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Team SNOW:

1. Võ Minh Thi
2. Phạm Thi Thanh Hoa
3. Đỗ Thị Nhài
4. Hoàng Thị Thu Uyên
5. Nguyễn Trương Lan Anh
6. Lê Thị Hồng Diệu
7. Võ Thanh Phương Uyên
8. Lê Phạm Thùy Linh
9. Ngô Khả Ly
10. Nguyễn Thị Thùy Duyên



Number of Sample: _______

Section A: Paragraph structure

Topic sentence:

Mrs. Robinson, my first grade teacher, was an important person in my life.

Supporting sentences:

I was only six years old, but she taught me a valuable life lesson. In the schools in my
country, children usually learn to print before they learn to write in cursive script (like
handwriting). Mrs. Robinson didn't believe in printing. She thought it was a waste of time.
She taught us to write in cursive script from the first day. At first it was hard, and she made us
practice a lot. That made me angry because I wasn't very good at it. I remember filling entire
pages just with capital Os. I didn't think I could ever learn to write beautifully, but Mrs.
Robinson was patient with me and told me to keep trying.

Concluding sentence:

At the end of the year, I felt very grown up because I could write in cursive script.

Language items used (vocabulary and sentence structures):

Vocabulary (modifiers, qualifiers, intensifiers)

Sentence structures (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)

Section B: Comments

The paragraph is good because of the following reasons:

No sentences faults

Appropriate paragraph structures

All supporting sentences focus explain, develop one central ideal ( Unity)

The paragraph can be improved by following ways:

The paragraph is perfect.

Write a paragraph about your family or about one person inyour family. Practice
everything you have learned in this chapter. Use these steps: gather ideas by answering
a list of questions, write the first draft, edit your work, and write the final draft to hand

The person in my family I really like and also love is my mother. She is a very special person
and I can't imagine what I would be without her.

Physically, my mother is pretty. She has fine, black hair and a fair complexion. One thing
people often notice is that my mother always takes pride in her appearance. My mother is a
well-dressed, well-groomed and elegant woman, with her fine choice of clothes and matching
accessories, jewelry, and shoes.

Intellectually, my mothers always love learning. Even after her busy day, she won't go to bed
without reading the newspaper. She also has many creative and cultural interests such as
literature, music, dance. Through her own enjoyment, she passed on his love of culture to all
of her children, including me. Emotionally, my mother has a heart of gold. All her life, she
has been ready, willing and able to help anyone who needs anything, with a smile on her face.
She has taught me the meaning of being compassionate, loving, kind, helpful, supportive and
so much more. In fact, thanks to the unconditional love of both my wonderful parents. I feel I
have been truly blessed in this lifetime.
Work with a partner or a group.

1. Choose one person to be the secretary.

2. Rewrite the paragraph below to make the details more specific. Don't change the first
sentence. Rewrite the other sentences, and write at least ten new sentences to add more

3. Check your paragraph against the Paragraph Checklist

The limousine was quite luxurious. It was at least fifteen feet long. It had six doors and carry
eight passengers comfortably. The outside of the limousine was painted in bright purple color.
The mirrors are angled and blend into the curves of the vehicle. The windshield angle flows
into the roof line seamlessly. The interior of the vehicle continues the theme of comfort
combined with a highly stylized design. The panel is perfectly designed in combination with
the steering wheel to create luxury and safety. The limousine has a partition separating the
driver from the rear passenger compartment. This partition includes a usually openable glass
section so passengers may see the road. There will usually be occasional or jump seat at the
front of the compartment (either forwards-facing, rear-facing or able to face either direction).
The true beauty of the limousine, however, comes in its power. It features a standard 4.5 litre
V-8 engine that allows for quick acceleration. The limousine is well equipped to become an
effective street driving vehicle.

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