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place can be seen only by the eye of the spiritual soul whose piercing
sight can penetrate the mysteries of Nature's Workshop, the astral
light. It is from this source that the principles contained in the above
illustrations were obtained.
We see, therefore, that logically it requires six equal forces, meet
ing at an atomic or impenetrable point, to produce solid dimensional
matter. It may, of course, be many more than six, just so they approach
in pairs from opposite directions. The only difference would be in the
form of the crystal. By keeping in your minds that the atomic point
can be made by forces from all possible directions, you will see that
as the possible angles are infinite, so the possible crystals are infinite,
all in strict conformity to the mathematical law, "each kind of crystal
is the type of the substance it forms."
So far, we have spoken only of the three external dimensions recog
nized by science. There are seven dimensions, in all. In this chapter
we shall speak only of the fourth, which was first introduced to the
notice of science by Prof. Zollner, in his "Transcendental Physics." No
matter how solid any external object may appear, it is not so, for every
molecule of which it consists forms an extremely small atomic system
of satellite atoms, revolving around their one primary atom, which
forms the impenetrable point of every crystal. There is space between
every one of them. It is these unoccupied spaces that form the fourth
dimension of matter. Note; the above was written some seventy years
ago, now that our atomic age is getting into the serious study of the
hidden forces of Nature all sorts of undreamed of phenomena are being
brought to light. Only time will show how far man may go in exploring
the universe.
To de-materialize objective matter and resolve it into its original
elements requires the application of an external force powerful enough
to polarize the cohesive affinity of the atoms. If in the de-materializing
process, electricity is the force used, the form is destroyed, as far as
the external plane is concerned. This change releases atomic energy.
But, if the force is magnetic, the object is only etherealized, and in
this state matter can be made to pass through matter, and the instant,
the magnetic dissolvent is withdrawn the object will reassume its
original objective shape.
We need scarcely add, that, in this natural fact lies the secret of
spiritual materializing phenomena of modern spiritualism, and it forms

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