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Nepal Electricity Authority

(An Undertaking of Government of Nepal)

Project Management Directorate


Seismic Hazards and Mitigation Measures for

Phutung & Mulpani 132kY Sub-station ProJect

Kathmandu, Nepal

Prepared for
Pinggao Group Co. Ltd.
Henan Province, P.R. China

Preoared by
Pashupati Drilling & Geo- Technical Services Fvt. Ltd.
Krishna Kunj, Ramnagar, Lokanthali- I 5, Bhaktapur
Tel : +977- 1-5 1823 10, 985 10262t0
Email : pashupatidrilling @gmail.com

March 2019

ffi {\*\,,.
t. Introduction

This proposal is prepared by Nepal Elccrcity Au&ority (NEA) Nepal evaluation of seismic
hazards like liqrcfection susceptibility in the premises of 132kV sr$-station projcct
construction sites at Phunrng & Mulpani of Kathmandu District. From tlrc geotechnical
reports of the site we found liquefaction seismic hazards upto 4.5m depttr in Phutung and
12.0m depth in Mupani sub-station site arpa which contribute to the sinking or tilting of
heavy sfrttcntres, scttlcment of building, lateral sprcading and rctaining wall failure.
Similarly, ground surface settlement, sand boils and post earttrquake stability failures can be
devcloped at levcl ground surfaces.

Here a short mitigation measures adopting ground inrprovement techniques of stone

columns/gravel piles has been fsnnd quite economical and fastBr ir constnrction for small
equipment foundations. The proposed unit minimizes the build up of pore water pressure
dtuing earthquakes by shortening the drainage paths in a soil deposits. The installation of
dratns generally involves some degree of densification and the drains themselves may also
provide sorne reinforcernent.

From the above assessment the site could be minimized against liquefaction susceptibility
and inueases the lod bearing capacities respectively.

", Objective

The main objective of the installation of stone column/gravel piles are;

i) To dissipate the pore water pressure from the surrounding liquefiable soil mass
through vertical drains.

ii) To increate strength (Bearing Capacity) by increasing the densities of the soil mass.

3. Scopeof the lVork

The main scope of the works is:

i) The installation of stone columns/gravel piles by drilling, chargi.ng and compaction

of granular materials by any appropriate method.

ii) MeasuremcnV verification of soil improvement by fields and lab test results.

4. Meflmdology / Construcdon Techniques

Thc proccss of installation of stone column is,

D Grading of, Granular Materials

r) The river bed materials (pebbles, gravels, fine gravels and coarse to fine sands etc.)
having 75 mrn down is used as a filling materials as a Gradation Table.

Size (mm) o/o
fine by weight
75 90 - r00
50 89-90
38 55-75
20 10 -20
l2 5-13
2 15
Sand 2- 5 e/o
by weidrt

2) Filling granular materials would be free from any harmful ingredients (i.e. vegetable
matters, clay lumps, cobbles and boulders).

II) Meking a Bere Holes

r) The bore holes are made by Helical Auger Boring or Bailer & Casing Method (IS
1528y', Part I, Annex-c) throughout the rnentioned 5.0m depth in Phutung & 12.0m
depth in Mulpani Substation sites.

a) IIeIicaI Auger Boring Methodl

The bores are made with rnanually operated augers supported on ripods. Bentonite
slurry was provided while drilling whenever required to prevent cavrng of the bore
hole sides. The bores are driven to a depth of 5.Om & l2.Om ordinarily a team of 8 -
10 persons could complete one stone columns in 4 * 6 hours.

b) Bailer & Cesing Method:

In case augers did uot work then boring are done with bailers using a mechanical
winch rotatitrg by a powerful engine upto required depths through steel casing /
lining with bontonitp slurry. A team of 6 - E persons could complete one column in
4 - 5 hours.

Finally, the bore hole should be cleaned/ cleared mechanically driltrng before
charging the filling granular materials.

m) Filling and Comppcti,on of Granular Msterislc

l) The bore holes arc charged by granular filling materials layer by layer having
30 cm ht. with regular 0.04m3 (two buckets) in each interval and &€n
compaction is proceed by 350 kg or above wt. of hamruer/rammer about 5
times from 1.5 m ht by mechanical winch fitted machine.
In caseof temporary liner of bailer boring, conpaction rrray be done in
stages upo bottorn of liner and should be raised and further compaction

2) The density of the compacted granular materials should be greater than 7O%
degree of compaction.

3) After the installarion of stone column the rig is moved to the another point to
make a bore hole and after completion of all bore holes the space is open for

foundation work.

4) After compacting of every charged layer. The depth of bore hole shall be
measured and ensured that there is no collapse of soil. In case any collapse is
observed, temporary casing shall be used as per IS :15284-l (2003) for
installation of stone column.
Tht couplctc process will be as glven below sequentially in a frgure:

diftrent stagc6'


(a) Making of
bore hole.
(b) Poudng ol sbne
'idltregate and sand'
Irs, t.y"t
(c) ComPacdon
ffrst laYer.

in3t lLd.
OraniJbr Pllt

o! rl T
, ...'.il Sicord tayer
Ekono rav.,
ready lor


Frrst layer
-r- L qP
Firsl laYer itPL lrutral dramgt€r D'InalI
tltor tffe[rflbn
(d) Pouring ol matenal (e) Compacton cil (0 lndrlrd
for second laver. secatd layer. grlrlrt Pfe.

Granular pile irst'allation rnethod

[V) Yerificatioaof Soil lmproverent

Verification will be based on the results of laboratory & field tests as per T.S.

A) Lahorrtmy Tcst : i) Gmdation of granular materials

ii) Compaction Test
Field Test: 0 Relative Density
ii) SPT/DCPT Test
iii) Plate [,oad Tests
No. of tests shall be as per Echnical specification.
B) i) Fit{d Terts:- it shall be carried out as per IS 15284-Part I - 2003.
Initial Test :- it shall be as per T.S. of above mentioned code.
Test:. it shall be carried out at least 1 test for 100 m2 area as per T.S. of
mentioned code.

t. Re$ults and Recommendafi on

Mitigation Measures:
l. Providc 0.5m dia. 5.0 & l2.Om length Stone Column / Gravel Pile in the
foundation structure at required spacing in Phutung and Mutpmi Substation sites
2. Provide 300mm drick well compacted granular material (75mm down) with
interstices filled with sand and stone dust below the foundation trench as a pile
capping works.
3. The typical cross section of any foundation is grven bolow :


: Ddt

t Lt^-[

4. The site should be supavised and frequently checked as per standards by a well-
known Geo-Technical Engineer during the period of construction.

Moreover, ttre above adjustment minimized the liquefaction susceptibility and also increases
the lateral stress as well as vertical stress which help to increase the remarkable bearing
capacity (8.C.) values respectively.

Variatlon of Allowsble Beerlng Capaclty with Stone Columns aftcr Ground Modlftcatlons:'

Phutung Substation Site

Length ol Spaclng of Predlcted BC

BG Values ol Dismeterof
Untreatod Soll Stone Column Stone Stone Values of troated
(m) Cofumn Column Soll
(xwm2) (m)
(m) (m) (KN/m2)

1.5 32.95 134.51

2.25 49.04 t97.02

0.5 5.0 r.5
3.0 51.72 266.67

4.5 76.ffi 298.1 5

Length of Spaclng of Predicted BC

BC Values of Diameter ol
Depth Ston6 Stone values of trceted
Llntreated Soil Stone Column
(m) Golurm Column Soll
(KN/m2) (m) (m) (m) (KN/m2l

1.5 32.95 I t 6.61

2.25 49.O4 170.79

0.5 5.0 2.0
3.0 51.72 204.88

4.5 76.66 334.75

Length of Spachrg of Prodlcted BC

BC Values ol Diarneter ol Stone Stone Values ol treated
(m) Llntreated Soll Slone Column
(KN/m2; (m) Column Column Soil
(m) (m) (KN/m1
1.5 32.95 96.60

2.25 49.M 124.96

0.5 5.0 2.5
3.0 51.72 168.87

4.5 76.66 305.21

Length ot Spacing of Prodlctod BC

BC Values ol Diarneter ot
Untreatcd Soil
Stone Stone Values ol fcated
(m) Stone Golumn
Column Colunrn Soil
ffN/m1 (m) (m) (m) {KN/m2)

1.5 32.95 74.69

2.25 49.O4 109.18

0.5 5.0 3.0
3.0 51.72 147.38

4.5 16.66 290.24

& l*
Mulpani Substation Site:

Diameter ol Length of 9pacing of Predicted BC

BG Values of
tffieated Soil Slone $one Stone Values of treatcd
(m) Column Cofumn Column Soil
(m) (m) (m) (KN/rn2t

1.5 31.74 133.57

))< 47.45 196.59

0.5 12.0 1.5
3.0 53.75 268.01

4.5 76.66 305.21

Diameterol Length of Spacing ol Predlcted EC

BC Values of
Depth Stone Stone Stone Values of treated
tlntreated Soil
(KN/m1 Column Co[umn Column Soll
(m) {m) (m) {KNlme}
1.5 3t.74 96.94

2.25 47.45 150.41

0.5 t2.o 2.0
3.0 53.75 204.88

4.5 76.66 260.22

Diameter of Length of Spacing of Predlcted BC

BC Values ol Stone Stone Values of treated
Depth Stona
Untreated Soil Soil
(m) Column Column Column
(KN/m2) (m) (K[.]/m2)
{m) {m}
1.5 31.74 74.69

2.25 47.45 124.40

0.5 12.{) 2.5
3.0 53.75 178.90

4.5 't6.66 230.19

Dlareter ol Length ol Spacing of Predicied BC

BC Values of Valucs of treated
Depth Stone Stone Stonc
Uhtrelted Soil
(m) Column Column Column Soil
(KNlrn21 (m) (m) (m) (KlUm2)

1.5 31.74 70.o7

2.25 47.45 108.93

0.5 12.0 3.0
3.0 53.75 148.17

4.5 16.66 200.17

ffi \
Load Carrying Capacity of Bored Cast In.situ RCC Pile :

Phutung Substatlon Slte :

Tlp Cross Safe Plle

Length Dla, ol Spacing Lower SPT Avg. SPT
ol Pile Sectlonal Load
Pite of Pile Value below Value tor
(L) (D) clc Tlp (N) S.tem (N.r*)
Area COadty Remarks
(A) (c.d.)

m m m No. No. m2 KN

0.5 1.5 14 0.196 91.23

"t.8 't4 F.S. =
6.0 0.6 0.283 131.55
0.7 2.1 14 0.385 179.22

Mulpani Substation Site :

Tlp Grose Sate Plle

Length Dia. of Spacing LwerSPT Avg. SPT
of Pile Pite of Pilc Valuebelow Value for Secttofial
Area Capar*ty
(L) (D) o/c rlp {t{) Stem (it*.) Hemarlrs
(e) (q*r")

m m m No. No. m2 KN

0.5 1.5 't7 0.196 1 10.78

't7 F.S. =
13.0 0.6 1.8 0.283 159.74
0.7 2.1 17 0.385 217.62


i. It is recomnrended that provide stone column/gravel piles at different spacing for

both substation sites to decrease the liquefaction suscegibility as well as increasing
the load bearing capacities.

ii. Provide Bored Cast In-situ RCC Pile for medium to heavy loaded suucture if the
above adjustment is not feasible for the project site.

+ ffi \

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