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Stonewall celebrates coming out day

Sebastian Cooper

TNE Writer

The Stonewall Equality Alliance is an organization dedicated to providing a space where

LGBTQ individuals can come together and discuss advocacy on campus. The organization is

open to any sexual orientation, gender identity, race, creed and ethnicity. The mission of

Stonewall is to create conversations concerning LGBTQ life on campus and potential social

activism that could extend from those conversations.

The coming out process is a phrase acknowledged by many within the LGBTQ

community as the moment an individual transitions from societal standards to the person they

were meant to be. Those that identify as LGBTQ have had to come out to love ones, friends,

peers and family. This process can be harmful because some who identify as LGBTQ face

discrimination, eviction from housing, loss of family support, loss of employment, loss of friends

and in some cases, the loss of life.

“Coming out is a personal decision that can only be made by the individual,” said Hannah

Emberton, Stonewall public relations chair. “This is important by allowing someone to come to

terms with a life that does not align with societal norms. It can be alienating and scary for most

individuals if they do not have a strong support system. If a person comes out to another

individual, be loving, listen and hold it in confidence.”

Students who identify as LGBTQ have a support network at NSU. The Office of

Diversity and Inclusion is a central guide for outreach concerning LGBTQ campus living and

protections. Hawkreach counseling is available for students who have experienced negative

situations throughout the coming out process and may need additional support. Those who seek
community can join the Stonewall Equality Alliance and become involved with regular social


“Stonewall is like a secondary family for me,” said Alisha Rothrock. Warner sophomore.

“Joining SEA made me realize that I am not alone. I have never been judged or treated

differently for my sexuality from members within this organization. SEA is probably the most

welcoming and inclusive organization on campus.”

Coming out day is recognized on Oct. 11 and is meant to celebrate the authenticity of an

individual. Those that identify as LGBTQ are in the coming out process on a daily basis because

they come out to new coworkers, new friends or new family members. Often forgotten, allies of

the LGBTQ community must come out too when associating moral equality for LGBTQ people.

The Safezone committee, an extension from the office of Diversity & Inclusion, is

sponsoring a coming out panel that centers around the coming out process, the outcome of

coming out, LGBTQ statistics, life stories, discussion and a look into the life of an individual

who identifies on the LGBTQ spectrum. The panel consists of each panelist introducing

themselves, answering questions presented by the moderator and an open question and answer

forum. Current panelists include Sam Phillips of Tahlequah, Rebecca Nagle of Tahlequah and

Schon Duncan of Stillwell. These individuals are heavily involved in the LGBTQ community

and have been advocates for social change.

“When I came out, my grandmother told me to never let anyone else tell me who I should

identify as, how I should feel or who I should love” said Sam Phillips, Tahlequah resident. “I am

the person I am supposed to be. Her words are what push me when times get difficult.”

The coming out panel is from 6-8 p.m., Oct. 11 in the University Center Morgan room.

For additional information about coming out week, email Emberton at embertoh@nsuok.edu.
Published: 10/05/18

Cutline: Stonewall members represent the organization in the 2018 homecoming parade.

Stonewall participates in these annual parades to mimic the gay liberation march which is the

movement that initiated LGBTQ pride parades. Courtesy photo provided by NSU.

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