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What is this term strategy?

Strategy refers to long term decisions; they include objectives, goals and course of action for an

Strategic planning refers to management processes in an organization through which the future impact
of change is determined and current decisions to reach a desired future are made. What does it include?

It includes the entire process of major outside groups and their stakes; expectations of dominant
internal stoke holders, the information, present, past present and production performance, evaluation
of company’s strength and weaknesses, formulation of organizational purpose, mission, objective,
policies and strategy.

A strategic decision is so important to a company that before it finally concludes on a certain strategic
decision made as permanent, it must be reviewed again and over.

Matters to consider in developing a Strategic plan for an Organization.

1. Considering the different stakeholders

2. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

Strategic management


Organizational purpose


Business mission

Mission statement to strategic vision

Tribute to the Real Heroes

Has anyone ever called you a hero? Heroine is its feminine case, but let’s generally go by hero for our
course. A hero is a person that is recognized for doing something really brave. Recently while at the
country side, my wife jokingly asked me to climb a coconut tree, and pluck some of its fruits for her. I
jokingly responded in a romantic way; I am not a monkey! I further said, if I fell and died, you would go
on and marry a finer guy, while the world would say I died for coconut, some maybe milder and say “he
died for love”. Then she said no, it would have been a heroic death. Though, we both had a good laugh
about it, the hero idea never really left my mind.

I am settled that some of the sacrifices we make on this side of eternity could be considered heroic by
our wives, husbands, friends, siblings, may be even by the world at large. What kept bothering my mind
exactly was this; what exactly would a person be doing on this side of eternity that would make Jesus
consider one to be a hero? What can you and I be doing today that could make our Lord consider us His
true heroes on that faithful day when we each stand before Him to give account?

In Rev Chapters 2-4, seven times, we find Jesus talking about the quality of persons He would honour
when they stand before Him, He constantly said they would be those who have overcome. I think these
are the persons that Jesus would consider Heroes on the last day.

Would you like to be considered a Hero by the Hero of all Heroes? Let’s see a few of the things we can
overcome in this world today that could make our Lord considered us His heroes in Eternity tomorrow.

First; Those Who Are Faithful Until Death.

(Overcomers like those at the Church in Smyrna)

In these days when it is possible to have a call from GOD and disregard it, in these days when it is
possible to not be living in your purpose and be calm about it. Jesus says I would honour those who stay
faithful to me. How many times have you compromised your faith because the tribulation got tougher?
How many times have you given up because the divine assignment or instruction seemed to be more
burdensome? Make no mistake about it, Jesus says you want to be considered an overcomer on the last
day? You want to be a kingdom hero? Learn to be faithful at my course on this side of eternity!

Second; Those Who Overcome False Doctrine.

(Overcomers like those at the Church in Pergamos)

Some of these people believed false doctrines. You would have thought the Lord would exonerate them
because they were deceived. Jesus says no, I am going to hold you responsible for believing false
doctrines! Wow, so woe to them who in this life wait on their pastors or social commentators to clarify
false doctrine from true doctrine for them, Jesus says it is your responsibility! Should I tithe or should I
ignore it? Jesus says there is a true doctrine, and there is a reward for those that find it for themselves!
The enemies of the cross herald their crusade by peddling false doctrine, do you want to be Jesus’ Hero
on the last day? Search out the truth and uphold it!

Third; Those Who Fight Sin in Their Lives And In Their Neighbour.

(Overcomers like those at the Church in Thyatira)

When last did you confront personal sin in your own life? Your married friend is dating a single person
and you say it is their business, Jesus says you are not His Hero! Stand up and fight sin on this side of
eternity, and see Jesus stand and celebrate you in eternity.

She who has an ear, let her hear what the Spirit says today!

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