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Wahyu September 12, 2017

● 1 A. Introduction

● 2 B. Proverb

○ 2.1 Kinds of Proverbs

○ 2.2 Social Functions of Proverb

○ 2.3 Stucture of Proverbs

○ 2.4 Characteristics of Proverbs

● 3 C. Riddle

○ 3.1 Social Function of Riddle

○ 3.2 Structure of Riddle

○ 3.3 Characteristic of Riddle

In our culture, have you heard these expressions?
– Hemat pangkal kaya
– Besar pasak daripada tiang
– Ada udang di balik batu
Can you tell the meaning? Those examples are called peribahasa in Indonesia or proverbs in
Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These
sayings are called by proverbs.
Example : Time is money = waktu adalah uang. (Waktu sangat berharga atau penting, maka
manusia harus menggunakan waktu sebaik mungkin). Proverb and riddle

1. Aphorism (pepatah). This proverb offers advice.
Example; Don’t go too far in small. (persoalan kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan)
2. Parable (Perumpamaan). That has a moral lesson and has parable
Example: To carry coals to Newcastle (Bagai membuang garam ke laut)
3. Slogan (pemeo). This proverb give spirit or motivation
– Early bird gets worm ( Tuhan akan memberikan rezeki kepada makhluk-Nya yang lebih dahulu
– Diligence is the mistress of success (rajin pangkal sukses)
4. Idiom
It as a pharse that has group of words with a different meaning from the meaning of all the
individual word.
– Pull your sock up (improve your behavior)
– You can arrange your bedroom at will (sesuka hati)
– Don’t mention it (You’re welcome)
● Proverb have a function to teaching, enlightening, and persuading people. Proverbs
play many roles in society. The most common role is to educate on what might
happen if they do something. A proverb contains wisdom, truth, morals, and
traditional views.

● Proverb has been and remains a most powerful and effective instrument for the
transmission of culture, social morality, manner, and ideas of a people from one
generation to another. The proverbs deal with knowledge, experience, hard work,
and human relations.

● Proverb and provebial sayings have for centuries been equally popular with all
nations, despite their regional diversities, and crearly, for the impact the have made.

● Proverb can be used to tech people, give them some advice, help in difficult
situations, show people what the most important thins in life, and show the proper
way in life.

● Proverbs are very often used in personal interaction.

● Proverb can also be used mock someone or criticize.

Proverbs often from clusters that share a common structure.
– Opposite parallel
– Similiar parallel
– Single statement
– Statement with an explanation
– Comparison
– Descriptive list
– Use of clause or instruction
● Proverbs can be as short as two words. In addition, the full forms of popular longer
proverbs are often replaced by elliptical allusions.

● Proverbs use prosodic devices that enhance their memorability, especially rhyme,
alliteration, parallelism, as ellipsis.

● Proverbs often use simple rhetorical devices, metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, and
A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is, leaving the
reader to guess. It is a light hearted type of poetry which involves the reader. Riddles can be about
anything, from riddles about animals to riddle about objects. There are no rules on how to
structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can rhyme, it depends on the person writing the
Example :
1. It’s an animal. It’s an orange black. It has stripes. It has four paws. It lives in the jungle. What is
it? It is a tiger.
2. I have three eyes, all in a row. When the red one opens, all freeze. I am traffic light.
3. Example of Rhyming Riddle
I come in different style.
I can help you walk for miles.
Come in pair
I’m something what you wear
With heels I’m glam
CAn you guest what I am?
I am a shoes.
A riddle is a statement, question, or phrase that has a double meaning. It is an amusing game for
children and adults. Today riddle aren’t used as much as they were in ancient times, but they
remain a definite way to get your mind working.

● When someone uses a riddle, it can be a thought provoking challange to figure it out
on your own, or it can be a funny comment that makes you laugh. Riddles can be
great brain busters or conversation starters to get you think. Riddle games have been
played since times, and are still being played today.

● Riddles have significant roles. They include roles that may be described as cultural,
educative, intelectual, ideological, cosmological, and political. Riddles teach logic
about the social and cultural environment, social norms, history, biology, and much

● Riddles can help in memory training for children as they are expected and encourage
to remember the correct answers to the riddles. Riddles also can help to introduce a
variety of vocabolaries. They also provide opportunities to play phonetic,
morphological, grammatical, and semantic games as they exhibit a variety of
linguistic expressions and structure.
In conclusion, riddles have a role in the education of communities and in development of analytical
thinking lies the fact that the answer to the riddle is already known to the audience.
Riddle have no form set. Riddles can be a question with a quick witty answer. They can be just a
sentence that makes you have a sudden realization. We can also create riddles from words that
rhytme with a word in a riddle’s answer, other word and phrases that use the funny part of an
A riddle is a verbal puzzle, an enigmatic statement, description, or question posed by one person
to another, or to a group, who have to guess the answer. We use the term loosely for more than
one kind of puzzle. However, the riddle proper relies on imagery for its effects; often quite poetic
imagery. Some riddles use pronoun “i” even though the word that should be guessed is a thing.
For example : “If you have me, you won’t to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What
am i?” The answer is “a secret”.

Proverb and Riddle

by Rizavatmi, S. Pd

Explanation about Proverb and Riddl

proverb is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something
about life.
proverb adalah kalimat pendek yang orang sering mengutip, yang memberikan nasihat atau
memberitahu Anda sesuatu tentang kehidupan.
example of Proverb

example of Riddle
Proverb and Riddle

Explanation about Riddle

Riddle is a puzzle or joke in which you ask a question that seems to be nonsense but which
has a clever or amusing answer
riddle adalah teka-teki atau lelucon di mana Anda mengajukan pertanyaan yang tampaknya
menjadi omong kosong tetapi yang memiliki jawaban yang cerdas atau lucu
Knowledge knows no borders.

Pengetahuan itu tidak

pernah mengenal batas
East or west, home is best.
(Hujan emas di negara orang, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri.)
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

(Teman dalam duka adalah teman sejati.)

Love is the key of every good nature in human live.

(Cinta adalah kunci alami dalam kehidupan manusia.)

Desperate people has no standpoint.

"Orang yang putus asa tidak mempunyai pendirian."

Failure is not misfortune.

(Suatu kegagalan bukanlah berarti suatu kesialan.)
Unused advantage are no advantages
(Kepandaian yang tidak bermanfaat adalah sis-sia.)
Action speak louder than words
(banyak bekerja sedikit bicara.)
Bending without breaking.

(Mengalah bukan berarti kalah.)

Better forgiven than resentment.

(Lebih baik memaafkan daripada mendendam.)

It's daytime; the sun is out

The object she throws is a boomerang. It flies out, loops around, and comes back and hits her
in the head, killing her. Boomerangs do not often return so close to the point from which they
were thrown, but I believe it's possible for this to happen.

In the forest I am green.

At the market I am black.
In the kitchen I am red.
Name Me …
don’t wait!

An electric train is traveling northwest at 95 miles per hour, and the wind is blowing southwest
at 95 miles per hour.
In which direction does the smoke blow?

A man was born in 1964 and died in 1984 at the age of 25. How is this possible?
I have a little house in which I live all alone.
It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.
When the numbers are expressed in roman numerals, this works out:
If you take I from XIX, you are left with XX.

What kind of dog has no tail?

If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what will it become?
What is the last thing you take off when you go to bed?

I am the beginning of sorrow, and the end of sickness.

You cannot express happiness without me, yet I am in the midst of crosses.
I am always in risk, yet never in danger.
You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness.

Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer?

A hot dog
You take your feet off the floor.

A Chicken in an egg.

How can you take 1 from 19 and leave 20?

(30 divided by 2 is 15, but 30 divided by 1/2 is 60.)

He's born in room number 1964 of a hospital and dies in room number 1984.
There is not any smoke. It's an Electric Train.

Setiap kata memiliki arti tersendiri. Apabila kata-kata dirangkai akan menjadi suatu kalimat
yang indah dan mengandung makna tertentu. Begitu juga dengan rangkaian kata dalam
peribahasa dan kata-kata bijak, kata-kata disusun sehingga menjadi untaian kalimat menjadi
begitu indah, ringkas, padat, berisi yang berisi perumpamaan, nasihat, prinsip hidup atau aturan
tingkah laku.

Dalam bahasa Inggris ada juga peribahasa (proverbs) dan kata-kata bijak (wise word), berikut
adalah contohnya :

Peribahasa (Proverbs) :
1. Better late than never.
(Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali.)
2. Bending without breaking.
(Mengalah bukan berarti kalah.)
3. A good book is a great friend.
(Buku yang bermanfaat merupakan teman yang baik.)
4. Out of sight near by heart.
(Jauh di mata dekat di hati.)
5. No one too old to learn.
(Belajar tidak memandang usia.)
6. Action speak louder than words.
(banyak bekerja sedikit bicara.)
7. Desperate people has no standpoint.
(Orang yang putus asa tidak mempunyai pendirian.)
8. Full coin, full case.
(Banyak uang banyak masalah.)
9. Think first, than action.
(Berfikir matang terlebih dahulu baru bertindak.)
10. United we stand, divided we fall.
(Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh.)
11. Unused advantage are no advantages.
(Kepandaian yang tidak bermanfaat adalah sis-sia.)
12. Blood is thicker than water.
(Ikatan darah atau persaudaraan lebih kuat dari segala-galanya.)
13. Succes never comes to the indolence's.
(Keberhasilan tidak akan pernah datang pada orang yang malas.)
14. Failure is not misfortune.
(Suatu kegagalan bukanlah berarti suatu kesialan.)
15. Wiseman is the one who always speak a little.
(Orang bijak adalah orang yang tidak banyak bicara.)
16. Better forgiven than resentment.
(Lebih baik memaafkan daripada mendendam.)
17. All the world is a stage.
(Dunia ini adalah sebuah panggung sandiwara.)
18. Money is the servant of some people.
(Kebanyakan orang diperbudak oleh uang.)
19. Knowledge knows no borders.
(Pengetahuan itu tidak pernah mengenal batas.)
20. Do not go too far in small.
(Masalah yang kecil jangan diperbesar.)
21. East or west, home is best.
(Hujan emas di negara orang, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri.)
22. Where there is a will. there is away.
(Dimana ada kemauan pasti akan ada jalan keluar.)
23. Pride is the beginning of destruction.
(Kesombongan adalah awal dari sebuah kehancuran.)
24. A bird in the hand is worth than two in the air.
(Seekor burung yang ada di genggaman tangan lebih baik daripada dua burung yang
terbang di udara.)
25. A new broom sweeps clean.
(Sapu baru itu menyapu selalu bersih.)
26. Strike the iron while it is hot.
(Tempalah baja pada saat panas niscaya akan bertambah kuat.)
27. Water and fire are good friend when it is a little.
(Air dan api selagi kecil adalah kawan yang baik.)
28. If you are going to a good turn, do it now, but if you are going to do a mean turn, wait till
(Jika anda ingin berbuat baik lakukan sekarang juga, akan tetapi jika anda ingin berbuat
keji tunggulah
sampai esok hari.)
29. The brave man is man who speak the truth if it is as well.
(Seorang pemberani adalah seorang yang berani mengatakan benar jika itu adalah benar.)
30. Silent is gold.
(Diam itu emas.)
31. A man becomes learned by asking questions.
(Semakin banyak bertanya seseorang akan menjadi pintar.)
32. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(Teman dalam duka adalah teman sejati.)
33. Laziness is the key to beggary.
(Kemalasan adalah kunci kemelaratan.)
34. Science is organised body of principle supported by fact.
(Ilmu adalah rangkaian keterangan yang didukung oleh data.)
35. Love is the key of every good nature in human live.
(Cinta adalah kunci alami dalam kehidupan manusia.)

Latihan Soal by Mam Rizavatmi, S. Pd

1. Proverb
Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your
life. These sayings are called by "proverbs".
Example: Time is money = Waktu adalah uang.
(Waktu sangat berharga atau penting maka manusia harus menggunakan waktu sebaik

Kinds of Proverbs:
1. Aphorism (Pepatah)
This proverb offers advice.
Example : Don’t go too far in small.
(Persoalan kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan).

2. Parable (Perumpamaan)
That has a moral lesson and has parable.
Example : To carry coals to New-castle.
(Bagai membuang garam kelaut)

3. Slogan (Pameo)
This proverb gives spirit or motivation.
Example :
1. Early bird gets worm
(Tuhan akan memberikan rezeki kepada makhluk-Nya yang lebih dulu bangun)
2. Diligence is the mistress of success.
(Kerajinan pangkal kesuksesan)

4. Idiom
It is a phrase that has group of words with a different meaning from the meaning of all
the individual word.
Example :
1. Pull your sock up. (improve your behaviour)
2. You can arrange your bedroom at will. (sesuka hati)
3. Don’t mention it. (You’re welcome)

2. Riddle
A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is,
leaving the reader to guess. It is a light hearted type of poetry which involves the reader.
Riddles can be about anything, from riddles about animals to riddles about objects.
There are no rules on how to structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can
rhyme, it depends on the person writing the riddle.
1. It’s an animal. It’s an orange black. It has stripes. It has four paws. It lives in the
jungle. What is it?
It is a Lion.

2. “Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze.” The answer is
traffic light.

3. Example of Rhyming Riddle

I come in different style.
I can help you walk for miles.
Come in pair.
I’m something what you wear.
With heals I’m glam
Can you guest what I am?
I am a ..
Proverbs bahasa inggris dan
1. Haste makes waste: biar lambat asal selamat
2. Don’t judge the book by it’s cover: jangan melihat sesuatu dari luarnya
3. I don’t even have a friend yet,much less a partner of love: jangankan kekasih
teman pun aku tiada
4. She can’t even read, let alone memorize: jangankan menghapal, membaca pun dia
tak sanggup
5. We would rather sacrifice much money then late our brothers die:
6. mending kami berkorban uang yang banyak daripada membiarkan saudara kami
7. Don’t let the time slip by: jangan biarkan waktu berlalu
8. Action speaks louder than words: perkataanya tidak sesuai dengan perbuatanya
9. Talk less do more: sedikit berbicara banyak berbuat
10. Alike as two peas in a pod: bagaikan pinang dibelah dua
11. Do what you fear and the fear disappears:
12. lakukan apa yang kamu takutkan, dan ketakutan pasti hilang
13. Gone but never forgotten: jauh dimata dekat dihati
14. Don’t put till tomorrow what you can do today:
15. jangan pernah menunda apa yang bisa kamu kerjakan hari ini
16. Killing a bird by a stone: sekali mendayung 2 pulau terlampaui
17. Let’s gone be by gone:yang lalu biarlah berlalu
18. It never rains but it pours: sudah jatuh, tertimpa tangga pula
19. Still waters runs deep: sedikit bicara banyak pengetahuan
20. Envy never enriches any man: iri hati tidak pernah memperkaya siapapun
21. Beauty without virtue is a curse: kecantikan tanpa kebajikan adalah kutukan
22. Better be envied than pitied: mending dicemburui daripada dikasihani
23. Honesty cost nothing: kejujuran tidak membutuhkan biaya
24. It’s better to be safe that sorry: lebih baik selamat daripada menyesal
25. Words cut more than sword: kata-kata lebih kejam daripada pedang
26. Many hands make light work: gotong royong meringankan pekerjaan
27. Life is not a bed of rose: hidup tidak selalu menyenangkan
28. Better dead than live in shame: lebih baik mati daripada hidup menanggung malu
29. Don’t do to others what you don’t want others do to you:
30. jangan lakukan apa yang kamu tidak ingin orang lain lakukan padamu
31. No use in crying over slipt milk: nasi sudah jadi bubur
32. Don’t ever try to impose your wish: jangan pernah memaksakan kehendakmu
33. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush:
34. satu ekor burung ditangan lebih baik daripada dua ekor yang masih ada diudara
35. A cent is better than none/something is better than nothing:
36. lebih baik ada biar sedikit dari pada tidak ada
37. A confess in fault is gentle and respectable: mengakui kesalahan adalah suatu sikap
38. Barking dog seldom bites: anjing yang menggonggong jarang menggigit
39. Custom makes all things easy: ala biasa karna biasa
40. Don’t teach a crocodile to swim: jangan mengajar orang yang sudah pintar
41. First impression are most lasting: kesan pertama adalah yang paling kekal
42. No sweet without sweat/no gain without pain: tanpa bersusah payah tidak
memperoleh sesuatu
43. Tomorrow never comes: jangan menunda-nunda pekerjaan
44. man purpose, god disposes: manusia berusaha,tuhan yang menentukan
45. After a strom comes a calm: sengsara membawa nikmat
46. All roads lead to rome: banyak jalan mencapai cita-cita
47. All that glitters is not gold: apa yang kelihatan baik belum tentu semuanya baik
48. The grass is greener on the other side:
49. betapapun senangnya dirantau masih lebih senang dinegeri sendiri
50. As you maker you bad, so you must lie in it: berani berbuat berani bertanggung
51. A bad workman always blames his tools: berani menaggung tindakan yang kurang
52. Beauty is but skin deep: berbahasa yang sopan lebih baik daripada rupa yang
53. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion:
54. kesulitan yang nampak lebih baik daripada yang terselubung
55. Better bend than break: lebih baik mengalah untuk menang

Proverbs adalah pepatah. Tidak hanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang sering
menyatakan pepatah, dalam Bahasa Inggris, pepatah pun dijumpai. Beberapa pepatah
dalam Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini mempunyai makna yang sama dengan pepatah
Bahasa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, kami memberikan terjemahan dan makna pada
setiap pepatah.
1. To have an axe to grind = Ada udang di balik batu
2. One scabbed sheep is enough to spoil a flock = Sebab nila setitik rusak susu
3. To cherish a viper in one's bosom = Air susu dibalas air tuba
4. To fish in troubled waters = Memancing di air keruh
5. Cut your coat according to your cloth = Bayang-bayang hendaklah sepanjang badan
6. To carry coals to New-castle = Membuang garam ke laut
7. The pot calls the cattle black = Udang hendak mengatai ikan
8. He is a dog in the manger = Badak-badak, minta aku daging; Bangau2, minta aku
9. A thorn in one's flesh = Seperti duri dalam daging
10. Home, sweet home = Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri awak, elok
juga di negeri awak
11. Huge winds blow on high hills = Besar kapal besar gelombangnya, besar kayu besar
12. Barking dogs seldom bite = Anjing menggonggong tidak akan menggigit
13. No rose without thorn = Tiada gading yang tak retak
14. Like father, like child = Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimpahan juga
15. Misfortunes never come singly = Antan patah, lesung hilang
16. Out of the frying-pan into the fire = Lepas dari mulut harimau jatuh ke mulut buaya
17. To behold the mote in the eye of one's neighbour, but not the beam in one's own =
Gajah di kelopak mata tak tampak, kuman di seberang lautan tampak
18. Once a use and ever a custom = Kebiasaan menjadi tabiat
19. Strike the iron while it is hot = Menjemur di waktu hari panas.
20. Such things bring grist to his mill = Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba
21. Such as the tree, such is the fruit = Bagaimana biduk, bagaimana pengayuh
22. The apple falls near the tree = Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimpahan juga
23. Harm set, haram get= Siapa menggali lubang, ia juga terperosok ke dalamnya
24. After rain comes sunshine = Sesudah hujan datang terang
25. His bread is buttered on both sides = Seperti parang bermata dua
26. There is no smoke without a fire = Kalau tak ada api takkan ada asap
27. The right man in the right place = Asal ayam pulang ke lesung, asal itik pulang ke

Bahasa Inggris dan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia

(Cinta itusebuah permainan yang dimainkan oleh dua orang dan dimenangkan oleh
dua orangtersebut)

GREG EVANS(Cinta itu bukan apa yang dipikirkan oleh akal; tapi cinta adalah apa
yang dirasakanoleh hati)


(Mencintai demi dicintai itu sifatmanusia, tapi mencintai demi mencintai itu sifat


SINETAR (Kerjakanapa yang kau cintai dan uang akan mengikuti)


DIRECTION – ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY (Hidup telah mengajarkan kita
bahwa cinta tidak berisi "salingmemandang", tapi cinta berisi "bersama-sama melihat
satu arah yang sama")


(Syukurilah hidup, karena hidupmemberimu kesempatan untuk mencintai, bekerja,
bermain dan memandangbintang-bintang)
PROVERB (Cinta dantelur itu sangat baik jika keduanya masih segar)
PROVERB (Cintabisa membuat waktu terlewati. Dan Waktu pun bisa membuat cinta


berpura-puramenertawai cinta itu seperti seorang anak kecil yang menangis di malam
hari karenaketakutan)


ANONYMOUS(Anak-anak membutuhkan cinta, khususnya ketika mereka tidak

Proverb atau dikenal dengan istilah pribahasa merupakan ayat atau kumpulan kata
mempunyai susunan tetap, mengandung pengertian tertentu berisi saran-saran positif.
Di bawah ini kami menyediakan kumpulan proverb/peribahasa bahasa Inggris bersama
arti/makna Part A.

The proverbs The meaning

A bad tree does not yield good apples. If the source is bad, the results will also be bad

A bad workman blames his tools. Unsuccessful people do not take responsibility
for their failures.

A bird in hand is worth two in Don't throw away your security on a gamble.
a bush.

A broken friendship may be soldered but When trust is lost the relationship will never
will never be sound. fully recover.

A burden of one's own choice is not felt. Things we choose to do, do not seem difficult.

A burnt child dreads the fire. People avoid repeating bad experiences.

A cat has nine lives. Cats are remarkably resilient.

A chain is no stronger than its weakest Every member of a group is important to its
link. success.
A change is as good as a rest. A change in routine can be as refreshing as a
break or a holiday.

A dry March, a wet April and a cool May When the weather is dry in March, wet in April
fill barn and cellar and bring much hay. and cool in May, farmers will have a rich

A fault confessed is half redressed. When you admit fault, you are on your way to
repairing the damage you caused.

A flower blooms more than once. Opportunities lost may well come again.

A fool and his money are (soon) easily A greedy person is easy to cheat.

A fool at forty is a fool forever. A person who hasn't matured by the age of 40
will never mature.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Someone who helps you when you are in
trouble is a real friend.

A friend to all is a friend to none. A person who is friendly to everyone has no

real friends.

A friend's eye is a good mirror. We can trust our friends to tell us the truth.

A good example is the best sermon. What you do is more convincing than what you

A good beginning makes a good end. Prepare carefully and you will be successful.

A good conscience is a soft pillow. You sleep well when you have nothing to be
guilty about.

A guilty conscience needs no accuser. When you have done wrong, you feel guilty
even if nobody else knows,

A hungry belly has no ears. Feed the hungry if you want them to listen to

A hungry wolf is fixed to no place. Nobody is safe from people who are desperate.
A leopard cannot change its People don't change.

A lie begets a lie. Telling one lie leads to more lying.

A little fire is quickly trodden Handle problems while they are small..

A loaded wagon makes no noise. Wealthy people do not talk about their money.

A loveless life is living death. Without love, we are not really alive.

A man can die but once. Do not fear death.

A man is as old as he feels Psychological age is more important than chronological

himself to be. age.

A man is known by the A person's character is judged by his or her friends.

company he keeps.

A monkey in silk is a monkey no Don't be fooled by fine clothes; the person wearing them
less. has not changed.

A new broom sweeps clean. A new leader eliminates people who don't cooperate with

A problem shared is a problem Problems see less worrisome when you discuss them with
halved. someone sympathetic.

A rising tide lifts all boats. When conditions improve, everyone benefits.

A rolling stone gathers no moss People who avoid ties remain independent.

A rotten apple spoils the barrel. A dishonest or immoral person influences everyone for
the worse.

A smooth sea never made a In order to improve, we must challenge obstacles.

skilled mariner.

A stitch in time saves nine. If you deal with a problem at an early stage, you will
prevent it from getting worse.

A stumble may prevent a fall. Making a small mistake may open your eyes to greater

A swallow does not make the One good sign does not mean that everything is all right.
A watched pot never boils. If you wait anxiously for something to happen, it seems to
take a long time.

A young idler, an old beggar. Work when you are young if you want to have money
when you're old.

Absence makes the heart grow When you can't be with someone you love, your love
fonder grows.

Accidents will happen Some misfortunes are inevitable.

Actions speak louder than What a person actually does is more important than what
words they say they will do.

Advice is cheap Some people's advice is worthless.

Advice is least heeded when When a problem is serious, people often do not follow the
most needed. advice given.

Advisors run no risks. It's easy to give advice when you won't have to suffer the

All cats are grey in the dark. Don't be overly influenced by surface beauty.

All days are short to industry When you are focused on a job, time passes quickly, but
and long to idleness. time goes by slowly when you have nothing to do.

All good things come to those If you are patient you will be rewarded.
who wait.

All that glitters is not gold. Appearances can be deceptive.

All is fair in love and war. People can be ruthless in pursuit of what they want.

All's well that ends well. When a solution is achieved, the tactics used to get it no
longer matter.

All things grow with time - With the passage of time, grief may lessen.
except grief.

All things are difficult before It's not easy to learn something new.
they are easy.
All work and no play makes Everybody needs a balance of work and relaxation.
Jack a dull boy.

An apple a day keeps the doctor A small preventative treatment wards off serious
away. problems.

An empty purse frightens away When one's financial situation deteriorates, friends tend
friends. to disappear.

An Englishman's home is his An Englishman's home is a place where he feels safe,

castle enjoys privacy and can do as he wishes.

An idle brain is the devil's Keep busy and you will avoid temptation.

An onion a day keeps everyone A humorous version of "an apple a day keeps the doctor
away. away"...Onions smell bad, so if you eat one people will
avoid you.

An ounce of discretion is worth Don't make jokes at other people's expense.

a pound of wit.

An ounce of prevention is worth A little prudence now will keep small problems from
a pound of cure. becoming large ones.

Anger is the one thing made Let your anger cool a bit before speaking or acting.
better by delay.

Any time means no time. If you want to get things done, you must be specific.

April showers bring May Something bad or unpleasant today may bring good
flowers. things in the future.

As you sow, so shall you reap. You have to accept the consequences of your actions.

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you Don't pry about things that are none of your business.
no lies.

1. Do not cast your pearls before swine.

A) A mistake can be a great teacher.
B) Do not give a precious thing to someone who cannot value it.
C) It is preferable to be cautious than be rash and get into trouble.
D) When things seem at their worst, they may just begin to improve.

2. The child is father of the man.

A) The finest things are hard to get.
B) One should not assume success prior to actually achieving it.
C) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
D) The character of a child shows the kind of man he will grow up to be.

3. Better late than never.

A) Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
B) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
C) It is preferable to do a job even if it is delayed than not do it at all.
D) One's actions whether good or bad determine one's rewards or punishments.

4. Birds of a feather flock together.

A) People with similar interests and tastes tend to group.
B) The finest things are hard to get.
C) Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
D) One should not make a big fuss about a trivial matter.

5. Don't change horses in mid-stream.

A) Nothing can go on forever as all things change.
B) It is preferable to be cautious than be rash and get into trouble.
C) Plans must not be altered at the wrong time.
D) One's actions whether good or bad determine one's rewards or punishments.

6. Call a spade a spade.

A) One should not worry before something happens for it may never happen.
B) Do not give a precious thing to someone who cannot value it.
C) Be blunt and say plainly what you mean.
D) Our affection increases when we are parted from our loved ones.

7. All that glitters is not gold.

A) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
B) Be blunt and say plainly what you mean.
C) Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
D) Family ties are stronger than other relationships.

8. All roads lead to Rome.

A) There are often early indications of future happenings.
B) People can arrive at the same conclusion by different means.
C) People with similar interests and tastes tend to group.
D) Once a decision has been made, it cannot be reversed.

9. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

A) It is preferable to do a job even if it is delayed than not do it at all.
B) Provide help first to one's family members and then to others.
C) Plans must not be altered at the wrong time.
D) One should not make a big fuss about a trivial matter.
10. A bad workman always blames his tools.
A) A person with deficiencies finds excuses for his lack of skill.
B) Steady progress is better in the long run than inconsistent speed.
C) One should not assume success prior to actually achieving it.
D) There are often early indications of future happenings.

Task 1
What does it mean?
1. Better late than never.
2. Don’t go too far in small.
3. By learning to obey we know to command.
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5. Actions speak louder than words.

Work in Group.
Work in group and find the meaning of following proverb that is in film.
1. It’s not what is outside but what in inside that count. (Aladdin)
2. Always let your conscience be your guide. (Pinokio)
3. It’s doesn’t matter. It’s in the past. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can
either run from it, or learn from it.

Individual work
1. Find 5 proverbs and the meaning!
Match and Find the answer of the following riddle.
1. What building has the most stories?
2. What is broken every time it’s spoken?
3. What four letter word can be read upside
down, downside up, and up to down?
4. What animal walks on all fours in the
morning, two in the afternoon and three in the
5. What falls, but does not break, and what
breaks but does not fall?
6. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left
and right, and in the middle. But I still hold
water. What am I?
7. What can run but never walks, has a mouth
but never talks, has a head but never weeps,
has a bed but never sleeps?
8. I never was, am always to be.
No one ever saw me, nor ever will.
And yet I am the confidence of all.
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?
9. I am the black child of a white father, a
wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of
heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in
pupils that meet me, even though there is no
cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am
dissolved into air. What am I?
10. Pronounced as one letter. And written with
three. Two letters there are. And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single. I'm black, blue, and grey.
I'm read from both ends. And the same either
way. What am I?

a. An eye.
b. Smoke
c. Tomorrow
d. Night falls and day breaks.
e. A river.
f. A man, since he crawls as a child then walks and uses a cane when he gets older.
g. library
h. A sponge
i. silence
j. N O O N

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