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A. Background of the problem

We have learned from the previous chapters that the utilization of ICT is promising and
advantageous. We have also been made aware of some pitfalls and disadvantages in
utilizing it. However, there are some aspects require our concern such as the aspect of
teacher, students, and classroom. There are also some requirements and strategies need to
follow in order to successfully utilize ICT in English language learning. Those topics are
discussed in this chapter.

By the end of the chapter, students will gain a better understanding of some importand as
well as requirements and strategies in successfully itilising ICT in English language
learning. In the activity part, students be made aware of their own teaching condition and
discuss problem they made to find solution.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is lesson for teacher?
2. What is lesson for students?
3. How to succesfully integrate ICT in language learning?
C. Objective of the problem
1. To know what is lesson for teacher
2. To know what is is lesson for students
3. To know how to successfully integrate ICT in language learning


A. Lesson for teacher

The introduction and application of ICT in language learning has changed the
landscape of education in general and language learning in particular to be specific,
teachers are among the first parties responsible for a maintaining a better
understanding and competence in using ICT in their teaching activities.

Moreever, the application of ICT as a new source and new wayof delivering language
teaching and learning materials requires competence teachers to adjust not only their
way of thinking, but also the curriculum.

Fitzpatrict and davies (2002) maintain that there is an increasing awareness among
educationalists, researchers and administrators institutions calls for a change in
learning and teaching patterns. For example , 73 % of the experts polled for the

Delphi studt (follstadt-fortcoming publication) believe that the new mwdia will lead
to a major change in the culture of learning. They believe that the new media:

 Call for and facilitate more independence on the part of the learner, more self-
directed activities and the organization of learning processes;
 Encourage interactive work
 Facilitate direct feedback
 Call for a change in the role distribution of teacher/learning , where learners
take on teaching function
 Enable contents to be continually update with minimum efforts
 Provide faster access to teaching materials
 Provide greater opportunities for individual forms of learnig
 But also demand more social learning in group and team work
 Offering a wider range of teaching contents (especially teaching methods)
 Enabling more self-directed learning and offering a range of choices,
individual learning pathways and freer forms of learning activities
 Offering teachers and learners the better chance to plan and organize courses
together (empowering learners to influence the choice of teaching ontents)
 Freeing learning and teaching from the limitations and constraints of the
traditional classroom by opening up and using spaces outside the
school/teaching institution
 Facilitating communication among learners and between learners and the
teacher via the internet

However, it should be born in mind that ICT does not automatically lead to a
brand new culture of learning , but it simply offers a new in language teaching
and learning at schools not only changes the places and the quality of learning,
but also influences learning processes from a didactic and methodological point of
view, requiring special competencies of teachers. Changes in society a large
(globalization, networked environments , working across time, plae and cultures)
also demand ne types of working styles and language competencies. Thus,

teachers role as the key factor in education, in this case language learning, is
paramountas their attitude and appropriate concepts and utilization of ICt in the
teaching-learning environment will determine whether the desired outcome can be
achieved and a better teaching-learning environmentcan be created.

As indicated in the previous explanation, it is important for a language teacher to

have some competencies of ICT. Fitzpatrick and davies (2002) believe that
language teacher working in an ICT and multimedia environment will, like their
counterparts in other disciplines, need to develop a degree or level of competence
in utilizing the full potential of ICT such as :

 Recognizing the individual learning problems of learners

 Making a careful and consideres choice concerning the use of the media
 Cheking the truth of information content offered
 Developing efficient search techniques and be capable of conducting effective
research with the help of the computer
 Being able to use standard software confidently and competenly
 Making wise and critical choices of information found
 Improving their didactic competencies linked to media
 Providing less information and instruction, but offer more consultation in
learning processes
 Monitoring learning processes rather than direct them
 Offering and organizing group work to a greater extent. This means that
teachers need to focus on the design of situation, sequences and activities
conducive to learning languages by encouraging learners to participate in
collaborative efforts. Indeed, the management of learning scenarious, where
learners and teachers complement one another skills, expertise and knowledge
in collaborative efforts must form the basis of the education of the language
teachers of tomorrow.

Beside competencies in utilising ICT, teacher should also learn and develop a
new role corresponding to the utilization of ICT in language learning. The new
role of teachers in ICT environment as follows:

1. Teacher as a facilitator and guide

As a facilitator and guide of ICT utilization in language teaching, teacher
should:1) have a sufficient knowledge of ICT;2) aware and able to use a
variety of materials available to improve to students language skills;3) be
flexible in responding to students need
2. Teacher as an interrogator of media
Teacher must not only have a sufficient knowledge of ICT tools but also
which to utilise them. For example, the example, the integration of audio-
visual elements such as in the use of word-processing, graphics, presentation
programs as well as audio and video aids will show learners the fact that the
foreign language environment of the target language is as vibrant and colorful
as the society in which they live.
3. Teacher as a researcher
As a part of a grater whole of labguage learning community, teacher hasan
inherent role as the one who initiates the change . thus, research becomes a
part of their live. As a researcher, teacger needs to know how and where he
can get access to information for his own and for the learner advantage. In this
case, the teachers knowledge and competency in using of search engines and
reliable information sources are essestial.
4. Teacher as a designer of complex learning scenarios

Designing a learning scenario which incorporates the use of ict is more

complex than then of conventional teaching materials. Thus, in order to
orchestrate successful learning scenarios, teachers needs to learn how to put
together tasks and materials of language learning with a proper use of ict

5. Teacher as a collaborator

As in general idea , that collaboration will lighten the burden, the
collaboration among teachers in utilization ict in languge learning will not
only benefit the teacher but also students and school as a whole. A skillful
teacher can teach fellow teacher with less knowledge, and as bigger team ,
they can collaborate in creating a better teaching environment in school.

6. Teacher as an orchestraktor of technology, learners, and curriculum

In applaying ict , teachers not only deals with ict tools or technologies but
also learners and the curriculum. In order to fully exploite the potentials of ict
,teacher needs to manage and cooperate technologies, learners, and curriculum
well by constantly developing, reflecting, reviewing , and revising current
practice of language learning.
7. Teachers as a learner
To become a teacher, someone needs to be a learner. In a widely open
technological realm, teachers and students are in the same area which present
more challenge for teacher. Challenges such as learner who has a more
advanced computer skills or challenge to fully responsible of the content
developed via ict requires teacher to constantly be a learner to adapt with a
progressing world.
8. Teacher as an evaluator
The use of ict tools as the media in language learning will eventually lead of
its use in assessing the outcome of learning procces . A teacher needs to revise
the evaluation model to properly suit the application of ict in language
learning so as to achieve a better result.
B. Lesson for students
Just like the teacher, the learner aso has to adjust to a new role in the language
learning process. Learner must take on new responbilities, such as working without
any supervision what so ever. ICT based language classess will become much more
learner-centered, in which learners’ time and effort devoted to authentic reading and
writing tasks related to authentic communication with (native speaker of target
language) partners become a central part of it. ICT tools enable learners of a language
to communicate inexpensively and quickly with other learners or speakers pf the

target language all over the world. ICT based language learner is different from
conventional language learner, in the sense that they have access to an almost
unlimited amount of authentic target-language information, as well as posibilities to
publish and distribute their own multimedia information for an international audience.
Further, as internet allows a stream of information, students will have more chance to
utilise and manipulate language data using multiple media, which in turn provides
learners with the raw materials they can use to re-create the language for themselves,
using their own organising schemes. Various pre-developed activities will encourages
students to explore and be creators of language rather than passive recipients of it and
furthering the idea of the learner as an active participant in learning.
As it changes the role of teacher and students, the application of ICT in language
learning also influences the classroom environment. Below is the development and
progress of classroom environment.
C. How to successfully integrate ICT in Language learning
Based on recent research and studies, it can be summed up that a successful
integration of ICT in language learning exhibits some characteristics as follow:
 Accessibility of ICT tools for all learners;
 The employment of a full-time technician specialising in providing service
and maintance of the various functions of the multimedia labolatory and ICT
tools in the classroom and the employment of a fill-time webmaster;
 Adequate training for new teachers and in service training for others or as a
part of Continuous Professional Development (CPD);
 Meaningful utilisation of the multimedia laboratory or ICT tools in classes for
intensive practice;
 Learner-centered approaches of language learning;
 A total commitment from all school community and stakeholders to support
the utilisation of ICT in language learning;
 Learning classes with vision, support and proactive leadership.


There are some aspects require our concern such as the aspect of teacher, students, and
classroom. There are also some requirements and strategies need to follow in order to
successfully utilize ICT in English language learning, and also there are new role of
teachers in ICT environment as follows: Teacher as a facilitator and guide, teacher as an
interrogator of media, Teacher as a researcher, Teacher as a designer of complex learning
scenarios, Teacher as a collaborator, Teacher as an orchestraktor of technology, learners,
and curriculum, Teachers as a learner, Teacher as an evaluator


Ahmad,K, G. Corbett, M.Rogers, and R.Sussex. (1985). Computers, Language Learning and
Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Atkinson, T. (1992). HANDS Off: It’s My Go! IT in the Languages Classroom for
Information and Language Teaching and Research. London.

Brumfit, J.C. (1885). Language and Literature Teaching : From Practice to Principle.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Coburn, P. et al. (1985). Practical Guide to Computers in Education. 2nd ed. Canada:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc

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