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Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the
extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese
when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person’s weight
by the square of the person’s height, is over 30 kg/m₂ defined as overweight.

Around the world, more than one billion adults are overweight and about 300
million of them are obese. In the United States, 66 percent of all adults are overweight and,
of those, 32 percent are obese.

Obesity levels in Japan and some African nations are below 5 percent, but they’re
rising. Obesity rates in China overall are not high, but in some of that country’s larger cities,
rates are up 20 percent.

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions, too. The number of

overweight children in the United States has doubled since 1980, and for teens, it's tripled.
And the problem with children is now a global issue as well.

MALAYSIA has the dubious honour of having the highest obesity prevalence in
Southeast Asia. This was based on Economist Intelligence Unit’s “Tackling Obesity in Asian”
report, which covered Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and

 The BMI range of Asians and Westerners varies because the temperature of
Westerners country much cooler then Asians.
 Most of Westerner’s fat burned to gain more energy so that they can adapt the
temperature of their country.
1. Obesity among school children is on the rise in Malaysia.
2. A research is conducted on obesity among 10 SMK Ibrahim school students.
3. The results are shown below :-


Series 2

Normal (Healthy)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

 Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

 Exercise even moderately, for at least 30 minutes a day
 Cut down the consumption of fatty and sugary foods
 Use vegetable-based oil rather than animal based fat
 Reduce amount of oil in our food
 Keep active
 Make sure we are eating healthy food
 Only eat when we are hungry
 Walk more, eat less
 Change eating habits rather than focusing on weight.
 Be a role model who eat healthy foods and physically active
 Reduce time in front of TV and computers
 Encourage physical activity
 Encourage children to drink water rather than beverages with added sugar
 Serve at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily
 Keep the refrigerator stocked with fat-free or low fat milk and fresh fruits and
 Weigh yourself regularly
1. To prevent diseases such as :-

 Lung cancer
 Breast cancer
 Endometrial cancer
 Colon cacer
 Diabetes ( Type 2 )
 Hypertension
 High LDL cholesterol
 Low HDL cholesterol
 High levels of triglycerides
 Coronary heart disease
 Stroke
 Gallbladder disease
 Depression
 Osteoarthritis
 Sleep apnoea
 Respiratory problems

2. To avoid people tease us for being obese.

3. To get more energy to enjoy our life

4. To get job placement easily

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