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Optik 127 (2016) 2086–2088

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Raman spectroscopic analysis of dengue virus infection in human

blood sera
Saranjam Khan a,∗ , Rahat Ullah a , Muhammad Saleem a , Muhammad Bilal a ,
Rashad Rashid a , Inamullah Khan b , Arshad Mahmood a , Muhammad Nawaz a
National Institute for Lasers and Optronics, Nilore, Islamabad 45650, Pakistan
Nuclear Institute of Foods and Agriculture, PO Box 446, Peshawar, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We are presenting Raman spectroscopic analysis of dengue virus infection in the human blood sera. Blood
Received 28 April 2015 samples from 40 individuals infected with dengue virus and 25 healthy volunteers have been used in this
Accepted 10 November 2015 study. Raman spectra of all these samples have been acquired in the spectral range from 600 cm−1 to
1750 cm−1 using 532 nm laser as an excitation source. These Raman spectra have been used to analyze
Keywords: the biochemical changes appeared in the blood caused by dengue virus infection. Two Raman lines at
Dengue virus
750 cm−1 and 850 cm−1 found in all spectra of dengue infected sera, indicate the presence of adenosine
diphosphate (ADP), which is expected to be excreted due to rupturing of thrombocytes.
Adenosine diphosphate
Raman spectroscopy © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Immunoglobulins (G&M) IgG, IgM

1. Introduction necessary for the treatment and to control epidemic, still remains
a challenging task. A situation where the rapid detection is needed,
Dengue virus infection is a global health issue affecting millions compromises have to be made on sensitivity and specificity. In
of people worldwide each year. It is a mosquito-borne infectious the recent years, Raman spectroscopy has proved itself an emerg-
disease transmitted by the bite of a mosquito from one of the ing tool for the characterization of biomedical media and achieved
four dengue virus serotypes [1]. In recent years, transmission has significant progress in clinical diagnostics [8,9].
increased predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas and has Raman spectroscopy is based on the molecular vibration that
become a major international public health concern. In some cases, originates from an inelastic scattering of light by the sample.
the disease developed into life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic As a result of interaction of light with intra-molecular bonds,
fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS) resulting in bleeding, Raman scattered photons comes outside with different energy.
low levels of blood platelets, blood plasma leakage, and danger- This difference in energy (wavelength) between incident and emit-
ously low blood pressure. In Asia, the risk of severe dengue infection ted photons, termed as Raman shift, represented as cm−1 . There
is greater in children (≤15 years) than in adults [2–5]. are different chemical bonds inside the body fluids and tissue,
An early and efficient diagnosis of dengue virus itself or its each produces its own characteristics spectra. Therefore Raman
associated biochemical changes is of critical importance for the spectrum provides a fingerprint from which information about
treatment of patients and controlling epidemics. A variety of labo- molecular composition can be obtained that forms the basis for
ratory diagnostic methods have already been in practice includes the diagnosis of the infectious diseases.
virus isolation in cell culture, RNA detection and anti-bodies detec- In this article, we are presenting the use of Raman spectroscopy
tion in serological tests, etc. [6,7]. The diagnostic modalities with for the diagnosis of dengue virus infection in the human blood sera.
high sensitivity and specificity such as RCR and ELISA are most This technique may be more efficient and useful, as it does not
favorable, but such methods are normally more complex, labori- require any complicated and lengthy procedure.
ous and expensive. An early diagnosis of the dengue virus infection,
2. Materials and methods

∗ Corresponding author at: Agri-Biophtonics Division, National Institute for Lasers

2.1. Sample collection and preparation
and Optronics (NILOP), Nilore, Islamabad 45650, Pakistan. Tel.: +92 519248671;
fax: +92 512208051. The entire blood samples used in this study have been obtained
E-mail address: k.saranjam@yahoo.com (S. Khan). from Swat region, the northern part of Pakistan. These samples have

0030-4026/© 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
S. Khan et al. / Optik 127 (2016) 2086–2088 2087

fitting [13]. For illustration purpose, the spectra of normal sera

(a) are shown in blue color, whereas the spectra of dengue infected
Raman signal intensity (normalized)

samples are shown in red color. Raman spectra of normal healthy

samples show major Raman-peaks at 1002, 1156, 1123, 1445, 1516,
and 1668 cm−1 , whereas in the dengue infected samples, additional
lines have also been appeared at 750, 850, 1032, 1306, 1333, 1355,
(b) 1580, 1603 and 1660 cm−1 .
Raman peaks at 1156 and 1516 cm−1 have been assigned to ␤-
carotene [13–15]. It has been observed that in the dengue infected
sera the intensities of Raman peaks assigned to ␤-carotene at
1156 and 1516 cm−1 get decreased, indicates the deficiency of ␤-
carotenoinds. Raman peak at 1002 cm−1 appeared both in healthy
and diseased samples spectra as shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), is the
Raman shift (cm-1)
most dominant signature of protein that is assigned to symmetric
Fig. 1. Raman spectra of human blood sera: (a) shows the Raman spectra of blood ring breathing mode of phenylalanine and carotene [13–16]. Rising
sera of 25 normal healthy volunteers; (b) shows the Raman spectra of 40 confirmed trend in the Raman line at 1002 cm−1 in dengue infected sera is due
dengue virus infected sera. to high concentration of immunoglobulin G (IgG). The Raman lines
at 1123 cm−1 and 1445 cm−1 are present both in normal and dengue
infected blood sera. The line at 1123 cm−1 arises from C C stretch-
been confirmed for dengue virus infection on the basis of serologi- ing mode of protein and lipid labeled for IgG [13,14,16], whereas the
cal tests. In addition, 25 samples have been collected from healthy Raman line at 1445 cm−1 arises from CH2 bending mode, assigned
volunteers of the same region to make a comparison with the dis- for fatty acid, lipid and collagen [13,14,16]. Increase in the inten-
eased one. The blood samples of about 3 ml have been collected sity of 1123 cm−1 line in dengue infected blood sera is due to high
from each individual with the help of a sterile syringe. All the sam- concentration of IgG anti-bodies produced in response to infection
ples (healthy and infected) have been centrifuged at 3500 rpm for [14,17]. The Raman line at 1668 cm−1 exists in normal sera samples,
10 min using Hittich Centrifuge D-7200. The obtained sera have assigned for Amid I [18,19].
been aliquoted in different tubes and stored at −80 ◦ C till use. For There are various Raman lines labeled at 750, 850, 1032, 1306,
obtaining the Raman spectra a quantity of about 15 ␮l of each sam- 1333, 1355, 1580, 1603 and 1660 cm−1 , which appeared only in
ple has been placed on the glass slide and dried for about 2 h at the dengue infected sera. A nice comparison of the Raman peaks
room temperature. All the healthy and infected samples have been observed both in the normal and dengue infected sera are shown in
processed following the standard safety rules [10]. Table 1. Among all the spectral signatures, Raman lines at 750 cm−1
and 850 cm−1 are the most important lines that appeared in the
2.2. Acquiring Raman spectra dengue infected blood sera. The Raman line at 750 cm−1 is assigned
s for adenosine diphosphate (ADP) [20] as well as for hemoglobin
Raman Spectra from all the samples have been measured [14,18,19]. The signal intensity of Raman line at 750 cm−1 assigned
using Raman spectrometer (␮Ramboss DONGWOO OPRTON, South for hemoglobin is small in comparison with other Raman lines at
Korea) having a spectral resolution of 4 cm−1 . A continuous laser 1585 and 1682 cm−1 reported earlier [19]. Therefore if the Raman
beam at 532 nm from a laser diode has been used for the exci- line at 750 cm−1 is responsible for hemoglobin then other reported
tation. An objective lens with 100× magnification has been used lines of the hemoglobin must also be present in the Raman spectra
both for light focusing and collection in backscattering configu- of dengue infected sera, which are not visible in Fig. 1(b). It implies
ration. Raman spectra for the entire samples have been recorded that an intense Raman line at 750 cm−1 in the dengue infected sam-
within the spectral range of 600 cm−1 to 1750 cm−1 . An acquisition ples must have possible contributions from some other biochemical
time of 10 s has been used for recording each spectral data. changes that have been induced in the body as a result of dengue
virus infection.
3. Results and discussion It is well known that apart from red blood cells and white blood
cells (WBC), the blood also contain platelets. Platelets in the human
Raman spectroscopy is a label free technique that identifies dif- body play an important role in homeostasis and thrombosis. It is
ferent constituents of the biological sample based on its molecular well established that in the dengue virus infected patients the num-
vibration. The beauty of Raman spectroscopy lies in its specificity ber of platelets decreases to less than 50,000 per micro liter [21,22]
where each biomolecule give rise to its own characteristic spec- whereas the normal range in the healthy subjects varies from
tral peak distinguish them from other molecules. In case of overlap 150,000 to 400,000 per micro liter. The decrease in platelets counts
of Raman peaks of different components, one can distinguished is most likely due to two reasons i.e. firstly decreased occurred due
them in term of principle components such as Protein, lipids and to less production and secondly, destruction in blood stream as a
nucleotides [11,12]. result of dengue virus infection.
The Raman spectra contain strong fluorescence background Platelets are produced from the cytoplasmic fragmentation of
because of the presence of natural fluorophores present in the bio- megakaryocytes as anucleate cells [23–26]. Bone marrow stromal
logical samples. In addition, it also contains noise that might add cells get infected as a result of dengue virus infection, affecting
from detector electronics. Therefore all the Raman spectra from normal function of bone marrow that leads to low production of
healthy as well as diseased samples have been processed in Matlab platelets [27–29]. Destruction of platelets within the blood stream
environment for the removal of noise and fluorescence background may probably be due to carotene deficiency causing dryness of a
[13]. Fig. 1 part (a) shows the fluorescence background subtracted cellular wall, resulting an ultimate cell death. In normal condition
normalized Raman spectra of blood sera of 25 normal healthy there are varieties of cytoplasmic structures inside the platelet.
samples and part (b) shows the normalized Raman spectra of 40 These structures includes lysosomes and two types of granules
confirmed dengue virus infected sera. The spectra of normal as well i.e. electron dense granules and ␣-granules actin (protein) uni-
dengue infected samples have been smoothed by using average formly distributed throughout and an irregular internal network of
filter, Savitzky-Golay, with five points and 3rd order polynomial canaliculi through which the granules content comes to the platelet
2088 S. Khan et al. / Optik 127 (2016) 2086–2088

Table 1
A comparison of Raman peaks of normal and dengue infected blood sera.

Raman shift (cm−1 ) Tentative assignment Dengue virus Normal healthy

infected blood sera blood sera

750 CH2,6 out-of-plane bending, observed in the spectra of single human RBC [14], ADP [20] –

850 Proline, Tyrosine [14], Tryptophan-IgG [16] –
√ √
1002 ␤-Carotenoids [16], Phenylalanine-IgG [18]

1032 Phenylalanine-IgG [14,16] –
√ √
1123 Labeled for IgG [61], C C stretching mode lipid and protein [14]
√ √
1156 C C and C N stretching of Carotenoids (protein) [14]

1306 IgM [16] –

1333 Phenylalanine, Tryptophan-IgG [14,16], Hemoglobin [13] –

1355 Tryptophan-IgG [16], Hemoglobin [13] –
√ √
1445 CH2 deformation, bending, scissoring labeled for Fatty acid and Lipid [14] − IgG [16]
√ √
1516 Arise from ␤-Carotenoids [14]

1580 C C stretching [14] –

1603 C C in-plane bending mode of phenylalanine and tyrosine [14] –

1660 Amide I band (protein band) [14] –

1668 Amide I band (protein band) [14] –

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