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Gateway: Volume 11, Number 3, 2000

Article · October 2000

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4 authors, including:

Kenneth Boff William Rouse

Socio Technical Sciences Stevens Institute of Technology


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October 2000 Magazine
Gateway: Volume XI, Number 3

Michael Fineberg
Kenneth Boff
Alphonse Chapanis
William Rouse
Human Systems IAC
2261 Monahan Way, Bldg. 196 GWXI3
WPAFB, OH 45433-7022


Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc.
4141 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, OH 45431



Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Free to public by contacting the Human Systems IAC. A
Free on internet at http://iac.dtic.mil/hsiac

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)

This special issue features classic gateway articles and some observations from the Human
Systems IAC chief scientist. The classic articles include: 1.Integrating Ergonomics into
Systems Design; 2.Making Human Factors Truly Human Factors; 3.Human-Centered Design:
Creating Successful Products, Systems, and Organizations; 4.Naturalistic Decision Making

20010105 114
Ergonomics Human Factors Systems Design System Development 20
Naturalistic Decision Making Human-Centered Design 16. PRICE CODE
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

Volume XI: Number 3 (2000)

Human Systems IAC inside:

Published by the Human Systems Information Analysis Center, formerly known as CSERIAC
Into System
Factors Truly
Calendar 10
Human- 12
Systems, and
CSERIAC Gateway classic covers. Naturalistic 16
Classic Gateway: A Special Issue Making
Michael Fineberg, Ph.D.

|;.,,.., It is with great pride that

,F;,.: Failure to adequately consider human
Human Systems IAC presents capabilities and limitations during the
its first classic edition. We have design process is a primary cause of
carefully selected four articles operational deficiencies in military sys-
Js;'";-v!? T'ii ■ ~; for your reading pleasure, tems and equipment.
culled independently from our
past issues by the Human Systems IAC Chief These considerations are not always
o Scientist, Director, and Government Technical addressed adequately simply because
"co Manager. Those with the most votes were then sent the system designer works in a highly The Human Systems IAC is a United
forward to the Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force constrained environment where he or States Department of Defense
Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness she is constantly juggling time, Information Analysis Center adminis-
Directorate for his selection of the "final four." resources, and system performance tered by the Defense Technical
o Each article is, in its own right, a classic; that is, a goals. All too often, human factors prac- Information Center, Ft. Belvoir, VA,
timeless piece of information that will be as useful titioners in the design environment are technically managed by the Air Force
Ö today as when it was written. viewed as standing in the way of Research Laboratory Human
The first article is entitled "Integrating progress. We are the ones telling the Effectiveness Directorate, Wright-
Ergonomics into System Design" written by design engineers to go back to the draw- Patterson Air Force Base, OH, and
Kenneth R. Boff. It first appeared in the Spring 1990 ing board. It is therefore our responsibil- operated by Booz-Allen & Hamilton,
edition and makes the case that continued on next page Mclean, VA.

Approved for Public Release • Distribution Unlimited

continued from previous page ity to demonstrate the value added in and understandable by design decision-makers.
savings in cost and time, and improve- Rouse encourages us to understand
ments in system performance and safety,
that can be achieved by enhancing the ...the abilities, limitations, and preferences of those
performance of the human component. who are expected to employ the products of human
In order that our data be employed factors research and development....

...design decision makers must be per- If we don't do this, our end-users will never be
suaded or motivated to overcome their served.
ingrained biases against ergonomics. Finally we have included an article entitled
Congratulations to the "Naturalistic Decision Making" by Gary Klein and
winners of the The second article, one that appeared David Klinger that appeared in the Winter 1991 edi-
Engineering Data Com- in our Summer 1991 issue, "Making tion. This article also addresses complex decision
pendium. These folks visited the Human Factors Truly Human Factors," making, but from the perspective of the decision
Human Systems IAC booth at the was written by Alphonse Chapanis. This process itself. Klein and Klinger recognized that
recent Human Factors and article takes the field of human factors to decisions are made in the real world (not in the lab)
Ergonomics Society/ task because under dynamic and continually changing condi-
International Ergonomics tions and severe time pressure, and with ill-defined
Association combined meeting, ...we have not clearly established in our tasks and significant personal consequences of mis-
July 29 through August 4, 2000, minds what human factors is and what it takes. Therefore, a new decision-making model was
and won copies of the is not. required to accommodate these real-world issues. It
Compendium— was determined that
His basic position is that—
Ian Milburn ...under operational conditions, decision makers
Brian Peacock We are all...ultimately concerned with rarely use analytical methods....
Ken Waugh trying to shape the technological world
in which we live so that it will better suit Rather, real-world decision makers saw
us and our needs.
...themselves as acting and reacting on the basis
Michael Fineberg, Ph.D., is the Thus all the research we do in the of prior experience; they were generating, monitor-
Chief Scientist for the HSIAC name of human factors must be oriented ing, and modifying plans to meet the needs of the
Program Office. to the design of something. If there are situations.
no design implications in our work, or if
we fail to make those implications clear These decision-makers were
to our readers/listeners, then that work
...more interested in finding an action that was
...doesn't belong in the human factors 'workable,' 'timely' and 'cost-effective.'
This article is more technical in nature than the first
It dilutes the body of knowledge and three and it may have profound implications on
worse, our technical jargon confuses how we might better influence the users of human
practitioners from other disciplines who factors information.
read our publications looking for help. The theme I see emerging from these articles is
The third article is "Human-Centered not the one I first observed when reading them
Design" by William Rouse and casually. At that point I thought it would be the
appeared in our Fall 1991 edition. It classic struggle between research and practice.
o also addresses our role in the design However, upon further reflection, I saw something
"GO process, starting with the insightful possibly deeper. The first three are all pieces writ-
observation that we who preach the ten to motivate us to enhance the impact of our
value of including the user in design, work on the design of everyday tools and process-
fail to serve our own customers and es. The common theme among them is that all
o users. Rather, we set our sights on bet- human factors endeavors must be aimed at influ-
tering the lot of the system end-user encing design, or it is simply not human factors
ci alone. This approach, while virtuous work by definition. If we are to have an impact on
and necessary, is not sufficient to mak- the betterment of our society, we must depend on
ing our recommendations acceptable others to take our efforts and apply them in the
Q. "natural" world of socio-technical systems design.
This situation reflects all the characteristics that

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

Klein and Klinger have associated with naturalistic The latest Human Systems IAC state-of-
decision making (NDM). Perhaps we should assess the-art report (SOAR)
the NDM model as a possible
explanatory framework for the
types of decisions that Boff, Analysis Techniques for
Chapanis, and Rouse see as the
basis of effective design. If it is valid
for this application, NMD may pre-
dict more salient entry points for the
injection of human factors considera-
System Design
tions into the design process. We have
always thought that the major criteri- This SOAR is based on the work of NATO Defence
on for the cost-effectiveness of human Research Group, Panel 8, Research Study Group
factors intervention was "the earlier the 14, to improve the application of human-engi-
better." While this may be true, there neering techniques in NATO countries.
could be other times during the process
when systems designers may be even Research Study Group 14 surveyed the use of
more approachable and receptive to alter- 24 human-engineering analysis techniques in
native approaches and the guidance we 33 projects in 7 countries. This SOAR pres-
have to offer. ents the results of this survey which includes a wide variety
I hope you enjoy these articles and that
you will see other nuances that I have missed. of military systems: an infantry air defense system, tanks, aircraft, ships,
Please feel free to comment on my observations or submarines, and command-and-control systems.
on the articles themselves. I look forward to hear-
ing from you.« Available for $45M (US) plus shipping and handling.
To order, telephone: 937-255-4842, fax: 937-255-4823, or
E-mail: michelle.dahle@wpafb.af.mil.

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Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

Volume 1, Number 2
Spring 1990

Integrating Ergonomics
Into System Design
Kenneth R. Boff

State-of-the-Art Cost/Performance
Technology Tradeoffs

Functional Experienced System/Subsystem

Requirements Designer Specifications


Time/Resources Limits

Figure 1. Simplified characterization of the design decision process.

Despite spectacular advances in requirements into the materiel acquisition process.

control, display, and informa- Similar programs have recently been inaugurated in
tion-handling technologies, the the Air Force (IMPACTS, or Integrated Manpower,
effectiveness of military systems is still Personnel, and Comprehensive Training/Safety pro-
inextricably linked to the performance of gram) and in the Navy (HARDMAN, or Hardware
their human operators and maintainers. vs. Manpower program).
Failure to adequately consider human Any effort to integrate ergonomics knowledge and
capabilities and limitations during the resources into design decision making must take
design process is a primary cause of account of past failures of ergonomics to be natu-
operational deficiencies in military sys- rally assimilated by the design process and design
tems and equipment. practitioners. System designers must be motivated
o Recognizing this problem, the to seek and use ergonomics information. This
Department of Defense (DoD) has requires an understanding of the "ergonomics of
attempted to integrate ergonomics into the design," that is—
mainstream of system acquisition, design, • the nature of design decision making and the
E and engineering to better match system context in which it occurs;
o specifications to operator characteristics. • the nature of designers in terms of their basic
At the forefront of these efforts is the skills, inclinations, and limitations as archi-
Ö Army's MANPRINT (Manpower and tects of design decisions; and
CO • the nature of potential design information and the
Personnel Integration) program, a com-
prehensive management and technical way it is used and valued in the design process.
initiative to incorporate manpower, per-
sonnel, training, and other ergonomics

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume xi. Number 3

Collectively, these factors determine how effec- and functionality of a given design.
tively ergonomics resources will be integrated into Though one might expect designers to
design decisions. constitute an easily recognizable, titled
group of professionals, design decision
Nature of Design Decision Making making in system acquisition typically
The general goal of system design is to conceive a involves many individuals who identify
system whose form and function fulfill defined with neither the role nor the responsibil-
needs and requirements within prescribed cost, ities of the designer. This makes it diffi-
schedule, and material constraints. The process of cult to maintain accountability for an
design decision making in pursuit of this goal evolving design and to support the
(shown schematically in Figure 1, page 4) is best design process.
represented as a subjective integration of informa- A necessary first step in any strategy
tion and experience, limited by available time and for influencing the design process is to
resources. It is an iterative process, recurring identify the key participants in system
throughout all stages of design, and may involve acquisition and design. These individuals
different individuals or groups in the role of design- must be educated regarding their roles
er at different times. and responsibilities and must be held
The pressures of tight schedules and limited accountable for the consequences of their
resources typical in system design drive designers to decisions on system effectiveness.
bias decisions and tradeoffs toward reducing uncer- Designer Bias and Inclinations. A signif-
tainty and risk. As a result, few new designs for icant obstacle to institutionalizing the
complex systems represent original solutions, which use of ergonomics information in system
may depend on untested approaches or new tech- acquisition and design is the negative
nology. Rather most new designs are adaptations or attitude of many engineers and man-
variants of existing designs. agers toward ergonomics. The percep-
This strong dependence on prior designs as tion of many designers and managers is
baselines makes it unlikely that designers will that the costs of integrating ergonomics
seek additional information beyond that viewed considerations are too high, the useful-
as sufficient to meet requirements. In other words, ness of ergonomics design resources is
if ergonomics considerations are not embedded in too low, and the probable gains are
the baseline design, such information is unlikely insignificant.
to be invoked unless it is specifically required and As David Meister has pointed out, it is
paid for. The scarcity of existing system baselines a common misconception among design-
with a solid ergonomics foundation represents an ers that humans are flexible enough to
obstacle to integrating ergonomics information overcome design inefficiencies. Special
into new systems. attention to ergonomics considerations is
Design effectiveness depends on the information therefore deemed unnecessary. Besides,
factored into design decisions. Decisions made it is argued, "good" engineers already
without considering potentially leveraging informa- take adequate account of the operator in
tion may not be optimal and collectively may under- system design.
mine system functioning. One way to improve If human performance data are to
design effectiveness is to make ergonomics inform- receive equal consideration with other
ation more accessible to designers so it can be incor- technical information during design,
porated into design decision making more efficient- then design decision makers must be
ly. Ironic as it seems, however, this task is hampered persuaded or motivated to overcome
by the fact that designers are already deluged by too ingrained biases against ergonomics.
much potentially relevant information competing
for their time and attention. If ergonomics informa- Cost/Value Considerations in
tion is to be considered adequately in design, a information Use
strategy is needed to make ergonomics data more In the design process, information is £13
competitive with other technical information in cap- sought and used on the basis of its antic- O
turing the attention of designers. ipated utility in making decisions, fulfill-
ing requirements, or meeting system Ö"
The Nature of Designers goals. Given the serious constraints of 3
Who is the Designer? The design of complex mili- time and resources typically associated
tary systems typically involves a large number of with the design of complex military sys-
individuals, usually from many different organiza- tems, decision making is, by necessity,
tions, who make decisions that determine the form continued on next page O

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

continued from previous page biased towards minimizing costs and worth of ergonomics information may at times be
maximizing benefits. lower than its potential value.
The benefits and costs associated with Often, this is due to its poor usability. Although
a design decision are linked to the use- the research literature in human perception and per-
fulness and usability of the information formance contains much design-relevant data, the
factored into it. Information is "useful" volume and diversity of the available information
and the difficulty of interpreting scientific jargon
make it hard for designers to find and utilize this
information in addressing specific design problems.
Thus, the high costs and risks of using such infor-
HI mation can outweigh its potential benefits or use-
/ Optimal fulness in designers' eyes.
Mandating the use of ergonomics information in
\ Value
system design has been viewed as one means of
ensuring that information of value is not ignored.
c However, success in regulating the use of informa-
tion not generally perceived as valuable will ulti-
(0 mately depend on the consequences of nonuse, the
c likelihood that nonuse will be discovered (i.e., polic-
0) ing and inspection) and the anticipated costs associ-
o ated with using the information (i.e., its usability).
This cost-benefit perspective on the value of infor-
mation brings into focus the most critical challenge
to institutionalizing the use of ergonomics resources
LO in system design: namely, these resources must be
positively valued by design decision makers, and
Usability HI
their contribution to achieving system objectives
(Costs) LO must be fully recognized.
To raise the perceived value of ergonomics infor-
mation among designers and stimulate the use of
Figure 2. Relation between the usefulness and usability of technical informa- this information in the design process, steps must
tion. Shaded arrows show the minimum acceptable levels below which infor- be taken to—
mation will not be used; dotted box indicated the region in which information • increase the usability of ergonomics resources
is likely to have greatest value. by reducing the costs and risks associated
with their use;
Kenneth R. Boff, Ph.D., is to a given decision if it confers some • educate design decision makers regarding the
currently the Chief Scientist advantage or benefit. The use of infor- applicability of ergonomics resources and the
for the U.S. Air Force Research mation may also exact costs, in terms of benefits of their use; and
Laboratory Human the time and effort required to find, inter- • ensure that nonuse carries predictable and
Effectiveness Directorate, pret, and apply the information in a measurable consequences, for example, by
Wright-Patterson Air Force given situation. Information is "usable" introducing significant penalties for failure to
Base, OH. when these costs are low. comply with directives, regulations, and
Figure 2 illustrates the underlying ben- standards.
This article is adapted from efit-to-cost relationship between the use-
"Meeting the Challenge: fulness and usability of technical infor- Conclusion
Factors in the Design and mation. Information should have opti- The design of effective military systems and
o Acquisition of Human- mal value or worth when both its use- equipment demands an integrated approach to sys-
"GO Engineered Systems," in H. R. fulness and its usability are high (i.e., the tem development in which the role of the human in
Booher (Ed.), MANPRINT: benefits of use are great and the costs of training, operations, and maintenance is considered
An Approach to Systems use are low). interdependent with the design of system hardware
£ Integration (Van Nostrand In the absence of objective measures and software. It is the thesis here that enhancing
o Reinhold, Spring 1990) and is of value, information is likely to be human-system integration in the design of complex
reprinted with permission of sought and used based on designers' systems is itself an ergonomics design problem.
O the publisher. expectations of its usefulness and usabil- Success in achieving this goal can come only
CO through understanding the process by which design
ity in a given context. Given the negative
bias of many designers and their organi- decisions are made, the people who make these
zational managers toward ergonomics decisions, and the way technical information is val-
specifications, the perceived value or ued and used in the design process."

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume XI: Number 3

Volume 2, Number 3
Summer 1991

Making Human Factors

Alphonse Chapanis

Human factors seems to suffer from a never-

ending identity crisis. The root of the prob-
lem, it seems to me, is that we have not * SKJ21 and
clearly established in our minds exactly what
human factors is, and what it is not. Take a look at
the publication called PsycSCAN: Applied Night vision
Experimental & Engineering Psychology, a collection
of abstracts published periodically by the American
Psychological Association. In one issue of that pub-
lication I found these titles under the heading of W
"Human Factors & Ergonomics"—
• Optical and photoreceptor immaturities limit the
spatial and chromatic vision of human neonates
• "Pure alexia" without hemianopia or color anomia
• Detection of visual stimuli after lesions of the
superior colliculus in the rat; deficit not con-
fined to the far periphery
• Is obesity an eating disorder?
• Hypnotic susceptibility, visual distraction, and
reports of Necker cube reversals

What a hodge-podge of miscellaneous and irrele-

vant studies all classified under the heading of Figure 1. "How will these vision studies help us to improve night
"Human Factors & Ergonomics"! Lest there be any vision goggles?"
misunderstanding, I am not criticizing the content of
any of these studies. What I deplore is their inclusion ergonomics. Frankly, I think the differ-
in the category of human factors. No wonder people ences, such as they are, are unimportant
are confused about what we do (See Figure 1)! and the arguments that have sometimes
Let's start with something very basic—Exactly raged about them have been largely fruit-
what do we do? Human factors has been defined in less and a waste of time and energy.
several ways. My definition is that— Whether we call ourselves human fac-
tors professionals or ergonomists is
Human factors is a body of knowledge about human mostly an accident of where we happen
abilities, human limitations, and other human char- to work and where we were trained. We
acteristics that are relevant to design. are all—human factors professionals and
ergonomists—ultimately concerned with
What we do is human factors engineering, which trying to shape the world in which we
I define this way— live so that it will better suit us and our S13
needs. That's the common bond
Human factors engineering is the application of between us and that, in the final analy-
human factors information to the design of tools, sis, is all that matters. c5"
machines, systems, tasks, jobs, and environments To return to my definition of human
for safe, comfortable, and effective human use. factors and human factors engineering,
the significant word in those definitions
I don't want to enter into an extended discussion is design, because it is this that distin-
about the differences between human factors and continued on next page o

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume xu Number 3

continued from previous page lecture to an engineering audience and was talking
about sensory thresholds: absolute thresholds,
guishes us from such purely academic
upper thresholds, and JNDs—just noticeable differ-
disciplines as psychology, physiology,
ences. I had just shown some data on typical
and anthropology. Our aim is to apply
thresholds for several senses and was starting on
what we know to the design of practical
my next point when I was interrupted by one of the
engineers who asked, "That's all very interesting,
If there are design implications in what we but why is it important for me as a design engineer
to know all that?" Although my immediate reaction
do, it is our responsibility to say what they was that he was quibbling, I quickly realized that he
was serious. The design implications were obvious
are.... I would endorse a requirement that to me, but they were not at all obvious to him. I
then managed to elaborate by saying that for many
every manuscript submitted to Human machine displays, energy levels had to be intense
enough to exceed our absolute thresholds, but not
Factors or Ergonomics should have a final so intense that they exceed our upper thresholds.
Moreover, changes in energy levels had to be large
section headed Design Implications. enough to exceed our difference thresholds if we
were to perceive them. I amplified by using as an
example the beam of electrons striking the phos-
things—things that we have to do or phorescent surface of a computer display terminal.
have to use because of our occupations, That made sense to him and left him nodding his
or things we want to do or want to use head in understanding.
because of our inclinations. The point of that experience is subtle but very
The implications of this point of view important. I wasn't communicating a human factors
are that research, even so-called basic message. I was talking about some properties of our
research in human factors, should be ori- sensory systems—as sensory systems. In other
ented toward the design of something. If words, I was talking as a psychologist about what
the findings of that research don't con- was to me an interesting psychological fact. My
tribute or lead to design recommenda- audience, however, was made up of engineers who
tions, then the research, no matter how were not interested in becoming psychologists.
good or how interesting it may be in its They had taken the time out of their busy schedules
own right, has no place in the human to come to listen to me in the hopes that they could
factors literature. Let me illustrate with learn something that would help them do their job
an example. better, that is, solve problems they had. They did
I read a study in which brain potentials not want to have to digest and deduce for them-
were recorded from a number of loca- selves the design implications of what I was giving
tions on the scalp. Subjects were asked them. All too often we professionals are guilty of
to direct their attention, without moving failing to do that.
their eyes, to flashing stimuli in one of As one more example, I read a study that investi-
three locations in the visual field. The gated the mechanical work and energy transfer both
evoked brain potentials correlated with between and within body segments in doing a cer-
the locus of the subject's attention. No tain kind of work. The work involved is important
design recommendations were made, because there is so much of it being done these days
and frankly, I don't see that any could and because it involves a significant segment of our
have been made. It did not belong in the working population. The study was done with
o Human Factors journal. Articles such as exemplary rigor and the article has tables and charts
"GO this one communicate no human factors showing such things as patterns of total energy, and
message because they have no such force and velocity curves as a function of movement
message to communicate. They dilute time. Workers often experience strain and some-
our literature and confuse those persons times suffer injuries from doing this work. Yet, after
CO who happen to read our journals and presenting and discussing all their data, the authors
who try to infer from them exactly what made no attempt to tell us what this meant from a
o it is we do. design standpoint.
OS On the basis of their study, how would they rec-
Another part of the problem is that we
often fail to point out the design implica- ommend redesigning the job to reduce the strains
tions of our research when there are they measured? How could the devices these
some to be made. I was once giving a workers use be redesigned to ease their tasks?

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume Xl: Number 3

Figure 2. Requiring human factors journals to include a design implications section would enable
engineers and designers to make better use of human factors data.

Could any supplementary aids be devised to help a duty to do just that. If no design impli- Alphonse Chapanis, Ph.D.,
workers do their jobs? I realize that the research cations at all can be drawn from a study, lives near Baltimore, MD.
was not undertaken to answer those specific ques- then it doesn't belong in the human fac- Formerly, he taught at Johns
tions, but surely after all their work, the authors tors literature. Hopkins University, and
must have formed some ideas about these ques- I feel so strongly about this matter that served as President of the
tions. Even if their design recommendations were I would endorse a requirement that every Society of Engineering
tentative, they would at least call attention to manuscript submitted to Human Factors Psychologists, the Human
some possible ways of improving a stressful and or Ergonomics should have a final sec- Factors Society, and the
difficult job. As it stands, the study is merely an tion headed "Design Implications" (see International Ergonomics
interesting one on the physiology of movement Figure 2). If authors can't find any design Association.
that happens to have been done in a working implications in their work, they should
environment. There are human factors design be encouraged to submit their manu-
implications there, but the authors have made no script to other journals.
attempt to communicate them. We cannot expect To sum up—
engineers or designers to read our minds and • If we keep in mind that the only
deduce the design implications of what we have kind of research that belongs in the
done. If there are design implications in what we human factors literature is research
do, it is our responsibility to say what they are. that leads to design recommenda-
These are only a couple out of many examples I tions
could have used to make my point. To a consider- • And if we are always sure to point
able extent we have jusüy earned the criticism that out the design implications of that
we don't communicate our findings to practitioners research
and designers. This has happened because we • We can all help to make human o
sometimes fail to keep in mind the aim of our pro- factors truly human factors.«
fession. I repeat: The reason we are in this business
is to help design things. The reason we do our
research is to find out how to design things better.
Having done a study, the authors of it are best able
to evaluate what it means for design, and if they CD"
claim to be human factors professionals, they have o

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume XI: Number 3

J \

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Contact Ms. Helen Wilson, HCI-Aero 2000 Office, European Institute of Cognitive
Sciences and Engineering (EURISCO), 4 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France.
Tel: +33-5-62-17-38-38, Fax: +33-5-62-17-38-39, E-mail: wilson@onecert.fr, URL:

Reno, NV, USA. October 9-11, 2000

act SAFE Association 38'" Annual Symposium

Contact SAFE Association, 107 Music City Circle, Suite 112, Nashville, TN 37214, USA.
Tel: +1-615-902-0056, Fax: +1-615-902-0077, E-mail: safe@usit.net,
URL: http://safeassociation.org/contact.htm

Dayton, OH, USA. October 10-12, 2000

National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, NAEC0M 2000
Contact Dr. D. W. Repperger, Technical Program Chair, NAECON 2000, 833 Blossom
Heath Road, Dayton, OH 45419-1102, USA. Tel: +1-937-255-8765,
E-mail: d.repperger@ieee.org, URL: http://www.naecon.org

Savannah, GA, USA. October 15-19, 2000

Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation:
User-Centered Design for the New Millennium
Contact Dr. David Kaber, Department of Industrial Engineering, PO Box 9542, Mississippi
State University, MS 39762, USA. E-mail: kaber@engr.msstate.edu. Or contact Dr. Mica
o Endsley, SA Technologies, Inc., 4731 East Forest Peak, Marietta, GA 30066, USA.
CO E-mail: mica@satechnologies.com, URL: http://www.ie.msstate.edu/hpsaa/index.html

Edinburgh, Scotland. October 25-27, 2000

Third International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics
Contact Dr. Don Harris, Human Factors Group, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield
-o University, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 OAL, UK. Tel: +44-1234-750111, ext. 5196,
ti Fax: +44-1234-750192, E-mail: icep@cranfield.ac.uk,
CO URL: http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/coa/coa conf.htm


Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume XI: Number 3

Look for the Human Systems IAC exhibit at these meetings!

El Paso, TX, USA. November 6-9, 2000

45th Biennial Meeting of the U.S. Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical
Advisory Group
Contact Ms. Sheryl Cosing, 10822 Crippen Vale Court, Reston, VA 20194, USA.
Tel: +1-703-925-9791, Fax: +1-703-925-9644, E-mail: sherylynn@aol.com,
URL: http://dticam.dtic.mil/hftag/ Meeting is open to all government personnel and others
by specific invitation

Yellow Springs, OH, USA. November 14-16, 2000

Essentials of Anthropometry
Contact Anthrotech (formerly Anthropology Research Project, Inc.), 503 Xenia Avenue,
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E-mail: belva@anthrotech.net, URL: http://www.anthrotech.net

London, England. November 16-17, 2000

Virtual Reality—Breaking Into the Mass Market
Contact Ms. Hannah Sanders, Access Conferences International, 22 Albert Embankment,
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URL: http://www.access-conf.com/TB112/

Orlando, FL, USA. November 27-30, 2000

Interservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (l/ITSEC 2000)
Contact Ms. Barbara McDaniel, National Training Systems Association, One Colonial
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Tel: +1-703-247-2569, Fax: +1-703-243-1659, E-mail: bmcdaniel@ndia.org,
URL: http://www.iitsec.org

New Orleans, LA, USA. August 5-10,2001

HCI International 2001. 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Contact Kim Gilbert, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, 1287 Grissom
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Fax: 1-765-494-0874, URL: http://hcii2001 .enar.wisc.edu
aug 03


Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

Volume2, Humbert Human-Centered Design:
Falls 1991 , "; -, f ~ r F „8 r r ,. ,? _
i' .- t 1 l-\, \ k; t 8 I k it

:/f1 H for
f5 Ü H 11

William B. Rouse

As Sales Requested it As Production Ordered it As Engineering Designed it

- \2^ •
^ d


As Advertising Promoted it As the Plant Installed it What the user Wanted

Figure 1. Problems in design.

Everyone wants new products and Thus, the question shifts to the reasons why cur-
systems to be user-friendly, user- rent concepts, principles, and methods do not
centered, and economically impact design. The answer lies in understanding the
designed. Everyone endorses these human factors of design—in other words, under-
goals. However, as Illustrated in Figure 1, standing the abilities, limitations, and preferences of
o many products and systems fall far short those who are expected to employ the products of
"GO of achieving them. Why? human factors research and development (R&D).
One answer is that human factors
concepts, principles, and methods are The Nature Of Design
not sufficiently advanced to meet this To understand the human factors of design, we
o need. However, this is only a partial must focus on the engineering functions within indus-
explanation. The fact is that most cur- trial and governmental enterprises responsible for
Ö rently available concepts, principles, developing products and systems. The necessary
CO and methods have relatively little understanding cannot be found within aircraft cock-
impact on product and system design. pits or maintenance depots. The people who should
Q- be studied are designers and managers, not pilots and
Clearly, therefore, more unused results
will not improve the situation. maintainers. Several studies of the human factors of

12 Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume xi: Number 3

design have been performed (e.g., Rouse & Boff, 1987; Viability -> Are the benefits of system use
Rouse, Cody, & Boff, 1991). These studies used inter- sufficiently greater than its costs?
views, questionnaires, and observational methods
involving 240 individuals, roughly half of whom were Acceptance ■> Do organizations/individuals
from industry and half from government. use the system?
Designers spend their time in both group and
individual activities. For journeymen and seasoned Validation ^ Does the system solve the problem?
designers, the time allocation is typically 30 percent
in group activities and 70 percent in individual Evaluation ^ Does the system meet requirements?
activities. Junior designers spend more time in
group activity for the purpose of learning. Very sen- Demonstration -> How do observers react to the system?
ior designers spend more time in group activity,
serving as coaches and mentors. Verification -» Is the system put together as planned?
The design group or team has several roles. The
group is usually involved with decomposing the Testing ^ Does the system run, compute, etc,?
statement of work or other descriptions of objec-
tives, requirements, and specifications. Based on Figure 2. Design issues.
this decomposition, the group will set technical
goals, as well as allocations of person-hours and stakeholders. Human-centered design
schedule, for members of the group. Pursuit of these involves pursuing these issues starting at
technical goals is predominantly an individual the top. Thus, the last concern is "Does
activity. The group subsequently reviews the results it run?" while the first concern is "What
of these individual efforts. matters?" or "What constitutes benefits
The organization, both of the company and the and costs?"
marketplace, strongly affects both group and indi- If the issues in Figure 2 were each pur-
vidual activities. Company policies and procedures sued independently, as if they were ends
directly influence activities. Success criteria and in themselves, the costs of design would
reward mechanisms, both internal and external to be untenable. However, each issue is
the company, affect motives and values. Corporate important and should not be neglected.
and market cultures influence, for example, relative What is needed, therefore, is an overall
weightings on performance, cost, and quality. approach to design that balances the
Thus, design involves a complex social and orga- allocation of resources among the issues
nizational network within which designers and of concern at each stage of design. This
managers seek information, formulate problems, can be accomplished by viewing design
synthesize and integrate solutions, advocate posi- as a process involving the four phases
tions, and negotiate compromises. Within this often shown in Figure 3.
chaotic world, little time is devoted to seeking The naturalist phase involves under-
human factors concepts, principles, and methods. standing the domains and tasks of users
from the perspective of individuals, the
Human-Centered Design organization, and the environment. The
What designers need are methods and tools that focus is on understanding the nature of
help them succeed in complex environments such viability, acceptability and validity in the
as described above. Recognition of this need led to domain for which the product or system
the development of a concept called human-cen- is targeted.
tered design (Rouse, 1991). Succinctly, human-cen- The marketing phase involves intro-
tered design is a process of ensuring that the con- ducing product and system concepts to
cerns, values, and perceptions of all stakeholders in potential customers, users, and other
a design effort are considered and balanced. stakeholders. Their reactions are needed
Thus, human-centered design focuses on stake- relative to viability, acceptability, and
holders, not just users. To illustrate, pilots as users validity. In other words, one wants to
of aircraft cockpits are important stakeholders. determine whether a product or system o
However, pilots do not build, buy, regulate, or concept is perceived as solving an impor-
maintain aircraft. There are many more stake- tant problem, solving it in an acceptable
holders in aircraft than just pilots, and the con- way, and solving it at a reasonable cost.
cerns, values, and perceptions of all these stake- The engineering phase concerns trad-
holders should be addressed. ing off conceptual functionality and tech-
We have found that the seven issues listed in nological reality. As indicated in Figure
Figure 2 are formed by combining the interests of all continued on next page O

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3 13


continued from previous page 3, technology development will usually basis. Traditionally, the three pillars of management
have been pursued prior to and in paral- are planning, organization, and control. Thus, the
lel with the naturalist and marketing human factors of management must address human
phases. In the engineering phase, one abilities, limitations, and preferences in these activ-
becomes very specific about how desired ities.
functionality is to be provided, what per- Studies of management of design in particular,
formance is possible, and the time and and technology-based enterprises in general, led
dollars necessary to provide it. In this to the concept of human-centered planning,
process, evaluation, demonstration, veri- organization, and control (Rouse, 1992). More
fication, and testing are pursued. specifically, the concern was with how enterpris-
es should be designed to best support develop-
ment, marketing, and service of human-centered
products and systems.
The resulting approach to management includes a
,' Technology * variety of elements. For example, methods of plan-
\ Feasibility / ning, organization, and control are simplified and
streamlined to emphasize usability and usefulness.
As another illustration, explicit models of the enter-
prise's functioning are developed. Training is pro-
{ Technology \ vided to ensure that these models are shared by all
\ Development^ stakeholders within the enterprise.
The concept of a human-centered enterprise is
important in that it enables, perhaps even empow-
ers, designers to pursue human-centered design of
{ Technology \ products and systems. Consequently, it is not a mat-
"*" \ Refinement /' ter of management simply allowing human-cen-
TRW tered design; it is important for management to
extol this approach.

Human factors professionals often view them-
selves as advocates of end users—for example, air-
craft pilots. They research pilots' abilities, limitations,
and preferences and develop end user-centered con-
Figure 3. A framework for design. cepts, principles, and methods. Unfortunately, how-
ever, they typically ignore their own customers and
William B. Rouse, Ph.D., is In the sales and service phase, one fol- their own users. They concern themselves little with
President and CEO of lows the product system into service to the usefulness and usability of the products of
Enterprise Support Systems, gain closure on viability, acceptability, and human factors R&D. Consequently, human factors
Norcross, GA. validity. Implementation problems are often fails to have an impact. However, by consider-
solved during this phase. Further, relation- ing the human factors of design, as well as the
ships are maintained and new opportuni- human factors of management, it is quite possible to
ties recognized. This typically expedites provide concepts, principles, and methods that will
the next naturalist and marketing phases. be embraced and, subsequently, provide the intend-
The human-centered design methodol- ed benefits to end users.«
ogy tersely outlined in this section poten-
o tially enables creation of products and References
"GO systems that are user friendly, user cen- Rouse, W. B. (1991). Design for success: A human-centered
tered, ergonomically designed, and approach to designing successful products and systems. New
much more. For this potential to be fully York: Wiley.
Rouse, W. B. (1992). Strategies for innovation: Creating successful
realized, the human-centered concept
CO products, systems, and organizations. New York: Wiley.
must be expanded.
Rouse, W. B., & Boff, K. R. (1987). System design: Behavioral
perspectives on designers, took, and organizations. New York:
o The Human-Centered Enterprise North Holland
The methodology discussed in the last Rouse, W. B., Cody, W. J., & Boff, K. R. (1991). The human favors
section provides the technical basis for of system design: Understanding and enhancing the role of
human-centered design. Also required, human factors engineering. International Journal of Human
however, is an appropriate managerial Factors in Manufacturing, 1, 87-104.

14 Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

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Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume XI: Number 3 15

Volume 2, Number 1
Winter 1991


Uli k
Ji JLJ lü
MI |Hn|w|

NaturaTislic Decision

Figure 1. Four-aiarm fire in St. Joseph Hall at the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, on December 22,1987. Gary Klein and
David Kiinyer

The past five years have seen the identify criteria for evaluating them, assign
development of a new model for weights to the evaluation criteria, rate each option
understanding how people make on each criterion, and tabulate the scores to find
decisions in real-world settings. the best option. Decision Analysis is a technique
Naturalistic decision making is an for constructing various branches of responses and
attempt to understand how humans actu- counter-responses and postulating the probability
ally make decisions in complex and utility of each possible future state, to calcu-
real-world settings, such as fire fighting late maximum and minimum outcomes.
(see Figure 1). This work has focused on On the surface these strategies may seem ade-
situations marked by key features as seen quate, yet they fail to consider some important fac-
in Table 1. These include dynamic and tors inherent in real-world decisions. Classical
continually changing conditions, strategies deteriorate when confronted with time
real-time reactions to these changes, pressure. They simply take too long. Under low time
ill-defined tasks, time pressure, signifi- pressure, they still require extensive work and they
cant personal consequences for mistakes, lack flexibility for handling rapidly changing condi-
and experienced decision makers. These tions. It is difficult to factor in ambiguity, vagueness,
task conditions exist in operational envi- and inaccuracies when applying analytical meth-
ronments associated with crew systems, ods. Another problem is that the classical methods
so it is essential to determine how people have primarily been developed and evaluated using
o handle these conditions. inexperienced subjects, typically college students.
"GO Previous models of decision making A group of decision researchers is trying to derive
were limited in their ability to encom- models that describe how experienced decision
pass these operational features. makers actually function. Rasmussen (1985) used
Classical approaches to decision mak- protocols and critical incident interviews to study
o ing, such as Multi-Attribute Utility nuclear power plant operators. He has a three-stage
Analysis (MAUA) and Decision typology of skills (sensorimotor, rule-based, and
o Analysis, prescribe analytical and sys- knowledge-based) which highlights how differential
as tematic methods to weigh evidence and expertise creates differences in decision strategy.
select an optimal course of action. Hammond, Hamm. Grassia, and Pearson (1987)
MAUA decision makers are encouraged studied highway engineers and found that intuitive
to generate a wide range of options, decision strategies were more effective for tasks

16 Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

Table 1. Features of Natualistic Decision Making sidering alternatives," or "assessing
probabilities." They saw themselves as
1. Ill-defined goals and ill-structured tasks acting and reacting on the basis of prior
experience; they were generating, moni-
2. Uncertainty, ambiguity, and missing data toring, and modifying plans to meet the
needs of the situations. We found no evi-
3. Shifting and competing goals dence for extensive option generation.
Rarely were even two options concur-
4. Dynamic and continually changing conditions rently evaluated. We could see no way in
which the concept of optimal choice
5. Action-feedback loops (real-time reactions might be applied. Moreover, it appeared
to changed conditions) that a search for an optimal choice could
stall them long enough to lose control of
6. Time stress the operation altogether. The FGCs were
more interested in finding an action that
7. High stakes was "workable," "timely," and "cost
8. Multiple players Nonetheless, the FGCs were clearly
encountering choice points during each
9. Organizational goals and norms incident. They were aware that alterna-
tive courses of action were possible, but
10. Experienced decision makers insisted that they rarely deliberated
about the advantages and disadvantages
of the different options. Instead, the
such as judging aesthetic qualities of a road, while FGCs relied on their ability to recognize
analytical strategies were more valuable for tasks and appropriately classify a situation.
such as estimating amount of traffic. Pennington Once they knew it was "that" type of
and Hastie (in press) studied jury deliberation as a case, they usually also knew the typical
complex decision task and found that the jurors way of reacting to it. Imagery might be
attempted to fit all the evidence into a coherent used to "watch" the option being imple-
account of the incident. Their assessment was then mented, to search for flaws, and to dis-
based on this account or story rather than on likeli- cover what might go wrong. If problems
hood judgments of the evidence introduced The were foreseen, the option might be mod-
jurors focused on whether the prosecution's or ified or rejected altogether and the next
defense's story was more coherent. The work of most typical reaction explored. This
Noble (in press) with Naval Command-and-Control mental search continued until a work-
officers and Lipshitz (in press) with infantry sol- able solution was identified.
diers, has generated the same conclusions—under We have described these strategies as a
operational conditions, decision makers rarely use Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD)
analytical methods and nonanalytical methods can model (Klein 1989). For this fireground
be identified that are flexible, efficient, and effective. task environment, a recognitional strate-
Our work shows how people can make effective gy appears highly efficient. The proficient
decisions without performing analyses. For several FGCs we studied used their experience to
years, we have studied command-and-control deci- generate a workable option as the first to
sion making and have generated a recognitional consider. If they had tried to generate a
model of naturalistic decision making. We began by large set of options, and then systemati-
observing and obtaining protocols from urban fore- cally evaluated these, it is likely that the
ground commanders (FGCs) who are in charge of fires would have gotten out of control
allocating resources and directing personnel. We before they could make any decisions.
studied their decisions in handling non-routine inci- Three examples of the RPD model are »3
dents during emergency events. Some examples of presented in Figure 2 (page 18). The sim- O
these types of decisions included whether to initiate plest case is one in which the situation is Q.
search and rescue, whether to initiate an offensive recognized and the obvious reaction is Ö"
attack or concentrate on defensive precautions, and implemented. A somewhat more com-
where to allocate resources. plex case is one in which the decision
The FGCs' accounts of their decision making did maker consciously evaluates the reac-
not fit into a decision-tree framework. The FGCs tion, typically using imagery to uncover
argued that they were not "making choices," "con- continued on next page O

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume XI: Number 3 17

continued from previous page problems prior to carrying it out. In the generate and evaluate a large set of options.
most complex case, the evaluation • Under time pressure, the decision maker is
reveals flaws requiring modification, or poised to act while evaluating a promising
the option is judged inadequate and course of action, rather than paralyzed while
rejected in favor of the next most typical waiting to complete an evaluation of differ-
reaction. ent options. The focus is on acting rather
The model is characterized by the fol- than analyzing.
lowing features, which are summarized We do not propose the RPD model as an alterna-
in Table 2. tive to analytic approaches. Rather, we postulate

A. Simple Match B. Developing a Course C. Complex RPD Strategy

of Action
Experience the Situation
Experience the Situation
<: D d Experience the Situation
0 in a Changing Context

i Goals i • Goals
Recognize Critical Cues Recognize | • Critical Cues
Typicality ■ Expectancies Typicality Expectancies
■ Typical Action • Typical Action

Evaluation via
Mental Simulation

Modify ^^Cwill it work?)

Figure 2. Recognition-rimed
Decision Model


Modify "*^~Cwill it workT)-
Situational recognition allows the
decision maker to classify the task Y

as familiar or prototypical.
The recognition as familiar carries
with it recognition of the following
types of information: plausible
goals, cues to monitor, expectancies
about the unfolding of the situa- that recognitional and analytical decision strategies
tion, and typical reactions. occupy opposite ends of a decision continuum sim-
Options are generated serially, with ilar to the cognitive continuum described by
a very typical course of action as Hammond et al. (1987). At one extreme are the con-
the first one considered. scious, deliberated, highly analytic strategies such
o Option evaluation is also performed as MAUA and Decision Analysis. Slightly less ana-
C/3 serially to test the adequacy of the lytic are noncompensatory strategies such as elimi-
option, and to identify weaknesses nation-by-aspects. At the alternate end of the con-
and find ways to overcome them. tinuum are Recognition-Primed Decisions (RPD),
£ The RPD model includes aspects of which involve non-optimizing and non-compensa-
o problem solving and judgment tory strategies and require little conscious delibera-
along with decision making. tion. RPDs are marked by an absence of comparison
Ö Experienced decision makers are among options. They are induced by a starting point
able to respond quickly, by using that involves recognitional matches that in turn
experience to identify a plausible evoke generation of the most likely action.
Q_ course of action as the first one We have tested applications of the model in a
considered rather than having to variety of tasks and domains, including fireground

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY volume xi: Number 3

Table 2. Key Features of Recognition-Primed Decision ter training programs and decision sup- Gary Klein, Ph.D., is the
(RPD) Model port systems. The participants also con- Chief Scientist for Klein
tributed to a book, Decision making in Associates, Fairborn, OH.
1. First option is usually workable NOT random action: Models and methods, edited by David Klinger is the Director
generation and selective retention Gary Klein, Judith Orasanu, and Roberta of Development for Klein
Calderwood (expected date of publica- Associates.
2. Serial generation/evaluation of options NOT tion, 1991). It will be available through
concurrent evaluation Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355
Chestnut Street, Norwood, NJ, 07648.«
3. Satisficing NOT optimizing
4. Evaluation through mental simulation Hammond, K. R, Hamm, R. M., Grassia,
NOT MACIA, Decision Analysis, or J., & Pearson, T. (1987). Direct compar-
Bayesian statistics ison of the efficacy of intuitive and ana-
lytical cognition in expert judgment.
5. Focus on elaborating and improving options IEEE Transacüons on Systems, Man,
NOT choosing between options and Cybernetics, 27(5), 753-770.
Klein, G. A. (1989). Recognition-primed
6. Focus on situation assessment NOT decisions. In W. Rouse (Ed.), Advances
decision events in man-machine systems research,
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc. (Vol. 5,
7. Decision Maker primed to act NOT pp. 47-92).
waiting for complete analyses Klein, G. A., Orasanu, J., & Calderwood,
R. (Eds.) (In press). Decision making in
action: Models and methods. Norwood,
command, battle planning, critical care nursing, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
corporate information management, and chess tour- Lipshitz, R. (In press). Converging themes
nament play. These studies have shown good sup- in the study of decision making in real-
port for the validity and utility of the model pre- istic settings. In G. A. Klein, J. Orasanu,
sented in Figure 2 as it applies to individual decision & R. Calderwood (Eds.), Decision mak-
makers. Our coding was evaluated as having 87% ing in action: Models and methods.
to 94% inter-rater reliability. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
What are the implications of the naturalistic deci- Pennington, N., & Hastie, R. (In press). A
sion-making approach? A workshop in Dayton, theory of explanation-based decision
Ohio, in Fall 1989, took stock of the current state of making. In G. A. Klein, J. Orasanu, & R.
knowledge and explored implication and future Calderwood (Eds.), Decision making in
research directions. Attending were researchers who action: Models and methods. Norwood,
had been active in naturalistic decision making, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
including 31 professionals who represented decision Noble, D. (In press). A model to support
research being conducted by the military, NASA, development of situation assessment
private firms, and academic institutions The aids. In G. A. Klein, J. Orasanu, & R.
domains studied spanned tactical operations, med- Calderwood (Eds.), Decision making in
ical decision making, weather forecasting, nuclear action: Models and methods. Norwood,
power plant control, and executive planning among NJ: Ablex Publishing.
others. This workshop was sponsored by the Army Rasmussen, J. (1985). The role of hierar-
Research Institute (ARI) which began a research chical knowledge representation in
program in 1985 on Planning, Problem Solving, and decision making and system manage-
Decision Making. The goal of this program is to ment. IEEE Transactions on Systems,
make decision research more relevant to the needs Man, and Cybernetics, 25(2), 234-243.
of the applied community. 55"
The Dayton workshop enabled researchers, work- o
ing with different domains and paradigms, to find
commonalities and to identify remaining questions. Ö"
The workshop succeeded in identifying the favors 3
of greatest interest for generalizing to operational
settings. The participants documented limitations of
classical decision theory, and explored opportuni-
ties for using nonanalytical models to develop bet- o

Human Systems IAC GATEWAY Volume xu Number 3


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* Complete Data Acquisition Hardware and Analysis Software for Determi-
nation of Subject's Visual Performance.

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