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Problem Solving graphic

The name of my 1st projects IDP was called Tuberculosis. This Assignment was
completed in class and also at home, and was completed Sophomore year. In this assignment,
my teammates and I were assigned to research and explain a disease. We had to explain what
it was, how you can contract it, and also how it works. We also had to write and create a
children’s book explaining what Tuberculosis is and what it does in a way kids can understand.
This IDP assignment for the problem-solving category because my teammates and I became
active citizens by doing a call to actions

The name of My second IDP assignment was called lead poisoning in our community.
We were given a team to work with on this presentation. Our assignment was completed junior
and completed during school and outside of school. On this assignment we may people aware
of what led poisoning is doing to the community and how this is happening, and how we can
stop and prevent this to keep happening. Also, we had to do it call to action in or out of school
with a creative unique idea. The IDP fits the problem-solving category by ya doing a call to
action. We went around the school and told students staff and teachers about their poison in our
community and giving them a bottle filtered water with the label also have information about
lead and the risk of it, this helps us become a better effective communicator

The student learning outcomes we have used are Effective Communicator, Willing
Collaborateur, Critical Thinker, and Active Citizen. We used Effective Communicator when we
were explaining our presentation about our assigned topic to the panelist. Willing Collaborator
was by everyone is our group helps each other, we never leave someone behind if they don't
understand what they're doing. Critical Thinker was by everyone brainstorming on how we can
best explain our topic, and ideas for our call to action. Last we were also Active Citizen by doing
our call to action at our own school. We walked around informing people about the disease, and
showing them the causes and effects. We also did the same with our second IDP also but with
our second topic.

Three areas of growth that I saw within myself were communication, presentation, and
eye contact. I have seen that I could speak way better in front of people. My presentation skills
have gotten better throughout the IDP presentation. I show more confidence when telling and
saying information. Eye contact has gotten better I can face the audience more while the
presenting and look less at the screen. I still have to improve on eye contact because I get
nervous when looking at them and forget what I'm supposed to say so I really want and needed
to improve on that are. I can use these skills in the future in the military, Colleges, jobs, etc.

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