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UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB >. goin. Part-I A/2015 Exa JA Subject: Applied Psychology (New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs. PAPER: III (Psychological Assessment) MAX. MARKS: 70 ~. Note: Paper consists of FIVE parts. All are compulsory. Part I 30Marks Encirele the best option. 1. Group testing is better than individual testing when a. purpose is to take in-depth assessment. b. test is based on performance tasks e norms are available for the tést examinees have to record their responses 2. The ability to solve problems by using past learning and experiences is called crystallized intelligence b. fluid intelligence ‘ ©. g factor of intelligence 4, artificial intelligence . “Thematic Apperception Test’ is a a. Situational test b. Verbal test c. Performance test @ Projective test 4. Ifa test taps abilities that change with the process of aging and maturation, which factor would affect its reliability the most? a. Variation in testing situation b. Test length @ Homogeneity of the group d._ Test retest interval 5. Incontext of TAT, which of the following is tue? Black and white pictures of people in vague or ambiguous situations Coloured pictures of people in vague or ambiguous situations ©. Coloured pictures of scenes 4, Allof the above 6, Halstead Reitan Test Battery measures a. Psychological functioning b. Intellectual functioning @©@ Newrological functioning 4. Emotional functioning Page 1 of 7 7. A test that assesses individual’s performance in comparison with a cut off score, is called a. individual test b. group test & norm reference test criterion referenced test 8. Which of the following is likely to have highest test-retest reliability? a. MMPI b. TAT c. HIP RISB 9. Standardized testing means all EXCEPT a. Testing procedures are same for all b. Test items represent the ability being measured ¢. Testing conditions are strictly under control of examiner d. Examiner is skilled to ensure uniformity across testings 10. Which of the following is true of test retest reliability? a, The test is measuring what it claims to measure b. The performance of some test takers will improve in second administration 1 @ The test will produce consistent results d. All of the above _1 Which of the following threat to internal validity is specifically related to test itself in test retest procedure? Maturation History c. Instrumentality d. Attrition 12, MMPI is a personality test that mainly falls in the category of ~ Objective type tests, Projective personality tests, c. Semi projective tests . Clinical interview 13. “The items being measured are suitable for the age of the children being assessed” refers to a. Face validity b. Content validity c. Predictive validity Developmental validity 14, In WAIS IV, which of the following is NOT a part of Verbal Comprehension? a. Similarities b. Vocabulary c. Comprehension @Dieit span Page 2 of 7 18, Which of the following refers to the confirmatory bias in testing in clinical settings? a. The clinician ignores information that does not support his/her hypothesis @ The clinician tries to collect information on those aspects which might support his/her hypothesis c. The clinician interprets ambiguous information in a way that confirms his/her hypothesis d. All of the above 16. In mental ability testing, results might be affected if test is developed in another language and culture. Thus ability testing can better be done by a, Preparing individuals for the test before conducting b. Transtating test into test takers’ language @ Using culture free test d. None of the above 17. Spearman's g specifically refers to a. Method of factor analysis specifically developed by Spearman Spearman's theory of intelligence ¢. The common element in all cognitive tests d._A statistic developed by Spearman as an index of intelligence 18. _If'an examiner assesses sensitive and personal aspects of personality without examinee being aware of, itis the violation of e confidentiality purpose of test ©. privacy d._ validity 19. Which of the following does NOT have validity subscales? a. MMPI EPPS ©. 16PF 4. TAT 20. Which of the following test has primary aim to assist professionals in inferring children's cognitive developmental levels? a RISB b. WAT Draw a Man Test DAT 21. Graduate Record Examination- General taken by ETS is an example of a. personality test b. diagnostic test c. Achievement test : @ Aptitude test ' Page 3 of 7

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