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Kamara Applegate

Eng 1201

Dr. Cassel

17 April 2019

The Effects Sexual Harassment Victims Face

Contrary to popular belief no one is safe from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment

victims vary in age and include both genders. Sexual harassment occurs in offices, public spaces,

schools, and on the streets. Sexual harassment is essentially objectifying a human being, it is

limiting their worth. Victims not only have to battle with the perpetrator, but with patriarchy,

themselves and the justice system. Sexual harassment victims face numerous physical,

emotional, and mental negative consequences for the perpetrator’s immoral actions against them.

According to Amanda Reed who is a communications intern at National Organization for

Women states. America has been battling sexual harassment since 1960’s. In 1964 the passage of

Title VII prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace. The workplace is a very safe place for

those who sexually harass others. Not only does the victim have to deal with the recurrence of

their perpetrator, but roles of inferiority. It is common for those who are superior in the

workplace to partake in sexual harassment. The worker will risk their occupation and income if

they speak out against their own employer or anyone who is in higher authority. Thus leading to

the victim remaining silent while being sexually harassed repeatedly

School universities, community colleges, and grade school are a common place for sexual

harassment to occur. The American Association of University Women conducted a study about

sexual harassment in schools and the results are saddening yet inferierating. 85% of girls and

76% of boys have been the subject of sexual harassment. The most common places of sexual
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harassment in schools is the hallways and classrooms. Most incidents of sexual harassment go

without consequences and happen more than once in these environments due to seeing the

offender regularly.

When an individual is sexually harassed the offender doesn’t realize that the victim is a

son or daughter. They are not seen as a person with beliefs, ambitions, and dreams. They are

viewed as an object for the person responsible for the sexual harassment. Catcalling is a common

term for sexual harassment on the streets. Many who catcall justify their behavior by saying it

was a compliment.

From personal experience even a cat call sparks anxiety. The worst thing about being cat

called is that no matter what you wear it can still happen. Being a victim of physical and verbal

sexual harassment I tend to blame myself for others unethical actions towards me. The individual

can dress modest and still become a victim. The anxiety is great enough that I actively avoid the

areas where incidents occurred. If I do have to be in those areas, I experience fight or flight

mode. A natural response in the human body that reacts to danger.

The physical side effects of sexual harassment are preventable if the victim speaks out

immediately to an authority. Loss of appetite is a common symptom victims of sexual

harassment experience. Due to the stress, anxiety, and general discomfort the individual feels

their appetite is naturally curbed. Also if the offender is a superior in their workplace, seeing the

victim regularly can lead to a rush of cortisol and adrenaline that also naturally reduces appetite.

Severe loss of appetite can result in malnutrition.

Unfortunately sexual harassment victims can experience sleep deficiency. Anxiety and

stress from the incidents leaves the victim in distress thus leading to loss of sleep. Sleep

deprivation is linked to poor concentration. In school and at work obtaining focus is vital to
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perform assigned tasks. With poor concentration the victim’s job and/or school performance

decreases. Additional physical symptoms include headaches and increased stress.

Overall emotional effects range depending on the situation and the individual. Although

sexual harassment victims report battling with loss on control, violated, and humiliation.

Coworkers or students can be aware of the victims situation, but still continue to be bystanders.

It’s not uncommon for bystanders to encourage the perpetrator to continue sexual harassment for

their amusement and for the perpetrators ego. If people witness the sexual harassment that

increases humiliation for the victim. Without consent the victim's body is being exploited for

others amusement.

The situation leaves the victim feeling angry and betrayed. As sexual harassment

continues the victim feels betrayed by bystanders and the institution for no action being taken to

prohibit the immoral behavior. There are more severe emotional effects if sexual harassment is

done in front of others. Due to the fact that no one is standing up for the victim. That can cause

feelings of isolation or loneliness in the environment.

One of the last emotional effects a victim can experience is guilt, shame, and disesteem.

The victim can go through a period of self loathing or blaming oneself. Unfortunately this makes

the effects worse. Victims can blame themself for the sexual harassment being done to them.

These feelings reduces the likelihood of the victim to tell authorities about the harassment. The

emotional effects are linked to the mental effects of sexual harassment.

Mental effects of sexual harassment are more long term on the victim. If the victim did

not have an anxiety disorder before sexual harassment occurred, then the victim can develop an

anxiety disorder. The anxiety can range from generalized anxiety, social, or panic disorder, and
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obsessive compulsive disorder. If the victim has been diagnosed with an anxiety before sexual

harassment occurred, then the anxiety can worsen and become more severe.

The main types of anxiety disorders are quite different from on another. The disorders

can range from the victim avoiding social situations due to fear to experiencing sudden shortness

of breath. All types of anxiety disorders affect an individual's life greatly. Generalized anxiety is

the most common. Generalized anxiety is the general fear and worry in everyday life. The

anxiety is severe enough to affect everyday life.

The victims can also experience panic disorder also known as panic attacks. The victim

can react in a state of panic experiencing shortness of breath, feelings of choking, trembling,

shaking, heart palpitations, increased heart rate, and sweating. The attacks last a few minutes, but

can greatly affect mentally health. Once anxiety has developed the condition is chronic it can

lasts for years or a lifetime. Victims commonly deal with anxiety on their own, but sufficient

treatment involves a medical professional.

Not long after anxiety develops depression is right behind. Anxiety disorder and

depression are closely linked to one another. According to Rape, Abuse, and Incest National

Network depression is, “.. a mood disorder that occurs when feelings associated with sadness and

hopelessness continue for long periods of time and interrupt regular thought patterns.”

Depression can happen with ongoing sexual harassment as the victim feels hopeless that the

behavior directed at them will discontinue. They also can feel hopeless that the offender will

never have to deal with consequences for their behavior.

The next emotional symptom is one that indefinitely requires understanding from the

victims loved ones. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is anxiety of the trauma someone

experienced. PTSD can lasts months or be lifelong. Survivors are constantly in flight or fight
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mode and having flashbacks of the event real. PTSD commonly affects those who served in the

military and it also affects victims of sexual harassment.

The victim can experience recurring nightmares related to the sexual harassment

incidents. The individual actively avoids places or things that remind them of the sexual

harassment. Also unwanted memories of the sexual harassment can replay in the victim's mind

causing them to feel trapped by the memories. Those who suffer PTSD may experience some of

their personality is loss and relationships with friends and family is not the same before the

traumatic event occured.

A common effect individuals also experience is a magnified reaction. If the victim

overheard a conversation with a phrase the perpetrator said to them while they were being

sexually harassed. The victim can experience an intense reaction to the phrase versus someone

who has not experienced sexual harassment. Unfortunately those who suffer with post traumatic

disorder have changes in the brain that neurologists can identify on scans. There is more activity

in certain parts of the brain versus a health brain. Sexual harassment can be traumatizing enough

to leave the victim with PTSD.

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A recent study by the VA National Center for PTSD National PTSD Brain Bank,

and Yale University found changes in the brain of someone with PTSD. This image is a PET

scan showing the difference between an individual who suffers post traumatic stress disorder and

someone who doesn’t. The comparison is eye opening and proves that this disorder should be

taken seriously.

A victim suffering PTSD is more vulnerable to develop a substance abuse problem.

Alcohol and drugs are a way those with PTSD escape from the non stop flashbacks and

nightmares. According to Foundation Network Recovery, “52 percent of males and 28 percent of

females with PTSD meet the lifetime criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence.” Many survivors

will use substances to aid in sleep, increase productivity with daily activities, or to escape from

the intrusive thoughts.

Although the victim feels that the substance is helping them have some control over their

life. The substance abuse makes the PTSD more severe over time. As the individual gains a

dependency on the substance they will need more of it to feel the effects. This leads to chronic

substance abuse that commonly requires professional help. The victim is running away from

their issue instead of solving it. The individual will need help from family or friends in realizing

that their is an issue with their substance abuse. Substance abuse is another effect of sexual

assault that the victim has to conquer.

Lastly the sexual harassment victim can experience suicidal thoughts. The victim can

dwell on suicidal thoughts that involve planning suicide or just the idea of suicide. At this point

victims feel that there is no hope for them and that suicide might be the best option to escape

sexual harassment. Unfortunately it is common for victims to keep these grave and grim thoughts
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to themselves. If the victim is experiencing anxiety, depression, PTSD, and/or suicidal thoughts

they can feel isolated from friends, family, and society.

A powerful tool for sexual harassment victims is support from others. The MeToo

movement does just that. Offers resources and support to those who have been affected by sexual

harassment and violence. Tarana Burke founded the MeToo movement in 2006. Although the

movement was not commonly known until 2017. Harvey Weinstein is responsible for the light

shed onto sexual harassment or assault victims.

The allegations against Harvey Weinstein included sexual harassment, sexual assault,

groping, and rape against women. The women who spoke up about the immoral behavior

inspired others who are victims to speak up about their experience. For the first time in our

society a sexual harassment victim has benefits that outweigh the cons of speaking out about

their experience. The Me Too movement’s support triumphs the accusation that the victim is

speaking up due to desire of money, fame, or to hurt the individuals career.

The Me Too movement is not just in Hollywood, but in politics. In September 27, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford an American psychology professor gave a testimony, about her encounter

with a supreme court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh that involved sexual misconduct on his

behalf. The Me Too movement put pressure on the senate that allowed Christine Blasey Ford to

speak about the incident. Although Brett Kavanaugh was still nominated to serve. The fact that

there is a level of seriousness, and willingness to understand those who are victims is a great

improvement for our society. The Me Too movement provides hope for survivors of sexual

harassment and sexual assault.

Sexual harassment victims face many negative effects ranging from physical, emotional,

mental, and long term. The sooner the victim reaches out for help and support, the less severe the
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effects of sexual harassment affect the individual’s life. Supporters of the Me Too movement

creates a decrease in bystanders that won’t stand up for the victim. The movement has provided

an increase in resources and information about sexual harassment. It’s now easier to reach

resources that offer help and support decreasing the severity of the effects in sexual harassment.

Victims rising above fear and joining in solidarity is the power they have against the effects of

sexual harassment.

Works Cited
Hathaway, Bill. “New PTSD Study Identifies Potential Path to Treatment.” YaleNews, 17

July 2017, news.yale.edu/2017/07/17/new-ptsd-study-identifies-potential-path-treatment.

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Addiction.” Dual Diagnosis, 2019,



Reed, Amanda. “National Organization for Women |.” National Organization for Women,

National Organization for Women, 7 May 2013, now.org/.

“Sexual Harassment Fact Sheet.” Sexual Harassment - Fact Sheet - Feminist Majority

Foundation, 2014, www.feminist.org/911/harasswhatdo.html.

“Sexual Harassment.” RAINN, 2019, www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-harassment.

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