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The Criminal Law (Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) defines terrorism as a
provocation of explosions, fires or other actions that endanger human life, cause material damage in
large proportions or cause other serious consequences if committed for the purpose of undermine
public security, intimidate the public, or impose certain decisions on public authorities or individuals,
and the threat of such actions for the same purposes

The word terrorism comes from the Latin "terror," which means fear, fright, terror.

The encyclopedic dictionary of the Romanian language1 defines terrorism as a totality of acts of
violence committed by a group or a reactionary regime.

Terrorism has been condemned by the international community through the adoption of a number of
international documents to combat it, such as the European Convention for the Suppression of
Terrorism, concluded in Strasbourg on 27 January 1997.

The special legal object of the offense is the social relations with regard to the public security in a
broad sense, because the intention of the criminals is directed towards the formation of fears, mistrust
of the population, in this way to exert pressure on the state power, on some organs her or those with a
position of responsibility in order to undermine public security, intimidate the population or impose
certain decisions on public authorities or individuals.

As a secondary legal issue, social relations may develop regarding the life or health of the person, the
integrity of goods, the exercise of civil or political rights of citizens, etc.

The objective side of the offense is expressed by the following actions: a) causing explosions, fires or
other actions that endanger human life, cause material damage in large proportions or cause other
serious consequences; b) The threat of such actions.

For the purposes of the law, terrorism is those explosions, fires or other acts that occur in places where
people are lying or are kept lolly in order to cause death or bodily injury to one or more persons, to
cause material damage in large proportions, or initially directed to the destruction of buildings,
important buildings, etc

Other actions than explosive or fires, which are dangerous to human life, cause material damage in
large proportions or cause other serious consequences, may be in the form of spread of infections,
chemical or radioactive contamination of territories, violation of technical processes in production ,
which can lead to serious accidents, especially to the utilities serving water, gas, electricity or heat,
transport or communications enterprises, the flooding of large territories, housing districts, other
buildings and businesses, jeopardizing the normal activity of public administration bodies, etc

In the event of endangering people's lives, terrorism is considered a formal-material crime, which is
consumed since the real danger for life. But if other secondary social values are affected, then the
offense is material, consuming it from the actual occurrence of serious consequences (including damage
to its own).
În acord cu art. 126 din CP al RM, se consideră daune în proporţii mari acele daune care, la momentul
săvârșirii infracţiunii, depășesc 500 unităţi convenţionale de amendă, până la 1500 unităţi convenţionale
de amendă.

Ameninţarea cu săvârșirea unor astfel de acţiuni constituie infracţiune doar în cazul în care ea este reală,
pericolul trecerii la acţiunile sus-indicate este iminent și posibil. Ea poate fi realizată în mod verbal, în scris,
nemijlocit sau transmisă prin intermediul mijloacelor de informare în mase. Este necesar ca această ameninţare
să fie percepută de destinatar ca reală. Deoarece scopul ameninţării, cât și al terorismului în general, îl
constituie înspăimântarea populaţiei sau influenţarea organelor puterii publice, în ipoteza amenințării cu
săvârșirea unor astfel de acțiuni, terorismul se consideră consumat din momentul obiectivizării amenințării,
adică din momentul când a ajuns la cunoștinţa respectivilor destinatari. În ipoteza dată, terorismul este o
infracțiune formală. În acest caz, nu are relevanţă dacă făptuitorii doreau într-adevăr să aducă la executare
ameninţarea, este important ca ea, după conţinutul și caracterul ei, să fi fost prezentată faţă de destinatari ca

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