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ADITYA SEN GUPTA (1536300006)

ABHAY BACHCHAN (1536300001)




MAY 2019


This is to certify that the project entitled “RESIDENTIAL BUILDING (G+3)”
submitted by group of students. ADITYA SEN GUPTA (1536300006), ABHAY
BACHCHAN (1536300001), RANJEET BANSHWAR (1536300056), Final year,
the partial fulfilment of the requirement of the reward of the degree of bachelor of
Technology (CIVIL ENGINEERING) of DR. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical
University, is bonafide record of the report presented during the academic record
2018-19 and no part of this work has been submitted earlier for award of any



(Head OF Department)



We hereby declare that the project entitled “MULTI-STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING
(G+3)” Submitted by us in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
of bachelor of technology (civil engineering) from Abdul kalam technical university is record
by our owns work carried under the supervision and guidance of Mr. BALRAM YADAV
(Project Guide).
To the best of my knowledge this project has not been submitted to Abdul kalam Technical
university or any institute for the award of any degree.

ADITYA SEN GUPTA (1536300006)

ABHAY BACHCHAN (1536300001)



We hereby declare that the project entitled “RESIDENTIAL BUILDING (G+3)

“submitted by us in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of the Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering of Dr. APJ Abdul
Kalam Technical University, is record of our own work carried under the
supervision and guidance of MR. R.S MISHRA in Department of Civil
Engineering AIMT, Lucknow.
To the best of my knowledge this project has not been submitted to Dr. APJ Abdul
Kalam Technical University or any University or institute for the reward of any

ADITYA SEN GUPTA (1536300006)

ABHAY BACHCHAN (1536300001)



 The plot on the ground at the front inside AIMT

campus. Beside 2nd gate.
 The plot is just in front of the Nescafe
 On the south west direction of the road it has road
which led to the MDR 52C
 The plot is front of basketball ground

Title Page I
Table of content II - IV
Certificate V
Preface VI
Acknowledgements VII
Location of site VIII

1.1 Earth work in excavation of foundation of walls and column concrete block in
foundation 8

1.2 First class brick in 1:6 cement, sand mortar in foundation up to plinth 8-9
1.3 Cement concrete block in foundation 9” thick having ratio of 1:5:10 9 - 10
1.4 Earth work in filling to raise the level of ground 10-11
1.5Laying of D.P.C. 4 cm thick with 1:2:4 cement concrete with
2% damp proofing powder 11-12
1.6 First class brick work in 1:6cement, sand mortar in superstructure 12-13
1.7 R.C.C. work in slab, beams and lintel in 1:2:4cement, concrete mix
(M-20) grade 14
1.8 Mild steel frames for doors and windows having 40 x 40 x 6 mm angle section 15-16
1.9 Teak wood works in doors and windows shutters 16-17
1.10 Plastering on ceiling with 1:4 cement, sand mortar 17
1.11 Plastering on walls with 1:5 cement, sand mortar 18
1.12 Mosaic flooring over base concrete 18
1.13 Glazed tile work in kitchen and toilet up to door level 19
1.14 Roof terracing work with tiles said over mud phaska 19
1.15 White and colour washing on walls 19

2.1 Design of slab for residential building
2.2 Design of beam for residential building 20 - 40
2.3 Design of column for residential building 41 – 55
2.4 Design of footing for residential building 56-59
2.5 Design of stair case for residential building 60-- 66

4.1 Estimates for item of ground floor 71-72
4.2 Estimate fir item of first floor 73
7.1 Abstract of cost of the G+3 residential building



EXCAVATION:-Foundation trenches shall be dug out of the width of foundation concrete
and the sides shall be vertical, if the soil is not good and does not permit vertical sides. The sides
should be shall not places with 1 meter (3’3”) of the edge of trench.
FINISH OF TRENCH:-The bottom of foundation trenches shall be perfectly levelled both
longitudinal transversely and the sides of trench shall be dressed perfectly vertical from bottom
up to the least thickness of loose concrete so that concrete may be laid to the exact width as per
design. The bed of trench shall be lightly watered and well rammed. Excess digging if contractor
soft or defective spots shall be dug out and removed filled with concrete width stabilized so it. If
rocks or boulders are found during excavation these should be removed and the bed of the
trenches shall be levelled and made hard by consolidating the earth.
FINDS:-Any treasure and valuable are materials found during the excavation shall be properly
of the government.
WATER IN FOUNDATION:-Water if any accumulates in the trench should be baled or
pumped out without extra payment and necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent surface
water to enter into the trench.
TRENCH FILLING:-After the concrete has been masonry has been constructed the
remaining portion of the trenches shall be filled with earth in layer 1.5 cm (6”) and watered well
rammed. The earth of air filling shall be broken before filling surplus earth not required. Shall be
removed and disposed and site shall be levelled and dressed.
MEASUREMENT:-The measurement of the excavation shall be taken in cubic -meter or
(cubic -feet) as per rectangular trench bottom width of concrete multiplied by the length vertical
depth of the foundation from ground level and multiply by the length of the trenches even length
the contractor have excavated with slopping side for his concurrence.
EXCAVATION:-Excavated excavation is saturated soil or below sub soil water
level should be taken under a separate item and shall be carried out in the same
manners as above. Pumping or boiling out of water and the sides of trenches if
required in the item. Timbering of the sides of the trenches if required shall be
taken under a separate item and paid separately.


BRICK:-All bricks of first class of standard specification made of good earth through burnt
and shall be of deep cherry red or copper colour. Bricks shall red regular is shape and hair edges
should be sharp and small emit clear ringing sound of being struck and shall not absorb water
more than one sixth of their weight after one hour soaking by in increase in water brick shall
have a minimum crushing strength of 105 kg per square – cm.
CEMENT MORTAR:- Mortar shall be specified and material of mortar shall be of
standard specification for cement mortar cement shall be sharp clean and free from organic and
foreign matter for rich mortar coarse or medium sand be used and for weak mortar local fine
sand may be used and proportion of cement sand mortar is specifies 1:6. Material of mortar shall
measured to have then required proportions with measuring box and first mixed dry to have
uniform colour in a clean masonry platform and then mixed by adding clean water slowly and
gradually to have workable consistency and mixed thoroughly of by turning
at least three times fresh mixed mortar shall be used. Old and stare mortar shall not be used and
mortar for one hours work only shall be mixed with water so that the mortar may be used before
setting starts.
SOAKING OF BRICKS:- Bricks shall be fully soaked in clean water submerging in a tank
for a period of 12 hours immediately before use. Soaking shall be continued till air bubbling
LAYING:-Brick shall be well bounded and laid in English bond unless otherwise specified.
Every course shall be truly horizontal and well be truly plumb. Vertical joints of consecutive
course shall b clean cut come directly one over other vertical joints in alternate course shall be
clean cut bricks over one another. No damage or broken bricks shall be used. Closers shall be
clean cut bricks shall be placed near the ends of the walls but not at the other edge. Selected base
shaped brick shall be used for face work. Mortar joints shall not exceed 6 mm in thickness and
joints shall be fully filled with mortar. Bricks shall be laid with frogs upward except in top
course where frogs upward except in top course where frogs shall be placed downward. Brick
work shall be carried out not more than 1 meter height at a time. When one part of the well has to
be delayed stopping shall be left at an angle of 45° corbelling or projections were made should
not be more then (1/4) brick projections in one course. All joints are racked face of wall cleaned
at the end of each day’s work.
CURING:- The brick shall be kept wet for a period of at least 10 days after lying. At the end
of day’s work the top of walls should be flooded with water by making small work mortar
edging to contain to least 2.5 cm deep water.
PROTECTION:-The brick wall shall be protected from the effect of sun, rain, frost, etc,
during the construction and up till such times it is green and likely to change.
SCAFFOLDING:-Necessary and suitable scaffolding should be provided to facilitate the
construction of brick wall.
MEASUREMENT:-Brick wall shall be measured in cubic meter different kinds of bricks
work with different mortar shall be taken under separate items thickness of wall shall be taken as
multiple of half brick as half brick 10 cm. 1 brick 20 cm and 1.5 brick 30 cm and so on. The rates
shall be for the complete work including scaffolding and all tools and plants.


MATERIALS:-All the materials shall be as per specification coarse aggregate shall be of
hard, well brunt or over brunt brick ballast of 40 mm gauge. It shall be deep cherry red or copper
colour and be clean free from dust, dirt and other foreign matter it shall be homogenous in
texture and roughly cubical in shape ballast which appears porous or shoes sign of salt petrel
shall not be used. Fine aggregate shall be of surkhi or sand or cinder as specified and clean and
free from dust, dirt and foreign matter surkhi shall be made of will brunt brick or brick bats (144
mesh per square inch) surkhi is preferably better concrete.
PROPORTION:-The concrete shall consist of 0.1 cubic meter brick ballast 0.05 cubic meter
of surkhi (sand or cinder) and 0.01 cu-m of white lime in the proportion of 10:5:1 by volume.
MIXING:- Mixing shall be done a clean water tight necessary platform of sufficient size.
Brick ballast shall be staked in a rectangular layer of uniform thickness usually 30 cm high and
well soaked with clean water for a period of at least three hours.
SLUMP:-Regular slump test should carried out to control the addition of water and to maintain
the required consistency.
FORM WORK:-From work should be provided as required as per standard specification
before laying concrete in position.
LAYING AND COMPACTION:-Bed to foundation trenches shall be lightly sprinkled
with water before concrete is laid, concrete should be laid slowly and gently (not thrown) in
layers of not more than 20 dm and thoroughly consolidation of 15 dm with 6 kg iron rammer.
The water level should be not sink more than 1.25 cm in 15 minutes, if concrete has been wall
CURING:- Concrete after completion shall be kept wet for a period of at least of 7 days no
masonry shall be constructed upon it during this period. The curing shall be done bray spreading
gunny bags or sand or keeping then wet by water can at regular interval.
MEASURING:-Measurement shall be taken in cu – m for the finished concrete. The length
and shall be measured concrete o 1 cm and depth concrete to 0.5 cm. The rate shall be for the
complete work. Including the cost of form work if required and all tools and plants.


EARTH:-Earth is the filling should be used loose free from bat stone boulder no larger than 75
mm in any direction, organic or other foreign mattes. Normally excavated earth from the
foundation shall be used for filling. However such earth contains materials etc, should not be
FILLING:-The spaces around the foundation pipes and drains in trench shall be cleared of all
brick bates etc. The filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 20 cm. Each layer shall be done
watered, rammed and consolidation before the succeeding one is laid. Earth shall be crammed
with iron rammer special care should be taken that no damage is caused to the pipe, grains and
masonry in the trenches below filling under floor i.e. in plinth the finished level of finishing shall
be kept slopping intended to be given to the floor.
MEASUREMENT:-Earth work in plinth filling is calculated by taking the internal
dimension in between the plinth wall which are usually less than the internal dimension s of the
room b two sets of plinth wall i .e 10 cm and height is taken after deducting the thickness of
concrete in floor usually 7.5 cm, if sand filling is done in plinth should e taken separately the
height and breadth of each filling may be same as the internal dimension of the room if there is
no offset in plinth wall.


MATERIALS:-Damp proof course consist of cement coarse sand aggregate 1:2:4
proportions with 2% of impact cu – m seal, or according by weight of cement other standard
water proofing component (1 kg per bag of cement). The damp proof course shall be applied at
the plinth level in a horizontal layer of 4 cm. The cement shall be fresh Portland cement of
standard specifications. The sand shall be clean, course, and other standard water proofing
component may be used and the quantity shall be used as per construction of the manufactures.
MIXING:-Mixing shall be done in a platform or in a sheet or on a tray in the proportion of
1:2:4 by measuring with measuring boxes. The cement is first mixed thoroughly with the water
proofing component to the required quantity and then mix dry with the sand in proportion of 1:2
the mix cement and shall be added slowly and gradually while being mixed to the required
workable consistency. The mixing shall be done by turning at least three times to give a uniform
and homogenous concrete.
LAYING:-The level of the surface of the plinth shall be checked longitudinally and
transversely. The top of wall at damp proof course be laid with frogs of the bricks downward
slides from or shutting of strong wooden batten of 205 cm thickness shall be fixed properly and
formally on both sides for confine the concrete so that the shuttering dies not get disturbed
compacting and mortar does not get disturbed during the shuttering shall b oiled to prevent
concrete adhering to it to the surface of the wall shall be wetted by watering before concrete is
laid. The concrete shall be laid within half an hour of mixing and compacted through by tamping
to make dense concrete and levelled so that longitudinally and transversely after two hours of a
laying the surface of concrete shall be rough and required so as to form a key with the wall
above. The damp proof course shall be laid in continuation in one day without any joints. Joints
or break if any unavoidable shall be given at the sell or opening. If joints cannot be avoided the
joints shall be sloped and the sloped surface shall be applied with near cement wash just before
starting concreting on the following day, shuttering may be removed after three days on removal
the edges should become smooth without any honey combing.
CURING:- The damp proof course shall be covered by watering and kept wet for 7days and
the construction of wall above may be started. The surface shall be cleaned and wetted before
masonry is started.
PAINTING WITH ASPHAL:-Two coats of asphalt painting may be applied on the upper
surface of damp proof course, if specified. The first coat of hot asphalt at 1.5 kg per square meter
(15%sq.ft) shall be applied immediately with coarse sand and the concrete in dry painted surface
is blinded immediately with coarse and coarse sand the surface tamped lightly. The 2nd coat hot
asphalt at 1 kg per sq.mt should than be applied uniformly and the surface is immediately
blinded with coarse sand tamped lightly.
2 CM DAMP PROOF COURSE:-The damp proof coursed may be 2 cm thick layer of
1:2 cement and coarse sand mortar with standard water proofing component at the side rate of 1
kg per bag of cement. The mixing, laying, curing etc. shall be done in the same manner as above.
The form or shuttering shall be 2 cm thick.


BRICK:-All bricks shall be o first class of standard specifications made of good brick earth
thoroughly burnt and shall be of deep cherry red or copper colour. Bricks shall be regular in
shape and their edges should be sharp and shall emit clear ringing sound on being struck and
shall be free from cracks, chips, flaws and lumps of any kinds bricks shall not absorb water more
than one sixth of their weight after one hour of soaking by immersing in water, bricks shall have
a minimum crushing strength of 105 kg per sq – met.
MORTAR:-Mortar shall be specified and material of mortar shall be of standard specification.
Sand shall be sharp, clean, and free from organic and foreign matters for rich mortar coarse or
medium should be used and for weak mortar local fine sand may be used. Proportion of cement
sand mortar may be of 1:6 material of mortar shall be measured to have the required proportion
with measuring boxes and first mixed dry to have a uniform colour in a clean water slowly and
gradually to have consistency and mixed thoroughly by turning at least three times.
Fresh mixed mortar shall be used old and sate mortar not be used and mortar for one hour work
only shall be mixed with water so that the mortar may be used setting starts. Lime surkhi mortar
if specified shall mixed in the specified proportion by grinding in mortar mill for at least three
hours shall be used old and stale mortar should not be used for small work hand mixing may be
allowed in the same manner of for cement of for cement mortar described above.
SOAKING OF BRICKS:- Bricks shall be fully soaked in clean water submerging in a tank
for a period of 12 hours immediately before use. Soaking shall be continued till the air bubbling
is decreased.
LAYING:- Brick shall be bounded and laid English bond submerging and specified. Every
course shall be truly horizontal and well shall be truly in plumb. Vertical joints in alternate
consecutive not come directly over one another, vertical joints, I alternate course shall come
directly over one another. No damage broken bricks shall be used closers shall be of clean cut
bricks and shall be placed near the ends not at the other edges, selected near the ends of walls but
not at the other edges selected best shaped bricks shall be used for face work. Mortar joints shall
be exceed6mm in thickness and joints shall be fully filled with mortar. Bricks shall be laid with
frogs upward except in the top course where frogs shall be left at an angle. Bricks shall be
carried out more than1 meter height at a time when one part of the wall has to be delayed
stepping shall be left at an angle 45° corbelling or projections were made should not be more that
1/4 bricks, projections in coarse.
CURING:-The bricks shall be kept for a period of at least of 10 days after laying. At the end
of days work the tops of walls should be flouted water by a making small mortar ending at least
2.5 cm deep water.
PROTECTION:-The bricks shall be protected from the effect of rain, sun, froze etc. During
the construction and until such times it is given and likely to be damaged.
Necessary and suitable scaffolding shall be provided to facile the construction of brick wall.
Scaffolding shall be sound and strong and supports and members sufficiently strong so as to with
stand loads likely to come upon them.
MEASUREMENT:-Brick work shall be measured in cu – m different kinds of bricks work
with different mortar shall be taken as multiple of half brick of 10 cm, 1 brick of 20 cm and 1.5
brick 30 cm and so on. The rate shall be for the complete work including scaffolding and all
tools and plants
BRICK WORK:-In addition to above type of arch rough or axial or round or gauged as the
case may be and the centring of the arch should be specified.


STEEL:-Steel reinforcing bars shall be mild steel or deformed steel of standard specification
and shall be free from corrosion loose rust states, oil grease without fractures. Bars shall be
hooked and bend accurately and placed in positions as per design and drawing and bound
together light with 20 S.W.G. annealed steel wire at three point on intersection. Bar shall be bent
cold by applying gradual and motion bars of 40 mm diameter above may be bent by heating to
dull red allowed to cool slowly without immersing in water or quenching joints in the bars
should be provided as far as possible, when joints have to be jointed of welding and made an
overlap of 40 times diameter of bars shall be given with roper hooks at ends and joints shall be
staggered. Bigger diameter bar should be jointed of welding and tested before placing in
opposition while concreting steel bars shall be given side and bottom coursed of concrete by
placing precise cover blocks under beneath of 1:2 cement mortar 2.5 x2.5 cm in section and
thickness of specified cover.
CENTERING AND SHUTTRING:-Cantering and shuttering shall be made with timber
or steel close and tight to prevent leakage or mortar with necessary props. Breaking and wedges ,
sufficient strong and stable and should not yield on laying concrete and made in such a manner
that they can be slab and remove gradually without disturbing the concrete. No plastering should
be made the concrete surface. A coat of oil washing should applied over shattering or paper
should be spread o have a smooth and finished surface and to prevent adherence of concrete for
slab and beam smaller member should be given in cantering 1 cm per 25 cm with a maximum of
4 cm. The cantering and shuttering shall be removed slowly and carefully so that one part is
disturbed or damaged.
LAYING:-Before laying the concrete the shuttering shall be clean free from dust first and
other foreign materials. The concrete shall be deposited in its final height in practical so as to
avoid construction joints but the progress of concreting on then vertical directions shall be
retracted to one meter to per hour care should be taken that the initial setting process is dense
concrete is obtained. The end shall be stopped at an angle of 30°and rougher for future jointing
structures exceeding 45 meter in length shall be divided by one more expansion joints.
CURING:-After about two hours laying when concrete has began to harder, if shall be kept
damp by covering with wet sunny bags or wet sand for 24 hours and then cured with flooding
with water making mud wall 7.5 cm high or by covering with wet sand or earth and dept damp
continuously for 15 days if specified curing may be done by covering concrete with special type
of water proofing paper as to prevent water escaping or evaporation.
FINISHING:- If specified the expose surface shall be plastered which 1.5 cement sand mortar
not exceeding 6 mm thickness and the plastering shall be applied immediately after removed of
the cantering while the concrete is green. Immediately before applying the plaster the surface of
concrete shall be wetted and that cement wash shall be given.
PROPORTION OF CEMENT:-Cement concrete shall be of 1:2 proportions by volume
of slab, beams, lintels and 1:1:5 proportion for volume unless otherwise specified.
MATERIAL FOR CONCRETE:-Cement sand mortar and course aggregate shall be as
cement concrete aggregate shall be of hard broken stone of Granite or similar stone free from
dust dirty and other foreign matters. The stones ballast shall be of 30 mm size and down all
should be retained in 5 mm square mesh and well grade such that the voids do not exceeds 42%.
Fine aggregate shall be of course and consisting of hard and sharp any grains and shall pass
through screen of 5 mm square mesh, cement shall be fresh Portland cement of standard I.S.I.
specifications for heavy reinforced concrete member as in case of 5 mm less than the minimum
clear distance between covered to the reinforcement which main bars or 5 mm less than
minimum covered to the reinforcement which is smaller.
MIXING:-Stone ballast course sand cement shall be put into the cement concrete to have the
required proportion for the concrete of 1:2:3 proportion first four boxes of stone ballast then two
boxes of sand and then one bag of cement of shall be put into the cement concrete mixer. The
machine shall than is revolved quantity 25 - 30 litter per bag of cement to have the required
water cement ratio. The mixing should be through to have a plastic mix of uniform colour. It
requires 1.5 – 2 minutes rotations for through mixing. Mixed concrete shall be unloaded on a
masonry platform or on a sheet of iron.
MEASUREMENT:-Measurement shall be taken in cu – m for finishing work and know
deductions shall be made for this volume of steel. Steel reinforcement shall be measured under a
separate item in quintal (weight). Plastering if any shall not be included in the measurement the
rate of R.C.C. shell be for the complete work excluding cantering and shuttering and all tools and


Steel door frames can be made out of angle “Tee” channel or pressed steel plates. At the joints
the member are either welded or rigidly fixed together by mechanical means at the base of floor
level. This member is known as there should in case of frame hold face or legs and hinges are in
variable welded to frame.
METHOD OF FIXING:-Steel frame are always fixed in in proposed door openings i. e,
after the masonry work for the door opening as well as lintel etc are complete and fully set. In
addition the sizes of doors frames is kept slightly less that the of door openings. This
arrangement is necessary to ensure that the mild steel frames dies not get distorted of damaged
on the account of likely of loads or stress from the surrounding masonry.
In case of frame is to be fixed in brick masonry chasses of required sized are cut in the walls for
accommodating the hold fast or lugs and the frame is secured to opening by graduating the lugs
with cement concrete is (R.C.C.). Where it is difficult is cut chasses wooden plugs are embedded
at appropriate lace or construction of the wall of the opening door is prepared the door until is
placed in position and fixed with the plugs with galvanization on wooden series.
MOSQUITO PROOF JALI OR FLY PROOF DOOR:-This type door is used to
check the entry of flies, mosquito, insect etc, into the room and allow free circulation of air at the
same time. The doors consist of timber frame work of the vertical slides and horizontal rails and
the opening of the panels are fitted of rails and timber bending generally the stutters opening
inside open cut sides. The room or vice – versa fly doors are commonly provided for kitchen
refreshment rooms, for stone foods, sweets etc.


Timber shall be of the best kind of specified may be Teak, Shisham, Sal, Deodar etc. The timber
shall be of best quality well seasoned and free from sap, warps, cracks and other defects. All
wood work shall be neat and strong truly accurately fitted and glued before fitted together.
CHAUKHAT:-The chaukhat shall be properly framed and jointed by mortise and tennon
joints with harsh wooden pins and the joints shall be coated with white lead before being filled
together. The chaukhat shall be of section as per drawing may be 7.5x10 cm, 10x10 cm, 5x12 cm
or similar section.
SHUTTERS:-The shutters may be panelled glazed part panelled and part glazed battened or
as specified. The thickness of shutters shall be panelled and neatly rails and panels shall be
planed and neatly and truly finish to the exact dimensions. Panels shall be of one piece without
any joints shall be fixed with 12 mm intersection into the rails produced with moulding as per
The thickness o panels shall 12 mm to 25 mm as specifies. All rails over 15 cm in width shall
have double tennon. One fourth of the thickness of the plank, for glazed window sash bars shall
not be less than 40mm x40mm glasses shall be fixes with rails and putty or with wooden beading
over falls as specified.
FITTING:-All doors shall be provided with handles on both sides and all windows with
handles on the inner side. One of the doors of each room shall be provided with sliding bolts on
the outer side of locking. Necessary hinges tower bolts, hook bolts, stops for keeping the items
open and also wooden block to prevent the striking the jambs of walls etc shall be provided. The
fitting screws shall be of suitable length and correct diameter and shall be fixed with screw driver
and not be hammering.
PAINTING:-The surface of shutters and chaukhat shall be painted with two coats of approved
paint over a coat of priming. Faces of chaukhat in contact with masons shall be painted with two
coats of Soliognum or coal tar or other preservative on the remaining surface before fixing in


MATERIAL:-Cement should be fresh Portland of standards specifications.
PREPARATION OF SURFACE:-Plastering on ceiling should start only after the roof
tracing duo to the gaps at the joints in shuttering be removed. The surface plastering.
APPLICATION OF PLASTERING:-The thickness of plastering shall be usually 12
mm applied two or three coats and thickness should be maintained throughout ceiling plastering
should be complete before starting of the wall plaster to uniform thickness of the plaster of 5cm
x 15cm, strips in apart the first coat should be applied on the prepared cleaned and wetted surface
by dusting the mortar and pressing it over surface and finally the surface is floated roughly with
wooden float. The thickness of first coat may be vary between 6mm to 9mm.
When the first coat has set is should be kept wet for a least two days when first coat has gained
sufficient strength. Generally 12 mm thick is finally finished obviously. The third coat being
applied in some manner as second coat and is finally finished.
TESTING OF PLASTER:- The work should be tested frequently with a straight edge and
plumb bob. At the end of day work water should be left, cut and clean to time, when the next day
plastering is started to edges of the old should be spread clean with wetted cement slurry.
CURING:-Curing should be started as soon as the plaster harden sufficiently not be damaged
when watered. The plaster should be kept wet for at least 10 days.


The joints of the bricks should be racked out of a depth of 18mm and the surface of the wall shall
be washed out and kept wet for two days before plastering. The materials of mortar cement and
sand as specified should be a standard specifications. The material or mortar should be first dry
mixed by measuring with boxes to have the required proportion and water added slowly and
gradually and mixed thoroughly.
The thickness of plastering shall be specified usually 12mm applied in two and three coats. To
ensure uniform thickness of plastering batches of 15cm x 15cm strips 1 meter apart or 10cm
wide plaster shall be applied first at about 2meter apart to acts as a guide. First mortar shall be
dashed and pressed over the surface and then brought to a pure smooth and uniform surface by
means of float and trowel. Internal plastering shall be started whenever the building frame is
ready and entering the roof slabs have been removed the surface plastered shall be kept wet for
10 days. The surface shall be protected from rail seen frost etc.
For ideal work, the plastering should be applied in the three coats. The rendering or first coat of
10mm, to floating or second coat of 10mm to 6mm and finishing coat of 5-6mm, having a total
minimum thickness of 20mm. It shall be kept damp for at least two days, when he first has
sufficiently set, the surface shall be wetted and a second coat of plaster shall be applied and
bought to true even surface wetted and a second coat of plaster shall be applied and brought to
true even surface and then lightly roughened with a wooden float to provide bond for the finished


The mosaic floor consist of two layers, the bottom layers 2cm to 2.5cm, cement concrete 1:2:4 as
specified and the upper layer 6mm thick the proportion of 1:1.5 on 1 part of cement and 1.5 parts
of marbles chips. The top layer is laid on the following days. It should be laid more than the
specified thickness in order to get the specified thickness after cutting and finishing cement shall
be of standard specification. The stone grit shall be hard and tough of 12mm gauge well graded
clean and free from dust and direct. The marble chips shall be of 3mm gauge having maximum
size 3mm and minimum size of 1.5mm larger size of marble chips limited to 6mm may be used
in floor or big rooms.
Cement concrete shall be prepared by mixing the ingredients dry by using with boxes to
have required proportion. First cement and shall be mixed with stone chips dry and then mixed
by adding water slowly and gradually mixed thoroughly to have a uniform plastic mix. The bows
shall be made thoroughly and wetted and given cement was and the concrete shall be laid in 2cm
thick layer in panels of 1m x 2m bounded by heating and tempering and levelled with wooden
Finally when the surface is absolutely dry oxalic acid powder shall be well rubbed on the surface
with piece of felt and a few drops of water and this operation is repeated until the surface become
perfectly smooth and glossy. The surface may also be rubbed with wax to give glazing surface
white cement or coloured cement shall be used to have the required colour if specified proportion
of mosaic layers may be 1:2 or1:1 cement marble chips as specified.
The mosaic layer also is applied on following day instead of some day of concreting if specified.
In that case surface should be left rough and a neat cement wash shall be applied just before
mosaic layer is laid.
For ground floor a base of lane concrete or weak cement concrete and for first and upper
roughening and cement washing shall be provided.
The grinding and polishing may also be done by grinding machine in three operations. First
grinding with machine fitted with coarse grade stone, second grinding with machine with
medium grade and final grinding with fine grade stone
Glazed tile work in kitchen and toilet shall be conforming to be 777-1970. They shall be flat and
trace to shape and free from cracks chipped and corner. The glazing shall be uniform shades.
The tile shall be normal size such as 150mm x 100mm as specified. The tolerance on facial
dimension value shall be positive or negative 1mm and positive and negative 0.05mm in
thickness. The thickness of tiles shall be 5mm or specified. The top surface of the shall be free
from glazed.
PREPARATION OF SRUFACE:-Sub grade concrete or the R.C.C. slab on which the
tiles are to be laid tile should be cleaned wetted and mopped. The laid should be of up to 2cm
height the bleeding of the tile shall be of 1:3 mortar as specified having 10mm thickness the
mortar shall be spread tamped and corrected to proper level and allowed to hardened sufficiently
to offer a fairly cushion for the tile to set and to enable the mason to place the wooden plank
across and squeak to honey like consistency shall be spread at the rate 3.3 kg of cement per
square meter.


Mud phaska terracing well be suitable in hot dry region where the rainfall does not exceed 130
cm per annum and externally hot temperature occur during summer.
MUD PHASKA MORTAR:-Mud mortar shall be prepared for one earth good brick earth
free from gross root, kankar etc. The earth shall be produced to a fine powdered state and mixed
with bhusa at 8kg per cubic meter of mortar per 4 cu- ft and then mixed with sufficient water in a
pit. The mix shall be worked up with (Phawras) and feet daily for at least 4 days so as to get a
homogenous mass.
LAYING:-The mud mortar shall be laid on the terrace to the requisite thickness 7.5cm to
10cm and a minimum slope of 1 in 48 towards the outlet and rammed with wooden Therapies
under optimum moisture conditions. The surface shall be checked with straight edge and spirits
and corrected where necessary with the same mortar. The surface shall be soaked in water and
powdered to dry somewhat and if and cracks appear these shall be filled with liquid cow dung.
MUD GOBRI PLASTER:-The surface shall be then be given a coat of 12mm plaster of
mud gobri mortar 3:1 (3 mud and 1 cow dung) free from grass straw and other impurities shall be
soaked in water and powdered earth shall be added in the ratio of 3:1 and mixed thoroughly
adding to have a homogenous mix of the workable consistency. The mortar shall then be applied
to a uniform thickness of 12mm.
PAVING WITH THE BRICK:-First class flat tiles 4cm thick well brunt made of good
brick shall be used. The tiles shall be laid dry on the mud gobri plaster before it dries up
completely then 6mm wide tiles should be inserted into parapet wall be 4cm the open joints shall
thin be see that no joints remain unfilled or partially filled.
The joints shall then be finished flush with wet begs or wet sand for at least seven days and
during this period the surface shall be protected for damaged.
MEASUREMENT:-The rate shall be for complete work of mud layer of the stipulated
thickness of mud gobri plaster and the tiles paving. The measurement shall be taken for the
finished work over the tiled surface in sq- m; no deductions shall be made for opening or
recesses up to 0.4 sq- m
Mud terracing may be over R.C.C. slab or two layer of tile or one layer of brick or one layer of
stone slab or wooden planks supported on batten or beam or R.C.C. steel or timber.
One coat of asphalt may be applied on the base slab of concrete before laying the mud mortar if


WHITE WASHING:-Fresh white lime slaked at site of work should be mixed with
sufficient water to make a thin cream. The approximate quantity of water required in making the
cream is 5 litters of water to 1kg of lime. It shall then be screened through a course cloth and
glue in the proportion of 10 grams of gum to 16 litters of wash shall be added the surface should
be dry and thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirty. The wash shall be applied with brush
vertically and horizontally alternately and the wash kept stir applied as specified and each coat
shall be perfectly dry the before succeeding coat is applied as specified and each coat shall be
perfectly dry before the succeeding coat is applied over it. After finishing surface shall be of
uniform colour. The white wash should be not splash on the floor and the other surfaces is old
surface the surface should be cleaned and reprised with cement mortar when necessary to allow
to dry before white wash is applied for final coat blue pigment powder should be mixed to the
required with the lime water to guy a bright white surface.
COLOUR WASHING:-Colour wash shall be prepared with fresh slaked white lime mixed
with water to make thin cream adding the coloured tint, glue in the proportion of 100 grams of
glue to 16 litters of wash shall be added. The colour wash may be applied one or two coats as
specified. The method of application should be same as for white washing. For new work the
priming coat shall be of white wash.
DESIGN OF SLAB (Two way slab)

SLAB = 1
From 23⁚2⁚1
l/d = 26*M.F
Let % of steel = 0.4%
The M.F = 1.5
1.692*1000/d = 26*1.5
d = 43.98 ≈ 50mm
The total depth D = 50+ⱷ/2 +20
= 75mm
Effective span
Width support = 230mm
Clear span = 1692-230
= 1462mm
1/12*1462 = 121.83 < 230
ley= 2m
lex= 1.692m
Self wt. of slab = 25*75*10-3 = 1.875KN/m2
Floor finishing = 1*1 = 1 KN/m
Live load = 1*4 = 4KN/m
Total load = 6.875KN/m2
Factored load = 1.5*6.875
= 10.3 KN/m2
Design moment
MX = αxwlx2
MY = αywlx2
ley/lex = 1.18
αx negative = (0.048-0.043)/(1.2-1.1)*(1.18-1.1)+0.043
= 0.047
αy positive = (0.036-0.032)/(1.2-1.1)*(1.18-1.1)+0.032
= 0.0352
⸫ αy negative = 0.037
αy positive = 0.028
Moment calculation
+Mx = 0.0352*10.31*1.6922
= 1.03KNm
-Mx = 0.047*10.31*1.6922
= 1.38KNm
+My = 0.028*10.31*1.6922
= 0.826KNm
-My = 0.037*10.31*1.6922
= 1.092KNm

Reinforcement calculation at mid span

Along lx
+Mx = +1.03KNm
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415*[1-√1-4.61.03*106/20*1000*7502
= 0.117
Astx = 0.117/100*1000*75
= 87.75mm2
If bars are 10mm dia is provided then
Spacing = ^/4*102/87.75*1000
= 895.04 ≈ 890mm spacing is provided
Along ly =
My = 0.826KNm
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*.826*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.093
Asty = 0.093*1000*75
= 69.75
⸫ If bars of 10mm dia is provided
Spacing = ^/4*102/118.5*1000
= 662.78 ≈ 660mm provided

Reinforcement of slab along B4

My = -1.092KNm
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*1.092*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.124
Ast = 0.124/100*1000*75
= 93.18mm2
If bars of 10mm dia is provided
The spacing = ^/4*102/93.18*1000
= 842.88 ≈ 840mm spacing provided

Reinforcement of slab of B2 & B1

% of steel = 0.12
⸫ Ast = 0.12/100*75*1000
= 90mm2
⸫ The spacing = ^/4*102/90*1000
= 872.66 ≈ 870mm spacing provided

From 23⁚2⁚1
l/d = 26*M.F
Let Pt. = 0.4%
The M.F = 1.5
1.81*1000/d = 26*1.5
d = 46.41 ≈ 50mm provided
total depth = D = 50+5+20
D = 76mm
Effective span
1/12*(1816-230) = 132.1< 230
⸫ lex = 1.816m
ley = 2m
Load calculation
Self-wt. = 75*25*1000
= 1.875KN/m
Floor finishing = 1KN/m
Live load = 4KN/m
Total Load = 6.875KN/m
Factored load = 1.5*6.875
= 10.31KN/m

Design moment
MX = αxwlx2
MY = αywlx2
ley/lex = 2/1.816 = 1.101
⸫ αx negative = 0.043
αy positive = 0.032
⸫ αy negative = 0.037
αy positive = 0.028
Moment calculation
Mx –ve = 0.043*10.31*1.8162
= 1.46KNm
My +ve = 0.032*10.31*1.8162
= 1.088KNm
My –ve = 0.037*10.31*1.8162
= 1.258KNm
My +ve = 0.028*10.31*1.8162
= 0.952KNm
Reinforcement calculation at mid span
Along lx
Mx = 1.088KNm
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*1.088*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.123
Astx = 0.123/100*1000*75
= 92.25mm2
Bars of 10mm dia is provided
⸫ Spacing = S = ^/4*102/92.25*1000 = 851.38 ≈ 845mm spacing provided
Reinforcement along B20
Pt. = 0.12%
Ast = 0.12/100*1000*100
Ast = 120
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = ^/4 *102/120*1000
= 654.49 ≈ 650mm provided
Reinforcement at B4 & B22
My –ve = 1.258
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415[1-√1-4.61*0.258*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.143
Ast = 0.143/100*1000*75
= 107.25mm
Bar of 10mm dia provided
⸫ Spacing = S = ^/4*102/93*1000
= 844.51 ≈ 840mm is provided
Reinforcement at B23
Mx –ve = 1.46KNm
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*1.46*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.167
Ast = 0.157/100*1000*75
= 117.75mm2
10mm bar provided
S = ^/4*102/117.75*1000
= 667.00
S = 665mm provided
Reinforcement at edge
Pt. = 0.12%
Ast = 0.12/100*1000*75
= 90mm2
⸫ 10mm bars are provided
S = ^/4*102/90*1000
= 872.66mm
= 870mm spacing provided
Design of Slab 3
l/d = 26*M.F
Pt. = 0.4%
⸫ M.F
⸫1.945*1000/d = 1.5*26
= d = 49.87mm ≈ 50mm
⸫ The total depth = D = 50+5+20
D = 75mm
Effective span
= 142 < 230
⸫ lex = 1.945m
ley = 3.508m
Along ly
My = 0.952 KNm
% of steel = 50*fck/fy [1-√1-4.6Mu/fckbd2]
= 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*0.952*106/20*1000*752]
= 0.134
Asty = 0.134/100*1000*75
= 100.5
Bars of 10mm dia is provided
⸫ Spacing = S = ^/4*102/100.5*1000
= 781.49 ≈ 780 mm spacing is provided
αy –ve = 0.037
αy +ve = 0.028
Moment calculation
+Mx = 0.0488*10.31*1.9452
= 1.903KNm
-Mx = 0.0648*10.31*1.9452
= 2.52KNm
+My = 0.028*10.31*1.9452
= 1.092KNm
-My = 0.037*10.31*1.9452
= 1.443KNm
Reinforcement calculation at mid span
Along lx
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*1.903*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.221
Astx = 0.221/100*1000*75
= 165.75mm2
If bars of 10mm dia is provided
⸫ The spacing = S = ^/4*102/165.75*1000
= 473.84 ≈ 470 is provided
Along ley +My = 1.092*106Nmm
dy = 50-5 = 45mm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.61.092*106/20*1000*452]
= 0.154
Asty = 0.154/100*1000*75
= 115.5mm2
Bars of 10mm dia is provided,
The spacing, S = ^/4*102/115.5*1000
= 679.99 ≈ 675mm provided
Reinforcement at B3, B23, B5
-My = 1.443*106 Nmm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*1.443*106/20*1000*502]
= 0.165
Ast = 0.165/100*1000*75
= 123.75mm2
⸫ Bars of 10mm dia is provided
⸫ Spacing = ^/4*102/123.75*1000
= 634.66
S = 630mm spacing provided
Reinforcement at B6
-Mx = 1.38*106 KNm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*1.38*106/20*1000*452]
= 0.196
Ast = 0.196/100*1000*75
= 147mm2
Bars of 10mm dia provided
Spacing = ^/4*102/147*1000
= 534.28mm ≈ 530mm provided
Reinforcement at B7
Pt. = 0.12
Ast = 0.12/100*1000*75
= 90mm2
Bars of 10mm dia provided
S = ^/4*102/90*1000
= 872.66mm ≈ 870mm provided
l/d = 26*M.F
at Pt. = 0.4%
= 2.79*1000/d = 26*1.5
= d = 71.53mm
Total depth = D = 75+5+20
= 100mm
Effective span
Width support = 230mm
⸫ 1/12*(2.79-0.230)
= 0.213 < 230
⸫ lex = 2.79m
ley = 3.508m

Load Calculation
Self-wt. = 25*100*10-3 = 2.5KN/m
Floor finishing = 1KN/m
Live load = 4KN/m
Total load = 7.5KN/m
Factored load = 1.5*7.5 = 11.25KN/m
Design moment
MX = αxwlx2
MY = αywlx2
ley/lex = 3.508/2.79
= 1.25
αx –ve = (0.051-0.048)/ (1.3-1.2)*(1.25-1.2) +0.048
= 0.0495
αx +ve = (0.039-0.036)/ (1.3-1.2)*(1.25-1.2) +0.036
= 0.0375
αy -ve = 0.037
αy +ve = 0.028

Moment calculation
Mx +ve = 0.0375*11.25*2.792
= 3.28KNm
Mx –ve = 0.0495*11.25*2.792
= 4.33KNm
My –ve = 0.037*11.25*2.792
= 3.240KNm
My +ve = 0.0375*11.25*2.792
= 3.240KNm
My +ve = 0.0375*11.25*2.792
= 2.45KNm

Reinforcement Calculation
Reinforcement at mid span
Along lex
+ve Mex = 3.28KNm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*3.28*106/20*1000*752]
= 0.167
Ast = 0.167/100*1000*100
= 167mm2
Providing 10mm dia
⸫ spacing = ^/4 *102/167*1000
= 470.29≈ 465mm spacing provided
Reinforcement at mid span
Along ley
+ve Mey = 2.45KNm
dy = 70mm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*2.45*106/20*1000*702]
= 0.142
⸫ Ast = 0.142/100*1000*100
= 142mm
⸫ providing 10mm dia
Spacing = ^/4*102/142*1000
= 553.09 ≈ 550mm provided
Reinforcement along B9, B12, & B15
-ve My = 3.240KNm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*3.24*106/20*1000*752]
= 0.165mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = ^/4*102/165*1000
= 475.99 ≈ 470mm spacing provided
Reinforcement along B11
-Mex = 4.33KNm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*4.33*106/20*1000*752]
= 0.223
Ast = 0.223/100*1000*100
= 233mm2
Providing 10mm dia
Spacing = ^/4*102/223*1000
= 352.19mm ≈ 350mm provided
Reinforcement at B13
Pt. = 0.12/100*1000*100
= 120mm2
Providing 10mm dia
Spacing = ^/4*102/120*1000
= 654.44mm ≈ 650mm spacing provided


l/d = 26*M.F
Pt. = 0.4%
⸫ from IS 456⁚2000
M.F = 1.5
2.55*103/d = 26*1.5
d = 65.38 ≈ 75mm provided
Total depth = 75+5+20
= 100mm
Effective length
1/12 (2.55-0.230) = 193.3 < 230
ley = 3.945m
lex = 2.55m
Load Calculation

Self-wt. = 25*10-3 *100

= 2.5KN/m
Floor finishing = 1KN/m
Live load = 4KN/m
Total load = 7.5KN/m
Factored load = 1.5*7.5
= 11.25 KN/m
Design load
MX = αxwlx2
MY = αywlx2
ley/lex = 3.945/2.55
= 1.54
αx –ve = 0.057
αx +ve = 0.044
αy –ve = 0.037
αy +ve = 0.028

Moment Calculation
Mx –ve = 0.057*11.25*25.52
= 4.169KNm
Mx +ve = 0.044*11.25*25.52
= 3.218KNm
My -ve = 0.037*11.25*25.52
= 2.70KNm
My +ve = 0.028*11.25*25.52
= 2.04KNm
Reinforcement calculation at mid span

Along lex
Mx +ve = 3.218KNm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*3.218*106/20*1000*752]
Pt. = 0.164
Ast = 0.164/100*1000*100 = 164mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
S = ^/4*102/164*1000
= 478.90mm ≈ 475mm provided
Along by
dy = 75-5
= 70mm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*2.04*106/20*1000*702]
= 0.118mm
Ast = 0.118/100*1000*100
= 118mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = ^/4*102/118*1000
= 665.59 ≈ 660mm provided
Reinforcement along B22, B6, B30
My –ve = 2.70KNm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*2.70*106/20*1000*752]
= 0.136
Ast = 0.136/100*1000*100
= 136mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = ^/4*102/136*1000
= 577.49 ≈ 570mm provided
Reinforcement along B24
Mx –ve = 4.169*106 Nmm
Pt. = 50*20/415[1-√1-4.6*4.169*106/20*1000*752]
= 0.214
Ast = 0.214/100*1000*100
= 214mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = ^/4*102/214*1000
= 367.00 ≈ 365mm provided.
Design of Slab 8
l/d = 26*M.F
Pt. = 0.4%
⸫ M.F = 1.5 from IS 456⁚2000
2.55*1000/d = 26*1.5
d = 65.38 ≈ 75mm provided
Total depth = D = 75+5+20
= 100mm
Effective span
1/12*(2.55-0.230) = 0.193 < 230
lex = 2.55mm
ley = 3.641mm
Load calculation
Self-wt. = 25*100*10-3 = 2.5KNm
Floor finishing = 1KNm
Live load = 4KNm
Total load = 7.5KNm
Factored load = 1.5*7.5 = 11.25KNm
Design moment
MX = αxwlx2
MY = αywlx2

ley/lex = 3.641/2.55
= 1.42
αx –ve = (0.057-0.055)/(1.5-1.4)*(1.42-1.4)+0.055
= 0.0554
αx +ve = (0.044-0.041)/(1.5-1.4)*(1.42-1.4)+0.8041
= 0.0416
αy –ve = 0.037
αy +ve = 0.028
Moment calculation
Mx –ve = 0.0544*11.25*2.252
= 3.97KNm
Mx +ve = 0.0416*11.25*2.252
= 3.043KNm
My –ve = 0.037*11.25*2.252
= 2.70KNm
My +ve = 0.028*11.25*2.252
= 2.04KNm

Design of slab
l/d=26 M.F
d~50 mm (provided)

total depth

D = 75mm

Effective length
=1/12(2 – 0.230 )
= 0.147 <0.230mm
lex =2.0m
ley =2.55m
Load Calculation
Sl.wt. =75x25x10-3 = 1.875
F.F = 1
L.L =4
T.L =6.875 Kn/m
F.L = 10.31Kn/m

Moment calculation
Mx = αxwlex2
My = αywlex2
ley/lex = 1.275
αx –ve =(0.051 – 0.048)/(1.3 – 1.2) x (1.275 -1.8)+0.048
α x+ve =(0.039 – 0.036)/(1.3-1.2)x(1.275 – 1.2)+0.036
= 0.03825
α y –ve = 0.037
α y +ve =0.028

Moment Calculation -
Mx-ve = 0.05025x10.31x22
= 2.072 KN-m
Mx+ve = 0.03825x10.31x22
= 1.577 KN-m
My-ve = 0.037x10.31x22
= 1.525KN-m
My+ve = 0.028x10.31x22
= 1.154KN-m
Reinforcement Calculation –
Reinforcements – B19 & B28
Mx-ve = 2.072 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x2.07x10/1000x20x4152))1/2)
Pt = 0.241
Ast = (0.241/100)x1000x75
= 180 mm2
Providing 10mm bars:
Spacing = ((3.14x102)/180x4)x1000
= 436.11
~ 435mm provided
At mid span:
Along ley; dey = 15 mm
+veMey = 1.154 KN-m
Pt = ((50x20)/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x1.15x10/20x1000x452))1/2)
= 0.163
Ast = (0.163/100)x1000x75
= 122.25 mm2
Providing 10mm thikness:
Spacing = ((3.14x102)/122.25x4)x1000)
= 462.12
~ 460 mm provided
Reinforcement at mid span along:
Mx+ve = 1.577 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x1.577x106/20x100x502))1/2)
Ast = 0.181/100 x1000 x 75
= 135.75 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing =π/4x 102/135.75 x1000
= 578.56mm
~575 mm provided
Reinforcement along B25 & B26
My –ve =1.525Knm
Providing 10mm dia
Spacing=π/4 x102/131.25 x1000
~595mm providing

Design of slab
l/d = 26 x M.F
From Is 456:2000
For pt=0.4%
d= 51.28
Total Depth=50+5+20
Effective Length
lex =1/12x(2-0.230)
ley=0.147< 0.230
when evterior support= 0.230
Load calculation
self wt.=25x75x10-3
f.f= 1 kn/m
L.L= 4Kn/m
T.L= 6.875 Kn/m
F.L= 10.81 Kn/m
Moment Calculation
Mx= αxwex2
My= αywley2
ley/ley = 2.55/2 = 1.275
From table = 26
αx –ve = (0.051 – 0. 048)/ (1.3 -1.2)x(1.276-1.2) +0.048
= 0.05025
αx+ve =(0.039 – 0.036)/(1.3 – 1.2)x(1.275-1.2) + 0.036
= 0.03825
αy –ve = 0.027
αy +ve = 0.028
Moment calculation
Mx +ve=0.03825x 10.31x 22
= 1.577 Knm
Mx –ve =0.0502 x 10.31 x 22
= 2.07 Knm
My +ve =0.028 x 10.31 x 22
= 1.154 Knm
My –ve =0.037 x10.31 x 22
= 1.521 Knm
Reinforcement calculation
At mid span along Lex
Mx +ve = 1.577
Pt = 50 x20 /415 x[ 1- {1-( 1.577
Pt = 0.181
Ast = (0.181/100) x 1000 x 75
Providing reinforcement 0f 10mm
Spacing =( π/4x102)/135.7 x1000
~ 575mm c/c
At mid span along Ley
My +ve =1.154 x 106
Pt = 50x20/415 [1-{1- (4.6x1.154x106/20x1000x502)}]
Ast=98.62 mm2
Providing 10mm dia spacing =(π/4x102)/98.62x1000
= 796.38
= 795 mm C/C
Reinforcement along B19 & B18
Mx –ve =2.07 knm
Pt=50x20/415x[1 – (1- 4.6x2.07x106/20x1000x502)
Pt = 0.24155
Ast= 0.24155/100x1000x75
Ast = 181.16 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing =( π/4x102/181.16)x1000
= 433.53
~430 mm C/C
Reinfoecement alon B25
MY –ve =1.52 knm
Pt= 50x20/415x [1- (1- 4.6x1.52x106/20x1000x502)]
Pt= 0.17482

Ast = 0.17482x1000x75/100
= 131.11 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing =( π/4)x102x1000/131.11
= 599.03
~ 590 mm (c/c)
Reinforcement at
Pt = 0.12
Ast = 0.12x1000x75/100
= 90 mm2
Providing 10mm dia
Spacing =( π/4)x102x1000/100
= 785.39 mm
~ 785 mm (c/c)
Design of slab 10
l/d = 26xM.F
pt = 0.41
M.F = 1.5
5.515x1000/d = 26x1.5
d = 141.4
~ 140 mm
Total depth = 140+25
D = 165 mm
Effective span
( 1/12)x(5.515-0.230)
Lex = 5.515+0.140
= 5.656 mm
Ley = 9.583+0.140
= 9.723 mm
Load calculation
Self wt. = 25x140x10-3 = 3.64 Kn/m
L.L. = 410 Kn/m
F.F. = 1 Kn/m
T.L. = 8.64Kn/m
F.L. = 12.96 Kn/m
Moment calculation
ley/lex= 1.719
αx –ve = (0.064-0.057)/(1.75-1.5)x(1.719-1.5) + 0.057
α x+ve =(0.048-0.044)/(1.7-1.5)x(1.719-1.5)+0.044
α y –ve = 0.037
α y +ve = 0.028
Mx –ve =0.06313 x11.93x5.515
= 4.512Knm
Mx+ve =0.0475x12.96x5.515
My –ve =0.037x12.96x5.515
= 2.644Knm
Reinforcement in mid span
At mid span along lex
Mx+ve= 3.395 KNm
Pt=50x20/415 x[1-{1-(4.6x3.396x106/20x1000x1482)}1/2]
Providing 10mm dia
Spacing =π/4x102/80.00x1000
~980mm c/c

along ley
My+ve = 2 KN-m
P = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x2x10/20x1000x102))1/2)

= 0.0284
Ast = (0.0284/100)x1000x165
= 46.2 mm2
Providing 10mm dia:
Spacing = (3.14x102/46.2x4)x1000
~ 1690 mm c/c

Reinforcement along B30 ,B27 ,B28 ,B33 ,B34 ,B35 ,B36

My-ve = 2.644 KN-m
pt = (50x20)/415x(1-(1-(4.6x2.644x106/1000x10x1402))1/2)
pt = 0.0376
Ast = (0.0376/100)x1000x165
= 62.04 mm2
Providing 10mm dia:
Spacing = (3.14x102/62.04x4)1000
= 1265.31
~ 1265 mm (c/c)
Along B31 & B32:
Pt = 0.12
Ast = (0.12/100)x1000x185
= 198 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars:
Spacing = (3.14x100)x1000/198x4
= 396.46
~ 395 mm (c/c)
Design of slab
l/d=26 xM.F
Total depth D=100+25
Effective Length
:.lex =3.832 +0.1
Ley =6.251 +0.1
=6.351 m
Load calculation
Sl. Wt.=25x125x103
= 3.12Kn/m
L.L= 0.4Kn/m
F.L = 1 Kn/m
T.L =8.12 Kn/m
F.T.L = 1.5X8.1
=12.18 Kn/m
Moment Calculation
MX =α X wlex2
My = α y wley2
ley/lex =6.351/3.932
α x –ve =(0.064 -0.057)/(1.75 – 1.5)x(1.61-1.5)+0.057
αx+ve = [(0.048 – 0.044)/(1.75-1.5)]x(1.61-1.5)x0.044
= 0.04576
α y-ve = 0.037
α y+ve = 0.028

Mx-ve = 0.6008x12.11x3.932
= 11.302 KN-m
Mx+ve = 0.04576x12.11x3.932
= 8.608 KN-m
My-ve = 0.037x12.18x3.932
= 6.96 KN-m
My+ve = 0.028x12.18x3.932
= 5.267 KN-m
Reinforcement Calculation
At mid span
Along lex
Mx+ve = 8.608 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x8.608x106/20x1000x105))1/2)
= 0.251
Ast = 0.251x1000x125
= 313.75 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = 3.14x100x1000/313.75x4
= 250.19
~ 250 mm
Along lex
My+ve = 5.287 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x5.287x106/20x1000x1002))1/2)
= 0.150
Ast = 0.150x1000x125/100
= 187.5 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars:
Spacing = 3.14x100x1000/187.5x4
= 418.66
~ 415 mm (c/c)
Reinforcement along B23 & B34 & B10
My-ve = 6.96 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x 6.96x106/20x1000x1002))1/2)
= 0.201
Ast = 0.201x1000x198/100
= 251.25 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars :
Spacing = 3.14x100x1000/251.25x4
= 312.45
~ 310 mm (c/c)
Reinforcement along B28 & B39
Mx-ve = 11.302 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415)x(1-(1-(4.6x11.302x106/1000x20x1002))1/2)
= 0.125
Ast = 0.125x1000x125/100
= 156.25 mm2
Provide 10mm dia bar
=502.65 mm
~ 500 mm (c/c)
Reinforcement at outer edge
=150 mm2
Provide 10 mm bar
=523.59 mm
Design of slab 14
M.F= 1.5
d=51.28 mm
d =50mm
total depth D=50+20+5
=75 mm
Effective length
The Lex=2m
Ley =2.802m
Load Calculation:
Self wt. = 75x20 x10-3
= 1.875 KN/m
F.F. = 1 KN/m
L.L. = 4 KN/m
T.L. = 6.875 KN/m
L.T.L. = 1.5 x 6.875
= 10.31 KN/m

Moment calculation:-
Mx+ve = 0.041 x 10.31 x 22
= 1.89 KN-m
Mx-ve = 0.055 x 10.31 x 22
= 1.134 KN-m
My+ve = 0.028 x 10.31 x 22
= 1.154 KN-m
My-ve = 0.037 x 10.31 x 22
= 1.82 KN-m
Reinforcement calculation:
At mid span
Along ley
My+ve = 1.154 KN-m
Pt = (50x20/415) x (1-(1-(4.6 x 1.154 x
= 0.131
Ast = 0.131x1000x75/100
= 98.25 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing = (π/4)x102x1000/98.25
= 799.14
Along lex
Mx+ve = 1.69Knm
Pt = (50x20/415)x[1-{1-(4.6x1.69x106/20x1000x502)}1/2]
= 0.195
Ast = 0.195x1000x75/100
= 146.25 mm2
Providing 10mm dia bars
Spacing =( π/4)x102x1000/146.25
= 537.02
~ 530 mm c/c
At side edge (B43 & B45)
Pt = 0.12
Ast = 0.12x1000x75/100
Ast = 90 mm2
Providing 10mm
Spacing=π/4 x102/90 x1000
= 820 mm c/c

Shorter span = l
For one way slab
m.f = 1.3
l/d = 28 x m.f
0.8516/d = 26x1.3
d = 0.8516/26x1.3
d = 25.19
d ~ 50 mm
overall depth (D) = d + @/2 + dmax
D = 50 + 10/2 + 20
= 75 mm
Effective span:
Support width < 1/12 x clear span
Clear span = 621.6 mm
230 < 1/12 x621.6
230> 51.8
(1) Clear span – 51.8 + 50 = 101.8mm (c/c)
(2) 851.6 mm
Lex = 101.8 mm
Ley = 101.8 mm

Load calculation:
Dead load –
Self as t = 0.115x 25
= 2.875 KN/m
Floor finish = 1 KN/m
Dead load = 3.875 KN/m
f.d.l. = 1.5x 3.875 = 5.81
live load: 4x1 =4
f.l.l. = 1.5x4 = 6
B.M. Calculation:
At B0
MDL = 1/12 x 5.81 x(0.101)2
= 5.017 x 10-3 KN-m
MLL = 1/10 x 6 x(0.101)2
= 6.12 x 10-3 KN-m

Beam size We = Wxlyx (1-1/3β2)

We = Wlx/3
Load on beam
Self-wt. of slab 7 = 25*0.100 = 2.5
Floor finishing = 1KN/m
Total load = w1 = 3.5KN/m
Self-wt. of slab 10 = 25*0.165*1
= 4.125
Floor finishing = 1KN/m
W2 = 5.125KN/m
1) D.L from slab = 3.5*3.945/2*(1-1/3*(3.95/2.55)2)+5.125*3.945/2*(1-
= 14.87KN/m
2) Masonry wall = 0.115*(3.15-0.3)*20
= 6.55KN/m
Self-wt. of beam Rib = 0.23*(0.30-0.115)*25 = 1.06
Total = 22.48 KN/m
Factored load = 33.72KN/m2
Factored L.L = 1.5*(4*3.945/2*(1-1/3*(3.95/2.55)2))
= 11.5*(4*3.945/2(1-1/3*(9.58/5.15)2 ))
= 20.71KN/m2
Total load = 53.89KN/m
Load on Beam = 27
Self-wt. of slab 8 = 25*0.100*1
= 2.5
F.F = 1KN/m
W1 = 3.5KN/m
Self-wt. of slab 10 = 25*0.165*1
= 4.125KN/m
Factored load = 1KN/m
W2 = T.L = 5.125 KN/m
1) D.L of slab = 3.5/2*3.641*(1-1/3*(3.64/2.55)2)+3.64*5.125/2*(1-
= 13.23 KN/m
Masonry wall = 0.115*(3.16-0.3)*20
= 6.55KN/m
Self-wt. of Rib = 0.22*(0.30-0.115)*25
= 1.06
T.L = 20.86
F.L = 31.29KN/m
Factored live load = 1.5[4*3.641/2(1-1/3*3.641/2.55)2]+1.5[4*5.125/2*(1/1-
= 23.85KN/m
Total load = 55.14KN/m

Load on B28
Self-wt. of slab 9 = 25*0.075*1 = 2.1KN/m
F.F = 1KN/m
W1 = T.L = 3.1KNm
Self –wt. of slab 10 = 25*0.165*1 = 4.125 KN/m
F.F = 1KN/m
W1 = 5.125KN/m

1) D.L of slab =
3.1*2/3 + 2*5.125/2 (1-1/ (9.583/5.515)2)
= 6.629KN/m
Masonry wall = 0.115*(3.15-0.1)*20
= 6.555KN/m
Sl. Wt. of Rib = 1.06KN/m
= 14.238
F.L = 21.347 KN/m
Factored line load = 4*2/2*(1-1/3*(9.583/5.515)2)
= 6.22
F.L.L = 9.33 KN/m
T.L = 30.68
Total load on B30
= 53.89 KN/m
Total load B27 = 55.14 KN/m
Total load B28 = 30.68KN/m

Design of Beam 30
Mbd = wl2/8 = 53.89/8*3.9452
= 104.83KNm
⸫ l/d = 26
3.945/d =26
= d = 159.73mm
d = 151.73mm ≈ 225mm provided
b = 300-mm D = 250mm

Xu max./d = 0.48
= 0.48 = 0.87*415*Ast/0.36*20*300*225
= Ast max = 646.445mm2
From G⁚1⁚1
Mu = 0.87*fy *Ast d*(1-Ast fy /bd fck)
= 104.83*106 =0.87*415*Ast*225*(1-Ast 415/360*20)
= 104.83*106 = 81236.25 Ast
= 24.93Ast2
Ast = 129.5mm2

Mu lim. = 19.36*Xu max. /d *(1-0.42*Xumax./d) bd2 fck

= 0.36*0.48*(1-0.42*0.48)*200*2252*20
Mu > Mu lim. Thus not safe
Provide d = 400mm
D = 425mm
⸫ Mu lim. = 0.36*0.48(1-0.42*0.48)*300*4002*20
Mu lim. = 132.44KNm >104.83KNm = Mu thus safe
Xu min/d = 0.87*fy*Ast/0.36*fck*b*d
0.48 = 0.87*415*Ast/0.36*20*300*400
Ast max = 1148.64mm2
⸫ thus Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1- Ast fy/bd fu)
= 104.83*106 = 0.87*415*Ast*400*(1-Ast*415/300*400*20)
= 104.83*106 = 1444.20 Ast2 = 24.84 Ast2
Ast = 850.19
⸫ The bars of 12mm dia is provided
The no. of Bars required = (^/4*122/850.19)-1
= 7.8 ≈ 8 provided

Design of shear
↊v = Vu/bd
Vu = Wl/2 = 53.89*3.945/2 = 106.29KN
⸫ ↊v = Vu/bd = 106.29*103/300*400 = 0.88N/mm2
Pt. = 100Ast/bd = 100*850.9/300*400 = .70
⸫ ↊c = (0.56-0.48)/(0.752-0.5)*(0.75-0.7)+0.48
= 0.496
↊v < ↊c
Shear reinforcement design
Total shear force = 106.29*103
Shear resisted by concrete = bd↊c
= 300*400*0.496
= 59.520KN
Shear resisted by reinforcement = 106.29-59.520
= 46.70KN
Using 6mm bars in 2 legs of Fe 415
Vvs = 0.87*415/δv*2*^/4*62 *400
46.770*103 = 0.87*415/δv*2*^/4*62*400
δv = 174.61mm
= 172cc
Page-1; Design of Footing –
Total load from two column = 255.5+312.51
= 568.01 KN
Approx wt. of footing = 10% of 568.01
= 56.2 KN
Total load from method = 624.81 KN
Safe bearing capacity of soil = 99.64 KN/m
Area of foundation = 624.81/99.64
= 6.27 m2
Distance of the resultant column load from the axis of the column A;
x̅ = (312.5 x 1.692) / (312.5+255.51)
= 0.93 m

Page-2; Distance of column load from left edge of footing

Let the projection = 0.59m
Length of footing = 2 x 1.43
= 2.86 m
The width of footing = Area of foundation/2.86
= 6.27/2.86
= 2.19 m
Page-3; Net upward pressure on the footing
P = 255.51+312.5/(2.19x2.86)
= 90.62KN/m
1- Punching shear consideration uxdxc3
Punching load = column load –reaction of soil on column area
= 255.51-90.26x300x0.250
Factored punching load = 249x1.5
= 373.5KN
Design punching shear = 1.80 KN/m
Equating punching shear resistance to the factored punching load
(punching of column c3)xdx(design punching shear strength) = 1.5x(wa – soil
reach on column A)
D = 377.27
D = 378mm

Page 4; Now for column c4

D = 308.79m
Bending moment calculation
1- Load on column c3 = 255.51KN
2- Load on column c4 =312.5KN
Reaction of soil on footing per meter = 312.5+255.51/2.86
= 198.60KN/m
Bending moment on column c3
Mc3 = 198.60x0.52/2
= 24.82KN-m
Mc4 = 198.60x0.652/2
= 41.95KN-m

Page 5;for max. hogging moment occur at a section where the

force is zero

Let the section lx

From left end198.60x -255.5x = 0
X = 1.28m
Mmax. = 198.60x X2/2 - 255.5(X-0.5)
= -36.59KN-m
Point of contraflecture
198.60x X2/2 - 255.5(X-0.5) = 0
99.3X2 – 255.5X +127.75 =0
X = 1.89 or 0.67
0.138 x 30 x 1000 x d2 = 36.59 x 106
D = 94.01m

Page 6; provide column depth of 150mm

Total depth = 150+50 = 200mm

Overall depth = 1.40x200 = 280 mm

The ron
Undup depth =400mm
The effective depth d = 400 -50 = 350mm
1-Top steel for max. hogging moment
For 36.09 x106
Mmax./bd = 36.09 x106/2.19x1000x350
= 0.136
Pt = 50[1-{1-(4.6x0.136/30)}1/2/415/30]
= 0.037
Ast = 0.377/100 x (2.19x1000x400)
= 3302.52 mm2

Page 7; providing bars of 16 mm

N0. Of bars required = 3302.5/(π/4 x162)

=16 =17 bars provided
For reinforcement column c3
Mc3 = 24.82KN-m
Pt = 50x(30/415) [1-{1-(4.6 x24.82 x 106)/(300 x 1000 x 2.19 x 350)}1/2]
= 0.025
Ast. =(0.025/100) x 2190 x400
= 219 m2
Provide bars of 12 mm dia
No. of bars = 219/(π/4)x122
= 1.93 = 4bars provided
For reinforcement column c4
Mc4 = 41.95KN-m
Pt = 50x(fu/f0)[1-{1- (4.6x41.95x106)/(30x2.19x100x3002)}1/2]
= 0.043
Ast = (0.043x2.19x1000x400)/100
= 376.66
Provided bars of 12 mm dia
No. of bars = 376.66/(π/4)x122
= 3.33
= 4 bars provided

Page-1; Design of isolated footing

Unit wt. of earth = 20 KN/m3
Depth of footing from ground = 1m
Design of footing
Steel Fe415 & M35
Column = 300x280 mm
Load for column p = 891.84KN
Approx. area of footing = 891.84/99.48
= 8.96m2
Weight of footing including earth = 20x1x10
= 200 KN
Total wt. of soil = 891.84 +200
= 1091.84 KN
Actual area of footing required = 1091.84/99.48
= 10.97 mm2
Provide square footing of 3.4mx3.4m
Total area = 11.56 m2
Page-2; Bending moment
The net earth pressure acting upward
P = 891.84x1.5/11.56
= 115.72KN/m2
1.5 =» partial safety factor
Bending moment about x-x axis passing through the face of the column
Mu = 891.84x3.4x[(3.4-0.3)/2]2x1/2
= 503.61 Kn-m
The effective depth required for B.M. of 0.138fch bd2 = Mu
d = [(503.61x100)/(0.138x35x400)]1/2
d =175.90 mm
adopt 550 mm depth with total depth of 600mm

Page-3; Area of tension is given by

B.M. = 0.87σyAst (d- σyAst/σub)
503.61x100 = 0.87x415xAst(550- 415Ast/35x300)
503.61x100 = 77.5Ast – 1.25Ast2
Ast = 2577.92 mm2
Using bars of 200 mm dia
Spacing = (3.14/4 x202)/(2577.92)x1000
S = 121.86
= 120mm c/c
Shear one way action
Shear force Vu = 115.72x3.4x[{(3.4-0.3)/2}2-0.55]
Vu = 393.44KN
Normal shear strength τu = 393.44x1000/3.4x1000x550
= 0.210

Page -4; τc = 0.29

Shear two way action
The s critical section taken at a distance 0.5d away from the face of the column
Shear force , Vu = 115.72x[16-(0.3+0.50)2]
= 1767.91KN
Nominal shear strength , τv = Vu/bd
= 1767.91x103/4(400+550)x550
= 0.84 N/m2
Shear strength of M35 conc. Τc’ = ksτc
Ks = (0.5+βc)
βc = 280/300
= 0.93

Page-5; ks = 0.5+0.98
= 1.48
Ks = 1.0
τc’ = τc = 0.25(σu)1/2
= 1.47 N/m2
Load transfer from column to footing
The nominal bearing stress in the column concrete
σbt = Pu/Ac
= (1.5x891.84x1000)/(300x280)
= 15.92 N/mm2
Allowable bearing stress = 0.48xσch
= 15.75 N/m2
Then the column can not transfer by bearing

Page -6; To carry the axis load = p = (15.92-15.75)x300x280

= 14280 N
Required area of shear , As = 14280/(0.67x415)
= 51.35 mm2
1) Max. As = 0.5x300x280/100
= 420 mm2
Providing 12 mm dia bars
Development length = 500mm or 25d
= 500mm or 25x12
= 500mm or 300
500 mm to be provided

Load Calculation

i. Roof :-
Live load = 1.5KN/m2
S.W of slab = 0.165*25 = 4.1KN/m
Roof finish = 1.5KN/m2
T.L = 7.1 KN/m
Factored load = 18.65KN/m

Typical Floor
L.L = 4KN/m
S.W of slab = 0.165*25 = 4.12KN/m2
F.F = 1KN/m
T.L = 9.1KN/m
F.L = 13.68KN/m

Wt. of internal walls = [0.115*(3.05-0.4)*20]
= 6.325KN/m
Main beam =
Size of beam = 0.3*0.4
= 0.12mm
Wt. of beam = (0.3*(0.4-0.1))*25
= 2.25KN/m
Secondary beam
Size of beam = 230*300mm
Wt. of beam = [0.23*(0.30-0.165)*25)
= 0.77
Factored load = 1.5*0.77 = 1.15KN/m
Floor transfer load to column = 3.78*4.02
= 15.19KNm2

Length of walls = 1.97+1.27/2

= 2.60m
Length of beam = 1.972+0.63
= 2.602m
Length of secondary beam = 1.27m

Load on column

A. Roof & 3rd floor

Roof of slab = 15.19*10.65

= 161.77KN/m
Walls = 6.095*2.60 = 15.847KN/m2
Main beam = 2.602*2.25 = 5.854KN/m2
Sec. Beam = 1.15*1.27 = 1.460KN/m2
Total load = 184.931KN/m2

2. 3rd floor &2nd floor

Floor slab = 13.68*15.19 = 207.79
Walls = 15.847KN/m2
Main beam = 5.854KN/m2
Sec. Beam = 1.460KN/m
T.L = 230.951+184.931 = 415.882 KN/m2

3. 2nd & 1st floor

Load from upper floor = 415.882 KN/m2
2nd & 1st floor = 230.95 KN/m2
T.L = 646.832 KN

1st floor plinth

Load from upper floor = 646.83 KN/m2
1st & plinth = 230.95
T.L = 877.78KN
Bottom plinth & footing

Consider only plinth beam, no walls

Wt. Of plinth beam = 2.602*2.25 = 5.85
Wt. of sec. beam = 1.27*1.15 = 1.46 KN
Wt. of column = 3* (0.3*0.35)*25 = 6.75KN
T.L = 14.06+877.78 = 891.84 KN
Design of column at Ground floor

Pu = 891.84 KN
Length of column = 3.215m
M30 ⸫ Fu = 30N/mm2
Fy = 415N/mm2
Size of column = 300mm
Effective length = 0.8*l
= 0.8*3.215 = 2.572m
The area of steel in column should be
Asc = 1% Ag
Ac = 99% Ag

Calculation of Gross area from IS 456⁚2000

Pu = 0.4fck Act +0.67 fy Asc

891.84*103 = 0.4*20*.99Ay+0.67*415*0.01Ag
Ag = 83345.63mm2

Area of rectangle
Length (x) * width (y) = 83345.63
300 * y = 83345.63
Y = 277.81 ≈ 280mm
Hence we provide 300mm*280mm rectangular column
Area of reinforcement
Asc = 0.01*Ag
Asc = 0.01*83345.63
Asc = 833.45mm2
Providing 18mm dia beams
⸫ no. of beam = 833.45/^/4*182
= 3.27 ≈ 4
Hence providing 4bars of 18mm

Calculation of lateral tiles min. of

1. ⱷ/4 = 18/4 = 4.5mm

2. 5mm
⸫ Hence we provide 6mm dia bar as lateral tiles

Spacing: - min. of
1} 300mm
2} Least lateral length = 280mm
3} 16*ⱷ = 16*16 = 256mm
⸫ 250mm is provided as spacing


1) Roof:-

Live Load = 1.5KN/m2

S.W of slab = 0.100*25 = 2.5KN/m2
T.L = 4KN/ m2
F.L = 6KN/ m2

Typical floor

L.L = 4KN/ m2
S.W of slab = 0.100*25 = 2.5KN/ m2
F.F = 1KN/ m2
T.L = 7.5KN/ m2
F.L = KN/ m2


Wt. of internal walls = [0.115*(3.05-0.47)]*20

= 6.095KN/ m2

Main beam

Size of beam = 0.3*0.4 = 0.12mm

Wt. of beam = (0.3*(0.4-0.1))*25
= 2.25KN/ m

Secondary beam = 230*300

= [0.23*(0.3-0.100)*25]
= 1.15KN/ m2
F.L = 17.25KN/ m2

Floor load transfer to the column

= 2.39*2.183
= 5.21 m2

Length of walls
= 1+1.39
= 2.39m

Length of main beam

= 3.298m

Length of secondary beam

= 0.908+1.278/2
= 1.091m

Load on column

1) Roof & 3rd floor

Roof slab = 5.21*6

= 31.26KN/ m2

Walls = 2.39*6.095
= 14.56KN/ m2

Main beam = 3.298*2.25

= 7.4205KN/ m2
Sec. Beam = 1.09*1.725
= 7.4205KN/ m2
T.L = KN/ m2
2) 3rd floor & 2nd floor

Floor slab = 11.25*5.21

= 58.61KN
Walls = 14.56
Main beam = 7.420
Sec. beam = 1.88
T.L = 82.47KN + 55.12KN
= 137.58KN

3) 2nd & 1st floor

Load from upper floor = 137.58

Load from 2nd & 1st = 82.47
T.L = 220.06KN

1st floor & plinth

Load from upper floor = 220.06

1st & plinth = 82.47
T.L = 302.53KN

Between plinth & footing

Consider on ly plinth beam on wards

Wt. of plinth beam = 7.420KN
Wt. of sec. plinth = 1.88KN
Total load = 9.3KN
Wt. of column = 3*(0.3*0.3)*25
= 6.75KN
T.L = 6.75+9.3+302.53
= 318.58KN
⸫ Pu = 318.58KN

Length of column = 3.215m

M30 ⸫ fck = 30N/ m2
Fy = 415KN/ m2
Size of column = 300mm

Effective length = 0.8l

= 0.8*3.215
= 2.57m
The area of steel in column should be

Asc = 1% of Ag
Ac = 99% of Ag

Calculation of gross area from IS 456⁚2000

Pu = 0.4fck Ac+0.67fy Asc

Or 318.58*103 = 0.4*20*0.99Ag+0.67*415*0.01Ag
Ag = 29772.44mm2

⸫ Thus the dimension of 250*300mm is provided

⸫ Area of reinforcement = Asc = 0.01*Ag

= 0.01*29772.44
= 297.72mm2

Providing bars of 16mm dia

⸫ No. of bars = 297.72/^/4*162

= 1.48 ≈ 2 bars provided

Lateral tiles

 ⱷ/4 = 16/4 = 4mm

 5mm
Thus we provided 6mm dia bars as ties


 300m
 L. lateral length = 250mm
 16*16 = 256mm

⸫250mm spacing is provided.


1) Roof:-

Live Load = 1.5KN/m2

S.W of slab = 0.075*28 = 1.875KN/m2
Roof of finish = 1.5KN/m2
T.L = 4.875 KN/ m2
F.L = 7.312KN/ m2

Typical floor

L.L = 4KN/ m2
S.W of slab = 0.075*25 = 1.875KN/ m2
F.F = 1KN/ m2
T.L = 6.875KN/ m2
F.L = 10.31KN/ m2


Wt. of internal walls = [0.115*(3.05-0.3)]*20

= 6.325KN/ m2

Main beam

Size of beam = 0.3*0.4 = 0.12mm

Wt. of beam = (0.3*(0.4-0.075))*20
= 1.95KN/ m
F.L = 2.92KN/m2

Secondary beam

Size of beam = 230*300

Wt. of beam = [0.23*(0.3-0.075)*25]
= 1.293KN/ m2
= 1.94KN/ m2

Floor load transfer to the column

= 1.97*0.846
= 1.666 m2

Length of walls
= 1+0.97+0.846
= 2.816m

Length of beam
= 2.816m

Load of column

1) Roof & 3rd floor

Roof of slab = 7.312*1.666

= 12.13KN
Walls = 9.487*2.816 = 26.71KN
Main beam = 2.92*2.816 = 8.22KN
T.L = 47.06KN
F.L = 70.59KN
3rd & 2nd floor

Floor slab = 1.66*10.31 = 17.11KN

Walls = 26.71KN
Main beam = 8.22KN
T.L = 52.04KN+70.59KN
= 122.63KN

2nd & 1st floor

= 122.63+52.04
= 174.67KN

1st & plinth = 174.67+52.04

= 226.71KN

B/W plinth & flooring

No. wall is provided

⸫ Plinth beam = 8.22KN
Wt. of column = 0.3*0.3*25*3.05
= 20.58
T.L = 255.51KN

⸫ Pu = 255.51KN
⸫ Length of column = 3.215m
M30 = fck =30N/mm2
Fy = 415N/mm2

Effective length = 0.8L

= 0.8*3.215
= 2.572m
The area of steel in column should be

Asc = 1% of Ag
Ac = 99% of Ag

Calculation of gross area from IS 456⁚2000

Pu = 0.4fck Ac+0.67fy Asc

Or 255.51*103 = 0.4*30*0.99Ag+0.67*415*0.01Ag
Ag = 17431.46mm2

⸫ Thus the dimension of 250*300mm is provided

⸫ Area of reinforcement = Asc = 0.01*Ag

= 0.01*17431.46
= 174.28mm2

Providing bars of 16mm dia

⸫ No. of bars = 174.28/^/4*162

= 1.5 ≈ 4 bars provided

⸫ 4 bars of 12mm dia is used.

Calculation of Lateral tiles

 ⱷ/4 = 12/4 = 3mm

 5mm

6mm dia bars are provided for lateral tiles

And Spacing is of 250mm.

1. Isolated 12 3.6 3.6 1.5 19.44 cumec 233.28 cumec
2. Combined 8 3.06 2.39 1.5 10.9701 cumec 87.76 cumec
3. Footing 12 3.4 3.4 0.6 6.936 cumec 83.23m3
4. Combined 8 2.86 2.19 0.4 2.505 cumec 20.04m3
5. PCC work in 12 3.6 3.6 0.100 1.296 cumec 15.52m3
isolated town
6. PCC work in 16 3.06 2.39 0.100 0.731 cumec 11.696m3
7. RCC work in 16 13.2 0.3 0.25 0.99 cumec 15.84 m3
8. RCC work in 12 12.48 0.3 0.25 0.936 cumec 11.232 m3
9. Beam of 5 55.64 0.3 0.25 4.173 cumec 20.865 cumec
single type 1
10. Beam of type 5 31.10 0.3 0.25 2.385 cumec 11.925 cumec
11. Interior wall 3 59.83 2.65 0.25 18.19 cumec 54.57 cumec

12. Wall 3 49.97 2.65 0.23 30.43 cumec 91.29 cumec

13. Slab 1 5 2 1.692 0.165 0.558 cumec 2.79 cumec

14. Slab 2 5 2 1.816 0.165 0.599 cumec 2.99 cumec

15. Slab 3 5 1.945 3.508 0.165 1.12 cumec 5.6 cumec
16. Slab 4 5 0.8516 3.508 0.165 0.492 cumec 2.46 cumec

17. Slab 5 5 2.79 3.508 0.165 1.6091 cumec 8.04 cumec

18. Slab 7 5 3.945 2.55 0.165 1.659 cumec 8.29 cumec

19. Slab 8 5 3.641 2.55 0.165 1.52 cumec 7.6 cumec

20. Slab 9 5 2 2.55 0.165 0.8415 cumec 4.207 cumec

21. Slab 10 5 9.583 2.55 0.165 4.03 cumec 2.015 cumec

22. Slab 11 5 3.832 6.251 0.165 3.95 cumec 19.75 cumec

23. Slab 12 5 3.335 1.03 0.165 0.566 cumec 2.83 cumec

24. Slab 13 5 1.395 2.802 0.165 0.617 cumec 3.085 cumec
25. Plaster inner 3 59.83 2.65 N/A 158.54 Seq. m 475.6 m2
portion wall
26. Plastering 3 59.83 2.65 N/A 158.54 Seq. m 475.6 sq. m
portion wall
of outside
27. Plastering on 3 49.96 2.65 N/A 132.41 Seq. m 397.23 seq. m
outer wall
(one side)
28. Plastering on 3 49.96 2.65 N/A 132.41 Seq. m 397.29 seq. m
(other side)
Abstract of Estimation (G+3)

Sr. No. Particulars Quantity Unit Rate/unit Amount

1. Earth work 233.28 m3 311.2 72596.736

Excavation of
Isolated footing
2. Earth work 87.76 m3 311.2 27310.912
excavation of
combine footing
3. PCC work in 15.52 m3 2604 40414.08
Isolated footing
4. PCC work in 5.84 m3 2604 15207.36
Combine footing
5. RCC work in 83.23 m3 8800 732424
Isolated footing
6. RCC work in 20.04 m3 8800 176352
Combine footing
7. RCC work in 11.232 m3 8800 98841.6
combine Isolated
8. RCC work in 15.84 m3 8800 139392
column combine
9. RCC work of 4.173 m3 8800 36722.4
beam type 1
10. RCC work of 2.385 m3 8800 20961.6
beam type 2
11. Slab together 17.561 m3 3340 58655.744

Total cost =
759696.432 ≈
₹ 800000
12. Plastering on 951.2 m3 43.81 41672.07
interior wall
(both side)
13. Plastering on 794.461 m3 43.61 34805.33
external wall
(both side)
Total amount =
1099391.14 ≈

⸫ for 3 Floor = 3*1100000

= ₹ 3300000
Total amount = ₹ 3300000+800000
= ₹ 4100000

Lighting = 8% of total amount = 0.08*4100000

S & W1 = 8% of total amount = 0.08*4100000
Wee = 2% of total amount = 0.02*4100000
C.P = 15% of total amount = 0.15*4100000
Grand Total = ₹ 5453000

We can conclude that there is difference between the theoretical and practical work
done. As the scope of understanding will be much more when practical work is
done. As we get more knowledge in such a situation where we have great
experience doing the practical work.
Knowing the loads we have designed the slabs depending upon the ratio of
longer to shorter span of panel. In this project we have designed slabs as two way
slabs depending upon the end condition, corresponding bending moment. The
coefficients have been calculated as per I.S. code methods for corresponding lx/ly
ratio. The calculations have been done for loads on beams and columns and
designed frame analysis by moment distribution method. Here we have moderate
bearing capacity, and Isolated footing & Combine footing is done.

 Geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics by K.R.Arora and Gopal Ranjan

 Limit state design of reinforced concrete by Dr.B.C.Punmia,
 Design of concrete structures by Pillai & Menon
 Estimation and costing by B.N.Dutta.
 IS 456 : 2000 -- Plain and reinforced concrete
 IS 875 (Part 1) 1987—dead loads
 IS 875 (Part 2) 1987—live loads
 IS 875 (Part 3) 1987—wind load
 IS 1893 –(Part 1) : 2002 earthquake load
 IS SP 34 :1987 – hand book on concrete reinforcement and detailing
 Internet sources
 Reference with subjective faculty
 Reference with PWD department

0.3000 3.4000



0.9300 0.650
0 0.845
0.5005 5 0.650
0 4 Bars of
4 bars of dia
Elevation 5 bars of dia 12 mm
of combined 16 mm
Ground level

columns bar

20 mm O 120 c/c


0.6000 0.5500
Drawing of isolated footing
1 legged 6 mm Q
@ 250 mm c/c

0.3000 16 mm Q
6 mm dia 3.1250
0.2500 bars

4 bars 16 mm Q


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Mob. No. :- 8953658146


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Email:- abhaybachchan1997@gmail.com
Mob. No. : - 9455108055


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Mob. No. :- 8922969200

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