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Title of Unit: Shoe Painting with Native American Influence

Teacher: Ms. Karla Pantaleon

Grade Level[s]: 10th – 12th

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

Students will gain an understanding of pattern and color through the development of shoe painting. The
artist we will be focusing on in this unit is the native American bead worker Teri Greeves. Her beadwork
is a skill that was practiced by her people for many generations. Her interest in this work began when she
was a young girl. Today she continues to create beadwork on shoes and tell stories through the images
and patterns she creates on her shoe surfaces.
Lesson 1:
Date Taught: Feb 1st, 2019

Aim/Goal of the Lesson/Unit:

 What is the purpose of the lesson/unit?
o Learn about the artist Teri Greeves and her technique of beadwork from the Kiowa tribe.
Analyze her work through Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)
o Develop skills in researching and understanding the work of a particular artist that might
be used for inspiration to drive the lesson.
o Develop understanding about where ideas come from and what influences art making.
o Understand the use of pattern, color and design in Native American art.
o Understand the use of symbols in Native American art.

Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:

 VA: Cr1.1.HSI Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
o A: Participate in research activity of the artist Teri Greeves and show understanding of
her work in final summative assessment.
 VA: Cr1.2.HSI Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using a
contemporary practice of art or design.
o A: Understand how the artist researched uses her contemporary practice of beadwork to
develop her figures and symbols.
 VA: Pr6.1. HSII Make, explain, and justify connections between artists or artwork and social,
cultural, and political history.
o A: Show understanding of how the work of Greeves connects to the Vans Custom
Culture. Explaining how narratives are represented through imagery.


 Kiowa tribe: A Native American tribe and indigenous people of the Great Plains
 Beadwork: the art or craft of attaching beads to one another by stringing them with a sewing
needle or beading needle and thread or thin wire, or sewing them to cloth.
 Narrative: a spoken or written account of connected events; a story

These terms will be used through the presentation of the lesson and through our discussions of the
artwork of the artist Teri Greeves. Students will also use these terms while they are creating their shoe
paintings and in the final stages when we discuss our process in critique. Students will receive points
towards their critique participation when they use these vocabulary words correctly and demonstrate their

 For Teacher:
o PowerPoint presentation
o Project handout for each student with rubric on one side and written procedures for
project on the other side. (Students can refer back to this handout throughout all lessons
of this project)
o Posters of Teri Greeves work to display in the classroom during project duration.
o Teri Greeves article + homework handout (online)
o Teri Greeves Video link
 For Student:
o Sketchbooks and pencils
o Teri Greeves video link and article
o Teri Greeves homework assignment
Motivation/Activities and Prompts:
 PowerPoint will be displayed on retractable screen
 Homework assignments: Thumbnails and worksheet (answer questions about the artist and what
we learned)
Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural exemplars:
 Teri Greeves video: Craft in America https://youtu.be/Jz2wf-hCuOk
Day 1 (of project)
 DISCUSSION: (30 min)
o Begin with prayer and intentions 2-4min
o Watch and talk about the video of Teri Greeves and her artwork
 What are the takeaways from the video?
 What materials does this artist use and what do they do contribute to the meaning
of her work?
 How does she use symbolism, color, and pattern in her designs?
o Show student’s PowerPoint
 Go over vocabulary. Read artist statement.
 Analysis of artist’s work.
 VTS What’s going on in this image? What do you see that makes you
think that? What more can we find?
 Talk about Vans custom culture and look at student sample work.
 How does the surface we use for painting change its meaning and or how our
viewer interacts with the work?
 Where does inspiration for our designs come from?
 Why is it important to understand what these influences are and how they
impact our art making?
 How do we use inspiration from a specific artist and create work that is personal
to us, while appreciating that artist’s intent?
o Go over procedures and rubric as a class by reading out loud.
 Read goals and read each criteria that will be assessed.
 Open up for questions.
o Begin working on sketchbook thumbnails and developing ideas for shoe painting. (At
least 4 thumbnail sketches, 3 views).

 Dialogue: “Consider the intent of the symbols, patterns, and colors you plan to
o Go over some of the concepts again and some vocabulary
o Return any materials you used where you got them
o For homework:
 Teri Greeves online assignment worksheet.
 Have 4 ideas in thumbnails
 Use imagery that reflects things like:
o topics of interest to you,
o personal or family legends,
o cultural legends,
o symbols of things that are important in your life.
This activity will be assessed for participation and completion of the two assignments. Students must
meet these to receive all of the participation points for this activity.

_ Actively participate in group discussion.

_ Follow directions and directs attention towards PowerPoint display.
_ Complete thumbnails and create sketches of all sides of both shoes for final design. At minimum of 3
views are required.
_ Complete worksheet and submit online. Demonstrate active research and understanding of the work of
Teri Greeves.

Lesson 2:
Date Taught: Feb 4th – 5th, 2019

Aim/Goal of the Lesson/Unit:

 What is the purpose of the lesson/unit?
o Develop skill in prepping for a shoe painting. From the beginning design stages to
painting with acrylic paint on a canvas shoe.
o Learn how to use acrylic paint. Learn how to mix colors to create new colors, how to
store paints for extended use. Proper cleaning procedures.
o Decorate a pair of shoes in the manner of the artist Teri Greeves.
Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:
 VA: Cn10.1.HSI Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated
o A: Create 4 thumbnails which show different views of the shoe painting you are creating.
 VA: Cr3.1.HSI Apply relevant criteria from traditional and contemporary cultural contexts to
examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for works of art and design in progress
o A: Make edits to sketches after meeting with teacher to get thumbnail ideas approved.
Explain how you are thinking through your design in the style and method of the artist
inspiration Teri Greeves.
 VA: Cr2.1. HSII Through experimentation, practice, and persistence, demonstrate acquisition of
skills and knowledge in a chosen art form.
o Formative A: Use what you have learned in the demonstrations to your procedure.
Practice painting on canvas scraps provided before starting on your shoe. This will allow
you to get the feel of the differences between painting on fabric and painting on paper.

 Primary colors: colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing. These are red,
yellow, and blue.
 Secondary colors: a color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors. The results are green,
orange, and violet (purple).
 Tertiary colors: Color combinations of primary and secondary colors. There are six tertiary
colors; Red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.
 Palette knife: a thin steel blade with a handle for mixing colors or applying or removing paint.
 Palette: a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
 For Teacher:
o Demo: Palette knife, Palette, Acrylic Paint in primary colors, Brushes
 For Student:
o Acrylic paint, Paint brushes, Painting palette, Tape (painters tape), Pencils, Color pencils,
White canvas shoes, thumbnail sketches.
Motivation/Activities and Prompts:
 Discussion of Teri Greeves work
 Posters of the artist Teri Greeves work will be displayed on the white board throughout the
duration of the project.
Day 2 (Conversations about getting started)
 DISCUSSION: (10min)
o Begin with prayer and intentions 2-4min
o Check thumbnails ask a few students to share out loud what their design is about. This
will engage the whole class and allow each individual to think about how they will
finalize their own design
 How are you thinking about your design past its aesthetic value? How are you
making meaning?
 How are you using symbolism?
 How do we use inspiration from a specific artist and create work that is personal
to us, while appreciating that artist’s intent?
 Reminder: Encourage students to distill the images into simple geometric shapes
and symbols that can represent the ideas. Include a variety of patterns into your
o Students will begin transferring design on to their shoes with pencil or color pencil.
 Reminder: Use pencil lightly on shoes to plan out the design of shoes. This will
allow students to erase if needed. Color pencil cannot be erased however you
might use that to your advantage and make the marks part of your design.
 Refer to preliminary sketches while transferring image
o Make sure both shoes have your name on them.
o Place them back on our designated shelf.
o Put away any materials you used from the classroom

o Remind students they should be bringing sketchbooks to class everyday as they are
working from their thumbnails.
Day 3 (Acrylic Paint Demo)
 DISCUSSION: (2min)
o Begin with prayer and intentions 2-4min
o We will be getting straight into our acrylic demo

o Gather materials you’ll be using
o Steps to painting.
 Once your design is set on your shoes you can begin painting
 Using tape, tape of the soles of the shoes to keep your design on the canvas and
away from the rubber.
 Go over some color mixing using palette knife (for large amounts of one color):
 Primary colors
 Secondary colors
 Tertiary colors
 Tint, Shade, Tone
 Encourage students to make small mixes of a color before committing to larger
amounts to preserve paint. [Colors can be shared]
 Using a variety of brushes, you can create different marks on your shoe (show
examples of marks made by different brushes on swatch of canvas).
o Students will begin mixing their colors and painting their shoes
o Follow the steps to prep and move forward to adding color.
 Reminder: Be intentional about what areas you paint and which you don’t paint.
o To make sure you will be able to use your colors tomorrow you will have to cover with
plastic wrap so it does not dry.
o Place your shoes and covered palettes on the shelf making sure they are not on top of
someone else’s work.
Students will be assessed in their effort and effective use of class time. Students must meet these to
receive all of the participation points for this activity.

_ Actively participate day to day work time.

_ Demonstrate creativity through the use of materials and other resources throughout working process.

Lesson 3:
Date Taught: Feb 6th – 15th, 2019

Aim/Goal of the Lesson/Unit:

 Develop skill in using acrylic paint while working with canvas shoes as a surface.
 Develop skill in the process of beading.
 Learn to identify when an artwork you have created is completed and if it could benefit from
additional embellishments.
 Learn about clean up and storage procedures for acrylic paint.
 Use what you have learned to talk about your own work and your peers work in critique using
vocabulary of art.
 Evaluate your own work in writing.
Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:
 VA: Cr2.1. HSII Through experimentation, practice, and persistence, demonstrate acquisition of
skills and knowledge in a chosen art form.

o Formative A: Use what you have learned in the demonstrations to your procedure.
Practice painting on canvas scraps provided before starting on your shoe. This will allow
you to get the feel of the differences between painting on fabric and painting on paper.
 VA: Pr5.1. HSII Evaluate, select, and apply methods or processes appropriate to display artwork
in a specific place.
o A: Participate in display discussion. Give clear opinions of why the display may need to
be changed and why. Students will answer: What is working what is not?
 VA: Cn11.1.HSI Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence
personal responses to art.
o A: Communicate how they represent understanding of their own personal narratives,
interests and or symbols of things that are important in their lives during critique
 For Teacher:
o Rubrics
o Quizzes
o Demo: Needles, thread, beads, scissors, canvas swatch.
 For Student:
o Acrylic paint
o Paint brushes
o Painting palette
o Tape (painters tape)
o Pencils
o White canvas shoes
o Needles
o Thread
o Beads
o Scissors
Day 4 – Day 7 (Work Days)
 Begin with prayer and intentions 2-4 min
o Students will go straight to working for the next few days.
o Teacher will be walking around the room giving one on one time to students who may
need assistance.
o Reminders:
 Think about how colors add to the symbolism of your design
 Are the colors you are using purely aesthetic? How can you improve that
if yes to add to your design in a different way?
 Paints should be stored upside down.
 Allow your colors to dry completely before layering them.
 Do not pour more paint out than the size of your thumb finger nail at a time.
o Reminder: Make sure you are storing your paints with plastic wrap so you are able to use
them in the next few days.
o Place your shoes on the shelf making sure they are not on top of someone else’s work
o Clean up your brushes with brush cleaner and place them to dry in the acrylic brush cup.
Emphasize that leaving paint on brushes will ruin them.
Day 8 (Last work day + beading demo)

 DISCUSSION: (2min)
o Begin with prayer and intentions 2-4min
o We will be getting straight into our beading demo
o Gather materials you’ll be using
o Steps to beading:
 Pull the thread through the needles.
 Make a knot at the end of the thread by doubling the thread.
 One needle will be for holding your beads and the other to tighten every two
beads onto your shoe.
 Put the leading needle (the thread holding the beads) through the inside of your
shoe and then collect the beads on it to begin stitching every two needles
 Your other needle and thread will also go from the inside first creating a loop
over the leading thread. Once you push the stitching needle back through the
shoe it will secure those two beads.
 Repeat these steps until you go around the shape you want beaded.
o Students will continue to paint and those who are finished can begin adding
embellishments with beading.
o Place your shoes on the shelf making sure they are not on top of someone else’s work
o Clean up your brushes with brush cleaner and place them to dry in the acrylic brush cup
o Return any beading materials you did not use to the teacher. (Students are allowed to take
materials home if they need to finish their work at home)
Day 9 – Day 10 (Critique)
 Begin with prayer and intentions 2-4 min
We will be using the entirety of the class for critique. Students will fill out self-evaluation on their rubric
and turn in with their shoes to be graded on Day 9 of the unit.
Critique procedures:
 One positive comment > One Improvement > Another positive
 Open up for more comments and questions.
 Reminder: You get graded on your rubric for participating in critique and using vocabulary of art.
 Allow the artists to tell us about their design after they have gotten their feedback if they wish to
add anything to the discussion.

Day 11 (Quiz) Feb 15th, 2019

 Begin with prayer and intentions 2 – 4 min
 Quiz will be given to students on this day.
 Display Shoe Paintings. Collaborate with students in the displaying of their final works.

Quiz will be taken starting class. The remainder of class time, students will take their shoes downstairs to
our display area. There they will select how to display their work. Discussion will be held in regards to
the best way to organize each piece to allow the display to work together visually. For example, shoes
with similar colors displayed in the same area or dispersed to create balance and contrast throughout all
the display.

Assessment: Rubric and Quiz included with assessments.

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