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Finding Our Herstory Video Project

What (if anything) would you like to see different about this activity?
May give more information about the women that we are supposed to introduce
Thought it was fun!
More time to work on project, esp. since we didn't need to have the video ready until later. Our
group didn't work on it at all after first take; more specific parameters would have helped!
More time!!
Knowledge about the video aspect before. I was unsure what the video project would entail.
More time to edit, provide cameras instead of smartphone use
More time provided - we worked later to finish
If time would allow it, more time to work on it. About an extra 30 min to an hour.
more time
more time to work on it.
more time or split over two-three sessions.
our group didn't realize we were supposed to be funny. =)
I just thought it was a waste of time. We could have used this time for something else.
Nothing really
little more time to film
More time (2-3 hr) think we had less than 2 hr.
It was probably more fun than informative
Maybe more time
I didn't love this activity. It was a very short time + the characters weren't really related so it was
difficult to make it cohesive, but it was fun to watch the videos.
Maybe more than two hours to plan and film.
Maybe a little bit more direction
I felt like we had no time and no structure, and I thought it could have been used for something
more effective or relevant to the
a list of all the women handed out so we can all learn about all women.
Nothing. This was super fun.
15. First Impressions: Etiquette in Today’s World

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Interview skills/practice
already familiar w/ this info
More on job interviews!! :)
Presentation extremely heteronormative and does not apply to ALL!
More time to ask questions/discussions
more about specifics of how to dress - manners workshop during one of the dinners would be
maybe an etiquette class for meals.
No, I thought it was great.
I got my elevator speech down!
More diverse conversation surrounding first impressions re: gender nonconformity or inclusive
presenters re: more than heteronormative ideals (Dress 4 success pushed for makeup & heels,
and came across as superficial)
I would include something that wasn't discussed, I just wish there was more time
More tips + tricks on networking!
Maybe an opportunity to bring our resumes and have them critiqued?

16. Discovering Your Leadership Style

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
It was great!
Thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on activity, and the chart given of everyone's strengths
more time to dive deeper into StrengthsFinder - sending the book earlier
I loved this! I wish this could have been a longer segment.
Hire this woman or make her a FIR or SOMETHING because she's AMAZING.
No, I enjoyed it.
Talk about what I can do everyday to play to those strengths.
Nothing, it was perfect
-loved this!!
More time to break down specific strengths and discuss how different strengths work together.
Where is your leadership style most effective?
I LOVED this one + the speaker
I LOVED this session!

17. Diversity Workshop

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Not my favorite activity, a little boring - cliché
This was SUPER stretched time-wise, I didn't feel like we got to collab w/ other groups/learn
much from other groups because of this.
Thoroughly enjoyed the ice breaker and the group/whole group discussion over the different
perspectives of diversity.
loved it!!
I think a discussion of dialect (regional) would be effective.
How to deal w/ people who oppose diversity?
It was perfect
More time
More time for open sharing about our diversity?
Maybe could have gone more in depth into how diversity matters in politics - felt a tad bit
Maybe a LGBTQ+ presenter.
More discussion about being aware of how we discuss diversity & the language used
how to deal with people who don't think diversity is important
more group bonding and direct conversation
18. Creating a Strategic Plan & Legislative Advocacy

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Loved this one!
More of the PLANNING, we heard a lot about her org which was awesome, but the actual
planning/writing of policy would have been cool!
How to lobby, talking to reps.
Very engaging, and well spoken speaker
didn’t really appeal to me but it was informative
No, it was great.
I knew everything she spoke about already. Maybe it's just me...

19. Grassroots Organization

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Maybe some kind of tasks would have been helpful than just lecture.
THIS WAS GREAT!! Might have been cool to get 2 grassroot organizers here; she represented
a kind of specific org. Not all of grassroots organizing
More discussion focused on out interests in the organization
I wanted to go to all three
Boring - I was too tired, couldn't pay attention. had to struggle to stay awake
more about the actual process
A more in-depth look at how to start an organization
Too specific to the Human Society - needed to be broader
Maybe a person who was a bit more personable.
20. Framing Messages & Working with the Media

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Everything was perfect
BEST workshop!!
It was great, one of my favorites, learned lots.
Ally covered everything. She was absolutely amazing. I loved her session.
Three sessions
Really good strategies for doing media interviews
I think a discussion of ethical journalists' Code of Ethics (SPJ) would be effective.
Ally was AWESOME!
More emphasis on social media

21. Campaign Simulation

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Best task out of all.
this was GREAT
I would have liked to know exactly what type of theoretical audience we had for the Power
Point. It was a little confusing
Connecting w/ constituents (independents) wasn't listed as a Rep. role and it should have been!
That was a fun part of it.
smaller groups!
It needs more organization. It was more stress than I think is necessary. I had fun later, but I was
filled with anxiety during the entire simulation.
Smaller groups? It was chaos
Would be good to have more time
More guidelines
more time.
No, it was very educational.
Just more information
More time or smaller groups. a better outline of what was needed
not at the end of the day
Personally, I wish the simulation had 3 active parties. I think slightly smaller teams would have
gotten more people REALLY involved. Many people I spoke with felt left out of the experience
Perhaps more time
It’s just crazy, but that can't be changed.
A little more direction
I think random events would be fun
More time, perhaps an assigned group leader to answer questions easier because there was a lot
of running back and forth
22. Financial Literacy
What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Already familiar with this information, a little boring
Honestly, this workshop was so informative and included so many resources, I can't think of
All the resources were great!
more specifics about scholarships for grad school would be helpful
Not relevant
more actual help, less scaring me + reminding me how broke I'll be.
A discussion of how to actually construct a budget and pay bills would be helpful.
I think we were provided w/ a lot of resources, but didn't learn much from the speaker
Nothing she was great.
I think by this point in our lives this info should already be known. I would maybe suggest a
campaign finance class
Less focus on current colleges stats and more of a development of a plan to get into grad school.
More practical, postgraduate information like paying rent, budgeting

23. Speed Dating for Careers

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Prepare faculty beforehand.
would have liked to have people look at my actual resume
would have liked to see more private sector career women
This was a great workshop but I would have included breaks in between (people were burned
out by the end).
more policy related positions; OPI, lobbyist attorneys - how to get job as L.A.
LOVED this the speakers were diverse and honest!
I would like to see more economic development background represented.
more time w/ the workshops would be helpful - should have a whole session for the grad school
A mock interview might be effective.
a business perspective maybe? How a law degree can be helpful in entrepreneurship.

24. Community Activist Panel

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
It was good!
Grassroots challenges/strengths, maybe? Overall, this was a great panel.
How to determine who to help with a bill.
Enjoyed the realistic responses from Kay, Estela and Devon!
more people on the panel, I know two were missing.
more voices
No, I really enjoyed this one.
more LGBTQ!
Education advocates.

25. Alumnae: Where are they now?

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Nothing =)
I got everything I could have asked for from this workshop!
Great to see where their journeys have taken them
Should have more alums on the panel, especially ones who just participated
No, I loved meeting Dana.
Boring, maybe just those certain people

26. NextStepRun Documentary Screening

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Enjoyed it.
Nothing =)
This was so cool. It was awesome to get to meet Rep. Munson after the docu!!
How to get started
So cool to hear in person from Cyndi!
No, I liked watching it and engaging in conversation afterwards.
but it was fun
More about Leah.

27. Day at the Capitol

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
Make a state capitol tour and explain most of the things
I thought it was great.
Nothing. All I can say is - Judge Truong made us all cry and is the greatest person I have ever
tour of capitol, hearing from an L.A.
This was unable to be helped, but because I registered in Arkansas, I could not relate as well.
Was able to see more than expected, great!
A real opportunity to meet with personal legislators
More time to visit with legislators.
More time to go talk to Representatives
Really wish we would have been able to speak with the governor.
No, I loved this.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
It would have been cool to have a specific topic that we learned about & then tried to "lobby"
Perhaps a tour of the Judicial Center
but still cool
Mary fallin...Just kidding. I really enjoyed the capitol.
I was disappointed Governor Fallin wasn't there. I realize it wasn't preventable or anyone's fault,
but it would have been nice to meet her
meeting with the governor
It would have been fun to just chill near the House + be explained what was going on, who
everyone was, etc.

28. Behind the Scenes at the State Capitol

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
I learned lobbying skills!
Might have been cool to hear from Legislative Assistants, but it was SO interesting to see the
lobbying world represented!
Going to talk to lobbyist in Action in the lobby room
No, I enjoyed the speakers.
More time, I didn't care for the judges and wish we would have spent more time at the capital.
Being introduced was amazing!
Maybe more time with my senator and representative.
I wish we could have met our representatives and had a full tour of the capitol.
29. Leadership in Action: Action Project Presentations

What (if anything) would you like to have seen included in this workshop that wasn't
discussed? What would you like to have seen different about this activity?
It was stressful though.
I would have liked to have just 2 groups and not six so we could dive deeper into an issue and
then come together to make a more impromptu presentation.
This activity was great!
this was hard to argue against; it's just fact based, not opinion
I felt like giving the project in advance wasn't necessary and just caused stress
I loved this activity because I was able to understand the bill from different points of view.
different format & less polarized topic
I think more time during the day to work on the projects would be helpful.
Access to the statistics that we saw presented by Alison Dodd would've been helpful!
I liked it.
I felt that some positions were very difficult to defend and maybe they should all be the same
level of difficulty. Also, more scheduled time to work on projects would be good as half our
group did not participate outside of the scheduled time and our presentation suffered as a result
Perhaps this could be condensed into one day and the campaign take longer? Just a thought.

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