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Lesson Plan 1


The student will be able to leader other students in simple locomotor movements
The student will perform various circuit training activites that will help develop strength, power, endurance, agility and
flexibility using form demonstrated by the instructor.
The student will learn long rope jumping skills using technique demonstrated by the instructor.
The student will learn the difference between front and back door entry in long rope jumping demonstrated by the

EQUIPMENT: 6 cones, 6 circuit training signs, music, whistle, and long jump ropes.



New Leader Warm-Up If students have trouble working small groups, teach the
Place students in small groups (3-4). Groups move concept of leading and following by working with a
single file around the area, following a leader in the partner.
group. On signal, the last person moves to the head of
the squad and becomes the leader. Various types of Encourage a variety of responses.
locomotor movements and exercises can be used by
leaders to offer variety and challenge. Students place into groups with whistle maker method.


Circuit Training

Put signs on cones and place around the perimeter of Type will alternate segments of silence and music to
teaching area. Make six groups of students with no signal duration of exercise at each station. Alternate the
more than five in each group. They should perform the music so that there are 30 seconds of music and 10
following activities at each station: seconds of silence continuously. The music signals the
1. Jumping Jacks. duration of the exercise. When music stops, that is the
2. Squats. signal for the students to walk to the next area. Praise
3. Mountain Climbers. those students who hustle to the next area.
4. Duck Walk.
5. Bear Crawl.
6. Frog Jump
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Fundamental Skills Using Long Jump Rope See Pg. 38 – 39 in Dynamic Physical Education for
Elementary School Children
1. Jump a stationary rope, gradually raise the rope.
2. Ocean Waves-Shake the rope with an up-and-down
motion. Groups of four students work best because it allows
3. Snake in the grass- wiggle the rope back and forth on students to rotate easily (two turners and two jumpers)
the grass. Jump without touching the rope. without anyone being left out.
4. Pendulum swing- Move the rope back and forth like a
pendulum. Jump the rope as it approaches the jumper. Use shorter jump ropes for students who have trouble
5. Practice turning the rope with a partner. The skill of learning to turn.
turning must precede jumping skills. Standard 16 ft. long
ropes are difficult for young children to turn. Substitute
8-to 12 ft. ropes depending on the maturity of the Teach turning by having students hold an end of the rope
youngsters. and standing as far apart as possible. Make small circles
6. Practice turning the rope to rhythm. Music with strong with rope and gradually step toward each other, making
beat or a steady tom-tom beat is useful for developing large circles.
rhythmic turning. Turning the rope to a steady rhythm
must precede jumping skills.
7. Run through a turning rope. Rhythmic turning is important! Many students miss the
8. Stand in the center of the turners and jump the rope as jump because of erratic turning. Practice turning until it
it is turned once. Add more jumps. becomes a smooth tempo.
9. Run in, jump once, and run out.
10. Front door -turn the rope toward the jumper.
11. Try the following variations: Allow beginners to tell the turners what activity they
a. Run in front door and out back door want to do. Self - choice helps assure success.
b. Run in the back door and out-front door.
c. Run in back door and out back door Examples of chants:
d. Run in front or back door, jump a specified number of Tick tock, tick tock,
times, and out. What’s the time by the clock?
e. Run in front or back door, jump and do a quarter, half, It’s one, two, [up to midnight].
and full turn.
f. Touch the ground while jumping. Cinderella
g. Turn around while jumping. Dressed in yellow
12. Recite a chant while jumping. Went outside
To play her cello
How many minutes
Did she take?
Pepper: 10-20-30-40-50-60!


Aviator Players are parked (in push-up position) at one end of

Supplies: None the playing area. The air traffic controller (ATC) is in
Skills: Running, locomotor movement, stopping front of the players and calls out, “Aviators aviators, take
off!” Students take off and move like airplanes to the
opposite side of the area. The first person to move to the
other side and land the plane (get into push-up position
facing the ATC) is declared the new ATC. If the ATC
yells out some type of stormy weather, all planes must
return to the starting line and resume the parked
position. Examples of stormy weather commands are
lightning, thunder, hurricane, and tornado. Each ATC is
allowed to give stormy weather warnings once.
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Teacher will discuss the various body parts worked out in the circuit training.


“2, 4, 6, 8, WE DID IT!"

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