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Structural Analysis and Design of a 2B+G+M+15 office Building

Ramp Design
Ramp layout

Figure x.y: Ramp plan

Figure x.y: Ramp Section

Depth from deflection
Since the ramp is supported only in one direction, it acts as one-way slab. And the necessary depth
is calculated as follows:
 a = 24 (End Span) [EBCS - 2,1995 Table 5.1]
 a = 28 (Interior Span) [EBCS - 2,1995 Table 5.1]
fyk l
d  (0.4 + 0.6( )) * e [EBCS - 2,1995 eqn.5.3]
400 a
Span Type βa Le(m) d(mm)
54 End 24 4.65 164.688
43 Interior 28 5 151.786
32 End 24 5 177.083

The largest vale of d is 177.0833 mm. therefore the overall depth would be
Cover = 15 mm [EBCS - 2,1995 Table 7.2]

Unity University Senior Essay

Structural Analysis and Design of a 2B+G+M+15 office Building

D = 177.083 + 15 + 12 / 2 = 198.083 mm
Take D= 200 mm
The revised effective depth would be:
d = 200 − 15 − 12 / 2 = 179 mm
Dead load on ramp:
cement mortar( plastering and cement screed) = 23 KN/m3 EBCS − 1,1995Table2.1
Epoxy Floor Finish = 15 KN/m3 www.m.indi amart.com 
Reinforced concerte (Slab) = 25 KN/m3 EBCS − 1,1995 Table 2.1
 *D
Dead Load =
cos( )
 = 15 
Component Thickness unit wt. Dead Load
Floor Finish 0.02 15 0.311
Cement Screed 0.02 23 0.476
Ramp Slab 0.2 25 5.176
Plastering 0.02 23 0.476
∑Gk 6.439
Table x.y: Dead load on Ramp
Live Load
Ramps, for live load determination, are categorized under category G (vehicles Traffic area and
Qk = 5 KN/M 2 [Ebcs - 1,1995 Table 2.12]
Design load
Pd = 1.3Gk + 1.6Q k EBCS - 1,1995 Art.
Pd = 1.3 * 6.439 + 1.6 * 5 = 16.371 KN / m 2

Unity University Senior Essay

Structural Analysis and Design of a 2B+G+M+15 office Building

Since the ramp acts as one-way slab, it is analyzed by taking 1m strip in the longer direction.

Figure x.y: Ramp model

Figure x.y: Ramp model for analysis

Using moment distribution method, the design moments are calculated as follows:
Joint A B C D
DF 1 0.4545 0.5455 0.5714 0.4286 1
FEM 0 -41.44 34.106 -34.11 51.159 0
BAL 7.3328 -17.05
DIST -4.872 1.9999
BAL 2.2147 2.6576 -1.143 -0.857
DIST -0.571 1.3288
BAL 0.2597 0.3117 -0.759 -0.569
DIST -0.38 0.1558
BAL 0.1726 0.2071 -0.089 -0.067
DIST -0.045 0.1035
BAL 0.0202 0.0243 -0.059 -0.044
sum 0 -35.44 35.439 -42.31 42.313 0

Table x.y: Moment Distribution Table


Unity University Senior Essay

Structural Analysis and Design of a 2B+G+M+15 office Building

40.000 32.188
20.000 9.550
-10.000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-40.000 -35.439
-50.000 -42.313

Figure x.y: Bending Moment Diagram

Shears Maximum Moment
Span END i END j span xmax Mmax
AB 28.959 44.71 AB 1.7689 25.614
BC 39.553 42.302 BC 2.416 12.341
CD 49.39 32.465 CD 3.0169 32.19
Table x.y: End Shear and Span Maximum Moment

Flexural Reinforcement
Main Reinforcement
Moment µsd Kz Z AS Ø S Smax Sprovide
Support 5 0 0 1.0000 179 0 12 - 350 350
Span 54 25.614 0.0706 0.9634 172.45 569.38 10 137.94 350 130
Support 4 35.439 0.0976 0.9485 169.79 800.1 12 141.35 350 140
Span 43 12.341 0.034 0.9827 175.9 268.94 10 292.03 350 290
Support 3 42.313 0.1166 0.9379 167.88 966.18 12 117.06 350 110
Span 32 32.19 0.0887 0.9535 170.68 722.98 10 108.63 350 100
Support 2 0 0 1.0000 179 0 12 - 350 350
Table x.y: Main reinforcement
Secondary Reinforcement
The amount of secondary reinforcement provided shall be the larger of:
As' = 0.2 As [EBCS - 2,1995 Art.]
As' = As ,min = ( )bd [EBCS - 2,1995 Art.]
f yk

Unity University Senior Essay

Structural Analysis and Design of a 2B+G+M+15 office Building

According to EBCS-2,1995 Article the maximum spacing allowed for secondary
reinforcement is 400 mm.
Location As 0.2As As,min As' Ø S Smax Sprovide
Support 5 0 0 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Span 54 569.38 113.88 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Support 4 800.1 160.02 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Span 43 268.94 53.788 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Support 3 966.18 193.24 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Span 32 722.98 144.6 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Support 2 0 0 298.33 298.33 10 263.26 400 260
Table x.y secondary reinforcement

Unity University Senior Essay


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