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CULTURE (environment)

- Culture will either facilitate growth or choke it

- A culture of simplicity will empower disciple making


- Most Christians are doing it on some level, but sometimes not consistently
> We want to ad INTENTIONALITY to our relationships:
• Christ.
• Each other.
• The lost.

There are some great leadership development programs out there, but:

You can develop leaders without making disciples but you can't make
disciples without developing leaders!

Alternate intro:
2 Corinthians 1:12 For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we
conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly
wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.
- Simplicity is not a new thing!
> Paul was happy to practice simple Christianity, as long as it was genuine and
NB. Don't be intimidated by those who perceive simplicity as shallow. Paul was
happy to keep it simple. Simple is understandable, and that is reproducible!
E.G. Our world is afraid of disease that is viral > because it spreads rapidly and
affects many
> We want our Christianity to go viral!!!

- It was sincere. Genuine. Authentic.

 It's ok to be simple as long as its authentic. It's not a program, technique
or a model. It is your life. Genuine relationship. Open, fresh, direct, real.
- Simple journaling
- Simple prayer
- Simply keeping your heart clean
Help me keep it simple and genuine Lord.


Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on
tablets, That he may run who reads it.

SIMPLE - "I understand that"

Hab 2:2 "make it plain" (i.e. Clear)
- If people wrinkle their foreheads while you're explaining it then its not clear enough
NB. It was simple enough for a carpenter to explain it to fisherman…

E.G. Windscreen on car. Dirty / squinting

> It's our job to clean their windscreens concerning ministry.
> Ah-ha moments ("I can see that")

Jesus took complex spiritual realities and made them simple / relatable (Parables)
> Kingdom is like a man sowing / found a treasure in a field
E.G. Ball of string. Good discipleship untangles things / not tangles (deep / prideful)
E.G. iPhone - one button.

EASY - "I can do that"

Hab 2:2 "may run"
- Don't shackle leaders / Let them run!
NB. Running is linked to understanding / confidence in what they are to do
E.G. Won't run into the dark / axe yourself on a fence post. (Brothers farm)
The way we interact with the word / each other / unbelievers

FUN - "I want to do that"

Q. Isn't that a bit carnal? / be serious about ministry bro (Deep joy / be like me)
Nehemiah 8:10 “The joy of the Lord is our strength” (at a time of repentance!)
Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, (external
things) but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
E.G. High fives / not intense / 'super spiritual'
Q. Watch Philippinos in groups laughing and joking, but if someone says pray it
becomes very serious and intense?! Don't confuse intensity with spirituality / or many
words with faith.

Simplicity makes discipleship 'viral' / transferable


Into Groups of 4 or 5
- People you already know
- Pick a leader with some experience
- Leader, keep conversation flowing so everyone has a turn
10 mins on what you have learned so far / touched your heart
Group Exercise
Q. What have you experienced / has spoken to you so far?
Testimonies. (Have to wait them out. Can't progress till you talk)

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