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BUSINESS ENGLISH – TEST no 1 - sem 2 15/04/2019

Ex. 1 THE FAST TRACK TO BURNOUT – vocabulary Complete the missing words. [ 10 pts]

1. to no longer show any strong feeling of anger for sth someone did in the past = to bear ______ / g_________ towards
2. advance in an organization by one's own efforts = rise t_________ /the /r__________
3. When you describe someone as a _______ in/ a /m____________, you mean that they are a small part of a large
organization or group.
4. The assessment of how a worker has been doing at work = p____________ a____________.
5. To be gradually used up or become less convincing or acceptable = w________ / t_________ .
6. To be the person responsible for a certain plan or idea = be the b__________ / b_________ /sth (e.g. a strategy).
7. To fill someone's position, especially one of power or authority = s_________ / i______ /one’s /s_________
8. To assess someone in a bad way; assigning sb very few points = g________/ sb / a / l______ / r_____________.
9. A period during which an employee can take time away from work to study or travel= a / s________________ .
10. To tell your employer that you intend to leave your job after a particular period of time= h______/ in/ y______/

Ex. 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE – vocabulary Complete the missing words. [ 12 pts]

1. To avoid responsibility = to pass _____ _______

2. To achieve a level that is sufficient for sb = m________ sb’s s___________
3. To try harder in order to achieve sth = to go _____ __________ _______
4. Money paid to the customer for some problems (s)he had e.g. with late delivery of goods. = g____________
5. To forget to do sth = to s______ _______ _______
6. To talk about sth directly = to get _________ _____ _____ __________
7. To misunderstand what someone else is referring to = to talk _______ _______ ___________
8. A state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress = p___________
9. To find the real cause of sth = to get _______ ______ ________ of the ________
10. The last in a series of irritating events = the ________ __________
11. An adjective used to describe an employee dealing directly with customers = f______________.
12. (Of a company) - to fail financially = to go u___________

Ex. 3 BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEWS – vocabulary Translate into English . [ 5 pts]

1. Wymienić uprzejmości =
2. Wyznacznik przyszłych wyników (pracy, wykonania) =
3. Niespójne (niekonsekwentne) odpowiedzi =
4. Główne założenie (przesłanka) za … (don’t use the word: assumption)=
5. Wypracować sobie (wyrobić) wiarygodność/rzetelność =
Ex. 4 TRADITIONAL VS BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEWS – Write down 2 typical questions that could be asked
during each type of an interview. [ 4 pts]

Traditional interview Behavioural interview

Ex. 5 BUSINESS AND ETHICS – vocabulary - Read the definitions and fill in the missing letters [10 pts]

1. recognizing duties and obligations towards society = c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ s_ _ _ _ _/r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. treating people the same way regardless of gender, age, race, religion etc. = e_ _ _ _/ o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. destroy a relationship so you cannot return somewhere= b_ _ _ /sb’s/ b_ _ _ _ _ _

4. talk too proudly about sth you’ve done; boast = _ _ _ g

5. to make sth less important’ put sth aside = s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. to change direction suddenly; swerve = _ _ _r

7. honestly, with good intentions = _ _ /_o_ _ / c_ _ _ c_ _ _ _ _

8. poisonous = _ _ x_ _

9. essential, vital = _ _ t_ _ _a_

10. amazed, surprised = _ _t_ _ _d_ _

Ex. 6 BUSINESS AND ETHICS - Write down 3 examples of unethical activities. [4 pts]




Ex. 7 TEAM BUILDING – prefixes – Add the correct negative prefix to the following adjectives, nouns and verbs.
[9 pts, ½ p. each]

...........incentive ...........management ...........polite

...........practical ...........tolerant ...........relevant
...........legible ...........mature ...........focused
...........reversible ...........enthusiastic ...........flexible
...........experienced ...........efficient ...........imaginative
...........stable ...........biased ........... decisive
Ex. 8 TEAM BUILDING – fixed phrases – Complete the fixed phrases according to the definitions [8 pts]

1. There must be some ________ and ________ = willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up
some of your own.
2. A risky, precarious or delicate case or state of things - such that the slightest change could prove disastrous is called
________ and ________.
3. A way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by trying a number of different methods and learning from the
mistakes that you make = going through ________ and ________
4. If you entertain someone with e.g. good food, hoping to do good business with sb you = _______ and ________
5. If you say that there is no _______ and _______ information about something, you are indicating that there are no
fixed or definite rules or facts.
6. A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding is called _______ and _______ .
7. In microeconomics, _______ and _______ is an economic model of price determination in a market.
8. _______ and _______ means a setting, situation, or period in which one has no disturbances or stress.

Ex. 9 PHRASAL VERBS Provide phrasal verbs synonymous with the phrases/definitions [14 pts]

To go in a direction = To agree to employ someone =

To stop functioning = To begin or to organize =

To go on strike = To make someone understand=

To contact on the phone = To stay somewhere before completing a journey=

To cancel = To keep at a low level =

To change to a later date= To change to an earlier date=

To produce sth new = To split off part of a company to form a smaller subsidiary=










a good understanding of sb and an ability to communicate well with them = to develop a good _ _ _ p _ _ _ with sb.

2. be paid far too much for sth = be _ _p_ _ _ / _ _ _


The difference between disorganised and unorganised

Dis- as a prefix often implies the reversing of the action of the verb (e.g. disagree, disown, distrust).

Un- as a prefix means ‘not’ (e.g. unable, unusual, untidy).

Disorganised and unorganised are often used interchangeably to mean not arranged in an orderly way.

His desk is disorganised.

His desk is unorganised.

But they have subtly different meanings.

Disorganised has a sense of confusion or disorder. Unorganised is more neutral.

His desk is unorganised, but he knows where everything is.
His desk is disorganised and he can’t find a thing.

You can’t rely on a disorganised person to get things done.

She appears unorganised but everything is under control.

I don’t use unorganised much. Other words often seem more appropriate.

Her desk is a mess, but she knows where everything is.

Her desk is not well organised, but she knows where everything is.

Ex. 4

Ex. 5

Ex. 6

Ex. 7

Ex. 8

Ex. 9

Ex. 10

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