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Course modules Here is a complete list of all the modules in the 31 Days to Becoming a Better

Photographer course.

1 Day 0 - Introduction In this course introduction, you will learn what we'll be doing in this course and
how we will go about it.

2 Day 1 - Set Up your Camera to Reach its Full Potential To start the course, we will make sure your
camera is set up to take the best pictures possible and to allow you to focus more on creativity and

3 Day 2 - Take Control of the Exposure Process In this video, you'll get an overview of the exposure
process. That way, when we cover each of the separate exposure controls in later videos, you'll have
a basic understanding.

4 Day 3 - Perfect Exposure with Proper Metering Before we get into the specifics of exposure, we
need to take about how your camera meters light and how you can use that process for great results.

5 Day 4 -Master ISO We start our journey toward great exposure with the simplest exposure control:
ISO. You'll learn how it works and how things have changed for this control in recent years.

6 Day 5 - Master Depth of Field A key to great photography is controlling depth of field, or now much
of the picture is sharp. You'll discover ways to control this process in today's lesson.

7 Day 6 - Use Shutter Speed to Keep Your Photos Sharp In today's lesson, we'll talk about the final
exposure control: shutter speed. You'll learn how it is used and measured, and also about its
important role in creating sharp images.

8 Day 7 - Use Shutter Speed to Capture Motion Blur In this lesson, you'll continue learning to master
shutter speed, including using it to add effects like motion blur to your pictures.

9 Day 8 - Nail the Focus You'll learn how to control the focus operations of your camera and use it in
different scenarios to ensure your focus is exactly where you want it.

10 Day 9 - Make your Images Tack Sharp Everyone wants sharp photos, and in today's lesson we'll
review the things you need to do to get them.

11 Day 10 - Eliminate Distractions It is easy to let distractions creep into your photos and in some
cases destroy them. In today's lesson you'll learn how to avoid them in the field and also.

12 Day 11 - Add your Own Light Thus far, you have used only natural light to exposure the photos in
this course. Now we'll add in flash, using a simple 5-step process.

13 Day 12 - Control you Flash Exposure In today's lesson, we'll continue with our use of flash. This
lesson is full of additional tips for helping you control the output of the flash and ensure you get.

14 Day 13 - Find the Best Locations Often times the best locations lead to the best photos, so in
today's lesson, you'll learn some ways to find those locations.

15 Day 14 - Find the Best Light Photography comes down to light, so you'll learn what light to look for
to create the best photos possible.

16 Day 15 - Simplify! Today's lesson will show you how to establish a unified theme or message to
your photo.

17 Day 16 - Follow the Rule of Thirds In this lesson you will learn a tried and true method for
composing your photos.

Hizmete Özel / Confidential

18 Day 17 - Concentrate on the Most Important Part of the Picture Using a process called "back to
front composition," you'll learn where to spend your time and effort to create compositions and
avoid mere snapshots.

19 Day 18 - Add Balance To Your Photos There are different types of balance, which we'll cover in
today's lesson. You'll learn how to add them as the final element to composing a great photo.

20 Day 19 - Lead the Viewer's Eye While there are many graphical elements you can use to compose
your pictures, in today's lesson we will concentrate on one particularly important one: the leading

21 Day 20 - Capture your People In today's lesson, we'll cover some compositional issues that pertain
more to shots of people, whether you are creating portraits, street shots, or pictures of friends and

22 Day 21 - Work the Scene Today you'll learn an important lesson used by master photographers,
and how to use it to create great photos of your own.

23 Day 22 - Capture the Decisive Moment As the final cherry on the sundae, you'll learn how to
create photos that capture a decisive moment.

24 Day 23 - Control the Light We begin the post-processing portion of the course by introducing you
to the best tools to control the brightness values of your photos.

25 Day 24 - Use the Power of Local Adjustments Most of the time you want to change only part of
the picture (not the whole thing), so in today's lesson you'll learn the best ways to make selections.

26 Day 25 - Add Contrast (The Miracle Drug) One of the most powerful tools in post processing is
contrast. It goes way beyond just the contrast slider, so today we'll cover the best ways to add
contrast to.

27 Day 26 - Avoid Blown Highlights and Black Shadows A huge problem we all face is the limited
dynamic range of digital cameras. In this lesson you'll learn the best ways to deal with this problem
and keep your.

28 Day 27 - Enhance your Color Today's lesson looks at the best ways to enhance colors in post
processing, without making them look toxic or psychedelic.

29 Day 28 - Remove Color Casts There are some simple but powerful tools for avoiding and fixing
color casts in your photos, which is what you'll learn in this lesson.

30 Day 29 - Work in Black and White In today's lesson, you'll get some tips on the best ways to
convert your photos to black and white, as well as some ideas on making them look their best.

31 Day 30 - Eliminate Digital Noise You'll learn the best tools to eliminate digital noise and the best
ways to use them.

32 Day 31 - Making your Photos Sharper For the final lesson, we'll cover the tools to add pop to your
photos and make them as sharp as possible.

Hizmete Özel / Confidential

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