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Religion/S Origins Year God(s) Human Situation Afterlife Practices Texts / Books
ect/ Belief & Founded and and Life's
System History (approx) Beliefs Purpose

Christianity Founded approx. One God All have sinned and Eternal Prayer, Bible study, The Bible
by Jesus 2 billion who is a are thereby heaven or baptism, tithes and (Old and
Christ in years Trinity of separated from hell offering, the Lord's New
c. 33 Father, God. Salvation is supper, Church on Testaments)
AD, Son, and through faith in Sundays,
Israel. Holy Spirit Christ Jesus. fellowships, Sunday

Seventh- Rooted in 10 million One God Second Coming of A "peaceful Sabbath observance Christian Bible;
day Millerite who is a Christ is imminent; pause" after on Saturdays; later prophets like
Adventist movement Trinity of salvation is by death until healthful lifestyle; Ellen White are
s ; founded Father, Son, faith in Christ; the coming baptism by inspired and
1863 in and Holy emphasis on of Christ, immersion authoritative
New Spirit quality of life both then when tested
England; now and in afterlife resurrection against Scriptures
early to judgment,
leaders: followed by
Ellen eternity in
White, heaven or
Hiram nonexistence.
Edson and No hell.

Islam Muhamma 1.3 One God Humans must Paradise or Five Pillars: Faith, Qur'an (Scripture);
d, 622 billion (Allah in submit (islam) to Hell. Prayer, Alms, Hadith (tradition)
AD, Saudi (Sunni: Arabic) the will of God to Pilgrimage, Fasting.
Arabia 940 gain Paradise after Mosque services on
million) death. Fridays. Ablutions
before prayer. No
alcohol or pork.
Holidays related to
the pilgrimage and
fast of Ramadan.

Jehova Charles 6.5 million One God, Salvation is Heaven for No blood New World
h's Taze Jehovah. No through faith in 144,000 transfusions, no Translation of
Witnes Russell, Trinity - Christ and chosen celebration of the Scriptures
ses 1879, Christ is Witnesses, holidays,

the first obeying Jehovah's eternity holidays, no use of

creation of laws. The End of on new crosses or religious
God; the the World is soon. earth for images. Baptism,
Holy Spirit other Sunday service at
is a force. Witnesses. Kingdom Hall, strong
All others emphasis on
annihilate evangelism.
d. No hell.
Religion/S Origins Year God(s) Human Situation Afterlife Practices Texts / Books
ect/ Belief & Founded and and Life's
System History (approx) Beliefs Purpose

Catholic 606 God the The core catholic Mass services. Within Catholicism,

Boniface III, AD Father, the belief is that, through There is an eternal life Baptism. the Bible comprises

Son Jesus the death and or (or temporary Confirmation. the whole 73-book

Rome Christ, and the resurrection of Jesus, purgatory). Eucharist. canon recognized by

Holy Ghost sinful humans can be Roman Catholics Restored Order of the Catholic Church,

reconciled to God believe in the Initiation. including the

Also and thereby are resurrection of Jesus. Penance and deuterocanonical

believes in offered salvation and Reconciliation books. It is

the special the promise of (Confession) Anointing of sometimes referred

authority of salvation. the Sick. Sacrament. to as the Catholic

the Pope
Saints. Bible.
and priests.
priests/ fathers

Mormonis Joseph 12.2 God the Humans existed as All return to Abstinence from Christian Bible,
m (Church Smith, million Father, the spirits before this spirit world alcohol, tobacco, coffee Book of Mormon,
of Jesus 1830, Son Jesus life, salvation is for period and tea; baptism for Doctrine and
Christ of New Christ, and returning to God. of the dead; eternal Covenants , and
York, USA the Holy Salvation by faith in instruction marriage; temple Pearl of Great
Ghost are Christ, good works, before garments under daily Price
three ordinances, and resurrection clothes; active
separate evangelism. . evangelism.
individual Mormons
beings to heaven
with God
but not
with God;
hell for
those who
reject God
after death.

FAQ: What is the value in studying comparative religions?

Christians should always study comparative religions from a Christian perspective. Excellent resources abound
that showcase the fundamental beliefs of other religions and demonstrate how they differ from biblical truth.
When approached from a solid foundation, the study of comparative religions only reaffirms the incomparable
truths of Christianity. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of
fools will suffer harm.” It is our responsibility to be selective about who or what we allow to teach us or our
children. We should approach every field of study from a solid foundation with convictions based on the
unchanging Word of God (1 Peter 1:24–25).
24 for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers, and the flower falls, 25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
And this word is the good news that was preached to you.

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