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The Arizona Republic - 05/01/2019 Page : ZC14

Your spring cleaning

should also include
medication inventory
may be called to assist them with a
health crisis.
You may prefer to document your
medications on paper, but a simple In-

ternet search will reveal several apps
that are compatible with both iPhone
Your Turn and Android smartphones. Be sure to
Malia Daehler and Mary Merrill include:
Guest columnists ❚ Allergies to both medications and
foods and the type of reaction (e.g.,
As you’re going through your annual hives, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, difficul-
spring cleaning, one thing you may con- ty breathing).
sider is taking inventory of your family’s ❚ Medical history. This may include
prescription medications. Do you have chronic conditions or recent illnesses.
expired prescriptions you no longer ❚ Medications, including name, pre-
need? Many fire and police stations will scribing doctor and pharmacy, date
accept medications for safe disposal. started, dosage and whether it was
It’s also a good time to organize a list completed or is ongoing.
of the medications in your family’s ❚ Name and dates of immunizations.
medicine cabinet, in case there’s a med- ❚ Vitamin supplements, herbal rem-
ical emergency. edies and other over-the-counter items,
stat now and get: If you or a family member were such as cough medicine or topical solu-
rushed to the hospital, would a loved tions. Remember to be specific regard-

allation one be able to provide a current list of

your medications to first responders or
ing dosage.
❚ Other pertinent health informa-
the emergency department? What if it tion. For example, you may not be aller-
Tune-Up was your child or parent? Would you
know the names and dosages of their
gic to a certain medication but you had a
negative experience, such as an upset
Warranty prescriptions? How about any non-pre-
scription medications?
Update the list when changes oc-
n at big box stores!
Not having this information may cur. It may sound cumbersome, but it’s
ME DEPOT LOWE’S cause a delay in care, as paramedics or important to keep your list current.
hospital staff try to confirm current Even the slightest change, such as add-
$249 $249 medications before providing that in- ing a vitamin supplement, should be
formation to the physician. A lack of up- noted. Here are some suggestions:
to-date medical information may lead to Date your list each time you make a
avoidable medication errors or adverse change.
drug reactions. Ask your pharmacist to print out a
At Abrazo West Campus and its sister list of medications filled in the last
t Abrazo Health hospitals throughout the year. This is particularly helpful if you
s up to $100.* Valley, we are working hard to reduce er- use more than one pharmacy for your
rors by reconciling patients’ medication medications.
nt today! history and regimen every time there Make sure someone in your family

372 are changes. This is critical so we can

help patients avoid adverse effects from
dosing errors, omissions, duplications
or circle of friends knows where you
keep this list.
Time is precious, but do yourself and
ll.com and drug interactions.
Here are a few things you can do now
your family a favor by putting medica-
tion reconciliation at the top of your to-
to help: do list this spring.
Keep a historical record. This ap- Malia Daehler is director of pharma-
rtified Nest professional.
plies to you, along with your spouse and cy and Mary Merrill is clinical pharma-
any and all rebates. children, and it’s a good idea to ask your cy manager at Abrazo West Campus in
parents to do the same, especially if you Goodyear.

PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Copyright © 2019 The Arizona Republic 05/01/2019
May 1, 2019 8:56 am (GMT +7:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

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