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Student’s name: __________________________ Teacher: Despina trajkova Gochevski

Date: ________________________

Messages 3 Group B

I. Outdoor activities. Look at the pictures and circle the correct answer – a or b.

a. bungee jumping a. sailing a. skiing a. surfing

b. athletics b. scuba-diving b. skateboarding b. scuba-diving

a. zorbing a. surfing a. car racing a. fishing

b. climbing b. swimming b. sailing b. swimming
II. Complete the sentences with the words for outdoor activities.

surfing canoeing skateboarding sailing climbing

0. My dad goes fishing every Sunday. Last week he came home with a fish for the first time!
1. We went ____________________ on the river last week. The water was really fast and I fell in!
2. Ellen MacArthur started ____________________ when she was very young. She went round the
world alone in a boat called Kingfisher.
3. __________________ mountains is a dangerous but exciting sport.
4. A lot of teenagers practise _____________________ in the park near our house. There’s a special
place for them, and Charlie often goes there.
5. Go to Australia or Hawaii if you want the best conditions for ____________________.
III. Complete the table with the missing verb parts – base form, past simple or past participle.

base form past simple past participle

drink drank drunk
IV. Present Perfect (affirmative and negative). Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets.

0. I haven’t been (not be) here long, only ten minutes.

1. My Physics teacher __________________ (write) a book. It’s about the stars
2. Ana ____________________ (not turn off) the computer. I’ll do it.
3. Dan ____________________ (read) “Northern Lights” three times. It’s his favourite book.
4. You _____________________ (not eat) all your vegetables. Don’t you like them?
5. We _____________________ (make) some cakes. Would you like one?
| 10
V. Present Perfect (interrogative). Complete the questions and the short answers.

0. Have you eaten (eat) all the chocolates? - No, I haven’t.

1. ________ your sister ____________ (find) her rucksack? - Yes, ______________.
2. ________ you ____________ (hear) the new Eminem album? - No, _______________.
3. ________ Ellie _____________ (invite) Tania to the barbecue? - Yes, ______________.
4. ________ Ellie and Ian ____________ (change) their phone number? - No, _______________.

VI. Present Perfect + just/ever/never. Put the words in the right order and make sentences.

0. food / Sally / ever / has / Indian / tried /

Has Sally ever tried Indian food?
1. done? / what / Tom / just / has
2. abroad. / never / grandfather / been / has / my
3. China? / been / ever / have / you / to
VII. Read the text. Then circle the correct answer: a, b or c.

ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS ON and, in some places, they will collect paper
PLANET EARTH TODAY IS THE and glass from your house.
ENVIRONMENT You can walk or take the bus when you
go to school or to the local supermarket,
The climate has changed and the instead of travelling by car. Public transport is
planet is getting warmer. We have destroyed better for the environment. You can turn off the
large parts of the rainforests and damaged the lights when you go out of a room and you can
oceans. Pollution in big cities has got worse. turn off the television or computer when you
The number of endangered species has have finished. You can save water too. Turn
increased too. When you turn on the television the water off when you clean your teeth and
or open a newspaper, you can often find don’t stand under the shower for ten minutes!
stories about the environment and its These are small things but if everyone does
destruction. them, then the world will change.
Most people think that there is nothing There are “green” organizations all over
they can do, but it’s not true. We can all do the world. If there’s a local group in your area,
something to help our local environment. In why don’t you join it? And if there isn’t a local
many towns, places have opened where you group, why don’t you start one?
can recycle glass, paper, cans and plastic,

1. Pollution in big cities

a) is worse than before. b) is not as bad as it was. c) was worse before.
2. There are …………….. animals in danger too.
a) a few b) not many c) a lot of
3. Most people think they ……………………. for the environment.
a) can’t do nothing. b) can do nothing. c) can do something.
4. The article says we should
a) stop cleaning our teeth. b) turn off the water when cleaning our teeth.
c) not use a toothbrush.
5. The article says you can save energy if you
a) never turn on the TV. b) never turn on the computer.
c) turn off the TV/computer when you have finished.

TOTAL | 46

0-25 % = 1 | 26-39 % = 2 | 40 – 63 % = 3 | 64- 76% = 4 | 77 – 100 % = 5

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