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Names: Erick Murillo and Ashly Vásquez Subject Area(s): Spanish

Lesson Topic: ¿Lleva acento? - Day 2 - Grade Level(s): Spanish 3

Literacy Standard(s):
 CCSS. ELA - Literacy. L.9 - 10.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Content Area Standard(s):

 CA World Language Standards [Stage II - Communication] 2.1: Engage in oral,
written, or signed (ASL) conversations.
 CA World Language Standards [Stage II - Communication] 2.4: Initiate, participate
in, and close a conversation; ask and answer questions

English Language Development (ELD) Standard(s):

 ELD. PI. 9-10. 5. Em: Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and
discussions on familiar social and academic topics by asking and answering
questions, with prompting and substantial support
 ELD. P1. 9-10. 3. Em: Negotiate with or persuade others in conversations using
learned phrases, as well as open responses to express and defend opinions

Lesson Objectives & Supports

Content objectives:
 SWBAT identify spelling errors and locate missing accent marks, within Spanish
text, by correcting them
 SWBAT provide rationale for their accent mark corrections and state the
appropriate rule they used
Literacy objectives:
 SWBAT read images with Spanish text, locate the spelling and accent mark errors,
and be able to write the correct sentence
 SWBAT engage in group discussions and use persuasive vocabulary with their group
members to explain their rationale of their corrected accent marks

Academic vocabulary:
Tier II (General): Oracion (sentence), cafetería (cafeteria),
Tier III (Domain specific): acento (accent), razonamiento (reasoning), mío (mine)

Literacy strategies and Integrated ELD Strategies (SDAIE, Specially Designed Academic
Instruction in English):
 Save the Last Word for Me (Buehl, 2017)
Assessment: How will you know if students met your objectives?
 Students will complete their worksheet of images with incorrect spelling and
missing accent marks, by writing down the correct sentence and providing
appropriate reasoning for the accent mark corrections, by the end of class
 Students will discuss those findings with a group, and practicing using persuasive
language through the discussion

Instruction: What you’ll teach, and how

Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set

Time Teacher Does Student Does

 Students will walk into

class and sit at their
 Teacher will greet students as they walk into assigned seats
class and ask them to pull out their
 Students will take out
assignment from the night before their homework from
the previous night
 Ask students to share their answers with and share their answers
their partner (approx. 3 min) with peer
 After they have shared with their peer, go
over each question of their homework
assignment by asking students to share their  Students will be
responses (approx. 5-7 min) encouraged to share
o one student per question should be
their homework
enough responses and led a
o if none volunteer, provide the answer
short discussion over
10 for the class their findings
min  Once the homework assignment has been
reviewed, you may ask them to put the  Students can provide
assignment away additional comments to
these questions, not just
share their answer

Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
 Introduce today’s lesson, which is a  Students will put away
continuation of yesterday’s topic: How to their podcast homework
30 mark accents in Spanish text and take-out their note-
min o today, they will correct Spanish street taking guide from the
signs that need accent marks day before (Apuntes:
 Tell students to take-out their note-taking
guide worksheet from the day before  Students will listen to
(Apuntes: Guia) the directions of part 1
o explain to students that they will be of today’s activity and
allowed to use only these notes for view how the instructor
today’s activity completes the example
image so they may know
 Instructor will now provide the rules for how to complete the
today’s activity: rest of the worksheet
o state directions for part 1 before
handing out worksheets and  Students will receive the
complete an example image worksheet and work
o explain that part 1 must be done independently on it
 [Part 1] Students will receive a worksheet  Students will analyze the
with images that contain incorrect spelling images on the
and are missing accent marks worksheet and make
o their task is to correct the images by corrections by:
writing down the correct spelling of o writing down the
the misspelled words and place oración correcta
accents where necessary. They may and stating their
use their notes from yesterday. razonamiento for
o they will write the correct sentence only the accent
and provide their reasoning for the correction
accent mark corrections (ex. stating marks
which accent rule the word is
supposed to follow)  Students may use their
o Use the elmo to demonstrate an note-taking guide from
example before handing out the the day before to
worksheets; after this, pass them out complete the worksheet
o ex: image - “Todo el traffico”
correction - “todo el tráfico” reason -
“tráfico - esdrujula, lleva acento en la
antepenúltima [trá-fi-co]
o Give about 10 - 15 mins for this first
part to be completed

 [Part 2] When their worksheet is completed,

students are to meet in groups [no more
than 5 per group] and discuss the images
they corrected using the following rules:
[explain these rules
verbally before students assemble into their
o 1. Select a member to go first [start
with the person with the earliest b-
day and so-forth]
o 2. the selected member will choose
an image and state their corrections,
BUT are not allowed to share their
 When students are
finished, they may
o 3. The rest of the group will discuss
indicate to the instructor
the corrections (whether the
they are ready to move
corrections were correct or not) and
onto part 2
assume the reasoning
o 4. After the discussion, the selected
 Students will listen to
member will reveal their own
the verbal instructions,
reasoning for the correction and
given by the instructor,
discuss whether it was the same as
for part 2 of the activity
their peers or different
o 5. When the discussion is over,
 After directions have
repeat this until all group members
been stated, students
have gone
are free to assemble
 do not repeat the same image
themselves into any
within one group group of no more than 5
o Give 15 mins for part 2 students
 While students assemble into groups, place  Students will follow the
the written directions on the ELMO, so they directions given to
may use as reference conduct their group
discussion of the

 Students may reference

the directions displayed
on the ELMO; and read
them in either Spanish
or English, for better

 Students will discuss the

findings of their
worksheets and analyze
the reasoning for their
corrected accent marks,
comparing it to the
reasoning of their peers

 Students will repeat the

activity directions until
every member from the
group has participated
Lesson Closure
Time Teacher Does Student Does
 Students will return to
their seats, after
completing their group
 Once students have completed part 2 of discussions
their activity, ask them to return back to
 Students will be
their desks to go over the worksheet
o [5-6 min]:
encouraged to share
o go image by image, write the
their responses as the
correction and write the reasoning instructor completes the
(all this is found on the answer key) worksheet on the ELMO
o complete the worksheet on the
for all students to see
ELMO, so all students may see
 Students may ask
o ask for students to volunteer in
questions pertaining to
sharing their responses; if none
10 the worksheet during or
volunteer, correct the image
min after the instructor has
 With the remaining 5 min, show students completed it, in order to
the following video of a skit of someone better clarify any
correcting accent marks in real-life concerns
o https://youtu.be/DwsT3sp9wmE
 Students will view a
(approx. 3 min)
short skit of someone
o if link does not work, search for:
correcting accent marks
Grammar Nazi - el precio de hablar
in real-life
mal (on youtube)
o if time is permitted, have a small
discussion of it  If time permits, students
may lead a short
discussion of their
thoughts on the video
Instructional Materials, Equipment & Multimedia
The following worksheet will be passed out to students:
Actividad de acentos: Signos mal escritos

Front Side Back Side

These are the directions for part two of the activity that may be displayed on the ELMO:


English learners: These students will be provided with additional resources, such as an English-
Spanish dictionary. If possible, they may sit with a peer that speaks their native language to
better explain the class assignments and directions.

Striving readers: Students will be encouraged to make connections with their prior knowledge to
complete the worksheet, such as previous knowledge of correct Spelling words.

Students with special needs: Accommodations will be made according to the student’s special
needs. For example, a student with a visual impairment can be provided with the
worksheet in a larger font.

Advanced students: These students will be encouraged to be thorough in their reasoning

section, such as providing where the silaba tonica is located for each word. An additional
worksheet with more images can also be provided for additional practice.

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