the sinusoidally oscillating pressure velocity amplitude of a gas parcel, k is the thermal conductivity
is in-phase with the gas velocity when the linear motors are driven 1208 of the gas, Tm is the mean temperature of a gas parcel and p1 is
out-of-phase with one another. U1, U2 and U3 represent the velocities of the the acoustic pressure amplitude.
three pistons shown in Figure 1. This is the optimal phase relationship to
minimize lost work in the Stirling cycle.
3.2 Total HX temperature deficit
The unavoidable temperature difference between the flowing
liquid and either the oscillating helium (on the primary exchan-
Table 1. This table details the dissipation in each of the major subsystems
gers) or the steady air (on the secondary exchangers) causes
of Trillium
Trillium to have to pump heat across a wider temperature span
Loss mechanism Dissipation (W) Fraction of allowable loss for than would be required if these temperature differences were
COP ¼ 1.4 (%) zero. The incremental amount of work required to extend the
Primary HX surface loss 87 6 span to accommodate these temperature differences is reported
Total HX temp deficit 250 16 in this entry of Table 1. The impact of the primary and second-
Primary HX join loss 282 18 ary exchangers is lumped together here to keep this table simple,
Primary HX minor loss 6 0 but in practice they are not tightly coupled optimizations.
Regenerator surface loss 216 14
Linear motor inefficiency 250 16
Optimization of the lost work in the primary exchangers
Pumps and fans 350 23 requires a tradeoff of the effectiveness (temperature drop),
Total 1441 93 viscous loss on the oscillating helium side, and pressure drop on
the steady flowing liquid side. Attaining high effectiveness
Resonator surface losses and some other small losses are omitted from this
table for the sake of brevity. on the helium side usually requires very fine pores through
which the helium flows, which increases the viscous losses and
can lead to expensive heat exchangers. The higher the frequency
analytical calculations outlined in Swift’s textbook [6] and also of the machine, the finer these pores have to be since the
from the computer model DeltaEC [7]. thermal penetration depth (boundary layer) scales inversely
with the square-root of the frequency. Design of the primary
heat exchanger is crucial for good overall performance and is
often the most challenging aspect of the design since the opti-
3.1 Primary HX surface loss mization must align both acousto-mechanical parameters
This entry in Table 1 describes the acoustic power dissipation (which are connected to the linear motor and resonator) and
that occurs on the surfaces of the heat exchanger in contact with thermodynamic parameters (connected to the regenerator and
the oscillating helium due to the viscosity of the helium. These
secondary system).
heat exchangers are referred to as ‘primary’ to distinguish them
from the ‘secondary’ heat exchangers. Heat is exchanged
between the oscillating helium and a flowing liquid in the 3.3 Primary HX join loss
primary heat exchangers, while in the secondary heat exchangers This is an unavoidable loss mechanism in Stirling-based
heat is transferred between this flowing liquid and the air in the machines [8] (which includes acoustic-Stirling and the many
conditioned space or the environment. There are two separate other topologies of closed-cycle machines such as free-piston
loops, one on the exhaust (ambient) side and one on the load and kinematic Stirling machines) that is caused by the parcels of
(cold) side: each loop includes a primary and secondary heat gas that exit the heat exchanger at one temperature and experi-
exchangers as well as a pump. ence nearly adiabatic expansion or compression while outside of

i82 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2013, 8, i79–i84

Performance estimates of a thermoacoustic chiller

the bounds of the heat exchanger surface. Upon return some several secondary heat transfer fluids in use for commercial re-
fraction of a cycle later, these gas parcels enter the heat exchanger frigeration equipment that include water/polypropylenes mix-
at either a higher or lower temperature (depending on the rela- tures, water/organic-salt mixtures and mineral oils). Since these
tive phasing) than the heat exchanger and some heat is irrevers- are usually off-the-shelf components, the optimization is some-
ibly transferred for no net gain. Adding all three of the loss what straightforward although they have a big impact on the
mechanisms surrounding heat exchangers shows the importance overall system performance.
of the careful design of these elements in thermoacoustic From a global optimization standpoint, Table 1 shows the
machines. An expression for the join loss given by Swift [6] is subsystem that consumes the largest fraction of the power
budget are the heat exchangers with a total of 6% þ 16% þ
DE_ 8 g  1 j p1 j 18% ¼ 40% (and the energy consumption of the pumps and
 cosu; ð4Þ
_E 3p g pm fans could also be added to this total, which brings the overall
‘heat exchange’ subsystem loss to 63%). Clearly, the path to

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where g is the ratio of specific heats ðg ¼ cp =cv Þ, pm is the mean better performance of these kinds of systems lies in eliminating
(static) pressure of the gas and u is the phase difference between the secondary system and/or reducing the join loss and tempera-
the oscillating acoustic pressure and gas parcel velocity, U1. For ture deficit.
traveling wave phasing, u is close to zero and the cosu is nearly Efficiency impacts the operating costs of commercial refriger-
unity, which is why this loss mechanism is important to recog- ation equipment in more than just reduced electrical consump-
nize in regenerator-based machines but plays a much smaller tion: an increasing number of locales are basing regulatory costs
role in stack based machines where the phase difference is closer on the total environmental warming impact (TEWI) of refriger-
to 908. ation equipment. TEWI is the sum of the direct impact on the
environment from the refrigerant (assumed to lose its full
3.4 Primary HX minor loss charge over 10 years of operation) and the indirect impact from
The loss of kinetic energy at expansions/constrictions or sharp the electricity used to power the device over its lifetime. The
bends is a well-known loss mechanism in piping networks, and direct contribution from commercial refrigeration equipment
the same effect can have serious impacts in acoustic resonators that uses R-404a can contribute as much as 45% of the TEWI.
and heat exchangers [9] when the gas velocities get large and/or Since Trillium uses helium as the ‘refrigerant’, the direct TEWI
the discontinuity is particularly extreme. Owing to Trillium’s contribution is zero. With a competitive efficiency, Trillium, and
in-line topology and low-oscillating gas velocity (because the in- the technology on which it is based, makes an attractive value
ertial parts of the resonator are the physical armature masses of proposition as an alternative to HFC-based refrigeration.
each of the linear motors and the gas portions are located
around velocity nodes), the heat exchangers are the only location
where minor losses might be an issue since they present a dra-
matic constriction to the flow. Table 1 points out, however, that 4 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES
this loss mechanism is very small. OF TRILLIUM
3.5 Regenerator surface loss Compared with other designs, Trillium has several advantages
Just like the heat exchanger, the concentration of the surface area that allow the design to reach a fairly high level of efficiency.
in the regenerator that makes it an effective temporary store of First, compared with the thermoacoustic freezer employed for
heat for the oscillating gas causes a resistive pressure drop for the ice-cream ‘impulse’ cabinets [3], Trillium has the optimal phase
gas. The acoustic power dissipated by the regenerator resistance relationship in the thermal core. Older passive network designs
is listed in this entry of Table 1. inspired by breakthroughs at Los Alamos [11] suffer an unavoid-
able non-zero phase difference between oscillating pressure and
velocity within the regenerator. Additionally, these passive
3.6 Linear motor inefficiency network-based topologies require some mechanism to stop the
The linear motor is a topological inversion of a permanent steady flows intrinsic to closed-loop resonator components.
magnet linear motor and can have similar high efficiency. Just Particularly, at the location where two branches of the resonator
like rotary motors, the linear motors have to be presented with meet, we suspect that gas mixing disturbs the stratified gas layers
the particular load that allows it to perform at its maximum effi- that act as a thermal buffer space intended to insulate the load
ciency [10]. This is an important part of the design process, and (cold) heat exchanger from the ambient-temperature gas in the
constrains combinations of parameters that include mean pres- rest of the machine. In Trillium, the active sections are simple
sure, frequency and acoustic pressure amplitudes. cylinders terminated at the top and bottom by the moving
pistons. The stages of Trillium are arranged so that the wide
3.7 Pumps and fans open ducts that join the thermal core to the linear-motor/
These two electro-mechanical components are used in the sec- flexure-seal components are gravitationally stable against
ondary heat exchange loops to circulate the liquid (there are buoyancy-driven convection. Trillium also has a much smaller

International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2013, 8, i79–i84 i83

M.E. Poese et al.

amount of the surface area exposed to the oscillating helium commercial acceptance in any market other than the pulse-tube
pressure thereby reducing thermal relaxation surface losses. The cryocooler market where the performance goals and design con-
overall active volume of helium is also much smaller than in pre- straints are much different. It may be worthwhile to reflect upon
vious designs. These choices allow better utilization of the linear the evolution of the scroll compressor which is currently the
motor (which was usually stroke-limited in older designs). dominant technology for cooling in the capacity range that
A distinguishing feature of Trillium that distinguishes it from includes that of Trillium. First patented in 1905, practical scroll
many other alpha-Stirling arrangements is the use of a flexure compressors did not appear on the market until the late 1940s
seal on the oscillating piston in place of a more typical clearance and they were not widely commercially accepted until the early
seal. Because the piston diameter is large compared with most 1980s. This fact should encourage developers of alternative
Stirling machines of this capacity, a flexure design is likely to cooling technologies.
allow higher efficiency (by eliminating frictional and blow-by
losses) and lower cost than a clearance seal designs that require

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gas-bearing gap tolerances. In the past, flexure seals consisting of
commercially available bellows have been used in our designs ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(see, for example [12, 13] which in some cases enclosed the
thermal core as shown in [14]). To minimize the length of the This work is generously supported by the Advanced Projects
system, injection-molded plastic flexure seal designs are being Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) within the US Department of
pursued. Energy, Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration and ThermoAcoustics
A drawback of Trillium, when compared with existing vapor- Corporation.
compression systems, is the fact that the design must use a
multiplicity of linear motors with three being the practical
minimum. This constraint likely disqualifies (on a cost basis)
the design concept from the retail unitary system markets such
as home refrigerators and window air-conditioners where the
customers are very first cost sensitive and there is little regulatory
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