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Health as a Reason for Weight Management

Second in a Series on Weight Management

Some individuals got their priorities wrong in terms of weight loss.

The focus becomes on the loss and overlooks what is there to be

Let not vanity be the sole reason behind the decision to lose some weight.
Come to think of it how the anorexics and the bulimics think more about
losing weight at the expense of their physical health and well-being – it is
not how weight loss should be done.

It seems sad that some high profile celebrities would openly admit seeking
help in rehabilitation centers in the course of trying to correct unhealthy
eating habits. The pressure to look good in whatever outfit thrown their way
(mostly size 4’s) must have taken hold on them in a very bad way.

When health is not a primary factor as a basis for weight management,

things can be expected to go bad. This can be worse for individuals suffering
from binge-induced eating and compulsive episodes of hunger. Sometimes,
it is not actually food that they need to take in to fulfill whatever it is in them
that is lacking. But still they eat due to the mistaken notion that a full
tummy would make up for whatever scarcity they are encountering in life.

If food could really make up for sadness, depression and that empty feeling
lingering inside of us, the obese people will be the happiest people in the
world. Well, obviously they are not.

This is why healthy weight management is not really that hard.

Accomplishing it and achieving a slender healthy body gives us bragging
rights and instills a level of discipline within us that none of the instant
weight-loss products could provide us. It provides a healthy glow. Weight
loss supplements may be okay but they should not be the end-all be-all
approach in weight management. There is no one-size-fits-all program in
weight loss. Most importantly, health should be taken consideration first of

A lot of weight-loss programs fail because they compromise health in their

effort to lose weight. When trying to lose weight, red flags are sure to show
up if you would quit certain food groups in favor of a few food groups. The
moment a dieter reaches a point of being obsessive-compulsive in terms of
calories count and vital statistics, overall health is put at risk.
Try not to fall too hard into the trap of anorexics and bulimics. Not only are
they losing weight, they are losing vital nutrients to their vanity. This is why
weight management is the better accepted term instead of weight loss. You
attain your ideal weight without having to give up majority of the nutrients
to your self-imposed diet program.

360WellnessLab is dedicated to helping you achieve weight management the

healthy way. Weight loss is achievable without having to compromise food
intake. There are better ways to handle depression than binge-eating. We
would be happy to help you achieve the ultimate dream of a better figure
and still maintain a healthy diet. Thank you for reading.

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