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This chapter presents the method and procedures used in the study. Included

herein are research designs, sources of data, the participants of the study, data gathering

procedures and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design
A descriptive research design was used in this study to determine the effects of

too much internet usage in psychological and physical health of the students. This design

used effectively to describe the possible effects. This research design was the most

effective method in this research study because it designed to described or discover the

effects of the phenomenon existed.

Participants of the Study

Amore Academy International School at Inocencio, Trece Martires, Cavite was

the chosen school for this study. The preliminary participants where the Grade 4-6 students

consisting of 80 students: 40 males and 40 female enrolled in the school year 2017-2018.

The participants of the study were elected using purposive sampling. The students who are

identified in having a too much internet usage were consist of 61 students: 33 males and

28 females.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers followed the following procedures: The researchers sought the

permission of each teachers or advisers who was in the class to take a survey. They

explained the too much Internet Usage Rating Scale questionnaires from the three levels:

Grade 4 Robin, Grade 5 Hawk and Oriole and Grade 6 Woodpecker. After the students
answered the scale, the researchers used the data gathered to assess whether the students

have a high too much internet usage. The level of their usage would also be identified

through the data. The participants who are considered being as moderately internet user

and highly internet user would answer a questionnaires to know the psychological and

physical effects of too much internet usage.

The researchers used too questionnaires: Too much Internet Usage Rating Scale

and Too much Internet Usage Questionnaires.

Too much Internet Usage Rating Scale is an instrument used to measure the

levels of internet usage of an individual. The rating scale was composed of ordinary life

description pertaining to internet usage which cause to be considered as highly or

moderately internet user.

The instrument was consists of 15-item test that requires the students to responds

to a given sets of situation for a maximum time of 10 minutes by scoring the degree of their

usage as indicated by the scale. The respondents indicates the levels of internet usage using

two categories the “yes” or “no”. This categories are converted to a numerical formed

giving a value of 1 (no), 2 (yes). The total score for the Too much Internet Usage Scale

was attain by getting all the values marked by the respondents on each of the situations.

The instrument uses almost stayed items but has only one reversed item. Stayed

items are items that are phrased so than an agreement with the item are relatively high level

of the attribute being measured. All items are in stay aside from #7 which shows a reversed

statement. This reversed items are items that are phrased so that an agreement with the item
represents a negatively low level of attribute being measured. This item uses a reverse

scoring that runs in scale in opposite direction or value.

The Too much Internet Usage Rating Scale was used to determine if the participants

are considered a high or moderately internet user. The items scores were summed up to

give a total value that ranges from 1 to 30, with higher scores as high internet user. The

total scores obtained by each participants reflects their internet usage. The instrument used

range of scores and with their equivalent levels of internet usage as shown below:


27-30 Highly Internet Usage

23-26 Moderately Internet Usage

19-22 Low Internet Usage

15-18 Very Low Internet Usage

1-14 Not using internet

Not using internet – In this level, the students are not using internet at all.

Very Low Internet Usage – In this level, the students are rarely using internet. Doing

different stuffs interests them the most than using scrolling up and down on the phone.

Low Internet Usage – In this level, the students are sometimes using internet. They are

just using internet for important matters like searching information, for home works etc.

but not interested on internet stuffs.

Moderately Internet Usage – In this level, the students are often using internet. The

student are using internet for leisure time or important matters but not too much.

Highly Internet Usage – In this level, the students are always using internet. They use

internet for different purposes all of the time, that they cannot limit their usage.

Too much internet Usage Questionnaire is an instrument used to know the significant

effects in physical and psychological health of using too much internet usage to the

participants considered as highly and moderately user. The questionnaire was composed of

different possible physical and psychological effects pertaining to too much internet usage.

The instrument was consists of 20-item tests that was divided into two groups. Each

has 10 items. These groups were the effects that contributes to the selected participants on

too much internet usage which was the physical and psychological effects. The students

was required to respond to a given sets of situations for maximum time of 20 minutes.

Participants indicates the effects perceived using five categories ranging from “always” to

“never”. The responses correspond to ordinal data. They were converted to a numerical

form by assigning a value of 1 (never), 2 (rarely), 3 (sometimes), 4 (often), 5 (always). The

total score for Too much Internet Usage Questionnaire as obtained by getting all the values

marked by the respondent in each of the situation.

The physical and psychological categories of effects used only a stayed items and

do not use reverse scoring.

The items scores in the too much internet usage questionnaire were to give a total

value that ranges from 1.00 to 2.00 in every categories of effects, with higher scores

reflecting to the effects of too much internet usage to the respondents. The instrument use
range of scores and with their corresponding rating of the physical and psychological

categories of effects as shown below:

Scale Verbal Rating

4.20 - 5.00 Very High Distributing Effects

3.40 – 4.19 High Distributing Effects

2.60 – 3.39 Average Distributing Effects

1.80 – 2.59 Low Distributing Effects

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low Distributing Effects

Very High Distributing Effects – The internet usage effects was greatly affect the

students’ physical and psychological health.

High Distributing Effects – The internet usage effects was highly affects students’

physical and psychological health.

Average Distributing Effects - The internet usage effects was averagely affects students’

physical and psychological health.

Low Distributing Effects - The internet usage effects was poorly affects students’ physical

and psychological health.

Very Low Distributing Effects - The internet usage effects least affects students’ physical

and psychological health.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers gathered information and data wherein the content of the study

were tallied, tabulated and coded for better and organized results and that data were

subjected to certain statistical treatments. The statistical methods used were the following:

The percentage and frequency distributions were used to classify the participants

according to their age and sex. The frequency would also present the actual response of the

participants to a specific question or item in the questionnaires.

The researcher used the percentage formula to determine the total number of

participants, in terms of gender, age and sections that has been answered the questionnaire.

The percentage formula we used was:

% = (f/n) x 100


% = percentage

f = frequency

n = number of cases or total sample

The researchers used this statistical technique to identify the internet usage level

and the effects that greatly inherit of the students’ in using too much internet.

The researchers used a formula to determine the scale level in physical and

psychological effect of too much usage of internet on the selected grade 4-6 students.

The formula that used was:

X = ∑ fx / n

x = weighted mean

∑ fx = the sum of all the products of f and x, f being the

frequency of each weight and x as the weight of each


n = total number of participants

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