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Commusity Rubric

Student Name: _________________________________________     Date: ___________________

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

(1 Point) (2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points)

Commusity Rubric

Enthusiasm Student did not participate in the Student participated in few of the Student participated in most Student participated in all volunteer
volunteer and music activities volunteer and music activities volunteer and music activities and music activities

Attendance Student rarely attended classes and Student attended few classes and Student attended almost all classes Student had perfect attendance to
volunteer events volunteer events and volunteer events every class and volunteer event.

Accuracy Student could not perform any of the Student could perform few songs Student could perform most songs Student performed all songs with
songs accuratly with accurate pitch and rhythm with accurate pitch and rhythm accurate pitch and rhythm

Preparation Student was never prepared for class Student was rarely prepared for class Student was often prepared for class Student was always fully prepared
with the correct knowledge and with the correct knowledge and with the correct knowledge and for class with the correct knowledge
materials materials materials and materials

Understanding Student dose not understand the Students reached little Student reached some level of Student fully understands the power
power of music and how to apply understanding of the power of music understanding of the power of music of music and how to apply music to
music to other subjects and how to apply music to other and how to apply music to other other subjects
subjects subjects

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