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509 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Cloverdale, California 95425

Phone: (707) 894-1900 Fax: (707) 894-4804


April 28, 2019

To whom it may concern,

It has been a pleasure to work with Keller Sibert as a student and athlete over the past two years at
Cloverdale High School. Over the time I have worked with Keller, he has shown an exemplary work ethic,
strong attention to detail, and respectful nature that is needed to succeed in school and any work
environment. With these skills, I am confident that Keller Sibert can achieve anything he puts his mind to.

Keller is currently enrolled in my Economics class and has completed American Government with me this
school year. Throughout his time in the classroom, Keller has shown an exceptional work ethic and attention
to detail in class. Keller has met all deadlines that have been set for work, has completed all task that have
been assigned to him, and is always prepared with all materials needed to complete these task to the best
of his ability. Keller’s grade in my class, as well as his overall GPA, are examples of his ability to succeed in
the classroom.

In addition to his success in the classroom, Keller has also participated on multiple interscholastic sports
teams at Cloverdale High School. As the varsity baseball coach, I have first hand had the opportunity to see
Keller Sibert grow as an athlete and leader. Keller is one of the top performers on the baseball team, and
this is due to his focus at practice, attention to detail, and the extra work he has put in to ensure he can
compete at a high level. Where Keller shines the most however is his role as a leader. Keller’s commitment
to the team, determination to succeed, and strong rapport with peers and staff are all examples of his ability
to lead by example.

Keller Sibert has proven to myself over the past two years that he is well prepared and mature enough to
succeed in college and whatever career he chooses thereafter. I giver Keller my unqualified support and
recommendation for this scholarship opportunity and all future endeavors.


Ben West
Social Studies Teacher
Varsity Baseball Coach
(707) 894-1900 ext.1928

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