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Questions on “The Goalie” by Rudy Thauberger (page 77)

1. (a) What are your first impressions of the young goalie? Point to specific images
and actions in the first four paragraphs.
(b) Why do you think that “Win or lose, he comes home angry”?
(c) Compare his image at home with his image on the ice.

“Do you enjoy the game at least? . . . I love it

2. (a) Does he love hockey? In what way? Explore the goalie’s attitude
(b) Why is his father’s praise and encouragement empty, invalid”? Do you agree
with his assessment?
(c) What are the realities of the goalie that the spectators don’t see?

3. When did he become “this sullen, driven man”? What does he want? Is he right:
he has no choice, the process is inevitable?

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